Boot Camp 104: Social Media Analytics & Insights · KPIs are Key Performance Indicators....


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© 2016 Giselle Aguiar, Social Savvy Solution1

Giselle | @AZSocialNetWiz

Boot Camp 104: Social Media Analytics

& Insights

Hi, this is Giselle and this is the class on website and social media analytics. You must review analytics & insights for each network and your website every month to see what’s working and not working; see which types of posts people are engaging with; see what time of day they’re most engaged; review demographics - are they your target market? Then you adjust your strategic and tactical plans accordingly for the next month. This class is designed to stand alone as well as part of the boot camp. You can download the PDF of the slides and all links will be clickable.

© 2016 Giselle Aguiar, Social Savvy Solution



This graphic puts analytics into perspective. You have people discovering you via searches, tweets, posts, mentions and any paid advertising. You got their attention. Then they visit your site - which is what you want them to do. How long they stay on the site is important. If a lot of people get there and leave in a few seconds, that gives you a high bounce rate. You want this bounce rate to be under 50%. As you add more content to you site with a blog, there will be more material for people to read, thus staying on the site longer. Analytics will tell you how many pages per visit a user viewed while on your site as well as how much time they spent on it. Then you have the bottom line - the conversion rate. This measures how many people signed up or bought something. If you had 100 visitors in a month and 10 people converted, then your conversion rate is 10%. If only 1 person bought then it’s 1%. Typical conversion rates are 1-3% depending on the industry and products offered. So the more people that visit your site, and the longer they stay on it, the higher the possibility they’ll actually do something.

© 2016 Giselle Aguiar, Social Savvy Solution3


KPIs are Key Performance Indicators. Old-fashioned ROI, or Return on Investment, is challenging to measure with social media marketing (SMM). So, this is what you look for in your analytics. Awareness: an increase in fans & followers and increased traffic to your website. Engagement can be likes, comments or shares. It’s the social part of social media. Then conversion: when people signed up or bought something — the bottom line. Set goals each month and adjust the goals for next month based on the analytics. Source:

© 2016 Giselle Aguiar,

Twitter Analytics


On Twitter, go to and turn on your analytics as soon as you set up your account. If you’ve not turned on analytics yet, Twitter gives you some data on your past 28 days. Once you’ve been on a while, you’ll see statistics on the past months so you can compare.

© 2016 Giselle Aguiar,

Twitter Analytics


You will also see your top tweets - the ones that got the most, impressions (reach), likes and retweets and your top follower - someone who’s following you that has many followers. That’s an influencer. See who’s following them and follow those people.

© 2016 Giselle Aguiar,

Twitter Analytics


Check your followers’ demographics & see if they are your target market. Twitter also shows you what your followers are interested in. Share some content in those categories as long as it’s related or relevant to yours. You also get consumer buying styles. This is valuable if you’re a B2C business. You also can see location. This is crucial if you’re a local business. If your percentage is than 15 or 20% depending on your industry, you need to rethink your targeting. Check out the Twitter analytics demo video #114 for a more in-depth look.

© 2016 Giselle Aguiar, Social Savvy Solution

Facebook Insights


You need at least 30 likes on your FB page to see insights. You’ll see data on actions on page, if they looked at other parts of your page, page views, likes; your reach on posts - that’s how many people had the potential to see your post, engagement are likes or reactions, comments and shares on posts and then action on any videos uploaded directly into Facebook or any Facebook Live videos. Local businesses can view the demographics of the people in their geographic area. Videos will show you how long people watched the video for 3 seconds or more and 10 seconds or more. Messages tracks if anyone has sent you a message and the response time.

© 2016 Giselle Aguiar, Social Savvy Solution

Facebook Pages to Watch


Once you reach 100 likes, you can monitor your competition in Pages to Watch. This is found from the main Insights page at the bottom. Add as many pages as you’d like. Your competitors will not know you’re monitoring them.

© 2016 Giselle Aguiar, Social Savvy Solution

Facebook Data


From posts, you get When your fans are online. This will tell you the best time to post on Facebook to get the most exposure. You can also see which days are more popular.

