B'nai Review May 2014




Citation preview

MAY 2014/

Iyar 5774

Volume 5774 Issue 9

CBI Announcements

Rabbi’s Message

Cantor’s Message

President’s Message

Executive Director’s Message

Torah Reader/Educator


Life Cycle Events

Mitzvah Grams










Men’s Club

Women’s League

May Holidays

Todah Rabah

Adult Studies




10, 11, 20, 21










Rabbi Jacob Luski, D.D.

727.381.4900 x207


Cantor Jonathan Schultz

727.381.4900 x305


Executive Director Susan Goldstein

727.381.4900 x202


Bonnie Halprin

Pauline Rivkind Preschool Director

727.381.4900 x211


Youth Director

727.381.7900 x 209


Pauline Rivkind Talmud Torah Education

Director Ilana Dayan

727.381.4900 x310


Community Engagement Liz Sembler



Torah Reader/Educator Deborah Marmon

727.381.4900 x205


Office Manager Pam Askin

727.381.4900 x203


Communications Coordinator

Melissa Hertzfeld



Accounting Dianne Gettler

727.381.4900 x204


President Laurie Reiskind


Women’s League President Alice Ettinger Men’s Club President Jesse Rodman

USY President Hannah Terzi Kadima President Danielle LeVine

Our Mission

Through our congregational life, our goal is to provide the opportunity for our members and friends to experience Jewish life to its fullest. We want to transmit the ideals of Conservative Judaism to our children and grandchildren, to enable them to be knowledgeable and respon-sible participants in Jewish life, sensitive and ethical human beings and reliable custodians of an enduring heritage. Through the synagogue, we want to find strength and inspiration in worship and study, in the sharing of lifecycle events, in acts of caring, in reaching out to the wide Jewish and non-Jewish communities, and in concern and support for Israel.

B’nai Israel Review February 2014

Ongoing Activities at CBI

Participate in Aliyot

The Ritual Committee of Congregation

B’nai Israel encourages worshippers to

participate in services

by performing aliyot. If

you like to receive an

aliyah, please call the

synagogue office at

727.381.4900, or speak to one of the

ushers when you enter the sanctuary,

and every effort will be made to

accommodate your request. Those

wishing to receive an aliyah on

Shabbat morning are asked to arrive

at services no later than 9:30 am. We

look forward to your participation.


Morry Bornstein, Ritual Chair

Daily Services Become a Minyanaire! Support our Daily Minyan in the Chapel:

Sunday Morning: 9:00 Monday—Friday mornings: 7:45 Sunday—Thursday evenings: 6:30

Come just for the joy of davening together. You'll be glad you decided to join the growing number of CBI members and friends who do.

Continental Breakfast

The Mitzvah Men’s Club provides a Continental

Breakfast for all worshippers on Minyan Mornings

in the alcove of the Social Hall. Please join the

Minyanaires for the morning Shaharit service and

relax and schmooze over breakfast—bagels,

cream cheese, coffee cake and coffee/tea.

Sponsorship Opportunities

If you are interested in sponsoring an Oneg

Shabbat on Friday evening or a L’Hayim following

a Morning Minyan in honor or memory of a loved

one or a special occasion, please contact the

Synagogue office.


LIKE us on Facebook

Sign up to support us on GoodSearch.com

You can also make payments and donations on our website! cbistpete.org

Office Drop Box

As a reminder, there is a Secured

Drop Box available at the shul and at

your service when you are in the

building. It is located outside the

Synagogue office across from the

Judaica Shop. You can drop off

messages, contributions, etc when

coming to classes, events, meetings,

or when dropping off children at

school. It is an easy way to

communicate within the

congregational family.

Drop-in sometime! B’nai Israel Review

Publishes 11 times a year by Congregation B’nai Israel

300 58th Street North St. Petersburg, Florida 33710

727.381.4900 FAX 727.344.1307 cbisptete.org

All rights reserved. No part of this document can be copied without the permission of

Congregation B’nai Israel

Junior Congregation

All B’nai Israel children, ages 9 -13,

grades 3 - 7 are invited to participate

in a special, age-appropriate Shabbat

Service in the Chapel Saturday May

10, at 10:00am.


