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Levels A1 – A2 (CEFR)



1 Capitolo 1 – MEATING PEOPLE 05

1.1 Greetings and introductions 05

1.2 Identity card and personal information 05

1.3 Where are you from? 06

1.4 An International Friend 06

1.5 The family 07

Sintesi (del capitolo 1) 08

Test 08

2 Capitolo 2 – DAILY ROUTINE 09

2.1 Habits 09

2.2 What’s the time? 10

2.3 Interview 11

2.4 How often do you? 11

2.5 Seasonal activities 12

Sintesi (del capitolo 2) 13

Test 13

3 Capitolo 3 – CURRENT ACTIVITIES 14

3.1 What are they doing? 14

3.2 Clothes 15

3.3 The house 16

3.4 Where is it? 16

3.5 Picture Description 17

Sintesi (del capitolo 3) 18

Test 18


4.1 Days of the week 19

4.2 Months of the year 19

4.3 The date 20

4.4 Let’s count 20

4.5 English and American Money 21

Sintesi (del capitolo 4) 22

Test 22

5 Capitolo 5 – TODAY AND YESTERDAY 23

5.1 Where were you? 23

5.2 Places in town 24

5.3 The world of work 24

5.4 Job descriptions 24

5.5 the weather 25

Sintesi (del capitolo 5) 26

Test 26

Pagina 3 di 47

6 Capitolo 6 – LET’S EAT 27

6.1 Meals 27

6.2 Uncountable nouns 27

6.3 Cooking 28

6.4 Ordering meal 28

6.5 British meals 29

Sintesi (del capitolo 6) 30

Test 30

7 Capitolo 7 – HOLIDAYS 31

7.1 Where did you go? 31

7.2 Holiday experiences 32

7.3 My best solida 33

7.4 My last weekend 34

7.5 Famous people 35

Sintesi (del capitolo 7) 36

Test 36

8 Capitolo 8 – FUTURE EVENTS 37

8.1 Letter to a friend 37

8.2 On the phone 37

8.3 Horoscopes 38

8.4 Travelling 39

8.5 Planning a party 40

Sintesi (del capitolo 8) 41

Test 41

9 Capitolo 9 – WHAT PEOPLE CAN DO 42

9.1 Expressing abilities 42

9.2 Busy day 43

9.3 Rules 43

9.4 Giving advice 44

9.5 Giving direction 44

Sintesi (del capitolo 9) 45

Test 45

Bibliografia 46


Il seguente modulo è rivolto a chi si avvicina alla lingua inglese per la prima volta e mira a

fornire una conoscenza linguistica a livello di base.

I discenti conseguiranno una preparazione teorico-pratica; saranno in grado di utilizzare e

comprendere espressioni familiari e di uso quotidiano e formule molto comuni per soddisfare

bisogni di tipo concreto. I discenti infatti, saranno in grado di: porre domande su dati

personali e rispondere a domande analoghe (ad esempio il luogo dove si abita, le persone che

si conoscono, le cose che si possiedono, le azioni abitudinarie); ad interagire in conversazioni

descrivendo eventi al presente, al passato ed al futuro; a chiedere un permesso, dare

suggerimenti; offrire qualcosa, accettare, rifiutare un invito; esprimere obblighi e proibizioni.

Il lessico proposto nella suddetta dispensa è relativo a: la casa, il cibo, lo sport,

l’abbigliamento, la famiglia, il lavoro e le vacanze. La dispensa fornisce esempi di situazioni

reali come ad esempio i dialoghi ‘al ristorante’ e ‘in aeroporto’.

Pagina 5 di 47


1.1 Greetings and introductions

Read the Dialogues:

1. Henry Smith greets Jenny Martin:

Henry: Jenny! Welcome to our city! I’m Henry Martin.

Jenny: Henry! I’m very pleased to meet you.

2. Robert greets Sarah:

Robert: Hello, I’m Robert ! I'm glad to meet you!

Sarah: Hello, I’m Sarah! It’s a pleasure to meet you!

1.2 Identity card and personal information

Read the text and answer the questions:

My name is Ken Bear. I’m from the United States and I'm a teacher. My address is 18, Green

Street, and my telephone number is 87463920 . I'm 39 years old and I'm married. My

daughter, Katherine, is two and half years old. My wife, Barbara, is Italian. She is a shop


Where is Ken from?

What’s Ken’s job?

What’s his address?

What’s his telephone number?

How old is he?

Is he married?

How old is his daughter?

What’s his wife’s name?

Where is she from?

What’s her job?

Question time

1. What’s your name?

2. How old are you?

3. Where are you from?

4. What do you do?

5. How are you?

6. What colour are your eyes?

7. Are you married or single?

8. Have you got a car?

9. Have you got any brothers or sister?

10. Where are you now?

1.3 Where are you from?

Read the dialogues and fill in the gap:

- Hello! I’m Luisa!

- Hello! Where are you from?

- I’m from Italy. I’m Italian!

- Hello! I’m Richard!

- Hello! Where are you from?

- I’m from the USA. I’m ________

- Hello! I’m Fernandez!

- Hello! Where are you from?

- I’m from Spain. I’m _________

- Hello! I’m Rosita!

- Hello! Where are you from?

- I’m from Portugal. I’m _________

- Hello! I’m Yoriko!

- Hello! Where are you from?

- I’m from Japan. I’m _________

- Hello! I’m Jean!

- Hello! Where are you from?

- I am from France. I’m ___________

1.4 An International Friend

Read the text and answer the questions

My friend's name is Peter. Peter is from Amsterdam, in Holland. He is Dutch. He is

married and has two children. His wife, Jane, is American. She is from Boston in The

United States. Her family is still in Boston, but she now works and lives with Peter in

Milan. They speak English, Dutch, German and Italian! Their children are pupils at a

local primary school. The children go to school with other children from all over the

world. Flora, their daughter, has friends from France, Switzerland, Austria and Sweden.

Hans, their son, goes to school with students from South Africa, Portugal, Spain and

Canada. Of course, there are many children from Italy. Imagine, French, Swiss,

Austrian, Swedish, South African, American, Italian, Spanish and Canadian children all

learning together in Italy!

