Bogers General Analysis - - … being devoted...


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Introduction to Boger´s General Analysis and Card

Index Repertory by L.D. Dhawale


Boger's General Analysis is now available in the sixth

edition and it has been used as a basis for the third

edition of his Card Index Repertory. He avers that his

Card Index will come nearer to doing one's own

thinking for oneself than anything else one has ever

done. He says

"lt comes nearer being a thinking machine than anything

else and it is built on the thinking machine system, as all

the punch card systems are the calculating machines. lt

will add a column of figures quicker than you can do it,

and this is on exactly the same principle." (Gr32)

The Card Index Repertory consists of 339 cards, one

card being devoted to each rubric in the General

Analysis wherein fewer rubrics are used and more stress

is put on pathological generals which are rather

pathological conditions, e.g., Bluish, Convulsive,

Cough, Haemorrhage, etc., than disease diagnosis.

Other examples of pathological generals in this book

are: Albuminous discharges, Dryness, Raw- ness, Warts

(a general term which includes condyIomata, fungoid

growths, polypi, etc.) etc.,-when either of these

pathological conditions is found in three or more parts

or organs of the patient. In the Boger method these

pathological generals are most important because they

represent the tendency of the whole constitution or life

time effects in the anatomical sphere wherein a

symptom occurs.



Rubrics for prominent mental conditions are also

included in the General Analysis, eg, Anger, Fearsome,

Excitement, Sadness, etc. Any of these mental

conditions in the patient will have to be determined by

the alert and accurate physician having a sound

knowledge of logic and psychology.

"Right conclusions and effective treatment often depend

more upon the physician's own observations and

directions, than upon anything that others and even the

patient are able to tell them."

A number of detached facts have to be brought together

and through the inductive process the mental states have

to be generalized.

"Because the mental state, conscious and subconscious,

is revealed by the general behaviour, the conversation,

the expression of the countenance, the desires and

aversions and the manner of sleeping, as well as by the

voluntary verbal expressions."

All such facts of the case have to be gathered, their

causes, origins and durations have to be determined,

their modalities have to be noted and their mutual

relations have to be established. Moreover, the patient

rarely likes to be associated with the presence of a

morbid mental condition. Generalizing the mental states

thus becomes a most difficult task tor a physician.

However, once generalized, the mental rubrics indicate

the patient's state of mind, his moods, his passions, his

fears, etc., - and hence the man and not any of his Parts

or Organs. When characteristically present, they take

the most important part in the final generalization and

completion of the totality upon which the prescription of

the simillimum is based.



In Kent's method no special attention is paid to

pathology. His scheme of the order of importance of

symptoms, as given by Dr. Margaret Tyler, is as


Generals (Those general to the patient as a whole):

(1) Mental symptoms - symptoms referable to will,

understanding and memory. (If very definite and well


(2) Physical generals. Reaction as a whole to bodily

environment, e.g., to time and seasons, heat and cold,

damp and dry, storm and tempest, position, pressure,

motion, jar, tauch, etc.

(3) Cravings and aversions, not mere likes and dislikes,

but longings and loathings

(4) Menstrual state (in women). General aggravations,

before, during and after the menses. Of lower rank:

Early, late and excessive, (only where there is nothing,

such as a polypus, fibroid or menopause, to account for


Particulars (Those particular, not to the patient as a

whole, but to some part of him):

(1) First Grade. Symptoms which are peculiar, unusual,

unexpected, unaccountable.

(2) Common Symptoms.

In this (Kent) method the physician first selects out-

standing mentals, grading them in the order specified



above and combines them, in the process of

repertorization, with the physical generals, to evolve a

working basis for the selection of a chronic remedy. The

first few remedies at the top are then ranked with the

particulars in the case record to see how they cover

these. In this method as well as in that of Boger, one

proceeds at this stage from ge-nerals to particulars.

However, some of the particular symptoms have to be

excluded if they cannot be logically related to the case.

Such symptoms are called "accidental symptoms" and

they are not al-lowed to influence the choice of the

remedy, because, "a prescription can only be made upon

those symptoms which have their counterpart or similar

in the materia medica."

Nothing in particulars can contradict or contraindicate

strongly marked generals; at the same time strong

particulars must not be neglected on account of one or

even more weak generals.

Eventually, the apparently indicated few remedies are

studied in the materia medica with a view to select the

most similar remedy.

All remedies in the General Analysis are printed on

each card, and the most important remedies indicated

for the rubric which is printed on the upper left of the

card, are perforated. To make up the totality of

symptoms in any particular case, the various cards

representing the conditions which are characteristically

present in the patient, are picked up and placed in

apposition. When seen against a strong light, one gets a

clear vision of a small number of indicated remedies.

The final decision in favour of a simillimum rests upon

the reference to the materia medica and other suitable




Boger says:

"lt is usual to run the remedy down to four or five

remedies and then look the case up in the materia

medica. My own experience has been that I rarely pick

out the remedy with the highest grade showing through

the cards. That is rarely the indicated remedy. Generally

it is the one that comes second or third in the list and

then if there is still some doubt after consulting the

materia medica, and some cases are hard to run down. I

had one the other day, I had to think over a day or two

before I could reach a conclusion as to the remedy I

could give - l use Gross' Comparative Materia Medica

to finish the job. I mean to say you can't always run

down the remedy out of the materia medica; you have to

use your repertories and books on comparative materia

medica to finish the job." (Gr32)

He throws further light on difficulties in consulting the

materia medica for particulars or discrete symptoms:

"Suppose you have a symptom of the abdomen in which

the patient also has pressure on top of the head. You

won´t find the pressure on top of the head under the

rubric "Head"at all (in Materia Medica Pura). lt is a

concomitant under "Abdomen" and yet that "pressure on

top ot the head" is the leading symptom for that case. lt

has the greatest importance in the whole case tor that

particular case" (Gr32)

(because it is a concomitant symptom for the chief

trouble ot the patient.)

"lf you are going to pick up the materia medica and hunt

for "pressure on top of head" for your remedy (Nat-m.),



you will never find it because it is in some other

section." (Gr32)

In the Materia Medica Pura, "you will frequently find

the location of a symptom entirely out of joint so to

speak." (Gr32)

Prior to the construction of this Card Index Repertory,

Boger had found that he could not use with advantage

the then current card indices. He found them too

cumbersome, too hard to handle and too large. He

therefore slowly worked out one to suit himself, and, to

quote Boger

"later transferred it to punched cards to insure greater

facility in use. The continued use of these cards slowly

evolved a system which depends upon a threefold

classification of symptoms: first, fundamental,

constitutional or life-time effects; second, the present

display which is a fresh or acute outburst of the deeper-

lying tendencies and third, the modalities... Its basis is

essentially that of the philosophy of Organon." (Gr32)

"Boenninghausen originally followed the regional-

general continual method as found in the Pocket Book;

in his later life he picked out the essentials, found their

concomitants and conditions and added the weight of

clinical confirmation. All this is very plain in his

Aphorisms of Hippocrates published shortly before bis

death." (Gr32)

To quote Boger again:

"We have Hahnemann's fundamental or central idea that

the further a given symptom seems removed from the

ordinary course of disease, the greater is its therapeutic



value. When we collect all of the symptoms of a given

syndrome it is not always easy to pick out the central

one around which all the others revolve and even having

once done so, it is no easier to find it within the scope of

some proving along with the most of the others

required. The method necessitates circumspection, as

well as acumen. The reverse method compiles all of the

symptoms, laying stress on their numerical majority, but

really rests its case on the finer differentiations. This is

extremely laborious and often impracticable for many

reasons. In my card system I have taken a middle

ground by finding the anatomical sphere wherein a

symptom. arises or occurs, modifying this by the

modalities first, and then reducing the number of

remaining remedies by noting the discrete (particular)

symptom as found in Kent. This soon reduces the drugs

to a smaller number, when the mental outlook as given

in the pathogenesis will decide."(ltalics ours). (Dha)

This is evidently an injunction not to open the case with

a mental symptom. Herein the Boger method again

markedly differs from the Kent method in which the

case is opened with mentals if marked.

Dr. Stuart Close also writes in "The Genius of


"Mental symptoms, when they appear in the record of a

case, are always of the highest rank as material for the

final generalization and completion of the totality upon

which the prescription is based."

Boenninghausen, too, does not appear to have any time

attached the greatest importance to a mental symptom.

While writing about modalities he observes :



"All of these indications are so trustworthy, and have

been verified by such manifold experiences, that hardly

any others can equal them in rank-to say nothing of

surpassing them" (Italics ours).

In the Boger method which closely follows that of

Boenninghausen, it is therefore apparent that mentals do

not take the first place in the opening of a case.

No doubt

"there are certain mental states, stable and ingrained in

the vital habit or constitution which are very strong. But

these are comparatively few and not as often



"although highly significant and attracting to the choice,

correct or incorrect, are not as dependable as guides

against a wrong choice as the great physical generals."

"With some exceptions, the symptoms showing the

patient's reaction to those influences which condition

physical existence, such as temperatore, humidity,

variation of functions and sensations arising therefrom,

such as activity, rest, time etc., are most dependable to

safeguard the choice."

"The sympathetic system never being the source of life,

its symptoms are apt to be more stable and its

expressions more vital. Therefore they are the more

dependable as landmarks in the formation ot the




Another statement in a little different phrasing may

clear up some points for some readers. Dr. Royal E. S.

Hayes, M.D., writes :

"Boger's Synoptic Key in the form of cards and

accompanying General Analysis, is in my opinion by far

the best of repertories." (Ha39)

He advises to correlate, with the aid of the Index Cards

the major influences of the patient's organic and

functional disturbances into a concentrated grouping of

symptoms. This eventually results in a small grouping

of remedies in which the best remedy possible or the

simillimum may be found. This small number of

remedies is still further thinned out when evaluated with

the aid of the General Analysis. In this way, he says, the

prescriber comes close to the final selection with

celerity and certainty. The certainty depends on

perception and judgment in selection. Judgement has to

be used in the selection of the first or basic rubric and

this is precisely where the mental acumen comes in to

save so much time. This has often been practised before

by skilful repertorists in making a short scheme when

desirable. But it is especially convenient with Boger's

method because of his masterly selection of terms for

his rubrics (cards). The best remedy is thus more likely

to be included at the start and less likely to be dropped

out in final working.

Boger was much pleased with this method of working

adopted by Dr. Hayes and said that it had suggested to

him still further ways to maniputate this repertory. One

of the advantages of The Card Index Repertory is that,

when closely competing remedies have missing

symptoms, it helps to decide easily - as the rubrics of

this repertory are very potent - as to which remedy the



negative value is to be assigned. Moreover, this Card

Index is of especial value in working out case records

having a paucity of symptoms.

Boger had an immense practice and a practice with all

kinds of illnesses. He was many years bringing this

work to its present state. The present editions of The

Card Index and General Analysis present his latest ideas

as to values and are therefore much better in every way.

He also added new rubrics with caution and only as his

personal work needed them. This has made it more

practicable and has thus been guarded against induding

leds pertinent rubrics A few rubrics like Moistness,

Yellow, Discharges ameliorate (Suppression), Loose,

Relation, Inactive, etc., have taken the place of so many

other considerations. The total number of rubrics has

thus been reduced to the convenient least number, and

some rubrics are included therein which are not

available in other repertories. Boger has succeeded in

uniting in one rubric various influences or conditions

holding sway over sick individuals and this has made

The Card Index superior - the quickest and the safest.

In ordinary practice, generalization is least understood

und very often neglected to the detriment of good work.

A curative prescription can only be based on "generals"

which include and are derived from the "particulars".

The Card Index will thus impress upon the

homoeopathic prescriber that ,,generalizing" is one of

the most important functions to be performed by him in

the process of the selection of the curative medicine. lt

should be further realized that the finer homoeopathic

art demands the perception of the rule that

"the highest rank of all belongs to those symptoms that

are not only peculiar but are also general."



Boger writes:

"In any system it must be self-evident that the larger

pathogenesis will cover more cases than the smaller

ones; which is an additional reason why we should

become expert in picking out the odd and unusual ones

for our guide."

Such odd and unusual symptoms would more often be

found amongst those which seem to be far removed

from the ordinary course of disease. These are what are

called ,,concomitant symptoms."

To the Young students, the General Analysis affords an

opportunity of becoming familiar with the most

significant and vital influences working on the Patient's

vital force which, because of its outward direction, leads

to a family of symptoms. lt will thus also impress on

him the significance of suppression of symptoms (vide

card No. 71 (075).. Discharges ameliorate).

The rubrics in the General Analysis are arranged in an

alphabetical order, with cross references and synonyms.

lt is therefore convenient to refer to the General

Analysis for the required rubric before the

corresponding card is picked up from the pack and

replaced by a card of the different color supplied

therewith. Before replacing rubric cards, they are

arranged in the numerical order to save time and wear.

A case

(Worked by Boger's Card Index Repertory) Mrs. B, age,

forty-five years; nullipara, of normal growth und




Chief Complaint

Eruptions on the skin with pain in joints. Duration three



Eruptions (92 )(097) (figures in the brackets correspond

to the numbers of the cards available for the

corresponding rubrics) more or less symmetrical,

mainly papular ; a few, vesicular (292)(328) und

bullous; a very few, pustular, irregular, discrete patches,

raised from the skin and covered with scales (61)(063);

a patch in the anterior fold of the right ankle, more

thickened than other patches. These eruptions were

located on every part of the body, except face und head.

No eruptions could be detected in the mouth. A few

eruptions were detected on the neck. The colour of the

patches was violaceous. Onset of fresh eruptions was

rather more marked when the weather was cloudy

(296)(332). Itching (142)(151) of the eruptions was felt

less by pouring warm water over them but was

aggravated by draft (303)(339) which, before this

ailment, was always welcomed by her. Sensation ot

burning (128)(136) was severe in the night (185)(204)

und was ameliorated by covering (303)(339). She had a

sensation of heaviness (131)(139) in the skin -as if

something was stuck to it.

Locomotor System

But pain in joints (145)(154), of elbows, wrists and

fingers, was worse by covering (287)(323) and was

relieved by slight pressure of the other hand. Swelling



of the joints was absent and the pain was not aggravated

by motion.

"Aggravation of pain in joints by covering" was the

most recent sympton und pretty well marked.

"Burning of the skin" and "pain in joints" alternated

(7)(007). By the time ,,burning of the skin" ameliorated

by being warmed up (41)(042) by the cover, "pain in

joints" set in und could then only be relieved by

uncovering (41)(042).

Sudden, convulsive movement of the neck, towards the

left side, with pain in the trapezious muscle, followed

by watering (172)(187) of the mouth, was an old

symptom and recurred now and then during the coarse

of the last year.

Her palms were so hot (129)(138) that she could not

bear to touch the other parts of the body with it; on the

contrary, her feet were cold (44)(044).

Stomach and Bowels

Nausea (182-2)(200), duration of which was six months,

was associated with salivation (172)(187) and also with

thirst for a few sips of cold water; it was worse at 2 a.m.

und was ameliorated after vomiting which was very

often acid; the trouble generally continued till 6 or 7

a.m. and was ameliorated after eating. She had an

aversion for milk which always caused nausea (182-

2)(200) and resulted in vomiting.

Stools were normal and satisfactory. Piles were

quiescent; previous history of itching und sticking in the

piles was available.




She was now in menopause. Previous history of

menstruation was normal.

Mental Symptoms

None of importance. She belonged to that class of

persons who bear their lot patiently. She came from a

high class of society.


Her troubles generally started in the evening; e.g.,

itching, pain in finger und elbow joints, heart-burn,

eructations-all from 4 p.m. onwards.

She remarked "My condition has been made worse by

injections ; every injection increased my trouble ; and

still they persisted that I should take more injections !"

She was also having different ointments for external use


She had come here over a long distance. She and her

husband were successfully treated by me, over 20 years

back, for spirochetal (P.) and gonococcal infections.

Since then Wassermann reaction has been found to be

successively negative over long periods.

Clinical Diagnosis: Lichen Planus

Selection of the Remedy

To quote Boger:



"We have Hahnemann's fundamental or central idea that

the further a given symptom seems removed from the

ordinary course of disease, the greater is its therapeutic


"Pain in joints" is a symptom ot this kind - a symptom

far removed from the ordinary course of the chief

disease of the patient - Lichen Planus.

We have again another statement:

"Ranking close behind, or even at times taking

precedence of the peculiar and general symptom. must

be placed the last appearing symptom of a case."

The modality of "pain in joints" was not only recent but

also outstanding and definite. lt was a symptom last to

appear before homoeopathic treatment was instituted.

Therefore ,,pain in joints," "aggravated by covering,"

was in this case, a symptom of the first importance in

the choice of the remedy.

By placing in apposition, card No. 145(154), (Joints,

arthritic complaints, etc.) and card No. 287(323),

(Uncovering ameliorates, etc., warm wraps, Agg.), Calc.

C., Led., Lyc., Puls., and Sul., appeared to be the group

of remedies common to these two cards. The choice of

the remedy for the case was therefore - expected to be

confined to this group. lf any out of these remedies be

discovered to correspond to the case as a whole, one

would expect that the remedy would influence the case

very deeply und cause markedly curative results.

The cards, as mentioned in the following table, were

used to correlate the major influence of the patient's

organic und functional disturbances; and the valuation



of the remedies for the corresponding rubrics was done

with the aid of General Analysis, "CAPITALS" getting

3 marks, "Antiques" getting 2 and "Romans" getting 1


When these cards were placed in apposition und seen

against a strong light, only Sulph. peeped through


Numerator corresponds to the number of rubrics

covered by the remedy and denominator represents the

evaluation totality for the same.