© 2016 Giselle Aguiar, Social Savvy Solution

Facebook Post Types


You can see which types of posts got the most engagement. Not surprising, videos rock.

© 2016 Giselle Aguiar, Social Savvy Solution

Facebook Demographics


Under “People” you see your audience demographics. Hopefully these reflect your target market. If not, then you need to rethink your targeting. “People Reached” will show the demographics of those who had the potential to view your posts when shared by a fan. Your reach increases when a fan with a lot of friends shares your post. Look for Boot Camp video 124 which is a demonstration of Facebook Insights.

© 2016 Giselle Aguiar, Social Savvy Solution

Pinterest Analytics


Pinterest analytics tell you which pins got the most repins; how many people you reached; what other topics interest your followers; how many new followers you gained; and if you’ve verified your site with Pinterest, they’ll track any pinning from your site.

© 2016 Giselle Aguiar, Social Savvy Solution

Pinterest Impressions


A high number of Impressions is good, because that shows your pin passed in front of a lot of people, however, what you really want to see is clicks and saves. Likes are nice and help with popularity, but someone taking action is the name of the game.

© 2016 Giselle Aguiar, Social Savvy Solution

Pinterest Demographics


Audience demographics gives you location and gender. Interesting that for my business site I have more men than women. Goes to show that it’s true that men are the fastest growing demographic on Pinterest. The guys are catching on!

© 2016 Giselle Aguiar, Social Savvy Solution

Pinterest Topics


Under “People you reach” and “Interests” you’ll get valuable information on what else your audience is interested in. This will help you with what other content to share. For instance, on mine, “Web Design” came up. That gives me the idea to add that board. Even though I don’t do web design, it goes with social media. You have to have a website before you can do social media. You’ll also see the boards with a lot of your pins and what other brands your followers follow.

© 2016 Giselle Aguiar, Social Savvy Solution



Google and Google+ have made many changes recently and things are harder to find. To see your insights on G+ you need to be in Google My Business:, then click on the boxes in the top right hand corner and then click on Insights.First you’ll see “Visibility” a graph of how many times your G+ page was viewed, as well as your posts.

© 2016 Giselle Aguiar, Social Savvy Solution

Google+ Post Reach


In Posts, you get your post reach and you can see which were your most popular posts. That big spike on Oct. 14 had me curious so I went through the posts and found which one got a reach of 45 non-followers. That means it was seen by 45 new people! Too bad it wasn’t one of my blog post! I’m going to check that post out and write something similar on my blog.

© 2016 Giselle Aguiar, Social Savvy Solution

G+ Audience


On your Google+ profile page you’ll see how many followers you have. You need at least 200 to see demographics on your audience.

© 2016 Giselle Aguiar, Social Savvy Solution

G+ Audience


Under Audience you see how many new followers you’ve gained in any given time frame, their location and then age and gender.

© 2016 Giselle Aguiar, Social Savvy Solution

LinkedIn Personal


LinkedIn is trying. I’ve got to give them that. But they’re are far behind the other major networks when it comes to analytics and insights. First lets look at what you can see from your personal profile. If you write articles on LinkedIn regularly, you’ll want to see how they’re doing. Go to Profile, then View Stats.

© 2016 Giselle Aguiar, Social Savvy Solution

LinkedIn Personal


You can click on each one of your articles and see how many views, likes and comments it got. In the upper right corner, you’ll see how many followers you have. People can follow you without being connected to you. You can click on the number of followers to see who they are….

© 2016 Giselle Aguiar, Social Savvy Solution

LinkedIn Personal


What I don’t like is that all you get is location, industry and seniority. You can hover over the circles and see what industry. Below that, you can actually scroll through your followers, but really, who’s going to go through 3200 followers? There’s no way to search.

© 2016 Giselle Aguiar, Social Savvy Solution

LinkedIn Personal


Back in the stats, you can see some demographics of your readers. What I see that’s interesting is that 33% came from Google Search! That alone should give you reason to write for LinkedIn. For details on how to do that, check out the LinkedIn Course.

