Bottesford Village Voice Edition 42 July 2009



Bottesford Village Voice edition 42

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Issue No. 42 July-Aug 2009

Village Voice The newsletter of Bottesford, Easthorpe, Muston & Normanton

The smiles that warmed the day...

Ebony Holt, May Queen Emma Whewell, & Alice Redfern with

Lion President Richard Taylor

©Ted Rayson

Callum Jones being presented with the Fun Run Winner’s Trophy by Anne Ablewhite, representing Friends of Chernobyl’s Children.

...just the time for a nice cup of tea!

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The May Day Gala Despite poor weather, over 2,000 people thoroughly enjoyed the activities and events, including decorated bicycles, the family fun dog show, Quad bikes, and a candyfloss stall.

The Gala committee provided a great community event, from which local charities and organisations could benefit. The Vale of Belvoir Lions, community volunteers and local organisations give their grateful thanks to everyone who helped make the day a success.

What’s planned for the 2010 Gala? The committee, who meet seven times a year, is keen for representatives from local charities and organisations to join them. This will ensure that this much loved village tradition continues to go from strength to strength! Contact Kathryn Hinsliff-Smith on 842333 to find out more.

Friends of Chernobyl’s Children (FOCC) After the FOCC Fun Run on 3rd May, refreshments were handed out by the Host Families. Yvonne Geach was also on hand to give a massage to tired and weary legs. A big “Thank you” to the marshals for giving their time to keep the runners safe on the roads. At the Gala on the following day, FOCC sold cakes, plants, books - and warm mulled wine to keep the chill out! All the Host Families helped out and were thrilled to have raised nearly £500.00 over the week-end.

Runners, please note. There are three uncollected medals: Louise Allen, Dusty Dexter, and Tala Dean. Phone Anne on 842259 to arrange collection.

After some last minute glitches with Belarus and UK paperwork, our Cher-nobyl children arrived in early June for a four-week stay. Here they are at the primary school with their translator, enjoying their new phrase books donated by Village Voice.

Dance for Rosie May 2009 Over 100 competitors aged from five to 17 from all over the county entered the event, giving spectacular performances. A staggering £3,500 was raised for the Rosie May Home for Tsunami Orphans in Sri Lanka, £1,000 more than last year! Mary Storrie said "We were overwhelmed with the support and compassion on the

day. Five years on, this was a significant anniver-sary for us and we would like to thank everyone in-volved. The judges from the West End found it ex-tremely difficult to decide on the winners as they said the standard was so very high.

They were very impressed with the local talent."

Winners in the 13 to 17 years category, left to right: Emily Smith, Emily Griffith, Ellie Ktenas, Bryony Hoare, Roanna Doleman. They have all won a place in the Rosie May Academy which is sponsored by the Rosie May Memorial Fund and gives local talented young people the unique opportunity of attending monthly master classes taught by professional choreographers and performers from London’s West End. Both Emily Griffiths & Roanna Doleman live in Bottesford and went to the High School.

© Ted Rayson

Bill Roberts 1916-2009 William Joseph Roberts (Bill) was born on a farm in Sutton-cum-Granby. He went first to Granby school, but was educated at Bottes-ford Primary School from the age of ten until he left at 14.

Bill was apprenticed, first to a Lan-gar joiner, wheelwright, and funeral director, and then with a major joinery firm in Nottingham. He cy-cled the 15 miles there and back every day for five years and was late only once – showing the deter-mination that was to serve him all his life.

He did well, and after five years started his own business in one of his father’s farm buildings. The bi-

cycle was replaced by a motorbike and sidecar, converted to carry tools and timber.

In the late 1930s he took on his first employees, a skilled joiner plus an ap-prentice. By 1940, Bill had a van, and moved the business to Bottesford. This was the beginning - at its peak, W.J. Roberts employed 550 people.

The firm built Belvoir High School, Grantham Crematorium, numerous petrol stations, council houses, individual homes, and carried out work for the large estates.

Bill himself was a skilled welder, wheelwright and blacksmith, renowned for his physical strength. Standing 6ft 2ins tall, he was easily able to swing his favour-ite hooping hammer for five minutes - all 21lbs of it.