CBI Announcements

CBI Annual Meeting and Installation

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

7:00 pm

With Love From the CBI Kitchen

Gail Frye’s Meringue Cookies

Beat egg whites with sugar until very stiff. Add vanilla and fold

in chocolate chips. Add flour. Drop by teaspoonful on a

greased cookie sheet and bake at 300 degrees for 15 minutes.

3 Egg whites 1 Package Mini Chocolate Chips

1/2 Cup Sugar 1 tsp Vanilla

Volunteer Pals The Pauline Rivkind Preschool is looking for volunteers to read to preschoolers any week day from 9:00 am to noon for about an hour. For more information contact Bonnie Halprin at 727.381.4900 x211 or preschool@cbistpete.org

Do you go to Carrabbas?



Shop at your favorite stores and eat at

restaurants while making money for CBI!

Now available in the CBI Office. Get

your Mitzvah Gelt Gift Cards!

Summer Speakers Series and 7:30 Summer Musical Kabbalat Shabbat Services

RETURNING It is that time of year again for Glimpses into Jewish History for Friday evening talks and

Summer Sermonettes on Saturday Mornings. Please contact Lou Bader 727.867.4913 or

email LouBader@loubader.com if interested in giving a talk.

Bereavement Group Gulf Coast Jewish Family & Community Services is

offering a Bereavement Support Group for 6 consecutive Thursdays beginning on April 24, through May 29, from 11:00AM to Noon at Gulf Coast offices, 14041 Icot Blvd., Clearwater. The group will be using the book “Living With Loss, Healing With Hope” by Rabbi Earl Grollman, which will be provided. A donation of $18.00(Chai) or non-perishable donations to the JFS Food Pantry are welcome. If there is interest in an even-ing group, or to register for this group, contact Sue at 727.479.1811. This is open to the community. Renee Baseman will be conducting the group.

Mahzor Dedication Opportunities

The Ritual Committee wants to remind our Congregants that there are still opportunities to dedicate individual copies of our High Holiday Machzorim in honor or memory of loved ones and friends, to commemorate a special Simha, etc. Please contact the Synagogue Office for information. Thank you very much! Sincerely, CBI Ritual Committee

Graduation Shabbat Saturday, May 31, 9:00 am

If you have a student graduating from high school, college, or graduate school we would like to celebrate this Simha at Graduation Shabbat. Also, please let us know their school, degree program, and their future plans. You may send this information to our College Committee Chairperson, Pam LeCompte at plecompte@malpa.net

Saturday, May 17, 9:00 am

Education Shabbat Pauline Rivkind Talmud Torah Graduation

April and May Simha Shabbat

Followed by ‘Kid-dush’ Luncheon

Hagbah, Gelilah, Carrying the Torah Class On Saturday, May 10, following Shabbat morning services, the Ritual

Committee will conduct a training session to instruct interested con-

gregants on the proper way to perform the aliyot of Hagbah (Lifting

the Torah), Gelilah (Binding the Torah), and Carrying the Torah. We

look forward to seeing you , and enabling you to participate in these

aliyot! For more information, please contact Morry Bornstein at 727.397.9955 or

morborn@aol.com. B'shalom, Morry Bornstein, Ritual Committee Chair


May 2014 is chock full of minor holidays: Yom HaZikaron, Yom HaAtzma’ut, Lag Ba’Omer, and Yom Yerushalayim. Here’s a little overview of each:

Yom HaZikaron is Israel’s Memorial Day, when Israelis remember all those who lost their lives in the struggle that led to the establishment of the State of Israel, as well as all IDF personnel who were killed while in active duty. In Israel, the observance of Yom HaZikaron is similar to Yom HaShoah (Holocaust Remembrance Day) in two distinct ways: (1) A siren is sounded for two minutes, at 8:00 pm and then again at 11:00 am, during which the entire nation comes to a standstill, including traffic. (2) All places of public entertainment are closed from sunset to sunset. Yom HaZikaron is observed on the day before Yom HaAtzma’ut.

Yom HaAtzma’ut is Israel’s Independence Day, marking the anniversary of the day when David Ben-Gurion and other members of the provisional government read and signed a Declaration of Independence. As you might have guessed, it’s a day of cele-bration with many festivities throughout the land. Some Orthodox communities, following a ruling by the Chief Rabbinate of Is-rael, recite Hallel. Conservative Judaism does not recite Hallel, but we do add Al Hanissim in the Amidah, as on Hanukkah and Purim. Yom HaAtzma’ut is also the only day between Passover and Lag BaOmer when semi-mourning practices are suspend-ed.