Number of the cards-Rubrics-Calc Led Lyc Pul Sul

243(269)-Skin- 1 0 2 1 3

92(097)- Eruption - 1 0 2 1 3

292(328)- Vesicles - 2 0 2 1 3

61(063) - Desquamation (Scales) - 1 0 0 0 2

128(136) - Heat, burning - 2 0 0 0 3

142(151) - Itching - 0 0 2 3 2

131(139) - Heaviness - 2 0 1 2 3

44(044) - Coldness, partial - 1 0 0 3 2

129(138) - Heat, partial - 1 0 1 2 3

145(154) - Joints, arthritic complaints - 2 0 1 1 2

7(007) - Alternating effects - 0 0 2 2 2

172(187) - Moistness, increased secretions - 2 0 1 2 3

182-2(200) - Nausea - 0 0 0 2 0

287(323)Uncovering amel., warm wraps, agg - 1 1 3 1 2

296(332) - Warmth agg., in general - 0 1 1 3 1

303(339) - Wind, draft, agg., uncov. agg., covering

amel. - 2 0 1 1 3

185(204) - Night, agg. - 0 0 0 2 1

41(042) - Cold and heat agg. - 1 0 1 0 1



Other discrete symptoms as found in "Boger -

Boenninghausen's Characteristics and Repertory," 2nd


Page - Rubrics - Calc Led Lyc Pul Sul

474-2 - Aversion to milk - 3 0 0 4 2

509-1 - Nausea, agg. by milk - 3 0 0 2 2

507-2 - Nausea, agg. eating before - 0 0 0 2 4

901-1 - Sensation heaviness, load, like a - 0 0 0 0 2

Pulsatilla did not appear in the long list of remedies for

Eruptions, Scaly, given in "Boger-Boenninghau-sen's

Characteristics and Repertory" page 952-2, and was

very poor in "Vesicles" (see Page 977-1, of the same


Sulphur is prominent in aggravation in the evening (see

page 1104-1, of the same book); and it had also that

peculiar, particular, persistent symptom, "Neck;

Drawing jerking in muscles." (See Allen's Hand-Book

of Materia Medica, page 1072-2.) Suiphur, evidently,

was the leader in the fieId.

The lady was in a miserable condition. Therefore,

though Sulphur was very strongly indicated, it was

administered in the 30th potency, one dose, lest the

higher potency might set in a severe reaction. No

Ointments were prescribed. The loss of continuity in the

skin caused by rupture of bullae was advised to be

dressed by sterilized coconut oil and the same was

advised for external application before warm bath. Soap

was disallowed.

Progress of the Case



Two days after the administration of Sulp. 30 itching,

burning und pain in the joints disappeared; and the

scales of the eruptions began to fall off, more evidently

after the bath und during the process of robbing with a

towel for drying the body. The dose was repeated with

good effect after six days as there was a relapse.

Twenty- four days after, Sulp. 200, one dose, was

administered, as there was again a relapse. After an

initial aggravation, the patient again felt better. Twenty-

one days after this, it was repeated in the same potency

as there was again a relapse. Again after twenty-one

days, on account of relapse of pain in joints, Sulp. 1000,

one dose, was administered. Pigmentation of the skin

had become very much less marked by this time.

Relapse in the gastric, joint und skin region three weeks

after the last administration of Sulp.1000, was again met

with the same potency ot Sulp. But this time it did not

hold long. And as there was a relapse, Sulp. 10M, was

administered, 12 days after the previous dose. Two and

a half months later - the patient was still progressing

satisfactorily. Every time, Sulphur was administered

early morning on empty stomach.

After this treatment was instituted, the progress in the

eruption was almost immediately arrested. And though

there had been relapses as reported above, they were

only of a subjective nature, and there has been a steady

and progressive improvement in the size and colour of

the patches.


Girgaon, Bombay

December, 1940



Numbers in brackets are identical with Boger´s General Analysis

(Card-System) with 341 punching-cards, German and English in one.

Publisher B.von der Lieth, Postbox 56 01 44, D-22551 Hamburg


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Abdomen: See Stomach & Bowels; Liver etc.

Abscess: See Suppuration.

ACHING (001): Agar., Arn., Bap., Bry., Car-v., Chin., Cimi.,

Dulc., Eup-p., Gel., Hyo., Ign., Lach., Merc-i-f., Nux-v.,

Phyt., Rhus-t., Ver-v.

Comp: Soreness.

Acidity: See Sourness.

ACRIDITY, Excoriations, etc.(002): All-c., ARS., Ars-io., Aru-t.,

Bro., Caus., Cham., Grap., Hep., Iod., Kre., Lyc., MERC.,

Merc-c., Nit-ac., Pho., Rhus-t., Sep., Sil., SUL., Tell.

Comp: Rawness.

Across: See Direction, Crosswise.

ADHESIVE, Adherent, Torn Loose, etc.(003): Berb., Bry., Calc-c.,

Col., Hep., Kal-bi., Kal-io., Nux-v., Pho., Plb., Pul.,

RHUS-T., Sep., Stan.

Comp: Sticky.

Afternoon: See Time.

Air-Hunger: See Air, Open, Amel.

AIR, OPEN, Amel; In Room, Agg., Air-Hunger, etc. (004): Alu., Ap.,

Arg-n., Ars., Aur., Bap., Cann., Car-v., Croc., Dios., Glo.,

Iod., Kal-io., Lach., Lil-t., Lyc., Mag-c., PUL., Rhus-t., Saba.,

Sabi., Sul., Tub.

ALBUMINOUS, Glairy Discharges (005): Alu., Am-m., Berb., BOR.,

Coc-c., Jat., NAT-M., Pall., Petr., Seneg., Sep., Stan.

Comp: Gelatinous.

ALIVE Sensation (006): Cann., Cocc., CROC., Cyc., Ign., Op., Pul.,

Sabi., Sil ., Sul., THU., Vip.

Comp: Formication.



ALTERNATING Effects, States, Sides, etc (007): Agar., Alo., Amb.,

Ant-c., Ars., Bell., Berb., Cann., Cimi., Cocc., Croc., Fer-p.,

Glo., Ign., Iris., LAC-C., Lach., Lyc., Pho., Pul., Sep., Sul.,

Xantx., Zin.

Comp: Periodicity, Wandering, Waves.

AMMONIACAL ODOR (008): Am-c., Asaf., Aur., BEN-AC., Iod.,

Lac-c., Lach., Mos., Nit-ac., Pho., Stron.

Anemia: See White.

Aneurism: See Blood-Vessels

ANGER, Irritability, Fretfulness, Bad temper, etc.(009): Aco., Ant-c.,

Aru-t., Aur., Bry., Calc-c., CHAM., Cina., Col., Ign., Iod.,

LYC., Nat-m., Nit-ac., NUX-V., Sep., Stap., Sul.,

Comp: Emotions

ANGINA PECTORIS (010): Amy-n., Arn., ARS., Cact., Cimi., Cup.,

Glo., Kalm., Lach., Latro., Naj., Nux-v., Ox-ac., Spig., Spo.,


Comp: Heart

Anxiety: See Fearsome.

Anus: See Orifices.

Apathetic: See Inactive.

APPETITE CHANGED (011): Ant-c., Ars., Calc-c., CHIN., Cina.,

Grap., Iod., Lyc., Nat-m., NUX-V., Petr., Pho., PUL., Sil.,

SUL., Ver-a.

Arms: See Limbs, Upper.

Arms, Raising, Agg.: See Raising Arms, Agg.

Arthritic Complaints: See Joints.

ASCENDING, Agg. (012): ARS., Aur., Bry., CALC-C., Nat-m.,

Nux-v., Pho., Pul., Sep., Spo.

Comp: Exertion, Agg.

Ascending Sensations: See Direction, Ascending.

Asleep Sensation: See Numbness.

ASSOCIATED EFFECTS (013): Agar., Ars., Cham., Merc., Nux-v.,

Phos., PUL., Sep., Sul.

Asthma: See Air Open, Amel, Spasmodic.

Atheroma: See Calculi.

Atrophy: See Emaciation.

Autumn: See Season, Autumn.



Back: See Spine.

Backward, Sensations going: See Direction, Backward.

Bad Temper: See Anger.

BALL, Lump, Knot, etc., Sensations as of (014): Arn., Asaf., Aur.,

Bry., Cham., Con., Gel., IGN., Kal-c., Lac-c., LACH., Nat-m.,

Nat-p., Nit-ac., Nux-m., Nux-v., Pho., Pul., Rhus-t., Sep., Val.,


Comp: Lumpy; Plug

Band, as of a: See Constriction.

Bathing, Agg.: See Dampness, Agg.

BATHING, Cold applications, etc., Amel. (015): Ap., Arg-n., Asar.,

Aur., Flu-ac., Guai., Iod., Led., Lyc., Pul., Rhus-r.,

Sec-c., Sul.

Comp: Uncovering, Amel; Warmth, Agg.

Bearing Down: See Pressing.

Beaten: See Soreness.

Bed Hard: See Hard bed Sensation.

Being held, Amel: See Holding.

Bending Agg.: See Stretching, Amel.

Bending, Amel.: See Lying bent, Amel.

Bending Backwards, Amel.: See Stretching, Amel. J

Bilious: See Yellow.

Biting Pain: See Rawness.

BLACK, Dark, etc. (016): Ant-t., ARS., Bap., Car-v., Chin., Crot-h.,

Cyc., Elap., Gel., Hell., Kre., Lach., Merc., Merc-c., Nux-v.,

Op., Pho., Plb., Sec-c., Stap., Ver-a., Vip.

Bleeding, Amel.: See Discharges, Amel.

Blisters: See Vesicles.

BLOOD, Sepsis, etc. (017): Ail, Am-c., Arn., ARS., Bap., Bell., Bry.,

Calc-c., Car-v., Chin., Crot-h., Elap., Fer., Kal-c., Kre.,

LACH., Merc., Mur-ac., Nat-m., Nit-ac., Nux-v., Pho., Pul.,

Pyro., Rhus-t., Sec-c., Sul., Sul-a., Zin.

BLOODVESSELS (018): Aco., Amy-n., Ap., ARN., Bell., CAR-V.,

Fer., Flu-ac., Gel., Glo., Ham., Hyo., Lach., Lyc., Nat-m.,

PUL., Sang., Sec-c., Sep., Sul., Thu., Vip., Zin.

Comp: Heart, Circulation, and Pulse.

Blood: See Hemorrhage.



BLOWS, Shocks, Thrusts, Crash,. Explosions, etc., as of (019): Ap.,

Bell., CANN., Cic., Cimi., Croc., Dig., Glo., Naj., Nat -m.,

Pho., Spig., Sul-a., Tab., Tarn., Zin.

Comp: Injuries; Shattered.

BLUISH, Purple, Livid, etc. (020): Aco., Arn., Ars., Bap., Cam.,

Car-v., Crot-h., CUP., DIG., Kre., LACH., Laur., Nux-v.,

Op., Sep., Sil., Tarn-c., Thu., Ver-a., VER-V.

BONES (021): Arg., ASAF., Aur., CALC-C., Calc-f., CALC-P.,

Chin., Cocc., Cup., EUP-P., Flu-ac., Hep., Kal-io., Lyc.,

MERC., Mez., Nit-ac., Pho., PHO-AC., PUL., Rhod., Rhus-t.,

Rut., Sil., Stap., SUL.

BORING, GRINDING, etc., pains as if (022): ARG-N., Asaf., AUR.,

Bell., Bism., Calc-c., Col., Dios., Hep., Lach., Merc., Mez.,

Plat., Plb., Pul., Ran-sc., Spig., Zin.,

Bowels: See Stomach & Bowels.

Branny: See Desquamation.

BREAKING, Broken, Brittle etc. (023): Arn., BELL., Calc-c.,

Calc-p., Chel., Cocc., EUP-P., Grap., Lyc., Merc., Nat-m.,

Nux-v., Pho., Rhus-t., Rut., Sil., Sul., Thu.

Comp: Injuries.

BREATHING DEEPLY, Agg. (024): Aco., Arn., Bor., Bry., Calc-c.,

Caus., Kal-c., Pho., Ran-b., Rhus-t., Rum., Sabi., Sang., Spig.,

Squ., Sul.

Breathing Out: See Exhalation.

Briny: See Saltiness.

Brittle: See Breaking.

Broken: See Breaking.

BROWNISH, Rusty, etc. (025): ARS., Bap., Berb., Bry., Car-v.,

Chel., Hyo., Iod., Lyc., Nit-ac., Op., Pho., Rhus-t., Sec-c.,

SEP., Stap., Sul., Thu., Ver-a.

Bruised: See Soreness.

Bruises: See Injuries.

Burning: See Heat.

BURNING-STINGING (026): Ant-c., AP., Ars., Berb., Con., Dulc.,

Glo., Lyc., Mez., Nux-v., Pho., Pho-ac., Rhus-t., Sil.



Comp: Stinging.

BURNT, Scalded, as if (027): ARS., Canth., Cyc., Hyds., Hyo.,

IRIS., Lyc., Mag-m., Phyt., Plat., Pul., Sang., Sep., Ver-a.,


Burrowing: See Boring.

Bursae: See Cysts.

BURSTING, Splitting, etc. (028): BELL., BRY., Calc-c., Chin.,

Glo., Ign., Merc., NAT-M., Nux-v., Sil., Spig., Stan., Sul.,


Comp: Shattered.

CALCULI, Atheroma, etc. (029): Bell., Ben-ac., Berb., Bry., Calc-c.,

Chin., Col., Dios., Hyds., Lach., LYC., Merc., Nux-v., Oci-c.,

Par-b., Pod., Polyg., Sars., Sep.

CALF (030): CALC-C., Cam., Cham., CUP., Grap., Lyc., Nux-v.,

Rhus-t., Sep., Stap., SUL., VER-A.

Comp: Limbs, Lower.

Cap: See Compression.

CARPHOLOGY, Nervous Picking, etc. (031): Ars., Aru-t., Bell.,

HYO., Lyc., OP., Pho., Rhus-t., Stram., Zin.

Car-Sickness: See Swaying, Agg.

Cartilages: See Bones.

Cellars: See Dampness.

Change of Position, Agg.: See Motion, Agg.

CHANGE OF POSITION, Amel. (032): Agar., Ars., Cham., IGN.,

Mell., Nat-s., Pho-ac., Pul., RHUS-T., Sep., Val., Zin.

Comp: Motion, Amel.

CHANGE OF TEMPERATURE, Weather, Seasons, oncoming

storms, etc., Agg. (033): Calc-f., Calc-p., Colch., Dulc., Gel.,

Hypr., Lach., Mag-c., Mez., Nat-c., Nux-m., Petr., Pho., Psor.,

Ran-b., RHOD., RHUS-T., Rut., Sep., Sil., Sul, Sul-a., Tub.

Changing: See Alternating; Wandering.

Chaps: See Cracks.

CHEST, INTERNAL (034): Aco., ANT-T., Arn, ARS., BRY.,

Calc-c., Chel., Chin., Dulc., Fer-p., Iod., Ip., Kal-c., Lyc.,

Op., PHO., PUL., Ran-b., Rhus-t., Sang., Seneg., Spig., Squ.,

Stan., SUL., Ver-v.

CHEST, Backward, Extending, in (035): Ars., Calc-c., Caps.,

Car-v., Chel., Con., Cup., Kal-bi., Lil-t., Lyc., Merc, Nat-m.,



Sep., Spig., Sul., Ther.

Comp: Direction, Backward.

CHEST, Backward Left, Extending, in: Illic., Lil-t., Lyc., Nat-m.,

Pix., Ran-b., Spig., Ther.

CHEST, Backward Right, Extending, in: Ap., Ars., Car-v., Chel.,

Merc., Phel., Sep.

Childbed: See Pregnancy.

CHILLED, Cold becoming, while hot; by ices, Uncovering a part, as

head, hand; Hands, etc. in cold water etc., Agg. (036): Aco.,

Agar., Ars., Bell., Bels., Bro., Bry., Calc-c., Dulc., Fer-p.,

Hep., Kal-c., Nux-v., Osm. Pho., Psor., Pul., Rhod.,

RHUS-T., Sep., SIL., Tarn., Thu., Zin.

Comp: Chilly.

CHILLY, or COLD (037): Aco., Arn., ARS., Bell., Bry., Calc-c.,

Cam., Caps, Caus., Chin., Eup-p., Fer., Gel., Hep., Ign., Ip.,

Kal-c., Lyc., Merc., Mos., Nat-m., NUX-V., Pho., PUL.,

RHUS-T., Saba., Sep., Sil., Stron., Sul., VER-A.

Comp: Chilled, Agg.

Cicatrix: See Fibrous Tissue.

Circulation: See Heart.

Clavus: See Plug.

Clear Weather, Agg: See Dry weather, Agg.

CLIMAXIS, Agg. (038): Aco., Amy-n., Cimi., Con., Fer., LACH.,

Murx., Pul., Sang., Sep., Sul., Sul-a., Xantx.

Comp: Menstrual Disturbances.

CLOTHES, Pressure of, Agg (039).: Bov., Bry., Calc-c., Car-v.,

Caus., Con., Glo., Hep., LACH., Lil-t., LYC., Nit-ac., Nux-v.,


Comp: Pressure, Agg.

Clotted: See Lumpy.

Clutching: See Cramp.

Clutching, Agg.: See Fingers.

COATED FEELING (040): Alu., Caus., CHIN., Cocc., Colch., Dig.,

Dros., Iris., Kal-c., Merc., Nux-m., PHO., Pho-ac., PUL.,

Rhod., Ver-a.