Bill conducted his first funeral just before he left Sutton – building a scaffolding tower to remove the 24-stone deceased man through a bedroom window. Just over ten years ago, one of his last funerals was that of the Duke of Rutland. He was proud of his funeral business, which is now managed by his daughter-in-law Marion.

Bill and his wife, Joan, who died two years ago, had three sons – Kenneth, Barry and Keith – six grandchildren, and six great-grandchildren.

He served on Bottesford Parish Council for 41 years, many as chairman, and was a founder member of the Belvoir Lions, hosting their village bonfire for many years. He worshipped at the village Methodist Church, close to his home.

He died peacefully at home on Easter Day, having attended morning service, and enjoyed lunch with his family.

B e l v o i r H i g h School has no fur-ther need of its ‘mobiles’, so they depart from Bottesford…..

Photo © David Middleton


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Looking for something to entertain the children this summer? Look no further! 1. Bottesford – The Jitty. Adam McGlone, Youth Development Worker for the Vale of Belvoir, has a host of activities planned for the summer months including ice skating, Tamworth Snowdome, a Babysitting course, Drayton Manor, and a trip to Butlins. Their website has all the latest details and activity consent forms

2. The Earlesfield Youth Centre, Grantham offers opportunities for golf, graffiti art, a climbing wall, 10 pin bowling, First Aid and Food Hygiene certificates – and more. These activities are open to those living outside Grantham and all activities are free. Contact Cherry Sheppard to request an application form or fur-ther information, on 01476 578866 or email:

3. Quest Seekers – join the adventure at Bottesford Library!

Quest Seekers is a fun and exciting reading challenge for children aged 4 – 12 years. From 4th July children pick up a free Quest Seekers membership card and fold-out poster. Quest Seekers will be challenged to find a golden book. To com-plete the challenge children will read books and collect stickers throughout the summer and be rewarded with a certificate. Children under four can join in their own version of Quest Seekers by visiting their local library and collecting stickers for a special Bookcrawl Quest Seekers certificate.

For more information call in at the library or go to

Lara House Lara House has told Village Voice that its “OFSTED inspection in April went well, with the nursery graded as ‘Good’ against all aspects. This reflects the commit-ment of the management and staff at Lara House to provide high quality childcare for the local community”. A copy of the report is on the OFSTED website, or you can call the nursery on 843433.

Dove Cottage Café Out and about in the Vale over the summer? Don’t forget the newly opened café at Dove Cottage which, along with the charity shop, is open daily throughout the summer between 11 a.m. and 3.30 p.m. (tearoom only on Sundays). For more information visit their website

Baby it’s cold outside The Baby Pack Project in Kwa Zulu Natal in South Africa urgently needs help to provide new-born to 3 month old babies with essential items such as spare good quality babygros, cardigans, cloth nappies, nappy pins, plastic pants, baby socks, hats and blankets, small towels, and soap. Items can be left at Sophie Kitson Hair Studio at 10 Queen Street, or contact Debi Maskell Graham on 07967 549 487 or For more information see

Memory Lane.. (Courtesy of The Grantham Journal) Victorian Gala event in 1969. Joy Simpson with village children. Perhaps you know their names.

When 13 year old Callum Jones won this year’s Fun Run he may have been one of the youngest

winners but he certainly was not the least ex-perienced! He has missed only one Bottesford Fun Run in the last eleven years. His first ap-pearance was in 1999 as a three-year old, with his mum and dad, Sally and Mark (Pictured right). Callum attends Belvoir High School and has rep-resented the East Midlands at gymnastics; won the schools area sports 800 metres twice; and run for Leicestershire in the English School’s Cross Country. As well as taking part in a junior triathlon, he also goes snowboarding, ice skating, trampolining and go-karting. Callum's main interest is rowing. Within six weeks of trying the sport he was British Champion at indoor rowing, later adding English and Welsh titles. Last July he set a new World Record for 2 km indoor rowing for under-13 years, a record which still stands. A member of Nottingham Rowing Club, Callum trains 4 or 5 times each week at Holme Pierrepont or on the River Trent. Rowing in single, double, or coxed quad sculls, he has a number of notable victories including two recently at National level.

the Rutland Arms

Roger & Jenny give you a warm welcome

to the Rutland Arms

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For forthcoming events,

please look at the outside chalk boards or

contact us on 01949 843031

The Society is open to artists wishing to improve their ability

and exhibit their work for sale. It runs an annual programme which includes regular practice using a variety of media, demonstrations, paint-alongs, and “critics” nights for help and advice. Meetings are held in the Methodist Chapel School Room, Devon Lane, Bottesford, on Tuesdays at 7.30 pm. In the summer, members meet to draw and paint in local villages, always with a sense of fun, usually finishing in a local pub. The group is very friendly and there are currently vacancies for new members.