Comprehension check

1 Where is Peter from?

2 Where is his wife from?

3 Where are they now?

4 Where is her family?

5 What are the children's names?

6 Are there many children from different countries at the school?

Pagina 7 di 47

1.5 The family


The Norton family: This is Emma Norton. She is married and this is her family. Their house

is in London. She is a teacher. Her school is in the centre of town. Nick is Emma’s husband.

He is a bank manager. The bank is in the centre of town too. Katie and Mike are their

children. They are students at King’s Primary School. They are happy in London!

Kevin and his family :My name I Kevin, I am from the United States . I live in Chicago

with my family in a big flat. I am a football coach and I have a very competitive team.

My wife’s name is Julia and she is an architect. We have two children. Their names are Betty

and Maurice. Betty is 7 years old and Maurice in only 5 months. We also have two dogs,

Billy and Rocky. We enjoy going to the park together and …..


Describing people

Hair fair : blond, light brown, dark brown, black

length: long, short, shoulder – length

kind of hair: straight, wavy , curly

Eyes green, blue, brown

Height and build tall, short, medium-height

thin, slim, medium weight, muscular

Character traits friendly, lively, funny, nice, lazy, shy, cheerful, generous,

reliable, , clever, unfriendly, modest, proud, sociable, easygoing


Describe a member of your family

- My brother’s/ sister’s name is …………………………………………….

- she’s/ he’s …………………………………………………………………

- she/ he has …………………………………………………………………

- she/he is ……………………………………………………………………


I contenuti del capitolo 1 sono i seguenti: saluti e presentazione, informazioni personali,

Paesi e nazionalità, la famiglia, descrizione di persone.

Le note grammaticali trattate sono le seguenti: present simple ( to be – to have ),

aggettivi possessivi, pronomi interrogativi, aggettivi qualificativi, genitivo sassone.


1)He is a nice boy. What’s ________ name?

a) your

b) his

c) her

2) Hello, how _________ you?

a) is

b) am

c) are

3) What do you ___________ like?

a) are

b) look

c) do

4) How many brothers and sister _________ she got?

a) have

b) is

c) her

5) He _________ a doctor. He is an architect.

a) has

b) isn’t

c) hasn’t

6) We have two children. __________ names are Susy and Tom

a) your

b) our

c) their

Pagina 9 di 47

2 DAILY ROUTINE 2.1 Habits


Tom is a clerk. He speaks about his everyday life:

“ Every day I get up at 7 o’clock. I have a shower, I have breakfast, then I take my car and

drive to the office. I start work at 8.30. At 10.30 I have a break and drink a cup of coffee with

my colleagues. I don’t go back home for lunch, I usually have a sandwich at the café in front

of the office. In the afternoon I work until 6 o’clock. When I get back home I do some

gardening or read a book. After dinner I watch TV or listen to music. Sometimes I meet some

friend at the pub. I never go to bed late because I am usually tired!”

A housewife’s life

Many people think housewives have a very stressful life.

We ask Susan about her typical day:

“ I get up at 7 o’clock and I make the breakfast for my children. Then I get dressed and I take

the children to school. Then I go shopping. I go to the supermarket I and buy food and things

for the house. When I go back home I make the beds and clean the house. I have a shower

before I pick up the children from school at four o’clock. In the afternoon I usually help my

children to do their homework. Sometimes I go to the gym at about 6 o’clock.

We usually have dinner at 8 o’clock. After dinner my family and I always watch TV in the

living room. I go to bed at about 11 o’clock. I usually like reading a book before falling



Describe your daily routine. Do you do the same things at the weekend?


- These frequency adverbs:

- these expressions of time:

Usually sometimes often always never hardly ever

once a week…

twice a month…

three times a year..

2.2 What’s the time?

It’s ___________ It’s ___________ It’s _____________ It’s __________

It’s ___________ It’s ____________ It’s ______________ It’s __________

Don’t forget!

Parts of the day In the morning In the afternoon

during the day In the evenings At night

Complete the sentences with the expression from the box

1. The sun rises in the ___________________________________

2. The sun sets _________________________________________

3. Owls sleep ______________________ and fly ______________

4. Cinemas open ________________________________________

5. You prepare lunch ____________________________________

6. You prepare dinner ____________________________________

7. Lessons finish at ______________________________________.

8. You go to the gym _____________________________________.

9. You go to bed ________________________________________.

10. You have a shower ____________________________________.

Question time:

1. What time do you go to work/school?

2. What time do you usually get up?

3. What time do you usually go to bed?

Pagina 11 di 47

2.3 Interview

Mark: Hello, Can I ask you some questions for an interview?

Jennifer: Yes, I can answer some questions.

Mark: Thank you for taking the time. Now, first question: What do you do?

Jennifer: I work in a library. I'm a librarian.

Mark: Are you married?

Jennifer: Yes, I am.

Mark: What does your husband do?

Jennifer: He works as a policeman.

Mark: Do you usually have dinner together?

Jennifer: Yes, we do.

Mark: How often does your husband exercise?

Jennifer: He sometimes exercises four times a week. But, he usually exercises only twice a


Mark: Where do you like going on holiday?

Jennifer: We rarely go on holiday. However, we like going to the mountains if we can.

Mark: What type of books do you read?

Jennifer: I often read horror stories.

Mark: Thank you very much for answering my questions.

Jennifer: You're welcome!

2.4 How often do you…?

Go to the cinema Go for a meal

at a restaurant

Go swimming Play soccer

Play a musical


Listen to pop music Play computer


Write letters

Tidy your bedroom Meet your friends Play cards Travel by bus

Go abroad Go to the theatre Go for long walks Feel bored

Have a party Visit a museum Wear jeans Smoke a cigarette

Go shopping Listen to the radio Get angry Buy CDs

Never Hardly ever Not very often About once a week

About once a month About once a year Sometimes Quite often

Every Monday Every week Every month everyday

Always Twice a week Every weekend Rarely / seldom

2.5 Seasonal activities

Put a tick in the correct box.