Cobweb Sensation: See Formication.

COITION, Agg. (041): AGAR., Calad., CALC-C., Chin., Con.,

Grap., KAL-C., Kal-p., Lyc., Nat-m., Sele., Sep., Sil.

Comp: Discharges, Agg.

Cold: See Chilly.

Cold Applications, Amel.: See Bathing, Uncovering, Amel.

COLD AND HEAT, Agg. (042): Ant-c., Calc-c., Carb-s., Caus., Fer.,

Flu-ac., Grap., Hell., Lach., Lyc., Mag-c., MERC., Nat-m.,

Pho-ac., Sep., Sul., Sul-a., Syph.

Cold, Becoming, Agg.: See Chilled, Agg.

Cold, Room: See Air open, room

COLD, TAKING (COLD) (043): Aco., Ars-io., CALC-C., Cham.,

Dulc., Kal-c., Nat-m., Nit-ac., NUX-V., Pho., Psor., Rhus-t.,

SIL., Sul., Tub.

Coldness: See Chilly.

COLDNESS; Partial; Local (044): Ars., Calc-c., Car-v., Chel.,

Chin., Ign., Kal-c., Men., PUL., Sec-c., Sep., Sil., Spig., Sul.,


Colic: See Cramp.

COLLAPSE, Sudden Prostration, etc. (045): Aco., Aeth., Am-c., Arn.,

ARS., Cam., Car-v., Cup., Hyd-a., Ip., Laur., Merc-cy., Naj.,

Pho., Sec-c., Sep., Tab., VER-A.,

Comp: Empty, Faint.

COMPANY, Crowds, etc., Agg. Craves Solitude, etc.(046): Aco.,

Aur., BAR-C., Bell., Car-a., Cham., Cic., Gel., IGN., Lyc.,

Nat-c., Nat-m., Nux-v., SEP., Thu.

COMPANY, Amel.: Desire for etc. (047): Arg-n., Ars., Bism., Dros.,

Hep., Hyo., Kal-c, Lac-c., Lyc., Pho., Pul., STRAM.

COMPRESSION, Squeezing, Pinching, as of a Vise, Cap., etc. (048):

Alu., Ant-t., Asar., Berb., Cact., Car-v., Cocc., COL., Grap.,

Ign., Men., Merc., Nat-m., Nit-ac., PLAT., Rut., Thu., Val.,

Verb., Zin.

Comp: Constriction; Cramp; Pressure.

Concussion: See Injuries.

Condylomata: See Warts.

CONGESTION (049): ACO., Alo., Ap., Aur., BELL., Bry., Cact.,

Calc-c., Cup., FER-P., Gel., Glo., Lach., Nux-v., Pho., Pul.,

Rhus-t., Sep., SUL., VER-V.



CONSTRICTION, Tight Band, Gathered together, Squeezing, etc.

(050): Anac., Arg-n., Ars., BELL., CACT., Car-ac., Car-v.,

Chel., Chin., Con., Hyo., Ign., Lach., Lyc., Merc., NIT-AC.,

Nux-v., Pho., Plat., Plb., Pul., Sil., Sul.

Comp: Compression.

Contortions: See Spasmodic.

Convulsive: See Spasmodic.

COORDINATION, DISTURBED (051): Agar., Alu., Arg-n., Bar-c.,

Bell., Caus., Cocc., Cof., Con., Gel., Hyo., Lach., Merc.,

Nux-v., Onos., Pho., Rhus-t., Sul.

Cord: See Spine and Cord.

COUGH (052): Aco., Ars., Bell., Bry., Car-v., Caus., Cham., Chin.,

Cina., Coc-c., Con., DROS., HEP., Hyo., Ign., Ip., Kal-c.,

Lach., Lyc., Merc., Nat-m., NUX-V., PHO., PUL., Rum.,

Sang., SEP., Spo., Stan., Sul.

COUGH, Excited from Throat or Larynx (053): Aco., Amb., Calc-c.,

Cham., Con., Hep., Ip., Kal-c., Lach., Nat-m., Nux-v., Pho.,

Rum., Sang., Sep.

COUGH, Incessant (054): Aco., ALU., Caus., Cham., Chin., Cof.,

Cup., DROS., HYO., Ip., Kal-c., Lach., Nux-v., Pho-ac., Pul.,

Rhus-t., RUM., Sep., SPO., Squ., Stic., Tell., Thu.

COUGH, Painful (055): Aco., Bell., BRY., Caus., Caps., Dros.,

Kal-c., Nat-m., NUX-V., Pho., Rhus-t., Seneg., Spo., Squ.,

Stan., Sul.

CRACKING JOINTS (056): Ben-ac., Cam., Caps., Caus., Fer., Led.,

Nit-ac., PETR., Rhus-t., Sul., Thu.

CRACKS, Fissures, Chaps, etc. (057): Ant-c., Aru-t., Calc-c., Cist.,

Fer., GRAP., Ign., Merc., Nat-m., NIT-AC., Petr., Pho., Sep.,

Sil., Sul.

CRAMP, Colic, etc. (058): Bell., Cact., CALC-C., Caus., Cham.,

Cocc., COL., CUP., Dios., Grap., Ign., Lach., Lyc., Mag-p.,

Nit-ac., NUX-V., Plat., Plb., Sec-c., Sil., SUL., Ver-a., Vib.

Comp: Spasmodic effects.

Crash: See Blows.

Crawling: See Formication.

Creeping: See Formication.

Crosswise: See Direction, Crosswise.

Crowds: See Company.



Crushing: See Compression.

CRUSTS, Scabs etc. (059): Ars., CALC-C., DULC., GRAP., Kal-bi.,

Lyc., Merc., Mez., Nat-m., Nit-ac., Psor., Rhus-t., Sil., SUL.

CUTTING (060): Aco., BELL., Bry., Calc-c., Calc-p., Calc-s.,

Canth., COL., Con., Dios., KAL-C., Lyc., Nat-m., Nit-ac.,

Nux-v., Pul., Sul.

Cyanose: See Bluish.

CYSTS (061): Ap., Ars., BAR-C., CALC-C., GRAP., Lyc., Nit-ac.,

PHO., Sabi., SIL., Sul., Thu.

Comp: Swelling.

DAMPNESS, Getting wet, Wet weather, Bathing, Working in water,

Damp rooms etc., Agg. (062): Alu., Am-c., Ant-c., Ant-t.,

Ars., Bry., CALC-C., Card., Cimi., Clem., Dulc., Hypr., Kalm.,

Lyc., Nat-s., Nit-ac., Nux-m., Phyt., Pul., Rhod., RHUS-T.,

Sep., Sul., Thu.

Comp: Humid; Season, Autumn.

Dark: See Black, Dusky.

Darting: See Shooting.

Dead feeling: See Numbness.

Delirium: See Perception changed

Delusions and Hallucinations: See Perception changed.

Dentition: See Teeth.

Depressed: See Retracted.

Depression: See Sadness.

Descending direction: See Direction, Downward.

Despair: See Sadness.

DESQUAMATION, Hair falls etc. (063): Am-c., Ars., Calc-c.,

Canth., Grap., Hep., KAL-C., Mez., Nat-m., Nit-ac., PHO.,

Sele., Sep., Stap., SUL.

Diagonal: See Direction, Diagonal.

Diarrhoea: See Stomach & Bowels; Moistness.

DIGESTION, affected (064): Aeth., Ant-c., Arg-n., Ars., Bry.,

Calc-c., CHIN., Fer., Merc., NUX-V., Old., Pho., PUL.

Direction of Sensations:

DIRECTION, Ascending, Upward (065): Aco., ASAF., Bell., Calc-c.,

Con., Cup., Gel., Glo., IGN., LACH., Led., Naj., PHO., Pul.,

Saba., SANG., SEP., SIL., Sul., Zin.

DIRECTION, Backward (066): Bell., Bry., Chel., Con., Cup., Gel.,



Kal-bi., Kal-c., Lil-t., Merc., Nat-m., Nit-ac., Par., Pho., Pru-s.,

Pul., Sep., Spig., SUL.

DIRECTION, Crosswise, Across., Side to Side., etc. (067): Bell.,

Berb., Chel., Chin., Fer., Hell., Kal-bi., Kal-m., Lac-c., Sep.,

Sil., Sul., Ver-a.

Comp: Alternating.

DIRECTION, Diagonally (068): Agar., Alu., Amb., Ap., Bor.,

Kalm., Lyc., Mang., Murx., Nat-c., Nux-v., Pho., RHUS-T.,

Stic., Sul-a., Tarx.

DIRECTION, Downward. (069): Arn., Aur., Bar-c., Berb., Bry.,

Caps., Cic., Cof., KALM., Lach., Lyc., Pul., Rhus-t., Zin.

DIRECTION, Forward (070): Berb., Bry., Car-v., Gel., Lac-c.,

Sabi., Sang., Sep., Sil., SPIG.

DIRECTION, Outward (071): Asaf., Bell., Berb., Bov., Chin., Con.,

Ign., Kal-m., Lith-c., Sep., Sil., Val., Zin.

DIRECTION, Radiating (072): Agar., Arg-n., Ars., Bap., Berb.,

Caps., Caus., Cimi., Col., Cup., Dios., Kalm., Lyc., Mag-p.,

Mez., Plb., Sil., Spig., Tell.

DIRECTION, Up and Down (073): Ars., Bap., Bry., Calc-c., Cimi.,

Eup-p., Gel., Glo., Kal-c., Lach., Lil-t., Lyc., Osm., Pho., Plb.,

Pod., Sul., Ver-a.

Dirty Color: See Grayish.

DISCHARGES, Loss of Vital fluids, etc., Agg. (074): Aco., Agar.,

Calc-c., Calc-hy., Calc-p., Car-v., CHIN., Cimi., Ip., Kal-c.,

Pho., PHO-AC., Stap., Ver-a.

Comp: Coition, Agg.

DISCHARGES, Eruption appearing etc., Amel.(075): Ant-t., Ars.,

BRY., Calc-c., Cam., Cham., Ip., LACH., Lyc., NUX-V.,

Pho-ac., Psor., PUL., Rhus-t., Senec., Sep., Sil., SUL., Thu.,

Ver-a., Zin.

DISCHARGES, Vicarious (076): Bry., Con., Dig., Fer., Ham., Lach.,

Lycps., Mill., Nux-v., PHO., Pul., Sec-c., Senec., Sep., Sul.,


Discharges, Acrid: See Acridity.

Discharges Altered: See Mucous secretions, Altered.

Discharges, Bloody: See Hemorrhage.

Discharges, Clotted: See Lumpy.



Discharges, Increased: See Moistness.

Discharges, Lumpy: See Lumpy.

Dislocated: See Sprained.

Distortions: See Spasmodic.

Doubling Up: See Lying Bent.

Downward: See Direction Downward.

Draft: See Wind.

Dragging: See Falling.

DRAWING (077): Bry., Car-v., Caus., Chel,. Cimi., Kal-bi., Kal-c.,

Lach., Nux-v., Pul., Rhod., RHUS-T., Sep., Sul.,Val.

Drawn Back: See Retracted.

DREAMS (078): Am-m., Arn., Ars., Bry., Calc-c., Chin., Grap.,

Lach., Lyc., Mag-c., Nat-m., NUX-V., PHO., PUL., Rhus-t.,

Sil., Sul., Thu.

DREAMS of day‘s work, difficulties etc. (079): Aco., Bry., Nux-v.,

Pul., RHUS-T.

DRINKING, Amel. (080): Bism., Bry., CAUS., Cist., Coc-c., Cup.,

Lob., Nux-v., Pho., Sep., Spo.

Dropping: See Trickling.

Drowsiness: See Sleepiness.

DRUGS, Abuse of, Agg. (081): Ars., Cam., Cham., Hep., Hyds.,

Kal-io., Nat-m., Nit-ac., NUX-V., Pul., Sul.

DRY, Clear or Cold WEATHER Agg. (082): ACO, Ars-io., Asar.,

CAUS., HEP., Ip., Kal-c., Med., NUX-V., Spo.

Dry weather, Amel: See Dampness, Agg.

DRYNESS (083): Aco., Alu., Ars., BELL., Bry., Grap., Lach., Lyc.,

Nat-m., NUX-M., Pho., Pul., Rhus-t., Sul.

DRYNESS, Partial, Local (084): Aco., Alu., BELL., Bry., Grap.,

Kal-bi., Lyc., Nat-m., NUX-M., Pho., PUL., Rhus-t., Stram.,

SUL., Ver-a.

DUALITY, In pieces, Separated, Someone else., as if (085): Anac.,

Arg-n., BAP., Cann., Gel., Lach., Lil-t., Nux-m., Op., PETR.,

Pho., Pyro., Sil., Stram., Thu., Tril., Xantx.

Comp: Perception, Changed.

DUSKY COLOR (086): Ail., Ant-t., Ars., BAP., Crot-h., Gel., Hell.,

Lach., Nit-ac., Nux-v., OP., Sec-c.

DUST, Feathers, etc., as if (087): Am-c., Ars., Asaf., Bell., CALC-C.,

Chel., Chin., DROS., Hep., Ign., Lyc., Pho-ac., Pul., Rum., Sul.



Comp: Sensitive.

Ear Noises: See Tinnitus; Sounds, illusory.

EARS (088): Aur., Bell., Calc-c., Caps., Cham., Fer-p., Grap., Hep.,

Lyc., MERC., Petr., Pho., Pic-ac., Psor., PUL., SIL., SUL.,


Earthy: See Yellow.

EATING, affected by (089) :Arg-n., Ars., Bry., Calc-c., Car-a.,

Car-v., Chin., Kal-bi., Kal-c., Lach., LYC., Nat-m., Nux-m.,

NUX-V., Pho., Pul., Sep., Sul.

EATING, Amel. (090): Anac., Chel., Grap., Ign., IOD., Lach., Nat-c.,

Pho., Rhod., Sep.

EATING a little, Agg. (091): Bry., Car-a., Chin., Con., Kal-c., LYC.,

Nux-v., Petr., Pho., Pul., Sul.

EATING, Long after, Agg. (092): Aeth., Anac., Car-a., Car-v., Fer.,

Kal-bi., Kre., Nat-m., PHO., PUL., Sul., Zin.

Ebullition: See Waves.

Echymosis: See Hemorrhage.

EMACIATION, Atrophy (093): ARS., Bar-c., Calc-c., CALC-P.,

Chin., Fer., IOD., Lyc., Nat-m., Nit-ac., Op., Pho., PLB.,

Sars., Sil., Sul., Tub.

Emissions, Agg.: See Coition, Agg.

Emissions, Involuntary: See Incontinence.

EMOTIONS, Excitement, etc. (094): Aco., Ant-c., ARS., Aur.,

Bell., CHAM., Cina., Cof., Col., Gel., Hyo., IGN., Lach., Lyc.,

Nat-m., Nit-ac., NUX-V., Op., Pho., Pho-ac., Plat., Psor., Pul.,

Stap., Stram., Sul., Sumb. Val., Ver-a.

Comp: Various Emotions.

EMPTY, Hollow, Sinking, Internal weakness, Sense of, etc. (095):

Chin., Cocc., Dig., Hyds., IGN., PHO., Pod., SEP., Stan., Sul.,


Comp: Collapse.

EPIGASTRIUM (096): ARS., Bry., Calc-c., Chel., Col., Ign., Ip.,

KAL-C., Kal-n., Lach., Lob., Lyc., Merc-c., Nat-m.,

NUX-V., Pho., Pul., Sep., Sul.

Comp: Stomach.

Epistaxis: See Hemorrhage.

ERUPTIONS (097): Aco., ARS., Bell, Calc-c., Caus., Clem., Dulc.,



Grap., Lach., Lyc., MERC., Mez., Nat-m., Nit-ac., Pho., Pul.,

RHUS-T., Sep., Sil., SUL

Comp: Skin; Vesicles.

ERUPTIONS, Herpes (098): Ars., Grap., Merc., Mez., Nat-m.,

Rhus-t., Sep., Tell.

Eruptions, Amel: See Discharges, Amel.

ERYSIPELAS (099): Aco., AP., Arn., Bell., Canth., Crot-h.,

Eupho., Grap., Lach., Merc., Pul., RHUS-T., Sul.

Evening: See Time.

Excitement: See Emotions.

Excoriations: See Acridity.

EXERTION, Agg. (100): ARN., Ars., Berb., BRY., Calc-c., Car-a.,

Cocc., Con., Dig., Fer., Nat-m., Nit-ac., RHUS-T., Stap., Sul.

Exertion, Mental, Agg.: See Mental Exertion, Agg.

EXHALATION, Agg. (101): Ant-t., Arg., Ars., Caus., CHLOR.,

Colch., Dros., Meph., PUL., Samb.

Exophthalmos: See Eyes; Protrusion.

Exostoses: See Bones.

Expiration, Agg.: See Exhalation, Agg.

Explosions: See Blows; Shattered.

EXPRESSION, Changed (102): Aco., Ap., Arg-n., ARS., Bell., Cam.,

Gel., Hyo., Lyc., Mang., Op., Pho., Pho-ac., Sec-c., STRAM.,


EYES (103): Aco., Agar., Ap., Arg-n., Ars., BELL., CALC-C.,

Caus., Euphr., Gel., Grap., Lyc., MERC., NAT-M., Nux-v.,

Pho., PUL., Rhus-t., Rut., Sep., SUL., Ver-a., Zin.

EYES, Behind (104): Bry., Cimi., Gel., Lach., Merc., Pod., RHUS-T.