The Society was started by Joy Simpson, Gerry Bean, W.H. Ogilvy and oth-ers in the early 70s and was chaired by Ron White until his death in 2004.

Everyone is free to view or buy paintings when they are displayed for the Annual Exhibition at the Methodist Chapel in May, and in November at the Fuller Room.

For further information contact the Chairman Eddie Lilley on 861409 or

Back Row: Michael Fowler, Cob George, Wendy Bartop, Nancy McIvor, John Rea, Beryl Smith, Eddie Lilley (Chairman), Brian Widdowson. Front Row: Jill Bagnal, Margaret Hayward, Julia Fowler, Christine Ephgrave.

Vale of Belvoir Art Society

Callum Jones – all round athlete and sportsman


What’s On in July...What’s On in July...What’s On in July...What’s On in July...

And in August...And in August...And in August...And in August...

For details of the Catholic Church, Grantham, telephone 01476 563935

is running a First Aid at Work evening class in July at the Plough Inn, Stathern. Spaces are limited so make con-

tact without delay. The course is on Mondays 06, 13, 20, & 27 July and 03 August. Free to members, a small fee is payable by non-members towards costs. The charity is a member of the Association of First Aiders, and is Registered Charity num-ber 1122209. For more details contact Martin Fagan, 860167, or check For course applications email

To publicise your event in the ‘What’s On’ column for September & October, please ring 844823 or email by 30th July.

Thurs 6th 2.30pm Women's Fellowship. Afternoon at a member's home - ring Glenys Bradshaw (Sec) 01949 842893 for details.

Fri 7th 10 to 10.30am

Wriggly Readers at Bottesford Library. Babes to young children; songs, rhymes, stories.

Fri 7th 6.30 – 9.00pm

Dove Cottage, BBQ and Open Gardens - buy your tickets in advance nearer the event - phone 860303

Mon 10th 7.15pm Parish Council meeting. Fuller Rooms. Residents welcome as observers and for 15 minutes at the start may address the council with concerns or questions.

Tues 11th U3A Summer Outing

Weds 12th 6pm VoB Ramblers. Granby. 5 miles stroll ending at pub. Call Jan (0115 9825600)

Tues 18th 7.30pm WI Outing (to be arranged)

Thurs 20th 2.30pm Bottesford Methodist Church, Devon Lane. Women's Fellowship - Games Afternoon

Sun 23rd 2.00 - 5pm

The Homestead, Normanton. Heliotrope Open Day for our National Collection. Admission by donation to Plant Heritage. Tea and biscuits.

Weds 26th 1.30pm Dove Cottage. Sale of underwear, bedwear, clothing

Weds 1st 7pm VoB Ramblers Bottesford 3 miles evening stroll, contact Jan (0115 9825600)

Fri 3rd 10 to 10.30am

Wriggly Readers at Bottesford Library. Babes to young children; songs, rhymes, stories.

Thurs 9th 2.30pm Methodist Church (Schoolroom), Devon Lane. Women's Fellowship. Speaker Rev. Lesley Taylor.

Sat 11th 7.30pm

Cranmer Company of Singers & Chamber Orchestra, at Bingham Parish Church, in aid of the Gaza Crisis Appeal. Tickets at £8.00, (£5.00 children/IS or JSA). Phone 850364 (after 6.00pm) or 851030

Sun 12th 1pm to 5pm

Open Gardens at Croxton Kerrial: A dozen village gardens open in aid of Beating Bowel Cancer. There will be plant and produce stalls, & teas and coffees in the Vicarage Gardens. Entry £4.00. Children under 16 free.

