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Virtual Alumni Meet 2021

‘‘Clock the Memorable Days’’

Organized by

Department of Chemistry

Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University (A Central University), Lucknow

March 21, 2021 (Sunday, 11:00 A.M.)

Platform: Google Meet


Invitation Card

Minute to Minute Program

A Brief Report on Virtual Alumni Meet-2021: Department of Chemistry,

Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University

A 'Virtual Alumni Meet 2021: Clock the memorable days' program was organized by the Alumni

Association Committee of the Department of Chemistry on 21st March 2021. The program was

presided over by the Head of the Department, Professor Gajanan Pandey. On this particular

occasion, a mass gathering of alumni of the Department joined the program through Google

Meet and registered their enthusiastic participation in this online program. On this get-together,

alumni shared their views and also provided important suggestions for flourishing the


Along with suggestions/views dispensed by the Alumni during the event, their recommendations

are welcomed through mail on Email-ID Departmental Alumni Cell; to further enhances the Alumni relations and in the growth of the

Department and University.

At the very beginning of the program, Alumni Cell Chairman Professor Gajanan Pandey

welcomed all the alumni in the program and assured that a alumni meet will be organized on a

large scale when the pandemic condition becomes normal. Further, he presented a Departmental

presentation and introduced everyone to the progress of the Department achieved in the last few

years. Then he invited alumni to send suggestions on the given email address for them and

requested them to take membership of the BBAU Alumni Association by registering their name

for the same. Following this, all faculty members of the department presented their welcome to

the Alumnus and enlightened them with precious suggestions and blessings.

A summary of the suggestions conveyed by former faculty, Ph.D., and M.Sc. Alumni, as well as

other alumni, are given below:

Dr. Pushyamitra Mishra, Former Guest faculty (2014-2016) who is presently appointed as Assist.

Prof. in Dept. of Chemistry, Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri Degree College (LBS), Gonda, U. P.,

suggested that academic research should be enhanced with necessary facilities.

Dr. Alok Singh, Former INSPIRE Faculty, is currently positioned as Assist. Prof. in Dept. of

Chemistry, Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Gorakhpur University, Gorakhpur, U.P., suggested providing

a better facility in Departmental Library as it will be helpful for students to develop reading


Dr. Sanjay Gautam, former Guest Faculty, is now placed as Assist. Prof. in Dept. of Chemistry,

Mahatma Gandhi P.G. College, Gorakhpur, U.P. and advised to encourage the students towards

clearance of CSIR-JRF exam and students should be guided for good and qualitative research


Dr. Ajay Kumar, Ph.D. Alumni is presently working as Post-doc fellow in IIT Delhi, shared his

good experienced and learning gained from here and about IIT Delhi and he suggested that

research training of M.Sc. students in various good research Institutes may encourage. Apart

from this he also suggested that the Departmental Library must include the books related to

research. The Department should also provide computational facilities and guidance to P.G.


Dr. Gaurav Hitkari, Ph.D. Alumni is appointed as Assist. Prof. in Dept. of Chemistry, Shri

Venkateshwara University, Gajraula, U.P. and he kindly urged to create a better interaction

between senior and junior students so that both of them get benefitted. Dr. Manoj Shrivash,

Ph.D. Alumni, at present he is working as Post Doc Fellow at Jawaharlal Nehru University, New

Delhi, he suggested that there should be better facility and infrastructure for synthetic organic

chemistry need to be developed in the Department, equipment like Mass spectrometer must be

purchased in near future.

Further other M.Sc. Alumnus shared their experiences and memories attained from here and their

valuable suggestions are as follows: (a) Enhancement of Instrumental facility, (b) Every research

scholar should be provided some teaching and practical workload, (c) Promote the students for

extra co-curricular activities, (d) There should be a Departmental Placement Cell, (e) Personality

Development program, (f) Ph.D. Alumnus should be given a chance to present their research

work in Alumni Meet. Several other alumni shared their suggestions through Alumni Cell email.

At the end, Dr. Jawahar Lal (Coordinator of the Alumni Cell) addressed all with a vote of thanks,

and the program ended with National Anthem.

Alumni Association Committee

Alumni Association Committee

1. Prof. Gajanan Pandey (Head/DOC) Chairperson

2. Prof. Kaman Singh (Professor) Member

3. Dr. Anjani K. Tiwari (Assoc. Prof.) Member

4. Dr. Jyoti Pandey (Assist. Prof.) Member

5. Dr. Shailesh Kumar (Assist. Prof.) Member

6. Dr. Preeti Gupta (Assist. Prof.) Member

7. Dr. Jawahar Lal (Assist. Prof.) Convener

8. Mr. Ashok Kumar, Researh Scholar Member

9. Miss. Saumya Verma, Researh Scholar Member

10. Mr. Manoj Dameja, Researh Scholar Member

11. Mr. Deen Dayal Upadhyay, Researh Scholar Member

12. Mr. Baldev Singh, Researh Scholar Member

Glimpses of the Event

Inauguration of program with BBAU Kulgeet

Welcome address by Head and other faculty members

Interaction with former faculty and guest faculty

Interaction with PhD Alumni

Interaction with M.Sc. Alumni

Vote of Thanks by Dr. Jawahar Lal
