Brian's Letter Of recommendation


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To Whom It May Concern,

I am writing this letter of recommendation on behalf of Brian Gilbert. I have worked with Brian for over five years and have had the opportunity to observe his performance at close range. My background includes twelve years of Industrial Engineering experience, twenty-nine years of Operations Management leadership and six year of Operational Excellence (Lean Six Sigma) experience.

He is very service oriented and is keenly aware of the voice of the customer but he balances it with leveraging the highest gain performance opportunities for his organization. He understands the competitive nature of the market place and studies his competition to uncover any competitive opportunities that may exist.

He is Greenbelt trained in Lean Six sigma and has many years of successful Logistics performance experience and he has a good understanding of how to leverage WMS and TMS systems. Brian stays abreast of the latest technologies and has the ability to prudently apply the appropriate technology for the dollar expended. He quickly assesses the operational needs and prioritizes the needed areas of improvement that will yield the best return for the organization

Brian is data driven and fact based and thinks through unintended consequences before making his final decision. He is fully capable of effectively making the tough decision when it is required.

One of his primary strengths is his coaching and leadership skills. He has compassion and caring for those he works with and has a demonstrated track record of mentoring and coaching. Further, he models the behaviors he expects from those he coaches and is an excellent role model.

Brian has excellent labor management skills. He has demonstrated the ability to get significant performance improvement while at the same time improving morale. People believe in him and trust him and he is an excellent mentor and coach. He makes the necessary staffing adjustments when they are required without hesitation. In short, I highly recommend him for any Operational Leadership role.

Dennis L. Gladin

Senior Consultant Operational Excellence

(216) 536-9410