Lag BaOmer is much more ancient. Its origins are unclear, but the most common explanations are: (1) A plague that was kill-ing Rabbi Akiva’s students ended on Lag BaOmer. (2) Lag BaOmer is the yahrtzeit of Rabbi Shimon bar Yohai, one of Rabbi Akiva’s disciples. In any case, it is a festive day, practices of semi-mourning that are otherwise observed during the Omer are suspended, and weddings are permitted.

Yom Yerushalayim commemorates the reunification of Jerusalem in 1967 following the Six-Day War. It is the youngest holiday on the Jewish calendar. In Israel, it is observed through state ceremonies, parades, other festivities, and also memorial ser-vices for soldiers who died in the battle for Jerusalem.


Israel will celebrate 66 years of Independence. In many ways, the establishment of the Jewish state in 1948 marked the completion of a journey. Theodor Herzl convened the first Zionist Congress in Basel over 50 years ago. Waves of Aliyah brought Jews to resettle the land and rebuild it. They revived the Hebrew language, which had not been spoken for more than 1000 years. Centuries of anti-Semitism and persecution, culminat-ing with the Nazi Holocaust convinced the world that the time had arrived for the fulfillment of our thousands year dream to reestablish Jewish sovereignty in Eretz Yisrael. Many of that generation remember sitting by the radio and listening as David Ben Gurion declared the establishment of the state followed by the recitation

of Sheheheyanu by Rabbi Yehudah Leib Fishman.

That Friday afternoon in 1948 marked the beginning of a new journey. The new state was immediately attacked by the armies of seven Arab states. The armistice agreement that ended the fighting in 1949 was followed by more wars and significant Israeli victories. Yet, the threats to Israeli security still continue to this day. In its first three years the infant state absorbed 700,000 im-migrants, doubling its population. There was the challenging commitment to be both a Jewish and democratic state, committed to the unique values of Judaism along with universal values and human rights.

When Yom Ha’atzmaut arrives on Monday evening, May 5, and Tuesday, May 6, we will have much to celebrate. At the same time we recognize that in the real world there is much work to be done.

Let us rededicate ourselves to the mitzva of building and strengthening the Jewish state. Consider your investment in Israel Bonds. Make a donation to the Masorti/Conservative movement to strengthen religious pluralism in Israel. Plan a trip to experi-ence Israel first-hand. Join AIPAC and sign up for Policy Conference 2015 to support the critical relationship between the United States and Israel.

Of course, join us for the celebrations of Israel and Jewish peoplehood throughout this month.

Let us join together in celebrating the miracle of Israel and working diligently to sustain its future.


From the Cantor

From the Rabbi MAY 2014

Rabbi Office Hours Rabbi Jacob Luski will be available

for any congregant to stop by for any

questions or conversations they may

have Wednesday afternoons from

2:00—4:00, May 7, 14, 21, and 28.

Appointments not necessary.


From the Executive Director

From the President MAY 2014


I recently read an article written by Simone Joyaux, “Are We Talking the Same Language?” in the Nonprofit Quarterly that gave me cause to reflect. The article included two definitions of the word philanthropy that the author had heard. They are:

“freeing the talent of the citizenry” (Manuel Arango Arias); and

“voluntary action for the common good” (Robert L. Payton).

What struck me most about those definitions was that neither referred to money or fundraising. The essence, to me, was that philanthropy has to do with voluntarily sharing one’s talents. We’re all familiar with the phrase Im Ein Kemach Ein Torah (Pirkei Avot 3:21), “Without bread there is no Torah” – or, no money, no Torah. And, yes, CBI needs your money to continue to bring you quality services and programs. But that’s not what I am emphasizing in this column. Rather, I’m asking you to share your talents as a volunteer.

Everyone has a talent that he/she can share. We want you to choose to share your particular talent with your CBI family with a view to strengthening the sacred work we do here. We’re going to start asking you, one by one, to take on a task here and there. You don’t have to chair a committee. You don’t even have to be on a committee. Fact is, the world has far too many committees already!