Eyestrain, Agg.: See Reading, Agg.

FAINT, Faints easily, etc. (105): Aco., ARS., Bry., Car-v., Cham.,

Chin., Crot-h., Dig., Hep., Ign., LACH., Mos., Nux-m.,

NUX-V., Op., Pul., SEP., Sul., Ver-a.

Comp: Sensitive.

FALLING, Prolapse, Vorfall, Ptosis (106): Alo., Ars., Aur., Bell.,

Bor., Calc-c., Gel., Helo., Ign., Lach., Lil-t., Merc., Mur-ac.,

Nat-m., NUX-V., Pho., POD., Pul., Rhus-t., SEP., Stan., Sul.

Falling and Rising: See Direction, Up and Down.

Fatness: See Obesity.

Fatty: See Greasy.



FEARSOME, Anxious, etc.(107): ACO., Arg-n., Arn., ARS., Aur.,

Bor., Bry., Calc-c., Cam., Car-v., Dig., Gel., Grap., Hyo.,

Ign., Lyc., Nat-m., Nit-ac., Nux-v., Op., PHO., Pul., Rhus-t.,

Sec-c., Sep., Spo., Stram., Sul., Ver-a.

Comp: Emotions, Nerves.

Feathers: See Dust.

FEMALE ORGANS (108): Amb., Ap., BELL., Calc-c., Cham.,

Cimi., Con., Grap., Helo., Kal-c., Kre., Lach., Lil-t., Lyc.,

Nat-m., Nux-v., Pho., Plat., PUL., Sabi., Sec-c., SEP., Sul.,

Thu., Vib.

Festering Pains: See Gnawing Pains.

Fever: See Heat.

FIBROUS TISSUE (109): Bry., Calc-c., Calc-f., Colch., FLU-AC.,

Grap., GUAI., Kal-m., Lyc., Phyt., Rhod., RHUS-T., Rut.,

Sabi., Sec-c., Sil.

FINE PAINS, Needle, Splinter, Thread or Hair, like, etc. (110): Agar.,

All-c., Alu., ARG-N., Ars., Caps., HEP., Kal-bi., Kal-c.,

Nat-p., NIT-AC., Pho., Rhus-t., Saba., SIL., Stan., Sul., Syph.,


Comp: Formication; Stinging; Stitches.

FINGERS or Hands, Using, as in Writing, Sewing, Piano playing,

Grasping., etc. Agg. (111): Calc-c., CAUS., Cham., Cimi.,

Gel., KAL-C., NAT-M., Pho., Pho-ac., Pic-ac., Plat., Sil.,

Stan., Val., ZIN.

Fire, Agg.: See Heat of Fire, Agg.

Fishy: See Saltiness.

Fissures: See Cracks

FISTULAE (112): Berb., CALC-C., Calc-f., Caus., Flu-ac., Lyc.,

Petr., Pho., Pul., SIL., Sul.

Flabby: See Relaxation.

FLATULENCE (113): Arg-n., Arn., Asaf., CAR-V., Cham., CHIN.,

Cocc., Grap., Ign., Kal-c., LYC., Mag-c., Nux-m., NUX-V.,

Pho., PUL., Sil., Sul., Val., Zin.

FLATULENCE-Left (114): Am-m., Aur., Car-v., CON., Crot-t.,

Dios., Eupho., Lyc., Nat-m., Pho-ac., Seneg., Stap., SUL.

FLATULENCE-Right (115): Bism., CALC-C., Grap., Lil-t., Nat-s.,

Ox-ac., Pho., Thu.

Flatus, Passing, Amel.: See Discharges, Amel.



Flexures: See Skin, Folds.

FLOATING, Flying, etc., as if (116): Arg-n., Asar., Buf., Cann.,

Hypr., LAC-C., Lach., Nat-m., Nux-m., Op., Pho., Stic.,

Sumb., Thu., Val.

Comp: Vertigo.

Flowing: See Trickling.

Fluctuations: See Waves.

Fluidity: See Moistness.

Flushes: See Waves.

Flying: See Floating.

Flying to Pieces: See Shattered.

FOAMY, Frothy, etc. (117): Arn, Ars., Ascle., Chel., Elat., Grat., Ip.,

Kal-bi., Kal-io., Mag-c., Merc., Pod., Rhe., VER-A.

Foetid: See Offensiveness.

Folds: See Skin, Folds.

FORCED thru a narrow opening, as if (118): BAR-C., Bell., Buf.,

Car-a., Cocc., Coc-c., Dig., Glo., Lach., Op., Plb., Pul., Sul.,

Tab., Thu.

FOREHEAD (119): Aco., Am-c., Arn., Ars., BELL., Bry., Chin.,

Ign., Lach., Lyc., Merc., Nat-m., NUX-V., Pho., Phyt.,

Pru-s., Pul., Sep., Sil., Spig., Sul., Thu.

Comp: Head.

FORMICATION, Crawling, etc. (120): Aco., Agar., Alu., Arn.,

Bar-c., Bor., Calc-c., Colch., Grap., Lyc., Nux-v., Pho., Plat.,

Rhus-t., Sec-c., Sep., Sul., Zin.

Comp: Alive.

Forenoon: See Time.

Forward: See Direction, Forward.

Fractures: See Bones; Breaking.

Fretful: See Anger.

Fright: See Fearsome.

Frightened Easily: See Fearsome.

FROST, frosty air, hoar frost, etc., Agg. (121): Agar., Aru-t., Calc-c.,

Caus., CON., Lyc., Nux-v., Pho-ac., Pul., Rhus-t., SEP., Sil.,

Sul., Syph.

Comp: Snow Air, Agg.

Frothy: See Foamy.

Fullness: See Bursting; Congestion.



Fumes: See Vapor.

Fungoid Growths: See Warts.

Furred: See Coated.

Gall bladder: See Liver & Gall bladder.

Gangrene: See Phagedena.

Gathered Together: See Constriction.

GELATINOUS (122): Alo., Arg-n., Berb., COLCH., Col., Dig.,

HELL., Kal-bi., Pod., Rhus-t., Sabi., Sele., Sep.

Comp: Albuminous.

Glairy: See Albuminous.

GLANDS (123): Ap., Ars., Aru-t., Aur., Bar-c., BELL., Bry.,

CALC-C., Car-a., Clem., Con., Hep., Iod., Lach., Lyc.,

MERC., Nit-ac., Pho., Phyt., PUL., Rhod., Rhus-t., SIL., Spo.,

Stap., Sul.

GLISTENING (124): Aco., Ap., Aur., Bell., Bry., Car-ac., Caus.,

Cist., Euphr., Glo., Kal-bi., LAC-C., Lach., Lys., Mang.,

Nat-m., Pho., Rhus-t., Sil., Terb.

Globus See Ball.

GNAWING, Eating, Festering Pains (125): Am-m., Berb., Col., Grap.,

Ign., Kre., Lach., Pho., Plat., PUL., Ran-sc., Rhus-t., Rut.,

Sep., SIL., Stap.

Goitre: See Glands.

Golden: See Yellow, Golden.

Grasping: See Fingers.

GRAYISH, Dirty, etc. (126): Arg., Ars., Berb., Calc-c., Chel., Cup.,

Dig., KAL-C., Kal-m., Lach., Lyc., Merc., PHO.

GREASY, Oily, Fatty, etc. (127): Bry., CAUS., Iod., Iris., MAG-C.,

Malan., Merc., Nat-m., Pho., Psor., Pul., Sele., Thu.

GREENISH (128): Aco., ARS., Car-v., Cham., Con., Ip., Kal-io.,

Lyc., Mag-c., MERC., Nat-s., Pho., PUL., Sep., Stan., Sul.,


Grief: See Sadness.

Grinding: See Boring.

Griping: See Cramp.

GURGLING (129): Agar., ALO., Cic., Cina., Crot-t., Cup., Gamb.,

Hyd-a., Jat., LAUR., Lyc., Pod., Pul., Sul., Thu.

GUSHINGS (130): Ars., Bell., Bry., CROT-T., Elat., Gamb., Grap.,



Grat., Jat., Nat-c., Nat-m., Nat-s., Pho., Pod., Thu.,


Comp: Swashing

Hair Like See Fine.

Hair falling: See Desquamation.

Hallucinations See Perception, Changed.

Hands, Using, Agg: See Fingers.

Hanging down limbs, Agg.: See Stooping, Agg.

HANGING LOOSE or Down, As if (131): Alu., Aur., Bar-c., Ign., Ip.,

Lach., Pho., Saba., Sul., Val.

Comp: Loose, As if.

HARD BED SENSATION (132): ARN., Bap., Con., Dros., Gel.,

Kal-c., Nux-v., Pho., Plat., Pyro., Rhus-t., Sil.

HARDNESS (133): Alu., Ant-c., Ars., Bell., Bry., Calc-c., Calc-f.,

Car-a., Cist., Clem., Con., Grap., Iod., Kal-m., Lyc., Merc.,

Pho., Phyt., Plb., Rhus-t., Sep., SIL., Sul., Tarn-c.

HEAD (134)): Aco., BELL., Bry., Calc-c., Car-v., Chin., Gel., Glo.,

Ign., Lach., Lyc., Nat-m., Nux-v., Pho., Pul., Sep., Sil., Spig.,


Comp: Different Parts of Head.

Healing, Poor: See Ulceration.


Bell., Bry., Buf., CACT., Calc-c., Car-v., Chin., Cratae., DIG.,

Fer-p., Glo., Iod., Kal-c., Kalm., Lach., LIL-T., LYCPS., Naj.,

Nat-m., Pho., Pul., Sep., SPIG., Spo., SUL., Ver-a.,Ver-v.

Comp: Blood Vessels; Waves.

HEAT, Burning, etc. (136): ACO., Ap., ARS., BELL., BRY., Canth.,

Caps., Caus., Cham., Chin., Gel., Ign., Iod., Lach., Lyc., Med.,

Merc., Merc-c., Nat-m., Nux-v., Op., PHO., PUL., RHUS-T.,

Sang., Sul.

HEAT, Burning, etc., Partial, Local., etc. (138): Aco., Ap., ARS.,

Bell., Bry., Calc-c., Canth., Caps., Car-v., Caus., Cham., Lyc.,

Merc., Nux-v., PHO., Pul., Rhus-t., Sep., SUL., Ver-v.

HEAT, Fire, Sun, of, Overheating, etc., Agg. (137) : Aco., Ant-c.,

BELL., Bry., Car-v., Gel., GLO., Kal-c., Lach., Lys., Merc.,



Nat-c., Op., Pul., Sele., Sep., Sul., Sul-a., Ther., Ver-v., Zin.

Comp: Warmth, Agg.

Heat, Flushes: See Waves.

HEAVINESS, General (139): Bry., Calc-c., Car-v., Chin., Con.,

GEL., Nat-m., NUX-V., Pho., Pho-ac., Pic-ac., PUL.,

Rhus-t., Sep., Sul.

Comp: Weight.

HEAVINESS, Partial (140): Alo., Alu., Ap., Arg-n., ARS., Gel.,

Lach., Lil-t., Lyc., Nat-m., NUX-V., Pic-ac., PUL., Sep., Sul.

Comp: Weight.

HEMORRHAGE, Bloody discharges (141).: Aco., ARN., Ars.,

BELL., Bur-p., Cact., CALC-C., Canth., Car-v., CHIN., Croc.,

Crot-h., Fer., Ham., Hyds., Ip., Lach., Led., Lyc., Mell.,

MERC., Merc-c., Mill., NIT-AC., Nux-v., PHO., PUL.,

Rhus-t., Sabi., Sec-c., Sep., Sul., Sul-a., Terb., Tril., Vib.,Vip. .

Comp: Moistness.

Held, Being, Amel.: See Holding.

HERE & THERE (142): Aco., Agar., Aur., Bar-c., Calc-c., Chel.,

Chin., Cimi., Cina., COCC., Grap., IGN., Lyc., Mag-c.,

Pho-ac., Rhus-t., Stan., Stap., Sul., Thu., Val., Zin.

Comp: Wandering.

Hernia: See Protrusion; Forced thru a narrow opening.

Hives: See Wheals.

HOLDING, Being held, etc., Amel. (143): Ars., Bry., Car-a., Dros.,

Eup-p., Gel., Glo., Lach., Lil-t., Murx., Nat-s., Sang., Sep., Sil.,

Stram., Sul.

Hollow: See Empty.

Hot Weather, Agg.: See Season, Summer.

HUMID, Warm., Wet WEATHER, Agg. (144): Alo., Ars., Bap., Bro.,

Bry., Car-v., Carb-s., Gel., Iod., Ip., Kal-bi., LACH., Lys.,

Nat-s., Pul., Rhus-t., Sil., Ver-v.

Comp: Dampness, Agg.

Hunger: See Appetite.

Hypochondrium, Right: See Liver.

ILEO-COECAL REGION (145): Ars., Bap., Bell., BRY., Car-v.,

Chin., COL., Ign., LACH., Lyc., Merc-c., Mur-ac., Nux-v.,

Pho., Pho-ac., Plb., Rhus-t., Sep., Sul., Thu.



Illusion: See Perception, Changed.

Imagination: See Perception, Changed.

INACTIVE, Apathetic, Lies down, Lethargic (146): Ail., Ant-t., Arn.,

Ars., Bap., Calc-c., Car-v., Caus., Chin., Gel., Hell., Nux-v.,

Old., OP., PHO., PHO-AC., Psor., SEP., Stram., Sul., Zin.

Comp: Lie down, Must; Reaction., Relaxation.

INCONTINENCE, Stool, Urine, Sexual, etc. (147): Alo., Arn., Ars.,

BELL., CAUS., Chin., Con., Dios., Gel., Hyo., Mur-ac.,

Nat-m., Pho., PHO-AC., Pod., Pul., Sele., Sep., Stap., Sul.

Incoordination: See Coordination, Disturbed.

Increasing & Decreasing Quickly: See Shooting.

INCREASING Slowly, then Gradually Decreasing, Sun pains, etc.

(148): Arg-n., Ars., Gel., Glo., Kal-bi., Kalm., Lach., Nat-m.,

Pho., PLAT., Pul., Sang., Spig., STAN., Stron., Sul., Syph.

Indifferent: See Placid.

Induration: See Hardness.

INJURIES, Wounds, Bruises, Shock, etc. (149): ARN., Calen., Cic.,

Con., Glo., Ham., Hypr., Lach., Led., Nat-s., Nit-ac., Pul.,

Rhus-t., Rut., Stap., Stron., Sul-a.,

Comp: Blows, Sprained.

Insensibility: See Numbness.

Insusceptibility: See Numbness.

INTERMITTENCY (150): ARS., Calc-c., Chin., Ip., Lach., NAT-M.,

Nit-ac., Nux-v., Pho-ac., Pul., Sec-c., Sul.

Comp: Paroxysms; Periodicity.

Involuntary discharges: See Incontinence.

Irregular effects: See Coordination disturbed.

Irritability: See Anger.

ITCHING (151): Agar., Ap., Calc-c., CAUS., Lyc., Merc., Pho., Pul.,

Rhus-t., Sep., Sil., Stap., SUL.

Comp: Formication.

ITCHING, Tickling, etc., Internal (152): Amb., Calad., Caus., Cof.,

Con., Iod., Kal-bi., Kre., Merc., Nit-ac., NUX-V., Petr., Sep.,

SUL., Thu.

JARRING, Shaking., Stepping hard, Riding, etc., Agg. (153): ARN.,

BELL., BRY., Chin., Cic., Cocc., Con., GLO., Hep., Nit-ac.,

Nux-v., RHUS-T., SEP., SIL., Ther.



Comp: Riding; Sensitive; Swaying.

Jerks: See Spasmodic.

JOINTS, Arthritic Complaints, etc. (154): Arn., Bell., Ben-ac., BRY.,

Calc-c., Caus., Cham., Cimi., COLCH., Dros., Dulc., Grap.,

Guai., Kal-bi., Kalm., Led., Lith-c., Lyc., MERC., Nux-v.,

Phyt., Pul., RHUS-T., Rut., Sabi., Sil., Stap., Sul., Urt-u.

Joints, cracking: See Cracking joints.

Kidneys: See Glands; Urinary Organs.

Knot: See Ball.

Labor like: See Pressing down.

LARYNX & TRACHEA (155): Aco., All-c., Bell., Bro., Caus.,

Dros., Hep., Iod., Kal-bi., LACH., Mang., Nux-v., PHO., Pul.,

Rum., Spo., Stan., Sul.

Comp: Voice.

Lassitude: See Inactive.

LAUGHING, Agg (156).: Aco., Arg., Ars., Aur., Bell., BOR., Cann.,

Car-v., Chin., Kal-c., Mang., PHO., Plb., STAN., Sul.

Lethargic See Inactive.

Legs: See Limbs, Lower.

Leucorrhoea: See Mucous Secretions altered.

Lies down: See Inactive.

LIE DOWN, MUST (157): Aco., Alu., Anac., Ap., Ars., Bap., Bry.,

Cham., Cocc., Fer., GEL., Kal-c., Lach., NUX-V., Pic-ac.,

Sele., Sil.

Comp: Collapse, Inactive.

Lifting, Agg.: See Sprained.

Ligaments: See Fibrous Tissue.

LIGHT, Artificial, Agg. (159): Bell., Calc-c., Con., Dros., Euphr.,

Glo., Lyc., MERC., Nat-m., Pho., Sep., Stram.

Comp: Sensitive.

LIGHT, Amel. (158): Am-m., Calc-c., Cann., Car-a., Car-v., Gel.,

STRAM., Stron., Val.

