Borneo's New World.ppt


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‘‘ssNew WorldNew WorldBySiti Mahera Bt Ahmat Amin

Geomatika University College

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What Is Heart of BorneoWhat Is Heart of Borneo(HoB)?(HoB)?• Borneo, the world's third largest island covering anarea the size of Utah in the US, ictoria in !"straliaor the whole of #ngland and Scotland $"t togetherand e%tending into the territor& of the co"ntries ofBr"nei ar"ssala , Indonesia and ala&sia

• HoB also is s"ch a "ni*"e and rich $lace, where thereis strong interconnections +etween the land and its$eo$les

• HoB acco"nts for "st -. of the world's land &etholds a$$ro%i atel& /. of glo+al +iodiversit& in itsrich, tro$ical forests

• 0hese are so e of the newl& discovered s$eciesin the Heart of Borneo where+& the s$ecies rangefro the distinct Bornean orang "tans and ele$hants

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! l"ngless frog (Barbourula kalimantanensis ) The 7cm-long species is the orl!"s #rst l$ngless %rog& 'nstea! o% l$ngs this$ni $e species *reathes entirely thro$gh its skin& +ther organs can *e %o$n! inthe place l$ngs o$l! normally *e hich makes the overall appearance o% the%rog ,atter&

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! 1a e2colo"red sna3e (Dendrelaphis kopsteini ) This $ncommon ne species !i ers %rom all other .en!relaphis species *y a *rightorange almost ,ame-like neck colo$ration that gra!$ally %$ses into an e/traor!inaryiri!escent an! vivi! *l$e green an! *ro n pattern that e/ten!s the entire length o%the snake&

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! long2tailed sl"g ( Ibycus rachelae ) This $n$s$al species makes $se o% so-calle! 0love !arts" in co$rtship& Ma!e o%calci$m car*onate the love !art is harpoon-like hich pierces an! in1ects ahormone into a mate an! may play a role in increasing the chances o%repro!$ction&

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0he world4s longest insect ( Phobaeticus chani ) This enormo$s stick insect %o$n! near G$n$ng 2ina*al$ 3ark Sa*ah in the 4earto% Borneo meas$res 56&7cm or over hal% a metre in length& .espite its si e verylittle is kno n a*o$t its *iology an! ecology altho$gh it as !escri*e! in 899:&

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! colo"r2changing 1&ing frog (night2ti e colo"r) ( Rhacophorus penanorum ) Tiny ith males gro ing to 1$st ;&5cm the M$l$ <lying <rog as it is commonlykno n has a small pointe! sno$t an! is $n$s$al in that the species has *rightgreen skin at night *$t changes colo$r to !isplay a *ro n h$e !$ring the !ay&

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! colo"r2changing 1&ing frog (da&2ti ecolo"r) ( Rhacophorus penanorum )<lying %rogs are %rogs ith the a*ility to gli!e as a res$lt o% large an! %$lly

e**e! %eet an! aero!ynamic ,aps o% skin on the arms an! legs& Theirevol$tion is seen as an a!aptation to their li%e in trees high a*ove thegro$n!&

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!n el"sive new +ird s$ecies the ‘S$ectacled5lower$ec3er4A ne *ir! species the 0Spectacle! <lo erpecker" as recently!iscovere! in the .an$m =alley Conservation Area Sa*ah in the 4eart o%Borneo&

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! +ea"tif"l wild orchid ( Thrixspermum erythrolomum )>/perts say that no here else n$rt$res s$ch an e/tensive an! !iversecollection o% orchi!s as Borneo& Appro/imately ; 999 magni#cent specieso% orchi! can *e %o$n! here more than any here else on >arth&

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! ze+ra2stri$ed 6sh (Eirmotus insignis )+ne o% ?7 #sh !iscovere! in the 4eart o% Borneo in recent years theeight-*an!e! *ar* meas$res aro$n! ;&6cm an! typically inha*its slo -

moving shallo sha!y rain%orest streams an! s amps&

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freshwater $rawn (Macrobrachium kelianense )ra n is tiny meas$ring *arely more than one centremetre in

it !i ers %rom similar species *y having a greater n$m*er o%eral other ne species o% %resh ater pra n %rom Borneo are

aiting o@cial scienti#c !escription&

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• It is one of the largest trans+o"ndar&rainforests re aining in the world, &et

this diversit& is UN #7 0H7#!0• Borneo has alread& lost over half its

forests, and it sho"ld +e $reservedearlier since to"ris ind"str&

ight rel& on this ele ent aswell

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0he tro$icalrainforests ofBorneo are one ofthe ost +iologicall&

diverse ecos&ste son #arth

8"ic3 5acts98"ic3 5acts9

Between -::; and<=-= ore than/== s$ecies have+een discovered 2

that is > s$ecies each andever& onth

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0he Heart of Borneo Under0he Heart of Borneo UnderSiegeSiege• !rrival of < alien intr"ders in the -:;=s @

the chainsaw and the cater$illar tractor @have $erha$s ade ore i $act than an&other introd"ced s$ecies

• eforestation and land conversion

activities are considered to +e thegreatest threats to the Heart of Borneowhich a& aAect the to"ris ind"str&

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eforestation• Witho"t the aintenance of

ver& large +loc3s of inter2

connected forest, there is aclear ris3 that h"ndreds ofs$ecies co"ld +eco e e%tinct

• aintaining the forests iscritical to ens"re theisland's water s"$$l&,

oderate the i $acts ofdro"ghts and 6res, and tos"$$ort ecological andecono ic sta+ilit& in thelowlands

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and conversion• 7esearch has de onstrated that slo$e, soil and

access constraints ean that ost of the areaaro"nd Borneo is not s"ita+le for oil $al$lantations

• In the highlands of the Heart of Borneo, the ris3s of6re are still s all as few $eo$le live in this densel&

forested area• However, with forest clearance $rogressing inseveral $laces in Borneo, the ris3 of 6re isconstantl& increasing

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!s to"ris frontliners, what &o"!s to"ris frontliners, what &o"can do??can do??

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0han3 Co"0han3 Co"

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