Mon 13th 7.15pm Parish Council meeting. Fuller Rooms. Residents welcome as observers and for 15 minutes at the start may address the council with concerns or questions.

Tues 21st 7.30pm W.I. Animal Artist – Ian Risely. VC Hall

Thurs 23rd 2.30pm

Methodist Church (Schoolroom), Women's Fellowship. Speaker - Valerie Henstock (Historian), 'Burtons of Smithy Row.'

Belvoir First Aid


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Dear readers,

Through the Village Voice I would like to extend a HUGE thank you to the lovely people of Bottesford, and especially to Roy and Hazel Rogers, for all the kindness they showed me after my recent unfortunate accident. I was one of the bikers who congregated in the village prior to the Charity Easter Egg Run. Regrettably for me, I stumbled getting off my bike which resulted in a torn ligament in my left thigh and a suspected hairline fracture of my femur!

It’s good to know that there are some kind and generous people left in the world!

Many thanks…. Jo (hopalong), and Dave Hammond.


Now they want bigger turbines Developer Ridgewind has chosen to increase the size of the proposed wind tur-bines from 70m to 82m(269ft), giving an increase in blade sweep area of over 35%. This will increase the overall height to blade tip from 95m to 100m (328ft). Further information is on

If readers are unhappy about any aspect of the proposed changes they should send their comments to Mrs K McMahon at the planning department of Melton Borough Council, or email

Keep fit and have fun with Karate Bottesford Karate Club has been in existence for over 10 years and club members meet at the Bottesford VC Hall every Friday evening from 7.00pm to 9.00pm. Traditional Japanese Ka-rate, following a style called Wado Ryu, is the method taught at the club and the environment is friendly and welcoming.

Anyone considering starting is invited to go and watch a training session or join in. The first lesson is free. Contact Graeme Waldren on 01476 577169.

Steve Jessop receiving his 1st dan, with Graeme (3rd dan) on the left, and Billy Powell (4th dan), right.

Friends of Chernobyl Children Sponsored Walk, Muston, 13th September. Starting and finishing at the Café. If you would like a sponsorship form, contact a Host Family, or Anne on 842259. Family Barn Dance, 19th September. At the VC Hall, no baby sitter to pay, just fun for all the family. More details soon.






Dear readers,

Many thanks to all those who donated during Christian Aid Week in May. A total of £1121.58 was raised.

Helen Dixon

Billy Binch is Still Fighting On Village Voice is following the career of local boxer Billy Binch, who trains at the Bingham Boxing Club. Billy is now hoping for selection for the 2012 Olympics and he trains every day in addition to working as an apprentice plumber.

Billy has already won 14 bouts and only lost 6. In 2002 he reached the quarter finals of the Class C Cadets National Championship and in 2007 he became the Senior Novice Champion in the Midland Counties.

In 2009 he entered the Senior ABA Championships where he beat T. Staples by unanimous points. A third unanimous points decision was gained in Telford where Billy boxed against E. Esscuman.

Triple Success for Local Team

Sports News

Village Voice Contact information Advertising: Anne Ablewhite on 842259 Editorial: Dilys Shepherd on 843505 or Susan Meech on 843402

Deadline for Issue 43: 26th July

E mail:

Or: 12 The Paddocks, Bottesford

Whilst every care is taken in the printing of

notices and advertisements, the committee

accepts no responsibility for any inaccuracies

or consequences which may arise from them.

Views expressed in the Village Voice do not

necessarily reflect those of the committee.

Congratulations to Lee Fazackerley and Jason McAteer who, in their first season as managers of the Bottesford Senior Reserves, took the team to first place in the Grantham and District Division One league. The team also won the Benevolent Cup and the Junior Cup. What a fantastic result – 3 trophies in one season.

The club wishes to congratulate and thank all players and managers for their efforts. A special mention goes to long serving managers Paul Skerritt, Dave Sewell and Simon Harrison who are all taking a break next season and whose hard work and commitment over the past few years is appreciated.

The Football Club is always looking for extra help and new players and if you are interested in joining the club in either capacity you will be made very welcome. Please contact Bud Hart 843391 or Dan Gribby 843858.

And finally - back to the Fun Run

©Ted Rayson