Lightning Pains: See Shooting.

LIMBS, UPPER (160): Am-m., Ars., Bell., Calc-c., Caus., Cocc.,

Fer., Kal-c., Lyc., Merc., Nux-v., Pho., Pul., RHUS-T., Sep.,

Sil., SUL.

LIMBS, LOWER (161): Alu., Ars., Bell., Calc-c., CAUS., Grap.,



Kal-c., Lach., Led., Lyc., Merc., Nit-ac., Nux-v., PUL.,

RHUS-T., Sep., SIL., SUL., Val., Zin.

LIVER AND GALLBLADDER (162): Bell., Berb., Bry., Calc-c.,

CHEL., Chin., Lach., Lept., LYC., Mag-m., Merc., Nat-s.,

NUX-V., Pho., Pod., Sang., Sep.

Livid: See Bluish.

Load: See Heaviness; Weight.

Looking intently, Agg.: See Reading, Agg.

LOOSE, As if (163): Am-c., Bar-c., Car-a., Caus., Chin., Croc., Hyo.,

Kal-c., Laur., Nat-s., NUX-M., Nux-v., RHUS-T., Sul-a..

Comp: Hanging loose; Rolling; Swashing.

LOQUACITY (164): Cann., Cimi., Hyo., LACH., Op., Sele., Stram.,


Loss of vital fluids, Agg.: See Discharges, Agg.

Lumbar Region: See Spine.

Lump: See Ball.

LUMPY Effects, Discharges, etc. (165): Aeth., Alo., Ant-c., Calc-c.,

Calc-io., Cham., Chin, Coc-c., Croc., Grap., KAL-BI., Kre.,

LYC., Merc., Merc-i-f., PLAT., Plb., Rhus-t., Sep., Sil.,Stan.

Comp: Ball, Thick.

Lungs: See Chest, Internal.

LYING, Agg. (166): Amb., Ant-t., Ap., ARS., Aur., Caps., Cham,

Con., Dros., Dulc., Eupho., Fer., Hyo., Lyc., Men., Merc.,

Nat-s., Pho., Plat., PUL., RHUS-T., Rum., Samb., Sang., Sep.,

Stron., Verb.

LYING, Amel. (167): BRY., Calc-c., Cham., Col., Ign., NUX-V.,

Pul., Rhus-t., Sep.

Comp: Sitting, Agg.

LYING, ABDOMEN, on, Amel. (168): BELL., Calc-p., Chel., Cina.,

COL., Elap., Eup-p., Lach., Lept., MED., Nit-ac., Par., Pho.,

Pod., Sep., Stan.

LYING, BACK, on, Agg. (169): Am-m., Arg., Ars.,Caus., Cham.,

Colch., Col., Cup., IGN., Iod., Kal-n., Nat-s., NUX-V., Op.,

Pho., Pul., Rhus-t., Sep., Sil., Spig., Sul.

Comp: Lying on abdomen, Amel.



Lying, Back, on, Amel.: See Lying , Side, on, Agg.

Lying Bent or Doubled up, Agg.: See Stretching, Amel.

LYING BENT or doubled up, Amel. (170): Aco., Calc-c., Caps.,

Caus., Cham., Chin., Cimi., Cina., COL., Grap., Kal-c., Lyc.,

Mag-m., MAG-P., Merc-c., Pul., Rhe., Rhus-t., Sec-c., Sep.,

Sul., Thu.

Lying, Head high, Amel.: See Lying, Head low, Agg.

LYING, HEAD LOW, with, Agg. (171): Ant-t., ARS., Bell., Chin.,

Con., Gel., Hep., Kal-n., Lach., PUL., Sang., Spig.

Lying. Head low, Amel.: See Raising up, Agg.

LYING, SIDE, on, Agg. (172): ACO., ANAC., Arg-n., Bar-c., BRY.,

Calad., CALC-C., CAR-A., Cina., Con., Fer., Ign., Ip.,

KAL-C., Kre., Lyc., Merc., Merc-c., Nat-s., Par., PHO.,

Pho-ac., PUL, Rhus-t., Seneg., SIL., STAN., Sul., Thu.

Lying on Side, Amel.: See Lying on back, Agg.

LYING, SIDE, LEFT, on, Agg. (173): Aco., Am-c., Ap., Arg-n.,

Bar-c., Bry., Cact., Car-a., Colch., Ip., Lil-t., Naj., Nat-c.,

Nat-m., Nat-s., Par., Petr., PHO., PUL., Sep., Sil., Sul., Thu.

LYING, SIDE, RIGHT, on, Agg. (174): Alu., Am-c., Am-m., Ben-ac.,

Bor., Caus., Iris., Kal-c., Lycps., Mag-m., MERC., Nux-v.,

Pho., Rum., Spo., Stan.

Lying, Side, Right, on, Amel.: See Lying, Side Left, on, Agg.

Lying, Side, Painful or Affected, on, Agg.: See Pressure, Agg.

Lying, Side, Painful, or Affected, on, Amel.: See Pressure, Amel.

LYING, SIDE, PAINLESS or Unaffected, Agg. (175): BRY.,

Cham., Col., Flu-ac., Ign., Nat-s., PUL., Rhus-t., Sec-c., Sep.

MALE ORGANS (176): Ag-c., Arg-n., Aur., Cann., Canth., Cinb.,

CLEM., Con., Grap., Lyc., MERC., NIT-AC., Nux-v., Plat.,

PUL., Rhod., RHUS-T., Spo., Stap., Sul., Thu.

Mapped: See Mottled.

Marasmus: See Emaciation.

Massaging, Amel.: See Rubbing, Amel.

MEASLY (177): ACO., Ars., Bry., Cam., Cof., Dros., Fer-p., Kal-bi.,

Pho., PUL, Stic.

Membrane, As of a: See Coated.

MEMORY (178): ANAC., Arn., Aur., Bar-c., Bell., Calc-c., Cann.,

Con., Hell., HYO., Lach., LYC., Merc., NAT-M., NUX-M.,



Op., Pho-ac., Stap., Sul.

Menopause: See Climaxis.

MENSES, BEFORE, Agg. (179): Calc-c., Cham., Cocc., Con., Cup.,

Hyo., Kre., LACH., Lyc., Nat-m., Pho., PUL., Sep., SUL.

MENSES, BEFORE, AND, AFTER, Agg. (180): Bor., Fer., Grap.,

Kre., Lac-c., Lach., Lil-t., Nat-m., Thu.

MENSES, DURING, Agg. (181): AM-C., Bell., Calc-c., Caus.,

Cham., Cimi., Cocc., GRAP., Kal-c., Lach., Nux-m., Nux-v.,

Pho., PUL., Sec-c., Sep., Sul.

Menses, During, Amel.: See Menses, Before and After, Agg.;

Discharges, Amel.

MENSES, AFTER, Agg. (182): Alu., BOR., Calc-c., Chin., GRAP.,

Kre., Lach., Lyc., Nat-m., Nit-ac., Nux-v., Pho., Plat., Pul.,

Sep., Stram.

Menses, Profuse: See Hemorrhage.

Menses, Suppressed, Agg.: See Discharges, Amel.


Cocc., Fer., Grap., Ip., Kal-c., Kre., Lach., Mag-c., Nat-m.,

Nux-v., Pho., Plat., PUL., Sabi., Sec-c., Sep., Sul.

Comp: Climaxis.

MENTAL EXERT1ON, Agg (184): Anac., Arg-n., Aur., CALC-C.,

Ign., Lach., Nat-c., Nat-m., NUX-V., Pho., Pho-ac., Pic-ac.,

Rhod., Sep., Sil., Sul.

Metastasis: See Alternating; Discharges, Amel.

MIGRAINE (185): Arg-n., Ars.,Calc-c., Cham., Cocc., Col., Ign.,

Iris., Kal-bi., NUX-V., Pho., Psor., Pul., SANG., SEP., Sil.,


Comp: Head; Nerve pain.

Midnight: See Time.

Milky: See Whiteness.

MIND (186): Aco., Ars., Aur., BELL., Bry., Calc-c., Cham., Chin.,

HYO., Ign., LACH., Lil-t., Lyc., Nat-c., Nat-m., NUX-V.,

Op., Pho., Pho-ac., Plat., PUL., Sep., STRAM., Sul.,Ver-a.

MOISTNESS, Fluidity, Increased secretions in General, etc. (187):

Ant-t., Ars., Calc-c., Cham., Chin., Fer., Gel., Hep., Ip., Lyc.,

MERC., Nux-v., Op., Pho., Pho-ac., Pul., Rhus-t., Samb.,



Sele., SEP., Sil., SUL., Thu., Ver-a.

MOON PHASES, During, Agg. (188): Alu., Ap., Ars., Bry., Calc-c.,

Cina., Cup., Lyc., Nux-v., Pho., SIL.

Morning, Agg.: See Time.

MORNING & EVENING, Agg. (189): Calc-c., Caus., Colch., Hep.,

Lyc., Nat-m., PHO., Rhus-t., Sang., SEP., Stram., Stron., Thu.

Comp: Time.

MOTION, Agg. (190): BELL., BRY., Calc-c., Chin., Colch., Kal-c.,

Led., Nat-m., Nux-v., Sil., Spig., Sul.

MOTION, Amel. (191): Ars., Con., Cyc., Dulc., Fer., Kal-s., PUL.,

Pyro., Rhod., Rhus-t., Samb., Sep., Sul.

Comp: Change of Position, Amel., Restlessness.

MOTION, BEGINNING, Agg.: Continued, Amel. (192): Amb.,

Calc-f., Caps., Con., Eupho., Fer., Lyc., Pho., Pul., RHUS-T.,

Sep., Syph.

Motion, Rapid, Agg.: See Motion, Slow, Amel.

MOTION, SLOW, Gentle, etc., Amel. (193): Agar., Alu., Amb.,

Aur., Col., FER., Glo., Kal-p., Mag-m., PUL., Tarn.

MOTTLED, Patchy, etc. (194): AIL., Ant-t., Ars., Bap., Bell., Car-v.,

Con., CROT-H., Glo., Kal-bi., LACH., Nat-m., Nux-v.,

Ox-ac., Pho., Rhus-t., Thu., Ver-v.

Comp: Spots.

MOUTH & THROAT (195): Ap., Arg-n., Aru-t., Bar-c., BELL.,

Caus., Gel., Hep., Kal-bi., Lac-c., Lach., Lyc., MERC.,

Merc-c., Merc-cy., Merc-i-r., Nit-ac., Nux-v., Pho., Phyt., Pul.,

Rhus-t., Sul.

MUCOUS SECRETIONS, Altered (196): Ant-t., Arg., Arg-n., Ars.,

CALC-C., Calc-s., Caus., Cham., Grap., Hep., Hyds.,

KAL-BI., Lyc., Merc., NAT-M., Nit-ac., Nux-v., Pho., PUL.,

SEP., Sil., Stan., Sul.

Mucous Secretions, Increased: See Moistness.

Mumps: See Glands; Mouth; Swelling.

MUSCLES (197): Agar., Anac., Arn., Ars., Bell., Bry., Calc-c.,

CAUS., Cimi., Cocc., Con., Eup-p., Gel., Hell., Hyo., Kal-c.,

Mur-ac., Nux-v., RHUS-T., Ver-a., Zin.

Nail: See Plug.



Nape: See Occiput, Nape & Neck.

Narcotics: See Drugs.

NASO-PHARYNX, Posterior Nares (198): Cist., Elap., Hep., HYDS.,

KAL-BI., Merc., Merc-c., Merc-i-f., Nat-c., Nit-ac., Sep.,

Spig., Zin-io.

NASO-PHARYNX, Posterior Nares, Discharge thru (199): Calc-c.,

Caps., Car-v., Caus., Colch., Hep., Hyds., Kal-bi., Merc.,

Nat-c., Nit-ac., Pho., Sep., Spig., Sul.

NAUSEA (200): Ant-t. Ars., COCC., Colch., Dig., IP., NUX-V.,

Petr., Pul., Sep, Sil., Tab., Ver-a.

Neck: See Occipit, Nape & Neck.

Needles: See Fine Pains.

NERVE PAIN (201): ACO., ARS., BELL., Bry., Caus., Cham.,

Chin., Cimi., COL., Dios., Gel., Hypr., Iris., Kal-bi., Lach.,

Lyc., Mag-p., Merc., Nat-m., Nux-v., Pho., Psor., Pul.,

RHUS-T., Sang., Spig., Sul., Verb.

NERVES, Nervous Patients, etc. (202): Aco., Arg-n., Asaf., Aur.,

Bell., Caus., Cham., Chin., Cimi., Cocc., Cof., Con., Cup.,

Fer., IGN., Iod., Kal-p., LACH., Lil-t., Mag-p., Merc., Mos.,

Nat-m., Nit-ac., Nux-m., NUX-V., Pho., Pic-ac., PUL., Sep.,


Comp: Emotions; Fearsome.

Neuralgia: See Nerve Pain.

NEURASTHENIA (203): Agar., Ars., Calc-c., Ign., Kal-p., Lach.,

Lyc., Nat-m., Nux-v., Phos., Pic-ac., SEP., SUL.

Comp: Mind.

NIGHT, Agg. (204): Aco., ARS, Cham., Chin., Colch., Con., Fer.,

Hep., Mag-c., MERC., Nit-ac., Pho., Pul., Rhus-t., SIL., Sul.,


Comp: Time.

Noises in Ear: See Tinnitus; Sounds, illusory.

NOSE and Accessory Cavities (205): Aco., Aesc., Alu., Ars., Aur.,

Calc-c., Grap., Hep., Hyds., Ign., Iod., KAL-BI., Kal-io., Lyc.,

Merc., Merc-i-f., Nat-m., Nit-ac., Nux-v., Pho., PUL., Sep.,

SIL., Spig., Sul.

NUMBNESS, Insusceptibility, Absence of pain, etc. (206): ACO.,

Ap., Bap., Car-v., COCC., Crot-h., Gel., Glo., GRAP., Kal-c,



LYC., Nux-m., Nux-v., Old., Op., Pho., Pho-ac., Plat., Plb.,

PUL., RHUS-T., Sec-c., Stram., Thu., Zin.

Comp: Reaction, Poor.

OBESITY (207): Ant-c., Bell., Buf., CALC-C., Caps., Fer., Grap.,

Kal-bi., Phyt.

OCCIPUT, NAPE and NECK (208): Agar., Bell., Bry., Calc-c.,

Car-v., Chin., CIMI., GEL., Ign., Nux-v., Onos., Petr., Phyt.,

Sep., SIL., Sul., Zin.

Comp: Head.

OCCIPUT, NAPE and NECK, Left: Kal-bi., Nat-m., Onos.

OCCIPUT, NAPE and NECK, Right: Bell., Chel., Sang.

Odor, Bad: See Offensiveness.

ODORS, Smells, etc., Agg. (209): Ars., Aur., Bell., Cof., COLCH.,

Eup-p., Grap., Ign., Lyc., Merc-i-f., Nux-v., Pho., Sang., SEP.,

Stan., Sul.

Comp: Sensitive.

OFFENSIVENESS, Fetor (210): Arn., Ars., Bap., Bry., Car-ac.,

CAR-V., Hep., Kal-p., Kre., LACH., Merc., Nit-ac., Pod.,

PSOR., Pyro., Rhus-t., Sec-c., Sep., Sil., Sul., Tell., Thu.

Oily: See Greasy.

OLD AGE, Senility (211): Amb., Ars., Aur., Bar-c., Car-a., Car-v.,

Con., Kal-c., Lach., Lyc., Op., Sec-c.

OPENING and SHUTTING or Contracted then Relaxed alternately or

as of a Valve (212): Cact., Calc-c., CANN., Cimi., COCC.,

Glo., Lil-t., Sep.

Comp: Alternating.

Orange: See Yellow.

Ordeals: See Fearsome.

Orgasms: See Waves.

ORIFICES (213): Aesc., Alo., Bell., Caus., Grap., Ign., Kal-c., Lach.,

Lyc., Merc., Mur-ac., Nat-m., NIT-AC., NUX-V., Pho., Pod.,

Rat., Sep., Sil., Sul, Tell.

Comp: Skin, Folds.

Outward: See Direction, Outward.

Ovary: See Female Organs; Glands.

Overheating, Agg.: See Heat, Fire, of, etc., Agg.

Overlifting: See Sprained.



Pain: See Sensitive.

Painlessness: See Numbness.

Pains: See Various Sensations.

Pains, Absence of: See Numbness.

Pale: See White.

PARALYSIS, Paralytic Pain, etc. (214): Ant-t., ARS., Bell., CAUS.,

Chin., Cocc., Con., Dulc., Gel., Hyo., Lach., Lyc., NUX-V.,

Op., PLB., RHUS-T., Sec-c., Sil., Stap., Sul., Zin.

PAROXYSMS, Repeated (215): Agar., Ars., Bell., Calc-c., Caus,.

CHAM., Chin., COCC., COL., Cup., Dios., Gel., Ign., Lach.,

MAG-P., NUX-V., Plat., Plb., Pul., SEP., Stan., Sul.

Comp: Intermittency; Spasmodic.

Pasty: See Sticky.

Patchy: See Mottled.

PERCEPTION, CHANGED (Mental or Visual) (216): Aco., Arg-n.,

Ars., Bar-c., BELL., Calc-c., Cann., HYO., Kal-br., Lac-c.,

Lach., Merc., Nux-m., Op., Pho., Pho-ac., Plat., STRAM., Sul.,


Perineum: See Prostrate and Perineum.