When do you do it? winter Spring autumn summer

Roast chestnuts

Go for a walk

make an Apple pie

Build a snowman

Pick up chestnuts

Wear sunblock


Snow boarding

Harvest grapes and make wine

Going to the beach/sea

SPEAKING Work in pairs. Ask and answer.


Mary’s hobbies and interests

Mary has a lot of hobbies and interests. She usually gets up early so she can run before work.

She doesn't often have time to ski, but she occasionally goes on Saturdays during the winter.

Mary often rides a horse at a stable near here home. She sometimes goes after work, but she

usually goes horseback riding on Sundays. She loves music. She always goes to choir practice

on Wednesday evenings and sings in church on Sundays. She doesn't have much extra money,

so she rarely goes to concerts in the city. She seldom watches TV because she likes doing

things outside. She usually goes to the gym if it's raining outside. She isn't often alone

because she has a lot of friends. She occasionally does something alone, but she usually does

her activities with one of her friends. She's a happy woman!

What do you enjoy doing in summer / winter / spring / autumn?

Pagina 13 di 47


I contenuti del capitolo 2 sono i seguenti: attività quotidiane, l’orologio, le stagioni, hobbies,

sport ed interessi personali.

Le note grammaticali trattate sono le seguenti: present simple (tutti i verbi), avverbi di

frequenza ed espressioni di tempo.


1) How ______ do you play tennis?

a) often

b) much

c) long

2) Tom never ________ TV

a) watch

b) wacthes

c) watching

3) What time __________ Tom usually get up?

a) do

b) is

c) does

4) Where ________ you work?

a) are

b) do

c) does

5) I ________ to the cinema. I don’t like it.

a) always

b) usually

c) never

6) Susy __________ the piano very well

a) plays

b) play

c) playes


3.1 What are they doing?

Who is who?

1. He is walking. __________________________

2. She is eating an ice cream.________________

3. They are swimming._____________________

4. They are running._______________________

5. He is taking photos.______________________

6. She is playing the guitar.__________________

What are they doing?

1. Julie___________________________________________

2. Frank and Tom__________________________________

3. Bill and Joe_____________________________________

4. Ed____________________________________________

5. Emily and Susan_________________________________

6. Norman________________________________________

7. Al_____________________________________________

Answer the questions.

1. Is Bill playing tennis?______________________________________________

2. Are Jack and Paul drinking?_________________________________________

3. Is Jane writing a letter?_____________________________________________

4. Is Gary running?__________________________________________________

5. What is Peter doing?_______________________________________________

6. What are Sam and John doing?_______________________________________

7. Is Susan reading?__________________________________________________

8. Are Diana and Steve playing tennis?___________________________________

Pagina 15 di 47

3.2 Clothes

Hat Socks T- shirt Coat Watch Jacket

Shirt Scarf Trainers Dress Shoes Skirt Gloves

Belt Tie Boots Sweater/ Jumper Suit

Plural words

Trousers Jeans Shorts Tights Glasses Sunglasses

Questions time

1. What do you wear in winter?

2. What do you wear in summer?

3. What are your wearing now?

4. What’s your favourite item of clothing?

5. What’s do you usually wear for special occasions?

3.3 The house


Tom’s house is very big. It’s near the sea. There are ten rooms. In the basement, there is the

laundry and the storage room. On the ground floor there is the kitchen and the living room.

There is a big garden, too. Next to the living room there are the toilet and the utility room.

Between the kitchen and the dining room there is a long corridor. Upstairs, there are three

bedrooms, the closet room and the bathroom.

Comprehension check:

1) Where is Tom’s house?

2) How many rooms are there?

3) What rooms are on the ground floor?

4) Is there a garden?

5) Where is the utility room?

6) Where is the corridor/hallway?

7) How many bedrooms are upstairs?

8) Where is the closet room?

3.4 Where is it?

Describe the picture:

Prepositions of place:





Next to


The clock is ________________________________________

The chair is ________________________________________

The table is ________________________________________

The flowers are _______________________________________

The ball is _________________________________________

The lamp is ________________________________________

Pagina 17 di 47

3.5 Picture description

Look at the picture and answer the following questions:

1. Where are these people?



2. Write about the woman on the sofa.



3. What’s the man doing?



4. What’s the girl on the floor doing? What does she look like?



5. What’s the girl sitting in the armchair wearing?




I contenuti del capitolo 3 sono i seguenti: descrizione e collocazione di persone e oggetti,

la casa, i vestiti, i colori.

Le note grammaticali trattate sono le seguenti: present continuous, preposizioni di luogo,

singolare e plurale dei sostantivi, c’è/ ci sono, articoli determinativi ed indeterminativi,

partitivi, aggettivi dimostrativi.


1) What is Tom _______ now?

a) do

b) does

c) doing

2) The chair is ________ to the table

a) next

b) near

c) under

3) I ________ a red dress now.

a) wear

b) am wearing

c) wearing

4) _________ table is dirty

a) these

b) this

c) those

5) There aren’t _________ students in the classroom

a) some

b) no

c) any

6) The children __________ in the garden

a) is playing

b) are playing

c) play

Pagina 19 di 47


4.1 Days of the week

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1. What day is it today?

2. What day is it tomorrow?

3. What days do you have English lessons?

4. What day do you go to church?

5. What day do you like most?

6. What day is your favourite programme on TV?

3. Write the prepositions in, on, at:

1. I get up late _______ Sunday morning

2. I clean my house _______ the afternoon.

3. I have lunch _______ one o’clock.

4. I eat at the restaurant _______ the weekends.

5. I go to the swimming pool ___________ Thursday.

4.2 Months of the year

January February March April May June July August

September October November December

1 How many months are in one year? ____________

2 When is your birthday? ____________

3 What months have the same number of days? ____________

4 Which is the shortest month? ____________

5. When is Christmas? ____________

6. What is your favourite month? Why? ____________

7. When is the Mother’s day? ____________

8. When is Easter? ____________

9. When is your Mum/Dad’s birthday? ____________

10. When is the Patron Saint day in your town? ____________

4.3 The date

Ordinal Numbers

1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th the first the second the third the fourth the fifth the sixth the seventh

8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 20th

the eight the ninth the tenth the eleventh the twelfth the thirteenth the twentieth

21st 22nd 23rd 30th 31st the twenty-first the twenty-second the twenty-third the thirtieth the thirty-first

What’s the date today? It’s 4th October 2008

When were you born? I was born on fifth March, 1990 What was the date yesterday?

