Brasilia Presentation



It is an overview about Brasil's political capital: Brasília. It was self-made and contains informations about life style, history, economy and culture.

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History and Culture ofBrasília and Brazil

+Culture of Brasília

Culture in Brasília is accurately described as a mix of every single other culture present in Brazil.

Some people might say that therefore we do not have a proper culture, just like our accent. But it’s quite the opposite – Brasiliense culture is quite rich.

+Culture of Brasília

One can find just about every single major Brazilian culture manifestation in its purest form in Brasília.

Unidos do Cruzeiro (ARUC) samba school parade

+Culture of Brazil


Futebol (soccer)


Plastic Arts



Modern Arts Week (1922)

+Brazil and Brasília Physically

Brazil is one of the biggest countries in the world, it has about 8,5 million km. This means it is the 5th biggest country.

Because of this, we have a really big variety of flora. Just to say some of them, we have Amazonian Rainforest, Atlantic Forest and Savanna.

Brasília is on a Savanna region.

+About Brasília

Brasília stays in the Central Plateau from Brazil and the city is about 1,2 km above the sea.

Brasília has a tropical savanna climate, having two seasons, based on the humidity: a dry one and a relatively humid one.

+Brasília in numbers

Brasília is located in Brazil’s DF (Distrito Federal)

Area 5,779.999 km²

Population in 2013 Estimated 2,789,761 inh. Census 2010 2 562 963 hab. Density 482,66 inh./km

GDP in 2010 R$149,906,000 billion R$58,489 per capita