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Book Summary

Title: The tragedy of Dr FaustusAuthor: Christopher MarloweYear of Publication: 1590Plot: When Faustus was a boy was so intelligent and ambitious that he was sent to the University at Wittenberg where he became "Dr" Faustus and soon knew everything about law, medicine and logic; but he was not satisfied of his knowledge. So Faustus decided he wanted to study black magic, he invited two of his friends who knew about black magic and they gave him a book of spells. After their left he drew a circle and other signs on the floor and evoked a devil by cursing God, he was Mephistopheles.After his coming he explained Faustus that Lucifer and all the other devils were angels but, because of pride, they had rebelled against God and were then thrown out of heaven. After these explanations Faustus told Mephistopheles that wanted to make an agreement with Lucifer: For twenty-four years Mephistopheles would serve him and then, after this period, Faustus's soul would belong to Lucifer. The devil went to his chief to ask about the contract and during his absence two angels appeared to Faustus. The good one told Faustus not to continue with black magic but the bad angel told him to go forward because he would soon be rich and famous. Faustus preferred to go on, then Mephistopheles returned and told him that Lucifer had said yes but Faustus had to sign a document with his own blood.During the following days Faustus enjoyed the agreement, he asked Mephistopheles about hell: he explained that hell is everywhere people suffer but Faustus said that hell was just a fable. The doctor then asked for a wife but Mephistopheles told him not to think on wives because he would bring him all the beautiful women he wanted.So, Faustus's first days were wonderful, sometimes he was unhappy and san about his new and powerful life but he didn't repent and stayed with Mephistopheles who brought him the Seven Deadly Sins.After that they made a tour of the universe and also went to Rome where, appeared in the form of cardinals, freed the prisoner Pope Bruno (just imprisoned by Pope Adrian) from jails. They went to the emperor Charles V and Faustus performed many tricks for him, such as making Alexander the Great appear. Faustus also played trick on one of the Emperor's knights: Benvolio who became furious and tried to seek revenge on Faustus by trying to kill him. He cut off Faustus's head but Faustus, who couldn't dead during this twenty-four years, stood up without a head in front of them. Faustus then continued playing tricks on people, he tricked a poor horse-dealer by selling him a horse that turned into straw when it rode over water and then became the court wizard of a duke and duchess. But the twenty-four-year period was coming to an end and Faustus became sad, he returned to Wittenberg where he performed magic tricks for his scholars but he couldn't forget that he must soon die and go to hell. An old man appeared to Faustus and told him to repent, it seemed still possible but he was a victim of the worst sin of all: despair. He didn't repent and passed his last night with Helen of Troy. The following night, the period of the agreement was finally finished, he was with some scholars who around midnight left Faustus and waited outside his study, praying for his soul. As the clock stroke midnight, Faustus called God for

help. He asked God to condemn him for a hundred thousand but then to save him but it was too late. Lucifer and his devils entered the study and a few hours later, the scholars entered the study and found Faustus's body torn by pieces.Evaluation: A book that deals with the thirst for ambition, that still nowadays can destroy even the most respectable man. I think that ambition is a double-edged sword, it can bring men right to their aims but can also be a very dangerous feeling.