It was 3th October 2008.

4.4 Let’s count

Numbers1- 100

Pagina 21 di 47

4.5 English and American Money

£ Pounds 10p = ten p or ten pence £ 1 = a / one pound £ 1.50 = one pound, fifty (pence) £ 5 = five pounds £ 25. 50 = twenty-five pounds, fifty ( pence) $ Dollars

5 ¢ = five cents

$ 1.50 = one dollar and fifty cents $ 5 = five dollars $ 10.50 = ten dollars and fifty cents $ 100 = a / one hundred dollars Note: The singular of ‘pence’ is ‘penny’.

Listen and repeat the prices of the box:

10p 95¢ £476 $ 580 67¢ $1,500

£2,500 £ 140.45 $ 2000 75p $ 65 £670.65

How much is it?

1. 2. 3.

It’s £ 2. 50 It’s £ 1. 89 It’s £ 100

Read the dialogues:

- Hello, how much is this shirt?

- It’s 25 pounds.

- How much is that bag?

- It’s 105 pounds.


I contenuti del capitolo 4 sono i seguenti: i giorni della settimana, i mesi, la data, i numeri

ordinali e cardinali, la moneta inglese ed americana.

Le note grammaticali trattate sono: how much/ how many, preposizioni temporali in/on/at.


1) _______ is it? It’s 5 pounds

a) how many

b) how much

c) where

2) I go to the gym _______ Friday.

a) at

b) in

c) on

3) Today is ________ April.

a) 1st

b) 5

c) 10

4) I was born ____ 15th January 1980

a) in

b) on

c) at

5) Christmas in _______ December

a) in

b) at

c) on

6) I usually go out _____ the weekends.

a) on

b) at

c) in

Pagina 23 di 47

5 TODAY AND YESTERDAY 5.1 Where were you?

Today is …

Yesterday was…

Monday/ Friday/ Sunday…

Today I’m …

Yesterday I was…

At school, at home, at work, at the gym, at the

swimming pool…

Today the weather is…

Yesterday the weather was…

Hot, cold wet, lovely, horrible..

Today my parents are..

Yesterday my parents were..

At work, at home..

1. Complete the sentences with was or were:

1. Where ____ your mother born?

2. When _____ your child born?

3. Where ____ your sister yesterday afternoon?

4. Where ____you yesterday morning?

6. Where ____you on Sunday morning?

7. When ____ the last world soccer


2. Answer the following questions:

1. Where were you yesterday afternoon?

2. Where was your mother yesterday


3.Where were you last night?

4. Where were you the day before


5. Where were you last weekend?


Describe each picture. Where were those people yesterday

Mark and Lucy




Jane and Susan


Learn it!

At the cinema At the theatre At the swimming pool At the gym

At the restaurant At the disco At a friend’s house In bed

at the seaside in the mountains in the country in town

Where were Lucy and

Mark yesterday evening?

They were at the


5.2 Places in town


church coffee shop barber shop hotel hospital bakery gas station bank

furniture store gym pet shop pharmacy restaurant police station post office

5.3 The world of work

What do they do?

engineer dentist teacher butcher chambermaid barber

nurse fishmonger porter hairdresser chef lawyer accountant

vet waiter soldier policeman doctor pilot shop assistant secretary

Where do they work?

office bakery restaurant /pub home dentists fishmongers

airplane hair saloon law court street shop hospital hotel

5.4 Job descriptions


A police officer protects the public and upholds laws.

Police officers wear often a uniform. They direct traffic and respond to emergency calls.

A civil engineer is for designing, constructing, maintaining structures.

Electricians are responsible for installing, repairing, and maintaining electrical systems.

A general practitioner is a medical doctor that treats many different problems and is usually

the first doctor you might see when you get sick.

Sales representatives are people who represent a company A sales representative informs

customers about the product, takes orders, and sells products.

Real estate agents help people who are looking to buy or sell homes or property.

He can also act as an intermediary in price negotiations between buyers and sellers.

Real estate agents receive a commission on properties bought and sold.

Nurses work in a hospital and wear a uniform. They work during the day or at night

Lawyers help people with legal problems.

Pagina 25 di 47

5.5 The weather


Work in pairs. Ask and answer about the weather in these cities.

London New York Rome

Paris Mexico City Vienna

What’s the weather like in these cities?

Cloudy sunny rainy stormy hot cold windy foggy

Work in pairs. Ask and answer.

What’s the weather like in your town?

Question time

1.What’s the weather like today? _________________________________

2. What was the weather like yesterday? ____________________________

3. What was the weather like last weekend? _________________________

4. Which city is hotter, Amsterdam or Rome?________________________

5. Which city is colder Moscow or Berlin?___________________________

6. Which country is wetter Germany or Tunisian?______________________

7. Is your country hotter or colder than Britain?________________________

8: Is your country wetter or drier than Britain?_________________________

What’s the weather in


It’s freezing.

What’s the weather like in your country?

It’s sunny. It’s very hot in summer and

not very cold in winter.


I contenuti del capitolo 5 sono i seguenti: il tempo atmosferico, i mestieri, edifici pubblici ed

attività commerciali in città.

Le note grammaticali trattate sono le seguenti: past simple del verb to be, preposizioni di stato

in luogo.


1) _______ the weather like yesterday?

a) How was

b) What is

c) What was

2) Last weekend it ________ very hot.

a) were

b) is

c) was

3) Last Saturday Susy and Tom ________ at the restaurant.

a) were

b) are

c) was

4) Where ______ you yesterday afternoon?

a) go

b) was

c) were

5) Yesterday I was sick. I was _________ bed all day.

a) on

b) in

c) at

6) I _______ at school yesterday. It was holiday!

a) was

b) wasn’t

c) am not

Pagina 27 di 47

6 LET’S EAT 6.1 Meals


Milk, coffee, biscuits, cereals,

jam, butter, toasts, yoghurt

Lunch/ Dinner:

Meat, fish, potatoes, tomatoes,

salad, pasta, vegetables, fruit,

cheese, bread, French fries, soup

Questions time

1. What do you usually have for breakfast?

2. What do you usually have for lunch?

3. What’s your favourite food?

4. What’s the traditional dish in your city?

6.2 Uncountable nouns

cheese butter sugar salt jam bread pepper honey rice milk

Complete the questions using much or many:

1. How _______ milk is there in the fridge?

2. How _______ eggs are there in the cupboard?

3. _____ ________ apples do you want?