PERIODICITY (217): Aran., ARS., Cact., Caps., Ced., CHIN.,

Eup-p., Gel., Hep., Ip., Kal-c., Lyc., NAT-M., Nux-v., Pul.,

Rhus-t., Sul.

Comp: Intermittency.

PHAGEDENA, slough, etc. (218): ARS., Caus., Chel., Crot-h., Hep.,

Lach., Lyc., Merc., Merc-c., Mez., NIT-AC., Petr., SIL., Sul.

Picking: See Carphology.

Pieces, In: See Duality.

Pinching: See Compression.

PLACID, tranquil, indifferent, apathetic (219): Ap., Arn., Chin.,

Hell., Op., Pho., PHO-AC., SEP., Stap., Sul.

Comp: Inactive.

PLUG, Nail, Wedge, Clavus, etc. (220): Agar., Anac., Arn., Asaf.,

Cof., Hep., IGN., Plat., Ran-sc., Spo., Sul., Sul-a., THU.

Comp: Ball.

Polypi: See Warts.



Position, Change of, Agg.: See Motion, Agg.

Position, Change of, Amel.: See Change of Position, Amel.

Posterior Nares: See Naso-Pharynx.

PREGNANCY (221): Aco., Arn., Bell., Calc-c., Caul., Cham., Cimi.,

Cocc., Ign., Kre., Nux-m., NUX-V., PUL., Sabi., Sec-c., SEP.,

Sul., Ver-a.

PRESSING or BEARING DOWN, Straining, Tenesms, etc. (222):

Agar., Ap., Bell., CANTH., Cham., Cimi., Con., LIL-T.,

MERC-C., Nat-m., Nux-v., Plat., Pul., SEP., Sul.

PRESSURE, Agg., Lying on Painful or Affected side etc., Agg. (223):

Aco., Agar., Ap., Ars., Bar-c., Bell, Bry., Calad., Calc-c.,

Car-v., Cina., Cyc., Dros., Grap., Hep., Iod., Kal-c., Kal-io.,

LACH., Lyc., Mag-c., Mag-m., Nat-s., Nux-m., Nux-v., Pho.,

Pho-ac., Rut., Saba., SIL., Spo., Tell., Thu.

PRESSURE, Amel.; Lying on Painful or Affected side, etc., Amel.

(224).: Am-c., Arg-n., BRY., Calc-c., Cham., Chin., COL.,

Con., Dios., IGN., Mag-m., Mag-p., Men., Nat-c., Plb., Pul.,

Rhus-t., Sep., STAN.

Comp: Lying, Side, Painless or Unaffected , Agg.

Pressure of Clothes, Agg.: See Clothes.

PRESSURE, Simple Sense of (225): Bell., Bry., Lach., Lyc., Nat-m.,

Nit-ac., Nux-v., Pul., Sep., Sil., Stan., SUL.

Pricking Pains: See Fine.

Prolapse: See Falling.

PROSTATE and PERINEUM (226): Bar-c., Caus., Chin., CON., Dig.,

Lyc., Nat-s., Nit-ac., Pho., PUL., Sabal., Sele., Sep., Sil., Stap.,

Sul., THU.

Comp: Glands.

Prostration: See Collapse.

PROTRUSION, also Sense of; of Internal parts as Eyes, Hernia, etc.

(227): Aco., Aur., Bell., Cocc., Fer., Glo., Hyo., Iod., LACH.,

Lyc., Lycps., NUX-V., Op., Spig., Stram., Sul-a.

Comp: Falling, Forced thru a narrow opening.

Proud flesh: See Warts.

Ptosis: See Falling.

PUBERTY and YOUTH (228): Bell., Calc-p., Fer-p., Hell., Kal-br.,



Kal-c., Lach., Nat-m., PHO., Pho-ac., PUL., Senec.

PUFFINESS (229): AP., ARS., Bov., CALC-C., Caps., Fer., Kal-c.,

Lob., Med., Nat-c., Nux-v., Op., Pho., RHUS-T., Rum., Rut.

Comp: Swelling.

Pulsation: See Throbbing.

Pulse: See Heart.

PULSE, SLOW (230): Agar., Bap., Cann., Dig., Gel., Hell., Kali-n.,

Kalm., Mur-ac., Op., Sec-c., Spig., Stram., Ver-a., Ver-v.

Purple: See Bluish.

Pus: See Suppuration.

Quick Pains: See Shooting.

Quivering: See Trembling.

Radiating: See Direction, Radiating.

RAISING ARMS, Agg. (231): Ap., Arg-n., BAR-C., Berb., Bry.,

Cocc., CON., Cup., Dig., Fer., Grap., Led., Mag-c., Nit-ac.,

Ran-b., Rhus-t., Sang., Spig., Sul.

RAISING UP, Agg. (232): Aco., Bell., BRY., Cad-s., Cham., Cocc.,

Fer., Ign., Merc-i-f., Nat-m., Nux-v., Op., Pho., Phyt., Pul.,

Rhus-t., Sil., Sul., Ver-v., Vib.

Comp: Lying, Amel., Rising from Sitting Agg.

Raising up, Amel: See Lying, Head low, Agg; Stooping, Agg.

RATTLING (233): Am-m., ANT-T., Calc-c., Calc-s., Chin., Cup.,

HEP., IP., Kal-s., Lyc., Op., Seneg., Squ., Sul., Ver-a.

Comp: Gurgling.

RAWNESS (234): ARG., Aru-t., Calc-c., Canth., Car-v., CAUS.,

Hep., Hyds., Lach., Lyc., Merc., NUX-V., Pho., Pul.,

Ran-sc., Stan., Sul.

Comp: Soreness.

REACTION, POOR (235): Amb., Ant-t., Caps., Car-v., Cup., Fer.,

Mos., Op., PSOR., SUL., Syph., Val., Zin.

Comp: Inactive.

READING, Agg. (236): Eyestrain, Agg.: Calc-c., Cina., Con.,

NAT-M., Onos., Pho., Rhus-t., RUT., Seneg., Sep., Sul.

Recovery, Incomplete or Slow: See Reaction, Poor.

REDNESS (237): ACO., Ap., Arg-n., Arn., BELL., Bry., Cham.,

Chin., Fer., Lach., Mell., Merc., Nux-v., Op., Pho., Rhus-t.,

Sang., Sep., SUL.



RELAXATION (238): Aeth., Alo., Ant-t., Ars., Calc-c., Caps.,

CAUS., Chin., Cocc., Colch., GEL., Hell., Hyo., LYC.,

Merc-cy., MUR-AC., Nat-c., Nat-m., Op., PHO-AC., Ver-a.

Comp: Inactive.

RESPIRATION (239): Aco., Ant-t., Ap., ARS., Bell., Bry., Car-v.,

Cup., Dig., Dros., Grind., Hep., IP., Kal-c., LACH., Lob.,

Lyc., Nat-s., OP., PHO., PUL., Samb., SPO., Stan., SUL.,

Tarn., Vib.

Rest, Agg.: See Motion, Amel; Restlessness.

Rest, Amel: See Motion, Agg.

RESTLESSNESS (240): ACO., Ap., ARS., Bell., Cham., Cimi.,

Cina., Fer., Hyo., Merc., Pho., RHUS-T., Sep., Stram., Sul.,

Tarn., Zin.

RETRACTED, Depressed, Drawn Back, etc. (241): Ast-r., Cic.,

Clem., Crot-t., Cup., Hep., Hyds., Lach., Merc., Nat-m.,

Nux-v., Op., Par., Phyt., PLB., Sars., Sil., Thu., Zin.

RIDING on horseback, Agg. (242): Ars., Bell., Bor., Bry., Grap.,

Lil-t., Mag-m., Nat-c., Rut., SEP., Sil., Spig., Sul-a., Val.

Comp: Jarring; Swaying.

Rigidity: See Stiffness.

RISING from Sitting, Agg.( 243): Aesc., Bry., Calc-c., Caps., Caus.,

Con., Kal-bi., Led., Lyc., Nat-s., PHO., Pul., Rhus-t., Sep.,

Spig., Stap., SUL.

Comp: Motion, Beginning, Agg.

Rocking: See Swaying.

ROLLING, Turning over, etc., as if (244): BELL., Cact., Crot-h.,

Cup., Gel., Grap., Kal-c., LACH., Lyc., Pul., Rhus-t., Saba.,

Sep., Tarn.

Comp: Ball; Loose.

Ropy: See Sticky.

RUBBING, Amel. (245): Calc-c., CANTH., Cina., Dros., Mag-p.,

Merc., NAT-C., Pall., PHO., PLB., Pod., Rhus-t., Rut., Tarn.,

Thu., Zin.

Running, Agg.: See Motion, Slow, Amel.; Exertion, Agg.

Rusty: See Brownish.

SADNESS, Low spirits (246): Aco., Ars., AUR., Car-a., Chin.,

Grap., IGN., Lach., Lyc., Nat-c., NAT-M., Nit-ac., Psor.,



PUL., Stan., Sul., Syph.

Salivation See Moistness; Mouth.

SALTINESS, Taste, Smell, Fishy Odors, etc. (247): Ars., Calc-c.,

Car-v., Kal-io., Lyc., MERC., Merc-c., Nat-c., Nat-m., Pho.,

Pul., Sanic., Sele., SEP., Tell.

Scabs: See Crusts.

Scalded: See Burnt.

Scaly: See Desquamation.

Scapula: See Shoulders and Scapulae.

Sciatica: See Nerve Pain.

SCRAPING (248): Ant-t., Ars., Asaf., Bro., Caus., Cham., CHIN.,

Kre., Nux-v., PHO-AC., Pul., RHUS-T., Saba., Sul., Ver-a.

Comp: Rawness.

Seasickness: See Swaying Agg.

Seasons, Change of, Agg.: See Change of temperature, Agg.

SEASON, SPRING, Agg. (249): All-c., Amb., Bell., Bry., Calc-c.,

Calc-p., Car-v., Crot-h., Gel., Kal-bi., LACH., Rhus-t., Sars.,


SEASON, SUMMER, Hot Weather, Agg. (250): Aeth., Ant-c., Bell.,

Bry., Flu-ac., Gel., Iris., Kal-bi., Lach., Nat-c., Nat-m., POD.,

Pul., Sele., Ver-v.

SEASON, AUTUMN, Agg. (251): Chin., Colch., Dulc., Merc.,

Merc-c., RHUS-T., Ver-a.

SEASON, WINTER, Agg. (252): Ars., Aur., Dulc., Kalm., Nux-v.,

Petr., Psor., RHUS-T.

Secretions, Bloody: See Hemorrhage.

Secretions, Briny: See Saltiness.

Secretions, Increased: See Moistness.

Seminal Emissions: See Coition; Incontinence.

Senility: See Old Age.

SENSES, Special, Dulled (253): Bell., Calc-c., Caus., Gel., Hyo.,

Lyc., Merc., Nat-m., Nit-ac., Pho., PUL., Sil., Sul.

Comp: Numbness.

SENSITIVE, also to Noise, Light, Odors, Pain, Can’t stand it, Touch,

Trifles, etc. (254): Aco., Arn., Ars., Asaf., Aur., BELL., Bor.,

Cham., CHIN., Cof., Colch., Cup., Fer., Hep., Ign., LACH.,

Lyc., Merc., Nat-m., Nit-ac., NUX-V., Pho., Sep., Sil., Ther.,




Comp: Light Agg.

Separated: See Duality.

Sepsis: See Blood; Typhoid States.

Sewing, Agg.: See Fingers, Using, Agg; Reading, Agg.

SEXUAL D1STURBANCES (255): Ag-c., Bar-c., Calc-c., CANTH.,

Chin., Con., Grap., Lil-t., LYC., Nux-v., PHO., Pho-ac.,

Pic-ac., Plat., Sele., Stap., Stram., Sul.

Sexual Intercourse, Agg.: See Coition, Agg.

Shaking, Agg.: See Jarring, Agg.

SHATTERED or Flying into pieces, Explosions, etc., As if (256):

Aeth., Ars., Bell., Bry., Car-a., Cof., Dig., Glo., Mur-ac.,

Nit-ac., Nux-v., PUL., RHUS-T., Sil., Stan., Stap., Sul., Ver-a.

Comp: Blows.

Shifting: See Wandering.

Shining: See Glistening.

Shock: See Injuries.

Shocks: See Blows.

SHOOTING, Darting, Lightning, Quick Pains. (257): Aco., Agar.,

Arg-n., Ars., BELL., Berb., Cimi., Col., Dios., Fer., Kal-c.,

Kalm., Mag-p., Nit-ac., Nux-v., Ox-ac., Pru-s., Rhus-t., Sep.,

Spig., SUL., Zin.

SHOULDERS AND SCAPULAE (258): Bell., Bry., CALC-C., Caus.,

CHEL., Chin., Cimi., Fer., Kal-c., Kre., Merc., Nux-v., Pho.,

RHUS-T., Sep., Sil., Sul., Zin.

Comp: Spine; Limbs, Upper.

SHOULDERS AND SCAPULAE, Between (259): Aco., Am-m.,

Arn., Calc-c., Calc-p., Caps., Col., Guai., Helo., Lyc., Nit-ac.,

Pho., Rhus-t., Sep.

Comp: Spine.

SHUDDERING, Nervous (260): Aco., Am-m., ARN., Bell., Cimi.,

Cina., Cocc., Gel., Ign., Led., Mez., Nat-m., NUX-V., Pul.,

Rhus-t., Sep., Sil., Spig.

Comp: Trembling.

SIDE, Lain on, Agg., pain goes to (261): Bry., Calc-c., Kal-c., Merc.,

Nux-v., Pho-ac., PUL., Sep., Sil.

Comp: Pressure, Agg.



SIDE, Not Lain on, Agg., pain goes to (262): Bry., Grap., Ign.,

Kal-bi., Rhus-t.

Comp: Pressure, Amel.

SIDE, Left (263): ASAF., Calc-f, Cina., Clem., Eupho., LACH.,

Lil-t., Mez., Pho., Rhus-t., SEP., Spig., Squ., Stan., SUL., Thu.

SIDE, Left to Right (264): All-c., Bro., Calc-c., Fer., LACH.,

Merc-i-r., Nux-m., Plb., Pul., Rhus-t., Saba., Stan., Tarx.

SIDE, Right (265): Ap., BELL., Bry., CALC-C., Canth., Chel., Col.,

Crot-h., Gel., Iris., LYC., Nux-v., Pul., Rum., Sang., Sil., Tarn.

SIDE, Right to Left (266): Aco., Amb., Am-c., Ap., Bell., Calc-p.,

Caus., Chel., Cup., Lil-t., LYC., Merc-i-f., Pho., Rum., Saba.,

Sang., Sul-a., Ver-a.

Side to Side: See Alternating; Direction, Crosswise.

Sinking: See Empty.

Sinking Down: See Collapse: Empty; Falling.

Sinus: See Fistula.

SIT DOWN, Inclined to (267): Ars., Car-v., CHIN., Cocc., CON.,

GRAP., Guai., Nat-m., NUX-V., PHO., Pul., Rhus-t., Stan.

Comp: Standing, Agg.

SITTING, Agg. (268): Agar., Am-m., CAPS., CON., CYC., DULC.,

EUPHO., LYC., PLAT., PUL., RHUS-T., SEP., Sul., Val.,

VERB., Zin.

Comp: Lying, Amel.

SKIN (269): Ap., ARS., Bell., Bry., Calc-c., Caus., Grap., Hep.,

Lach., Lyc., MERC., Nit-ac., Petr., Pho., Pul., RHUS-T., Sep.,

Sil., SUL.

Skin, as of a: See Coated.

SKIN, Folds, Flexures of (270): Ars., Calc-c., GRAP., Hep., Lyc.,

Merc., Nat-m., Petr., PSOR., Sep., Sil., Sul.

Comp: Orifices.

SLEEP, Falling to or First, Agg. (271): Aral., Ars., Bap., Bell., Bry.,

Car-v., Grind., LACH., Op., Pho., Pul., Sep., Sul.

SLEEP, Waking from, after, Agg. (272): Ap., Ars., Bell., Chin.,

Lach., Lyc., Lycps., Nux-v., Op., Pho., Pul., Sele. Spo.,

Stram., Sul.

SLEEP, Amel.; Loss of, Agg., etc. (273): Ars., Cocc., Cof., Colch.,



Merc., Nux-v., Pall., PHO., Pul., Sang., Sep., Zin.

SLEEPINESS (274): Aeth., Ant-c., ANT-T., Bap., Calc-c., Chel.,

Croc., Fer-p., Gel., NUX-M., NUX-V., OP., Pho-ac., Pul., Sul.

SLEEPLESSNESS (275): Aco., Ars., Bell., Calc-c., Cham., Cocc.,

COF., Hyo., Kal-c., Lach., Merc., Nux-v., Op., Pho., PUL.,

Rhus-t., Sep., Sil., Sul.

Sliding down: See Falling.

Slough: See Phagedena.

Smarting: See Rawness.

SMELL (276): Aur., BELL., Calc-c., Colch., Grap., Hep., Lyc.,

Nat-m., NUX-V., PHO., Pul., Sep., Sil., SUL.

Smells: See Odors, Offensive.

Smoke: See Vapor.

SNOW AIR, Agg. (277): Calc-p., Caus., Con., Form., Lyc., Mag-m.,

Nux-v., Pho., Pho-ac., Pul., Rhus-t., SEP., Sil., Sul.

Comp: Frost, Agg.

Someone else, As if: See Duality.

