Britney Issue 1


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7/31/2019 Britney Issue 1. 1/13

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Britney - Vol. 1

Britney on X-


Britney arrives ready to judge on the talent realityshow X-Factor. The first set of auditions in front of

the judges took place on May 24, 2012 at Austin,

TX. Rumors started swirling around the internet that

Britney walked off during judging. Britney cleared

up that she only went for a small break. Only Britney

could cause controversy for taking a break.

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Britney- Vol. 1



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GodneyScopes for the week of Monday, May 28, 2012

Britney - Vol. 1



 Aries: You shall be ready for a new start, but you

will find surprises this week. Perhaps a new

starbucks flavor? Be careful, because by the end

of the week you may feel very stressed.

Taurus: Ideas you had may be set to motion. Keep

your eyes open...because secrets may pop out an

benefit you financially. By the end of the week,

you may have arguments with your lover or child.

Gemini: You friend may change your lifestyle with

an idea. Your popularity may rise, with the help of

a close friend. Listen to your friends, and stay

away from people like Sam Lufti!

Cancer: Look in the past for ideas that could help

you career wise. Your boss might ask for more

time and duties. You will be able to show your

talents. Work on the next Radar gorl!!

Leo: You might communicate with people from

overseas. This may lead to planning a trip. Good

luck! Oh you may also lose a friendship by the end

of the week, a-la Paris Hilton.

Virgo: You might get great offers that could lead to

good investments. Your reputation could also rise

helping you with investments & stuff. Don’t ask for

a raise tho, cuz it’s your blackout era, not your #1.

Libra: Your lover may discuss holiday plans. Y’all

will probably take a journey this week. Sweet

cheesy love moment. But you may have trouble

with documents and trip planning...HAHA!

Scorpio: You and a co-worker may bond on an

idea. You may also be offered a new job

opportunity that could let your talents shine. You

could get in a fight with a friend over shared stuff.

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Britney - Vol. 1



Sagittarius: Your lover may suggest ideas that

may make you happy. Luck is also on your side.

You may end up getting married in vegas. Your

boss will be a cunt tho.

Capricorn: There’ll be stuff having to do with

your friends and family making you feel alive. Beprepared for unexpected changes. You may end

up feeling stressed, stay away from the umbrella

 Aquarius: New ideas may flash in your head,

and you will see life differently. You might create

shocking inventions. You might fight with your

lover/child or have financial problems. Oops.

Pisces: Your living space may come to a

complete change, you probably want to move.

Parents may help you change. You may fight

about how many people come to visit you.