4. How ________ water ____ there in the fridge?

5. ____ ________ carrots _____ ______ in the cupboard?

6.3 Cooking

Read the dialogue (At a friend's house)

Carol: This is a lovely house!

Martha: Thank you. Carol, we call it home.

Carol: It's very close to work, isn't it?

Martha: Yes, it is. I always walk to work - even when it rains!

Carol: I usually take the bus. It takes so long!

Martha: How long does it take?

Carol: Oh, it takes about 20 minutes.

Martha: That is a long time. Well, have some cake.

Carol: (taking a bite of some cake) this is delicious! Do you bake all of your own cakes?

Martha: Yes, I usually bake something at the weekend. I like having sweets in the house.

Carol: You're a wonderful cook!

Martha: Thank you, it's nothing really.

Carol: I never cook. I'm just hopeless. My husband, David, usually does all the cooking.

Martha: Do you often go out to eat?

Carol: Yes, when he doesn't have time to cook, we go out to eat somewhere.

Martha: There are some wonderful restaurants in the city.

Carol: Too many! You can eat at a different restaurant every day. Monday - Chinese,

Tuesday - Italian, Wednesday - Mexican, on and on ...

Pagina 29 di 47

6.4 Ordering a meal

Read the dialogue ( at the restaurant)

Waiter: Hi. How are you doing this afternoon?

You: Fine, thank you. Can I see a menu, please?

Waiter: Certainly, here you are.

You: Thank you. What's today's special?

Waiter: Grilled tuna and cheese on rye.

You: That sounds good. I'll have that.

Waiter: Would you like something to drink?

You: Yes, I'd like a coke.

Waiter: Thank you. (returning with the food)

Here you are. Enjoy your meal!

You: Thank you.

Waiter: Would you like something else?

You: No thanks. I'd like the bill, please.

Waiter: That'll be $6.75.

You: Here you are. Keep the change!

Waiter: Thank you! Have a good day!

You: Bye.

Menu of the Day

∞∞ Starters ∞∞

Smoked salmon

Caesar salad

∞∞ Main Course ∞∞

Breast of chicken

Grilled steak

Baked lamb with spinach

∞∞ Drinks ∞∞


Red/White Wine

Fizzy/Still natural Water

∞∞ Desserts ∞∞

Apple pie

Chocolate mousse

Strawberry cake

Ice - cream

6.5 British meals


Some people have their biggest meal in the middle of the day and some have it in the evening,

but most people today have a small mid-day meal - usually sandwiches, and perhaps some

crisps and some fruit.

We have three main meals a day:

Breakfast - between 7:00 and 9:00,

Lunch - between 12:00 and 1:30 p.m.

Dinner (sometimes called Supper) - The main meal. Eaten anytime between 6:30 and 8:00

p.m. (Evening meal)

What is a typical English Breakfast?

Most people around the world seem to think a typical English breakfast consists of eggs,

bacon, sausages, fried bread, mushrooms and baked beans all washed down with a cup of

coffee. Now-a-days, however, a typical English breakfast is more likely to be a bowl of

cereals, a slice of toast, orange juice and a cup of coffee. Many people, especially children,

in England eat a bowl of cereal.

What is a typical British lunch?

Many children at school and adults at work will have a 'packed lunch'. This typically consists

of a sandwich, a packet of crisps, a piece of fruit and a drink. The 'packed lunch' is kept in a

plastic container.

What is a typical British Dinner like today?

The traditional meal is rarely eaten nowadays, apart from on Sundays. A recent survey found

that most people in Britain eat curry! Rice or pasta dishes are now very popular. Vegetables

like potatoes, carrots, peas, cabbages and onions, are very popular.

Sunday lunch

Sunday lunch time is a typical time to eat the traditional Sunday Roast. Traditionally it

consists of roast meat, (cooked in the oven for about two hours), two different kinds of

vegetables and potatoes with a Yorkshire pudding. The most common joints are beef, lamb or

pork; chicken is also popular.

Pagina 31 di 47


Il capitolo 6 presenta un unico argomento centrale: il cibo. Sono descritte le varie categorie

dei generi alimentari ed i vari pasti giornalieri. E’ presente una lettura descrittiva sulle

abitudini alimentari del Regno Unito. Un dialogo mette in evidenza le tipiche espressioni da

utilizzare al ristorante

Le note grammaticali trattate sono: il verbo ‘like’ (presente e condizionale); i sostantivi

numerabili e non numerabili, la regola di molto ( a lot of/ much/ many)


1) What’s your favourite food? I _______ pasta.

a) don’t like

b) like

c) hate

2) Susy likes meat but she ________ fish.

a) don’t like

b) love

c) doesn’t like

3) For breakfast I usually have milk and a ________ of cereals.

a) cup

b) bowl

c) plate

4) __________ you like something to drink

a) do

b) would

c) what

5) There isn’t ________ sugar.

a) a lot of

b) many

c) much

6) There aren’t _________ apples.

a) many

b) a lot of

c) much


7.1 Where did you go? Types of holiday

safari beach holiday camping holiday

cruise adventure holiday sightseeing tour

Personal Questionnaire

1. Describe your best and worst holiday. __________________________________________



2: What kind of accommodation do you like most?

(a) five star hotel (b) budget hotel (c) host family

(d) bed & breakfast (e) cottage (f) cruise

(g) hostel (k) tent

3. Which form of accommodation did you have on your last holiday?

Was it comfortable? _______________________________________________________

4: What are your favourite holiday activities? ______________________________________


5: Some friends want to visit your country. Help them plan their trip!