SORENESS, Bruised, Smarting, etc. (278): Ap., ARN., Aur., Bell.,

BRY., Canth., Car-v., Caus., Chin., Cimi., EUP-P., Gel., Hep.,

Hypr., Lach., Nit-ac., NUX-V., Pho., Phyt., Pul., Ran-b.,

RHUS-T., RUT., SIL., Sul.

Comp: Rawness.

SOUNDS, ILLUSORY (279): Ars., Bar-c., Bell., Calc-c., Caus.,

CHIN., Grap., Lyc., Nat-m., Nit-ac., Nux-v., Petr., Pho.,

Pic-ac., Pul., Spig., Sul.

Comp: Perception; Tinnitus.

SOURNESS (280): CALC-C., Chin., Hep., Lyc., Mag-c., Merc.,

Nat-c., Nat-m., Nat-p., NUX-V., Pho., Pul., Rhe., Sep., Sil.,

SUL., Sul-a.

SPASMODIC or Convulsive Effects, Twitchings, etc. (281): Agar.,

Ars., BELL., Calc-c., Caus., Cham., Cic., Cimi., Cina., CUP.,

HYO., Ign., Ip., KAL-C., LACH., Mez., Nux-v., Op., Plat.,

Plb., Rhus-t., Sep., STAN., STRAM., Sul., Thu., Ver-v., ZIN.,

Comp: Cramp, Paroxysms.

SPEECH, Affected (282): Bell., Caus., Crot-c., Gel., Glo., Hyo.,

Kal-br., LACH., Lyc., Merc., Nat-c., Nat-m., Nux-m., Nux-v.,



Pho., Stan., STRAM.

Comp: Voice.

SPINE and CORD (283): AGAR., Ars., Aur., Bell., CALC-C., Chi-s.,

Cimi., Cocc., Fer., Gel., Hypr., Kal-c., Lach., Nat-m., Nat-s.,

Nux-v., PHO., Pho-ac., Pic-ac., Plb., Rhus-t., Sec-c., SIL.,

Sul., Tell., Zin.

Comp: Various regions.

Spirits low: See Sadness.

Splashing: See Swashing.

Splinter: See Fine.

Splitting: See Bursting.

SPOTS, Pain, etc., in (284): Agar., Arg., Ars., Berb., Buf., Calc-p.,

Caus., Cist., Colch., Con., Flu-ac., Hep., Ign., KAL-BI.,

LACH., Lil-t., Merc., Nat-m., Nux-m., Pho., Rhus-t., Sele.,

SEP., Sil., Sul., Thu., Zin.

Comp: Mottled.

SPRAINED, Dislocated, Lifting, etc., Agg. (285): ARN., Bry.,

Calc-c., Caus., Led., Nat-c., Psor., Pul., RHUS-T., Rut., Sil.,

Stron., Sul., Val.

Comp: Exertion, Injuries.

Spring: See Season, Spring.

Squeezing: See Compression; Constriction; Cramp.

Stammering: See Coordination disturbed, Speech.

Stand it, can´t: See Sensitive.

STANDING, Agg. (286): Alo., Bry., Cocc., Con., Cyc., Ign., Lil-t.,

Nat-m., Nat-s., Pul., Rhus-t., Sep., SUL., Val.

Comp: Sit down, Inclined to.

Stepping hard.: See Jarring.

STERNUM, Region of, also Throat Pit., etc. (287): Ars., Bro.,

BRY., Caus., Cham., Hep., Kal-bi., Lach., PHO., Rhus-t.,

RUM., Sang., Sep., Sul.

Sticking: See Fine; Stinging; Stitches.

STICKY, Stringy, etc. (288): Arg-n., Bov., Bry., Caus., Coc-c., Croc.,

Grap., Hyds., KAL-BI., Kal-c., Kal-m., Lach., Lyc., Myr.,

Nat-m., Pho., Pul., Rum., Stan., Sul-a., Thu., Ver-a.

Comp: Adhesive.

STIFFNESS (289): Ap., Bell., Bry., Caus., Chel., Dulc., Kalm.,



Lach., Led., Lyc., Nux-v., RHUS-T., Sep., Sil., Sul.

STINGING (290): Aco., AP., Ars, Berb., Kal-c., Lys., Nit-ac., Pho.,

Pul., Sabal., Sep., SIL., Sul.

Comp: Burning-Stinging.

STITCHES (291): Aco., Agar., Ars., Bell., Berb., Bor., BRY., Caus.,

KAL-C., Merc., Nit-ac., Pul., Ran-b., Rhus-t., Sep., Sil., Spig.,


Comp: Fine.

Stitches as from needles: See Fine.

STOMACH & BOWELS (292): Aeth., Arg-n., ARS., Bry., Calc-c.,

Car-v., Chin., Col., Ip., Lach., LYC., NUX-V., PHO., PUL.,

Sep., Sil., Sul., Ver-a.

Stool, Involuntary: See Incontinence.

STOOPING, Agg. (293): Am-c., Bell., BRY., Calc-c., Caus., Lyc.,

Mang., Nux-v., Pul., Sep., Sil., Spig., Sul., Val.

Comp: Lying with head low, Agg.

Stooping, Amel: See Raising up, Agg.

Storms: See Change of temperature.

Straining: See Pressing down; Sprained.

STRETCH, Impulse to (294): Alu., Ars., Bry., Car-v., CAUS.,

Cham., Grap., Lyc., NUX-V., Pul., Rhus-t., Rut., Squ., Zin.

Stretching Agg: See Lying bent, Amel.

STRETCHING, Bending backwards, etc, Amel. (295): Alet., Alu.,

ANT-T., Arn., Bell., Calc-c., Chel., Cup., Dios., Guai., Helo.,

Hep., IGN., Lyc., Nux-v., Pul., Rhus-t., Sabi., Sec-c.

Stringy: See Sticky.

Stroking, Amel: See Rubbing, Amel.

Summer: See Season, Summer.

Sun or Radiated heat, Agg.: See Heat, Fire, of, etc., Agg.

Sun Pains: See Increasing & Decreasing Slowly.

Suppression Agg.: See Discharges, Amel.

SUPPURATION (296): Arn., Ars., Ars-io., Calc-c., Calc-s., HEP.,

Kal-s., Lach., Lyc., MERC., Pul., Pyro., SIL., Sul., Sul-i.,


Suspended: See Hanging loose.

SWALLOWING, Agg.; Painful, etc. (297): Ap., Ars., Bar-c., Bell.,



Bry., Canth., Gel., Hep., Hyo., Kal-c., Lac-c., LACH., Merc.,

Merc-c., Nit-ac., Phyt., Rhus-t., Stram., Sul.

Comp: Forced thru narrow opening.

Swallowing liquids, Agg.: See Drinking Agg.

SWASHING, Splashing, etc., as of water (298): Ars., Bell., Car-a.,

Car-ac., Chin., Crot-t., Dig., Glo., Hep., Hyo., Kal-c., Pho-ac.,

Rhus-t., Spig., Sul.

Comp: Gushings; Loose.

SWAYING, Swinging, etc. Agg., Car or Sea Sickness, etc. (299):

Ars., COCC., Colch., Glo., PETR., Sele., Sep., Tab., Ther.

Comp: Jarring; Riding.

Sweat increased: See Moistness; Skin.

Sweat, Amel.: See Discharges, Amel.

SWEAT, Partial, Local (300): Ap., Bar-c., CALC-C., Car-v., Nux-v.,

Pho., Pul., Sele., SEP., Sil., Sul., Thu., Ver-a.

Sweat, Scanty: See Dryness; Skin.

Sweat, Suppressed: See Discharges, Amel.

SWELLING (301): Aco., Ap., Ars., Bar-c., Bell., Bry., Calc-c., Grap.,

Hep., Lach., Led., Lyc., MERC., Nit-ac., Pho., Pul., Rhus-t.,


Comp: Puffiness.

Swinging, Agg.: See Swaying, Agg.

Taste, Altered: See Perception, Changed.

TEARING Pains (302): Aco., Ars., Bell., Bry., Caus., Cham., CHIN.,

Kal-c., LYC., MERC., NIT-AC., PUL., RHUS-T., Sil., Spig.,

Sul., Val., ZIN.

Comp: Drawing.

TEETH, Dentition, etc. (303): ACO., Ant-c., Bell., Bry., CALC-C.,

Calc-p., Caus., CHAM., Chin., Cof., Kre., Lach., MERC.,

Mez., Nux-v., Pod., PUL., Rhus-t., SEP., Sil., Spig., STAP.,


Temperature, Change of, Agg.: See Change of temperature.

TENDO-ACHILLES (304): Anac., Berb., Caus., Kal-bi., Merc.,

MUR-AC., Sabi., Sep., Val., ZIN.

Tendons: See Fibrous Tissue.



Tenesmus: See Pressing down.

TENSION, Tightness (305): Bry., Caus., Lyc., Nat-m., Nux-v.,

PHO., PUL., RHUS-T., Sul., Vio-od.

Comp: Bursting; Constriction.

Testes: See Glands; Male Organs.

THICK, Discharges, etc. (306): Arg., Ars., Calc-c., Calc-s., Car-v.,

Con., Croc., Hyds., Kal-bi., PUL., Sil., Sul.

Thinking, Agg.: See Mental Exertion, Agg.

THIRST, Absent., especially during Fever, Aversion to water etc.

(307): Aeth., Ap., Bell., Chin., Fer., Gel., Hell., Hyo., Ign., Ip.,

Nux-m., PUL., Saba., Sep., Stram.

Thread like: See Fine.

Throat: See Mouth and Throat.

Throat Pit: See Sternum.

THROBBING, Pulsating, etc. (308): Aco., BELL., Bry., Calc-c.,

Chin., Fer., Glo., Lach., Nat-m., Pho., PUL., Sep., Sil., Sul.

THROBBING, Bloodvessels, in: Bell., Glo.

Thrusts: See Blows.

Tickling: See Itching, Internal.,

Tight band, as if: See Constriction.

Tightness: See Constriction; Tension.

TIME, 12 Night to 4 A. M. (309): Am-c., Am-m., Ars., Caus., Ced.,

Dros., Kal-bi., Kal-c., Mag-c., Nux-v., Pod., Pul.,

Rhus-t., Sil., Sul., Thu.

Comp: Night.

TIME, 4 to 8 A. M. (310): Alu., Arn., Aur., Bry., Chel., Eup-p., Hep.,

Kal-bi., Lach., Nat-m., Nux-v., POD., Rum., Sul., Ver-a.

TIME, 8 A.M. to 12 Noon. (311): Cact., Chi-s., Eup-p., Gel., Nat-c.,

NAT-M., Nux-v., Pho., Saba., Sep., Stan., Sul.

TIME, 12 Noon to 4 P. M. (312): Alu., Ars., Bell., Lach., Lyc., Pul.,

Sil., Thu., Zin.

TIME, 4 to 8 P. M. (313): Ap., Caus., Hell., Hyo., LYC., Nit-ac.,

Pho., Plat., Pul., Rhus-t., Sep., Sul., Ver-a.

Comp: Morning and Evening.

TIME, 8 P. M. to 12 Night (314): Arg-n., Bov., BRY., Car-v., Gel.,



Lyc., Mur-ac., Pho., Pul., Rum., Stan., Sul.

Comp: Night.

TIME, Midnight (315): Aco., ARS., Caus., Chin., Fer., Rhus-t.

Time, Morning and Evening: See Morning and Evening.

Time, Night: See Night, Agg.

Tingling: See Formication; Itching.

TINNITUS, Ear noises, etc. (316): Ars., Bar-c., Calc-c., Caus.,

CHIN., Grap., Lyc., Nat-m., Nux-v., Petr., Pic-ac., Pul., Sul.

Tired: See Inactive.

Tonsils: See Glands; Mouth and Throat.

Torn Loose: See Adhesive.

Torn to Pieces: See Shattered.

Touch, Agg.: See Sensitive.

Tough: See Sticky.

Trachea: See Larynx and Trachea.

Tranquil: See Placid.

TREMBLING (317): Agar., Arg-n., Ars., Calc-c., Cimi., Con.,

Crot-h., Gel., Grap., Iod., Lil-t., Merc., NUX-V., Rhus-t.,

Stap., Stram., Stron., Sul-a., Zin.

Comp: Shuddering.

TRICKLING, Dropping or Flowing, as of water, etc. (318): Arg-n.,

Bad., Cann., Caus., Glo., Kal-bi., Nat-m., Rhus-t., Sep., Stan.,

Tarn., Thu., Ver-a.

Comp: Gurgling.

Trifles, Agg.: See Sensitive.

Turning over: See Rolling over.

TURNING OVER in Bed, Agg. (319): Bell., Cact., Calad., Car-v.,

Con., NUX-V., Pul., Sang., Stap., SUL., Zin.

Comp: Motion, Beginning Agg.

TWISTING, Wrenching etc. (320): Ars., Bell., Calc-c., Cina., Col.,

DIOS., Ign., Nux-v., Rhus-t., Sil., VER-A.

Twitching: See Spasmodic.

TYPHOID STATES (321): Arn., ARS., Bap., BRY., Calc-c., Car-v.,

Hyo., Lach., Lyc., Mur-ac., Op., Pho., PHO-AC., Pyro.,

RHUS-T., Stram., Zin.

Comp: Blood, Sepsis.

ULCERATION (322): ARS., Asaf., Calc-c., Car-v., Caus., Hep.,



Kal-bi., Lach., Lyc., MERC., Nit-ac., PUL., Rhus-t., Sep.,

SIL., Sul.

Comp: Suppuration.

Ulceration, Pain as of: See Gnawing.

Uncovering, Agg.: See Wind.

UNCOVERING, Amel. (323): Aco., Ap., Calc-c., Flu-ac., Iod.,

Kal-c., Kal-io., Led., LYC., Op., Pul., Sec-c., Spig., Sul.

Comp: Bathing, Amel., Warmth, Agg.

Unhappy: See Sad.

Upward Sensations: See Direction, Ascending.

Up and Down: See Direction, Up and Down.

Urging: See Pressing down.

Urinary Incontinence: See Incontinence.

URINARY ORGANS (324): Ap., Ars., Bell., Berb., Cann., CANTH.,

Caus., Fer., Hep., LYC., Merc., Merc-c., Nat-m., Nit-ac.,

Nux-v., Pho., Pho-ac., PUL., Rhus-t., Sars., SEP., Sul., Terb.,


Urine Increased: See Moistness; Urinary Organs.

Urinous Odour: See Ammoniacal.

Urticaria: See Wheals.

Uterus: See Female Organs.

Valve: See Opening and Shutting.

VAPOR, Smoke, Fumes, etc., as of (325): Ap., Arg., ARS., Bar-c.,

Bro., Chin., Ign., Lyc., Pul., Sul-a., Ver-a.

Comp: Dust.

Vaults: See Dampness.

VERTEX (326): Cact., Calc-c., Calc-p., Car-a., Caus., Cimi., Glo.,

Hypr., LACH., Lyc., Men., Nit-ac., Pho-ac., Ran-sc., Sil.,

SUL., Ver-a.

Comp: Head.

VERTIGO (327): Aco., BELL., BRY., Calc-c., Chel., Cocc., Con.,

Cup., Fer., GEL., Nat-m., NUX-V., Petr., PHO., PUL.,


Comp: Floating.

VESICLES, Blisters., etc. (328): Ap., ARS., Aru-t., Calc-c., Canth.,

Caus., Crot-t., Grap., Lach., Mag-c., Merc., Nat-c., Nat-m.,

Nit-ac., Ran-b., RHUS-T., Sep., Sul.



Comp: Eruptions.

Vicarious Discharges: See Discharges, Vicarious.

Vise: See Compression.

VISION (329): Arg-n., Aur., BELL., Con., Cyc., Gel., Hyo., Lyc.,

NAT-M., Nux-v., Pho., Pul., Rut., Sep., Sil., Stram., SUL.

Comp: Eyes; Perception; Senses.

VOICE (330): Aco., Bell., Bro., Canth., Car-v., Caus., DROS., Hep.,

Iod., Mang., Merc., PHO., Pul., Sele., Sep., SPO., Stan.,

Stram., Ver-a.

Comp: Larynx.

Waking from Sleep, Agg.: See Sleep, Waking from, Agg.

Walking, Agg.: See Motion, Agg.

WANDERING, Changeful, Shifting Pains (331): Arn., Berb.,

Calc-p., Caul., Cimi., Colch., KAL-BI., Kal-s., Kalm., Lac-c.,

Led., Mag-c., Mag-p., Nux-m., PUL., Rhod., Sil.

Comp: Alternating; Here & There.

Warm, Wet, Agg.: See Humid.

Warm wraps, Agg.: See Uncovering, Amel.

WARMTH, in general, Agg. (332): AP., Bell., Bry., Gel., IOD.,

LACH., Led., Lyc., Merc., Nat-m., PUL, Sabi., Sec-c., Sul.

Comp: Uncovering, Amel.

Warmth, Amel: See Chilled, Agg.

WARTS, Fungoid Growths, Condyloma, Proud Flesh, etc. (333):

Ant-c., Ars., Bar-c., Calc-c., Car-a., Caus., Dulc., Fer-pic.,

Lach., Lyc., Merc., Nat-s., NIT-AC., Pho., Pho-ac., Sabi., Sil.,

Stap., Sul., THU.

Washing, Agg.: See Dampness, Agg.

Water, Dropping, as if: See Trickling.

Watery: See Dampness; Moistness

WAVES, Flushes, Orgasms, Fluctuation, etc. (334): Amy-n., Aur.,

Bell., Calc-c., Fer., Gel., Glo., LACH., Mell., Pho., Sang.,

SEP., Stron., Sul., Sul-a.