© 2016 Giselle Aguiar, Social Savvy Solution

LinkedIn Company


LinkedIn company analytics really don’t tell you much. Access them from the top of you company profile page. You’ll see which updates on your page got the most engagement and impressions (or reach).

© 2016 Giselle Aguiar, Social Savvy Solution

LinkedIn Company


Under follower demographics, you only get industry, seniority, company size, function and employee. Hopefully, they’ll soon figure out how to add age, gender and location.

© 2016 Giselle Aguiar, Social Savvy Solution

Website Metrics★ Visits, page views, bounce rate

✦ Visit - You want “unique” visits - each person who visits a site

✦ Page views - how many pages a visitor viewed during their visit

✦ Bounce rate - the percentage of visitors who leave the site after only viewing one page - you want this under 50%

★ Referral Sources - which of networks are driving the most traffic to your website

★ Top posts & pages

★ Search terms that led a visitor to your site

★ Use both WordPress/JetPack site stats & Google Analytics


© 2016 Giselle Aguiar, Social Savvy Solution

Page Views


If you have a WordPress site, with the free JetPack plugin, you have site stats. These are simpler than Google Analytics. They give you a quick overview. On top you see page views by days, weeks or months. You can hover over each bar and see how many blog posts that were published that week and the exact number of visits. Obviously, you want to see a consistent increase. If you’re not, then you need to figure out what’s going on. Analytics don’t lie. If you’re not blogging or sharing links to social media, it will show in your stats.

© 2016 Giselle Aguiar, Social Savvy Solution



Which sites referred the most visitors? Usually Google comes up first. As you can see in the last 30 days, only 10 came from other search engines combined and over 250 came from Google. If you focus on following Google’s rules of basic SEO, you don’t need to concern yourself with the others. Below the search engines, you’ll see the social networks. This will help you adjust your tactical plan and strategy accordingly. Spend more time on the ones that are driving traffic to your site. This may change every month! On mine, Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter keep swapping places, so I spend an equal amount of time on those and minimal time on Google+.

© 2016 Giselle Aguiar, Social Savvy Solution

Top Posts & Pages


Top Posts and Pages tells you exactly that — which posts and pages got the most action? Do you have to do more promotion? Do certain topics get more views than others?

© 2016 Giselle Aguiar, Social Savvy Solution

Google Analytics


Google Analytics gives you the bounce rate. You want a bounce rate under 50%. Set up a Google Analytics account You’ll get a code. Add the Google Analytics by Monster Insights plugin to your WordPress website and connect the account. For free you get a basic overview and bounce rate right on your site.

© 2016 Giselle Aguiar, Social Savvy Solution

Google Analytics


On Google Analytics proper, you get more detailed data for free. Sessions are visits. Users are unique visitors. If someone visits your site twice in one month it counts towards a session not another user.User data is based on their device’s IP address. If a user views your site on a computer and later on a tablet, it will count as 2 visits. And a user can view several pages while they are there. You also see how many are new visitors vs returning visitors.

© 2016 Giselle Aguiar, Social Savvy Solution

Google Analytics


You can also compare a previous time period. This particular graph shows that visitor growth was faster in October, bounce rate went down - which is good; pageviews and session durations almost doubled. And there was a slight increase in new visitors. Note the only negative number you want to see here is the bounce rate. This should give you incentive to blog more. Now, Google analytics can get way deeper than what I can cover in these videos. Google has a series of free videos that walk you through their analytics:

© 2016 Giselle Aguiar, Social Savvy Solution


What’s your Klout? The average person will have 10-25 score. You want to get above 40 to be recognized as an expert in your field’s topics. An extension for the Firefox browser will show you peoples’ Klout scores on Twitter. Go to and connect all your accounts.

© 2016 Giselle Aguiar, Social Savvy Solution



Next as part of the boot camp, we’ll talk about about the tools in 2 parts — an explanation of what each do, then demonstrations on how to use them. And once you get accustom to the tools, it will be easier and faster to get it all done. There are demo videos for analytics in Twitter, Facebook and Pinterest because they offer more in-depth analytics than Google+ and LinkedIn.