Examples: accommodation, cuisine, shopping, sightseeing…………

Kind of accommodation:

- tent

- five – star hotel

- caravan

- bed and breakfast

friends’/family home

- youth hostel

- guest – house


- great - terrible

- fantastic - disappointing

- wonderful - awful

- exiting - horrible

- lovely - boring

- excellent - unpleasant

- interesting - dreadful

- amazing - horrendous

- unforgettable

Pagina 33 di 47

7.2 Holiday experiences

Three people are talking about their holiday.

Steven: I came back from Ibiza yesterday. We were there for two weeks. It was an amazing

holiday! We stayed in a four – star hotel with a lovely pool. We enjoyed swimming and

diving every morning. We walked to the beach in the afternoon.

We sunbathed and got an enviable suntan. Sometimes we played beach volleyball.

At night we enjoyed dancing on the beach. The music was superb.

Maggie: Last year my friends and I went camping in the Alps. It was terrible! It rained and

snowed every day. I remember that one night the tent blew over because of the strong wind.

We got soaking wet. We were so tired and disappointed that we decided to leave the camping

before the scheduled time.

Mike: Last summer my girlfriend and I went to London. It was an unforgettable holiday!

We really had a great time there. We stayed in a plain but comfortable youth hostel.

We did a lot of sightseeing. We visited some museums and monuments, Westminster Abbey,

and all the fascinating places. The nightlife there was fantastic. All the discos and pubs are

open all night. We took lots of pictures and bought nice gifts.

Read the texts and fill in the gap.

Where How Long When




Question time

1. Where did you go in your last holiday?

2. When did you go?

3. Who did you go with?

4. What did you do?

5. Did you enjoy it?

7.3 My best holiday


My first visit to London was one and a half years ago. I went there by plane. The flight was

two and a half hours. I stayed in a guest house where I met a lot of people from different

countries. It was a wonderful trip. I stayed in the city for three weeks, and I was very

impressed. I'd like to tell you about some of the places I visited in this beautiful city.

When I dreamed of seeing London in the past, I always wanted to see the Tower Bridge and

the famous Big Ben clock. I visited these places, and I went on a tourist boat on the River

Thames. First, I went to the Tower of London, and I want to say that it is a very interesting

historical place. I found out that a long time ago, it was a prison. Later it became a castle for

the royal family but later they left this place, and lived in Buckingham Palace and Kensington

Palace. I also enjoyed visiting the House of Parliament and Westminster Abbey, two very

popular places for tourists. They are very old and beautiful. The Abbey is built in a kind of

Gothic style; it is fantastic. In London, you can also enjoy nature. There are many parks such

as Regent's Park, Hyde Park, Green Park and St. James Park. These parks are wonderful

green, quiet places where you can relax and escape the noise of the city. Trafalgar Square is a

popular place for students and other young people. You will find lots of pigeons there. If you

have time, you can feed them and they will be very happy. You can buy special food for them,

but be careful! Tons of birds are going to surround you if you feed them.

Another very special place in London that I like is St. Paul's Cathedral which was designed by

Sir Christopher Wren. I was also impressed with the museums in London. They're very

popular. I found them interesting because you can learn about the history of England. I had a

wonderful time in London. I really liked it because it is a city that is rich in art and history.

Julie Comprehension check

1) When did she go to London? ________________________________________

2) How long did she stay? ________________________________________

3) How did she travel? ________________________________________

4) How long did the flight take? ________________________________________

5) Where did she stay? ________________________________________

6) What did she visit? ________________________________________

7) What did she see? ________________________________________

8) Did she have a great time there? ________________________________________

Pagina 35 di 47

7.4 My Last weekend

Read the following discussion

Robert: Hi Alice, what did you do last weekend?

Alice: I did a lot of things. On Saturday, I went shopping.

Robert: What did you buy?

Alice: I bought some new clothes. I also played tennis.

Robert: Who did you play with?

Alice: I played with Tom.

Robert: Did you win?

Alice: Of course I won!

Robert: What did you do after your tennis match?

Alice: Well, I went home and took a shower and then went out.

Robert: Did you eat in a restaurant?

Alice: Yes, my friend Jacky and I ate at 'The Good Fork'

Robert: Did you enjoy your dinner?

Alice: Yes, we enjoyed our dinner very much thank you. We also drank some

wonderful wine!

Robert: Unfortunately, I didn't go out this weekend. I didn't eat in a restaurant and I

didn't play tennis.

Alice: What did you do?

Robert: I stayed home and studied for my test!

Alice: Poor you!

Answer the questions:

1. What did Alice buy?

2. Who did she play tennis with?

3. Who won the tennis match?

4. What did Alice do after the match?

5. Where did Alice eat on Saturday?

6. Did Robert go out at the weekend?

7.5 Famous people


1. Nadir Alfonso Rodrigues

Nadir Alfonso Rodrigues was born in a small town in Portugal. He did his first painting when

he was four years old. He painted a picture on a wall at home!

When he was eighteen, Nadir went to study at the School of Fine Arts in Porto.

After graduating, he went to live in Paris where he became a successful artist.

Answer the questions:

1. Where was Nadir born?

2. What age did he do his first painting?

3. When did he go to the School of Fine Arts?

4. Where did he go after graduating?

2. Complete the text with the verbs in brackets

Who is the world’s greatest basketball player?

He ….. (to be) born in 1963 in the USA. At school he …. ( to be) good at football, baseball

and basketball. He is 1.98m tall. He …………(play)in two summer Olympics. Of course, the

team …….. (win) gold medals both times. There is a famous brand of trainers named after

him. Do you know who he is?

Agatha Christie

Agatha Christie _____ (to be) born on 15th September 1890. She _______(to go) to school

because her mother wanted to teach her at home. She ________ (take) piano lessons and

learnt singing in Paris. She __________ (get married) in 1914 to a pilot and they ______ (to

have) one daughter. During the first World War, she _________(to work) as a nurse and she

________ (to begin) to write her first detective stories. In the hospital, she ________ (to

learn) a lot about drugs and poisons and she ________ (to use) this information in her novels.

She ____________ (to publish) her first novel in 1920. The book soon _____________(to

become) a best-seller. Then she _______________ (get divorced). In 1928, she mysteriously

________________ (to disappear). The police _________ (to find) her two weeks later

suffering from amnesia. She __________ (can/not) remember anything.