Comp: Alternating; Direction, Ascending; Floating.

Weak, Internally: See Empty.

Weak, Suddenly: See Collapse.

Weather, Change of, Agg: See Change of Temperature.

Weather, Dry, Agg.: See Dry Weather, Agg.



Weather, Dry. Amel.: See Dampness, Agg.

Weather, Hot, Agg.: See Season, Summer.

Weather, Humid: See Humid.

Weather, Wet: See Dampness.

Wedge: See Plug.

WEIGHT, as of a Heavy (335): Aco., Ars., Bar-c., Bell., Bry., Cact.,

Dios., Lach., Nux-m., NUX-V., Petr., PHO., Pul., Sep., Zin.

Comp: Heaviness.

Wet, Getting: See Dampness.

Wet, Weather Agg.: See Dampness, Agg., Humid.

Wet, Weather Amel.: See Dry Weather, Agg.

WHEALS, Hives, etc. (336): AP., Ars., Calc-c., Caus., Dulc.,

Nat-m., RHUS-T., Sul., Urt-u.

WHITENESS (337): Ant-t., Ars., CALC-C., Car-v., Chel., Chin.,

Cina., Dig., Fer., Grap., Kal-m., LAC-C., MERC., Nat-m.,

Pho., Pho-ac., PUL., SEP., Sul., Ver-a.

WIND, Draft or Air, Agg. (338): Aco., Ars., BELL., Calc-c.,

Calc-p., Caps., Cham., Chin., Col., Hep., Kal-c., Lach., Lyc.,

Merc., Nux-v., Pho., Pho-ac., Pul., Rhod., Rhus-t., Sele., SIL.,

Stron., SUL.

WIND, Draft or Air, Blowing on a part, Thro´ a hole, etc., as of

(339): Aur., Cam., Chel., Chin., Cor-r., Culx., FLU-AC.,

Helod., Hep., Lac-d., Lil-t., Pho-ac., Rhus-t., Sul.

Winter: See Season, Winter.

Wounds: See Injuries.

Wrenching: See Twisting.

Writing, Agg.: See Fingers, Using Agg.

YELLOW (340): Aco., Ars., Berb., Bry., Calc-c., Cham., CHEL.,

Chin., Crot-h., Eup-p., Fer., Hyds., Iris., Kal-bi., Kal-c.,

Kal-m., Lach., LYC., MERC., Nat-p., Nit-ac., Nux-v., Pho.,

Plb., Pod., PUL., SEP., Sul.

YELLOW, Golden, Bright or Orange (341): Aeth., Alo., Alu.,

Card., CHEL., Cina., Colch., Kal-c., Kal-p., Merc., Nat-p.,

NUX-M., Pho., Sang., SUL-A., Sul-i.

Youth: See Puberty.




1 A.M : ARS., Car-v., Mag-m., Pul.

2 A.M.: ARS., Ben-ac., Caus., Hep., KAL-BI., Kal-c., Nit-ac.,

Pul., Sil.

3 A.M.: Am-c., Am-m., Ant-t., Ars., Bry., Calc-c., Canth., Ced.,

Chin., Fer., Iris., KAL-C., Kal-n., Mag-c., Nat-m., NUX-

V., Pod., Psor., Rhus-t., Sele., Sep., Sil., Sul., Thu.

4 A.M : Alu., Ap., Arn., Aur., Caus., CED., Chel., Con., Ign.,

Lyc., Nux-v., Pod., Pul., Sul.

5 A.M.: Alo., Ap., CHIN., Dros., Kal-c., Kal-io., Nat-m., Nat-p.,

Pho-ac., Rum., Sep., Sil., Sul.

6 A.M.: Alo., Alu., Arn., Bov., Fer., Hep., Lyc., Nux-v., Sil., Sul.,


7 A.M.: Eup-p., Hep., Nat-c., Nux-v., POD., Sep.

8 A.M.: EUP-P., Nux-v.

9 A.M.: Bry., EUP-P., Kal-bi., Kal-c., Lac-c., Nat-m., Nux-v., Sep.,

Sul-a., Verb.

10-11 A.M.: Ars., Bor., Cact., Chi-s., Eup-p., GEL., Hyds., Lach.,

NAT-M., Nux-v., Pho., Rhus-t., Sep., Stan., SUL., Zin.

12 Noon: Ant-c., ARG., Chin., Elap., Eup-p., Gel., Kal-c., Lach.,

Nat-m., Nux-m., Nux-v., Pho., Polyp., Sil., Spig., Stram.,

Sul., Val., Verb.

1 P.M.: ARS., Cact., Chel., Cina., Grat., Kal-c., Lach., Pho., Pul.

2 P.M.: ARS., Chel., Eup-p., Fer., Gel., Lach., Mag-p., Nit-ac.,


3 P.M. : Ang., Ant-t., AP., Ars., Asaf., BELL., Ced., Chel., Chi-s.,

Con., Pip-m., Samb., Sang., Stap., Thu.

4 P.M.: Aesc., Anac., Ap., Ced., Chel., Col., Gel., LYC., Nux-v.,


4 P.M. to 8 P.M. : Hell., Lyc., Zin.

5 P.M.: Alu., Bov., Caus., Ced., Chin., Col., Con., Gel., Hep.,

Hypr., Kal-c., Lyc., Nat-m., Nux-v., Pul., Rhus-t., Sul.,

THU., Tub., Val.

6 P.M. : Ant-t., Ced., Hep., Kal-c., Nat-m., NUX-V., Petr., Pul.,

Rhus-t., Sep., Sil.

7 P.M.: Alu., Bov., Ced., Chi-s., Fer., Gamb., Gel., Hep., Ip., Lyc.,

Mag-c., Nat-m., Nat-s., Nux-v., Petr., Pul., Pyro.,

RHUS-T., Sep., Sul., Tarn.

8 P.M. : Alu., Bov., Caus., Cof., Elap., Merc., Pho., Rhus-t., SUL.



9 P.M. : Ars., Bov., BRY., Gel., Merc.

10 P.M. : Ars., Bov., CHI-S., Grap., Ign., Lach., Petr.

11 P.M. : Aral., Ars., Bell., CACT., Calc-c., Car-a., Sul.

12 NIGHT : Aco., Arg-n., ARS., Calc-c., Calad., Canth., Caus.,

Chin., Dig., Dros., Fer., Kal-c., Lach., Lyc., Mag-m.,

Mur-ac., Nat-m., Nux-m., Nux-v., Op., Pho., Rhus-t.,

Samb., Stram., Sul., Ver-a.


1. Abrotanum Abro

2. Aceticum acidum Acet-ac

3. Aconitum napellus Aco

Actea racemosa = Cimicifuga

4. Aesculus hippocastanum Aesc

5. Aethusa cynapium Aeth

6. Agaricus muscarius Agar

7. Agnus castus Ag-c

8. Ailanthus glandulosa Ail

9. Aletris farinosa Alet

10. Allium cepa All-c

11. Aloe socotrina Alo

12. Alumina Alu

13. Ambra grisea Amb

14. Ammonium carbonicum Am-c

15. Ammonium muriaticum Am-m

16. Amylenum nitrosum Amy-n

17. Anacardium orientale Anac

18. Angustura vera Ang

19. Antimonium crudum Ant-c

20. Antimonium tartaricum Ant-t

21. Apis mellifica Ap

22. Apocynum cannabinum Apoc

23. Aralia racemosa Aral

24. Aranea diadema Aran

25. Argentum metallicum Arg

26. Argentum nitricum Arg-n

27. Arnica montana Arn

28. Arsenicum album Ars



29. Arsenicum iodatum Ars-io

30. Arum triphyllum Aru-t

31. Asa foetida Asaf

32. Asarum europaeum Asar

33. Asclepias tuberosa Ascle

34. Asterias rubens Ast-r

35. Aurum foliatum Aur

36. Badiaga Bad

37. Baptisia tinctoria Bap

38. Baryta carbonica Bar-c

39. Belladonna Bell

40. Bellis perennis Bels

41. Benzoicum Ben-ac

42. Berberis vulgaris Berb

43. Bismuthum Bism

44. Borax veneta Bor

45. Bovista lycoperdon Bov

46. Bromium Bro

47. Bryonia alba aut dioica Bry

48. Bufo sahytiensis Buf

49. Bursa pastoris Bur-p

50. Cactus grandiflorus Cact

51. Cadmium sulphuratum Cad-s

52. Caladium seguinum Calad

53. Calcarea carbonica Calc-c

54. Calcarea fluorica naturalis Calc-f

55. Calcarea hypophosphorosa Calc-hy

56. Calcarea iodata Calc-io

57. Calcarea phosphorica Calc-p

58. Calcarea sulphurica Calc-s

59. Calendula officinalis Calen

60. Camphora Cam

61. Cannabis indica und sativa Cann

62. Cantharis (lytta) vesicatoria Canth

63. Capsicum annuum Caps

64. Carbo animalis Car-a

65. Carbo vegetabilis Car-v

66. Carbolicum acidum Car-ac

67. Carboneum sulphuratum Carb-s

Carcinosinum = Karzinomnosode

68. Carduus marianus Card

69. Caulophyllum thalictroides Caul

70. Causticum hahnemanni Caus

71. Cedron Ced

Cepa = Allium cepa



72. Chamomilla Cham

73. Chelidonium majus Chel

74. Chimaphila maculata Chim

75. China officinalis Chin

76. Chininum sulphuricum Chi-s

77. Chionanthus virginica Chio

78. Chlorum Chlor

79. Cicuta virosa Cic

80. Cimicifuga racemosa Cimi

81. Cina maritima Cina

82. Cinnabaris Cinb

83. Cistus canadensis Cist

84. Clematis erecta Clem

85. Cobaltum metallicum Cob

86. Coca Coca

87. Cocculus indicus Cocc

88. Coccus cacti Coc-c

89. Coffea cruda Cof

90. Colchicum autumnale Colch

91. Collinsonia canadensis Coll

92. Colocynthis Col

93. Conium maculatum Con

94. Copaiva officinalis Cop

95. Corralium rubrum Cor-r

96. Crataegus oxyacantha Cratae

97. Crocus sativus Croc

98. Crotalus cascavella Crot-c

99. Crotalus horridus Crot-h

100. Croton tiglium Crot-t

101. Culex musca Culx

102. Cuprum metallicum Cup

103. Cyclamen europaeum Cyc

104. Digitalis purpurea Dig

105. Dioscorea villosa Dios

106. Diphtherinum Diph

107. Drosera rotundifolia Dros

108. Dulcamara Dulc

109. Echinacea angustifolia Echi

110. Elaps corallinus Elap

111. Elaterium officinarum Elat

112. Erigeron canadensis Erig

113. Eucalyptus globulus Eucal

114. Eupatorium perfoliatum Eup-p

115. Euphorbium officinarum Eupho

116. Euphrasia officinalis Euphr

117. Ferrum metallicum Fer



118. Ferrum phosphoricum Fer-p

119. Ferrum picricum Fer-pic

120. Fluoricum acidum Flu-ac

121. Formica rufa Form

122. Gambogia Gamb

123. Gelsemium sempervirens Gel

124. Glonoinum Glo

125. Graphites naturalis Grap

126. Gratiola officinalis Grat

127. Grindelia robusta Grind

128. Guajacum officinale Guai

129. Hamamelis virginiana Ham

130. Helleborus niger Hell

131. Heloderma suspectum Helod

132. Helonias dioica Helo

133. Hepar sulphuris calcareum Hep

134. Hydrastis canadensis Hyds

135. Hydrocyanicum acidum Hyd-a

136. Hyoscyamus niger Hyo

137. Hypericum perforatum Hypr

138. Ignatia amara Ign

139. Iodium purum Iod

140. Ipecacuanha Ip

141. Iris versicolor Iris

142. Jaborandi Jab

143. Jatropha curcas Jat

144. Justicia adhatoda Jus

145. Kalium arsenicosum Kal-ar

146. Kalium bichromicum Kali-bi bzw. Kal-bi

147. Kalium bromatum Kal-br

148. Kalium carbonicum Kal-c

149. Kalium chloricum Kal-ch

150. Kalium iodatum Kal-io

151. Kalium muriaticum Kal-m

152. Kalium nitricum Kal-n

153. Kalium phosphoricum Kal-p

154. Kalium sulphuricum Kal-s

155. Kalmia latifolia Kalm

Kobaltum = Cobaltum

156. Karzinomnosode Karz

157. Kreosotum Kre

158. Lac caninum Lac-c

159. Lac vaccinum defloratum Lac-d

160. Lachesis muta Lach

161. Lappa major Lapp

162. Latrodectus mactans Latro



163. Laurocerasus Laur

164. Ledum palustre Led

165. Leptandra virginica Lept

166. Lilium tigrinum Lil-t

167. Lithium carbonicum Lith-c

168. Lobelia inflata Lob

169. Lycopodium clavatum Lyc

170. Lycopus virginicus Lycps

171. Lyssinum Lys

172. Magnesia carbonica Mag-c

173. Magnesia muriatica Mag-m

174. Magnesia phosphorica Mag-p

175. Malandrinum Malan

176. Mancinella Manc

177. Manganum aceticum aut carbonicum Mang

Marum verum = Teucrium marum verum

178. Medorrhinum Med

179. Mellilotus alba Mell

180. Menyanthes trifoliata Men

181. Mephitis putorius Meph

182. Mercurius corrosivus Merc-c

183. Mercurius cyanatus Merc-cy

184. Mercurius dulcis Merc-d

185. Mercurius iodatus flavus Merc-i-f

186. Mercurius iodatus ruber Merc-i-r

187. Mercurius solubilis Merc

188. Mezereum Mez

189. Millefolium Mill

190. Moschus Mos

191. Murex purpureus Murx

192. Muriaticum acidum Mur-ac

193. Myrtus communis Myr

194. Naja tripudians Naj

195. Natrium carbonicum Nat-c

196. Natrium muriaticum Nat-m

197. Natrium phosphoricum Nat-p

198. Natrium sulphuricum Nat-s

199. Nitri acidum Nit-ac

200. Nux moschata Nux-m

201. Nux vomica Nux-v

202. Ocimum canum Oci-c

203. Oleander Old

204. Oleum animale Ol-an

205. Onosmodium virginianum Onos

206. Opium Op

207. Osmium metallicum Osm



208. Oxalicum acidum Ox-ac

209. Paeonia officinalis Paeon

210. Palladium metallicum Pall

211. Pareira brava Par-b

212. Paris quadrifolia Par

213. Petroleum Petr

214. Phellandrium aquaticum Phel

215. Phosphoricum acidum Pho-ac

216. Phosphorus Pho

217. Physostigma venenosum Phys

218. Phytolacca decandra Phyt

219. Picricum acidum Pic-ac

220. Plantago major Plan

221. Platinum metallicum Plat

222. Plumbum metallicum Plb

223. Podophyllum peltatum Pod

224. Polygonum sagittatum Polyg

225. Prunus spinosa Pru-s

226. Psorinum Psor

227. Pulsatilla pratensis Pul

228. Pyrogenium Pyro

229. Radium bromatum Rad-b

230. Ranunculus bulbosus Ran-b

231. Ranunculus scleratus Ran-sc

232. Ratanhia peruviana Rat

233. Rheum palmatum Rhe

234. Rhododendron chrysanthum Rhod

235. Rhus radicans Rhus-r

236. Rhus toxicodendron Rhus-t

237. Rumex crispus Rum

238. Ruta graveolens Rut

239. Sabadilla officinalis Saba

240. Sabal serrulatum Sabal

241. Sabina Sabi

242. Sambucus nigra Samb

243. Sanguineria canadensis Sang

244. Sanicula aqua Sanic

245. Sarsaparilla officinalis Sars

Scilla = Squila

246. Secale cornutum Sec-c

247. Selenium Sele

248. Senecio aureus Senec

249. Senega Seneg

250. Sepia succus Sep

251. Silicea terra Sil

252. Solidago virgaurea Solid



253. Spigelia anthelmia Spig

254. Spongia tosta Spo

255. Squila maritima Squ

256. Stannum metallicum Stan

257. Staphysagria Stap

258. Sticta pulmonaria Stic

259. Stramonium Stram

260. Strontiana carbonica Stron

261. Sulphur lotum (sublimatum) Sul

262. Sulphur iodatum Sul-i

263. Sulphuricum acidum Sul-a

264. Sumbulus moschatus Sumb

265. Symphytum officinale Symp

266. Syphylinum Syph

267. Tabacum Tab

268. Tarentula cubensis Tarn-c

269. Tarentula hispanica Tarn

270. Taraxacum officinale Tarx

271. Tellurium metallicum Tell

272. Terebinthiniae oleum Terb

273. Teucrium marum verum Teucr

274. Theridion curassavicum Ther

Thlaspi bursa pastoris = Bursa pastoris

275. Thuja occidentalis Thu

276. Thyreoidinum Thyr

277. Trillium pendulum Tril

278. Tuberculinum Tub

279. Urtica urens Urt-u

280. Ustilago maydis Ust

281. Valeriana officinalis Val

282. Variolinum Vario

283. Veratrum album Ver-a

284. Veratrum viride Ver-v

285. Verbascum thapsus Verb

286. Viburnum opulus Vib

287. Viola odorata Vio-od

288. Viola tricolor Vio-t

289. Vipera berus Vip

290. Viscum album Vis-a

291. Xantoxylum fraxineum Xantx

292. Zincum metallicum Zin

293. Zincum iodatum Zin-io



©Verlag für Homöopathie –Literatur und Software-

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ISBN 3-926836-22-9

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