Pagina 37 di 47


Il capitolo 7 si focalizza sulla descrizione degli eventi passati. I contenuti sono:

le vacanze, luoghi ed attrazioni turistiche ed autobiografie di persone famose.

Le nota grammaticale trattata è il past simple dei verbi regolari ed irregolari.


1) ______ you go to school yesterday?

a) did

b) do

c) when

2) She _________ go to work last week

a) doesn’t

b) didn’t

c) do

3) She ___________ married in 1992.

a) gets

b) get

c) got

4) Yesterday I ________ Susy

a) meets

b) met

c) meet

5) Last Saturday I _______ a jacket.

a) bought

b) buy

c) buyed

6) I ________ a lot yesterday

a) studyed

b) studied

c) study

8 FUTURE EVENTS 8.1 Letter to a friend

Read the letter and answer the questions:

26th May 2010

Dear Mike,

How are you? I was very busy at work last week. I really need to take a break next

weekend! On Friday night I am having a party. I invited all my friends! On Saturday

morning I am riding my bike in the park and I am having a picnic with my friends. In the

afternoon I am cleaning my house and then I am going shopping. Shops are on sale so I

am buying some clothes. In the evening I am having dinner with my grandparents at the

restaurant. They are celebrating their 50th anniversary! On Sunday morning I am seeing a

football match. My favourite team is playing at 11 o’clock. In the afternoon I am staying

home to relax myself. In the evening I ’m meeting Kevin and Susan for dinner. They are

leaving on Monday. They are going to Florida for their honeymoon! What are you doing

next weekend?

Writhe me soon!



8.2 On the phone

Read the Dialogue

...I`m sitting in my room, it`s Sunday afternoon and it`s so boring so I call my best friend...

Me: Hello, what are you doing?

My friend: Oh, hello, nothing. I´m sitting in my room. And I feel so bored.

Me: Me too. And it´s raining all the time.

My friend: Yes. Would you like to come to me?

My: Yes. Why not! I´ll come in 15 minutes

Pagina 39 di 47

8.3 Horoscopes


Aquarius – You will be lucky in love this month! You will meet somebody new and

you will start a new relationship. Your luckiest events this month will occur on a


Libra - Remain calm and you'll shine. Do not reveal personal information to those

you feel may be untrustworthy. Your luckiest events this month will occur on a


Capricorn – You will have to be very careful with money this month. You won’t be

able to buy any new clothes. However, you will get a nice surprise at the end of the

month. Your luckiest events this month will occur on a Saturday.

Pisces – You will have a very busy social life this month! Your friends will arrange a

surprise for you! Friday will be your lucky day!

Aries – You will make some some physical changes, such as new hair colour or

toning up your body. Your luckiest events this month will occur on a Thursday.

Cancer –This will be a great month for travel! You will win a holiday. You will meet

some old friends. Your luckiest events this month will occur on a Thursday.

Gemini – You will get into some activities that will help you in making new friends.

Your luckiest events this month will occur on a Wednesday.

Taurus – You won’t have a very good month at work. Your boss will give you some

bad news, but don’t worry, you won’t lose your job. Work hard and next month will

be better. Your luckiest events this month will occur on a Saturday.

Leo - Try not to let relatives or friends cause any friction with your partner. You will

do extremely well if you get involved in competitive activities this month.

Your luckiest events this month will occur on a Tuesday.

Virgo – You will face difficult situations but you will find a way to go over. You will

learn something new! Your lucky day will be Friday!

Scorpio – You will come into contact with a person who is especially influential in

your life. Your lucky day will be Monday!

Sagittarius – You will be more tired than usual but you will find all your energy by

the weekend! Your lucky day will be Sunday!

8.4 Travelling

Booking a flight

A: I'd like to book a flight to Tokyo


B: Which airline would you like to use?

A: Which is the cheapest?

B: When do you want to travel?

A: Next week, the 15th.

B: Would you like a return ticket?

A: Yes, I'm coming back on the 30th.

B: Let me see....... ABC costs £299.00,

but you have to transfer at Hong


XYZ is the cheapest direct flight at


A: How long does the ABC flight take?

B: Total time is 15 hours, XYZ takes 11


A: I may as well go with XYZ then.

At the check-in desk

C: Good morning, may I have your ticket


D: Certainly. Can I take this as hand


C: Yes, that'll be fine.

D: And can I have an aisle seat in the

smoking section?

C: I'm afraid this is a non-smoking flight

sir. But you can have an aisle seat.

Here's your boarding pass. Have a nice


D: Thank you.

At passport control

E: May I see your passport please?

F: Here you are.

E: What is the purpose of your visit?

F: I'm on business.

E: How long will you be staying?

F: Fifteen days.

E: Thank you very much. Enjoy your


At customs

G: Do you have anything to declare, sir?

H: Just some cigarettes.

G: How many cigarettes do you have?

H: I have 20 packets.


I'm afraid you're only allowed 280

cigarettes. You'll have to pay duty on

the rest.

H: Oh! How much is it?

G: It's £12.00 plus V.A.T. A total of


H: Here you are.

Pagina 41 di 47

8.4 Planning a party

Read the dialogue

(two neighbours talking)

Martha:...What horrible weather today. I'd love to go out, but I think it will just continue


Jane: Oh, I don't know. Perhaps the sun will come out later this afternoon.

Martha: I hope you're right. Listen, I'm going to have a party this Saturday. Would you like

to come?

Jane: Oh, I'd love to come. Thank you for inviting me. Who's going to come to the party?

Martha: Well, a number of people haven't told me yet. But, Peter and Mark are going to help

out with the cooking!

Jane: Hey, I'll help, too!

Martha: Would you? That would be great!

Jane: I'll make lasagna!

Martha: That sounds delicious! I know my Italian cousins are going to be there. I'm sure

they'll love it.

Jane: Italians? Maybe I'll bake a cake...

Martha: No, no. They're not like that. They'll love it.

Jane: Well, if you say so... Is there going be a theme for the party?

Martha: No, I don't think so. Just a chance to get together and have fun.

Jane: I'm sure it'll be lots of fun.

Martha: But I'm going to hire a clown!

Jane: A clown! You're kidding me.

Martha: No, no. As I child, I always wanted a clown. Now, I'm going to have my clown at

my own party.

Jane: I'm sure everyone will have a good laugh.

Martha: That's the plan!


Il capitolo 8 si focalizza sulla descrizione degli eventi futuri. I contenuti sono:

programmazione di eventi, l’oroscopo, situazioni all’aeroporto.

Le nota grammaticale trattata è il futuro.


1) ‘It’s hot!’. –‘ I _____ the window’.

a) will open

b) going to open

c) go to open

2) I ________ Paul tomorrow at 5

a) will meet

b) am meeting

c) meet

3) Next month I ___________ my cousin in Rome.

a) visit

b) am going to visit

c) will visit

4) ‘The bag is very heavy’! - Don’t worry! ‘ I ______ it’!

a) go to take

b) will take

c) going to take

5) She ____________ back tomorrow at 7.

a) comes

b) will come

c) is coming

6) I think it ______ tomorrow!

a) will rain

b) rain

c) rains

Pagina 43 di 47


9.1 Expressing abilities

1. Complete these sentences with ‘can’ followed by one of the verbs below.

play run sing fly jump swim ride write cook speak drive dance use

Today all the students __________ the computer very well.

Julia and Kim ___________ quite well. They sing in a band.

Jane ___________ books and novels. She is a writer.

Sam ___________ the piano. He does lots of concerts.

We __________ Latin- American music.

Dolphins _________ between 40 and 60 kilometres an hour.

He ___________ very well. He is an excellent chef.

Susan _____________ vey well, although she is only 3!

Mike ______________ very fast. He is a very good athlete.

Eagles _________ to an altitude of 10000 feet.

_________________ a car? No, but ____________ a bike.

___________ Spanish? No, but ____________ English.

Monkeys _____________ from trees to trees.

2. Tim wants to work in a bank. Mary asks him what he can and cannot do.

See if you can think of any more skills he needs!

What Tim can do What Tim can’t do

Use a PC Type financial documents

Drive a car Ride a bike

Speak English Speak Japanese

Make important decisions Write long letters

Work in a team Talk to public

Listen to costumers’problems Speak loud

Stay calm and not panic Translate English texts

Share ideas with the other collegues Write English properly

9.2 A Busy Day

(two friends speaking in a park when they meet each other jogging)

Lucy: Hi, Katherine, how are you today?

Kate: I'm great and you?

Lucy: Very busy! I'm jogging now, but later I have to do a lot!

Kate: What do you have to do?

Lucy: Well, first of all, I have to do the shopping. We don't have anything to eat at home.

Kate: ... and then?

Lucy: Little Johnny has a basketball game this afternoon. I'm driving him to the game.

Kate: Oh, how is his team doing?

Lucy: They're doing very well. Next week, they're travelling to Toronto for a tournament.

Kate: That's impressive.

Lucy: Well, Johnny likes playing basketball. What are you doing today?

Kate: I'm meeting some friends for lunch; I don't have much to do today.

Lucy: You're so lucky!

Kate: No, you're the lucky one. I'd like to have so many things to do

9.3 Rules

At a TV studio

Tom: SSh!

Mary: What?

Tom: You mustn’t talk. Look it says ‘silence’

Mary: Sorry!

Tom: It’s ok but you must be careful. There are a lot of rules here at YTC studio.

Mary: Yes, you’re right. Let’s go in here.

Tom: No, we mustn’t go in there. It says: ‘ No entry’.

Mary: But I want to see where they do the filming. What are you doing Tom?

Tom: I’m eating a sandwich.

Mary: But you can’t.

Tom: Oh well, I’ll eat it later. I’ll phone Laura and tell her we’re here.

Mary: What? Look at the sign you mustn’t use mobile phones.

Tom: That’s right!

Pagina 45 di 47

9.4 Giving advice

If it´s rainy you should take an umbrella.

Children should eat lots of vegetables but they shouldn’t eat lots of sweets.

The doctor said: "_ You should eat healthy food. You shouldn’t eat fast food.

You shouldn’t watch so much TV. You should walk 1 hour a day. You should drink fruit

juice and water. You shouldn’t drink wine or beer.

I have got headache - You should take an aspirin.

You should learn English. It’s useful, especially when you travel.

You should visit London. It’s a beautiful city.

You should brush your teeth after every meal.

You shouldn’t smoke. It’s bad for your health.

You should do more exercise. It’s good for your body.

You should relax. You need a break.

You shouldn’t waste your time.

You shouldn’t spend too much money in clothes.

You shouldn’t spend so much time in front of the TV.

9.5 Giving Directions

Read the dialogues:

A: Excuse me. Is there a post office near here?

B. Yes. There's a post office on the corner.

A: Thank you.

B:You're welcome.

A. Excuse me. Is there a bank near here?

B. Yes. There's one near here.

A. How do I get there?

B. At the traffic lights, take the first right and go straight on. It's on the right.

A: Is it far?

B: Not really.

A: Thank you.

B: Don't mention it.

SINTESI CAPITOLO 9 I contenuti del capitolo 9 sono i seguenti: richieste ed offerte, obblighi e proibizioni, consigli

e pareri personali, le abilità, le direzioni.

Le note grammaticali trattate sono le seguenti: verbi modali must, have to, can, could.

1) Nurses _________ wear uniforms at work.

a) must

b) have to

c) can

2) I can dance but I ___________ sing.

a) couldn’t

b) can’t

c) mustn’t

3) You ___________ smoke in the classroom.

a) mustn’t

b) have to

c) must

4) ___________ I have the salt , please?

a) must

b) could

c) have

5) ‘ I feel tired’ – ‘You _______ go to bed’.

a) must

b) can

c) should

6) I ______ study. Tomorrow I have an exam at university.

a) must

b) should

c) could

Pagina 47 di 47


English file elementary – Oxford University press

English file pre-intermediate- Oxford University press

Headway Elementary- Oxford University press

Horizon – Oxford University Press

Success in Trinity - Francesca Bicchieri