It doesn’t take a committee to help with a mailing in the office, to make phone calls to remind our fellow members that a Got Shabbat? Dinner is coming up and we’d like them to join us there. How about reaching out to somebody who doesn’t usually attend the Rabbi’s Lunch n’Learn and asking him/her to join you there? Maybe there’s an adult education class that you think would be of special interest to someone you know. You’re going. Wouldn’t you like to invite him/her to join you? Do you know somebody in the community who’s not involved in Women’s League or the Mitzvah Men’s Club, but you’re sure he/she would enjoy being a part of the group?

If there’s something you’d like to do, let us know before we start knocking on your door. Please be in touch with me at execdir@cbistpete.org or 727.381.4900, x202. I’m waiting to hear from you! B’Shalom,

As we head into May, I hope you all have Wednesday, May 7, on your calendar. That evening is the CBI

annual meeting. We will vote on a new slate of officers, vote to approve the budget and give out the Gail S.

Warren Legacy for Leadership Award. I hope you will consider this annual meeting important enough that

you attend.

Even though we will be voting on a new slate of officers in May who will begin their terms in July, I want to

welcome two new board members. Following two resignations, I am happy to announce that Andy Giskin and Ari Weisberg

are now members of CBI’s Board of Trustees. When you see them, please thank them for their service to CBI.

I also want to thank Bonnie Halprin for her work this year as our Youth Director. Bonnie will be stepping away from this

position next year so she can continue to focus on making Pauline Rivkind Preschool the best it can be.

Often people ask what value we receive form our membership in USCJ. Ilana Dayan recently participated in a workshop,

“The Future is Now: Jewish Education for the 21st Century,” presented by Susan Wyner, national education consultant for

synagogue education from the USCJ Learning Department.

Additionally, CBI was selected by USCJ to participate in a Strategic Planning Process. We will have our “hands held”

through an intensive process to help develop a strategic plan for CBI. Todah Rabah to Alice Etitnger and the committee,

who met, discussed and decided to apply for this incredible opportunity. Committee members gathered information neces-

sary for the application and Todah Rabah to Susan Goldstein who put it together in a winning way. Liz Sembler will be our

facilitator. This comes at an important time is CBI’s history as we recently celebrated 90 years of conservative Judaism in St.

Pete, but recognize that our world is changing and we need to change also to meet the needs of the community for the next

90 years. Thanks to our affiliation with USCJ, we plan to move forward with great guidance.


Torah Educator/Reader MAY 2014

CBI was represented at the recent AIPAC Policy Conference by Chandaye and Eric Pastman, and by Hannah Terzi, who was part of the national USY delegation. It was the largest Conference yet - over 14,000 pro-Israel activists from across the United States.

Over the course of the Conference, we heard many prominent leaders, including John Kerry, Robert Menendez, John McCain, Benjamin Netanyahu, and others. We learned about new Israeli technologies, eg, one that allows police to see through walls (that has already proven effective in hostage rescues), and another that allows blind people to read.

Attendees were able to select from a variety of in-depth, specific topic presentations during the breakout sessions. We attended updates on Hamas, Egypt, and Israel’s relationship with China. In each case, the session was detailed and informative. Each presenter spoke for 60 minutes; this was followed by questions for 30 minutes. During these sessions we learned that the US is pulling back from the Middle East, while France, Iran, and Russia are the major beneficiaries as they move in to fill the void.

The Conference’s final day was for lobbying. Senator Rubio was unable to attend the Florida Senate session, but he sent one of his aides. Since we had no Representative at the time, the CBI delegation joined the Pastman’s previous New Jersey delegation to lobby Congressman Chris Smith. We had a discussion about AIPAC issues as well as his topics of interest. Due to our airline schedule, we were unable to meet with Senator Nelson.

For a look at the 2014 Policy Conference, visit http://www.aipac.org/act/attend-events/policy-conference/videos/2014.

We have already signed up for the 2015 Conference, and hope that you will join us.

Eric & Chandaye Pastman


Many times I think of growing up on the West Side of New York and the North Side of Chicago. My Father, Abraham Duker,

was a scholar, author, historian, and sociologist. We were raised in a unique environment with notable Jewish figures of the

time visiting and eating at our apartment. I did not realize as a child that some of these people were famous and many times I

could not understand the conversations or heated debates which were in many different languages. My sister Rivka and I used

to sit on the floor and play with our favorite toys, my father’s collection of books, and name them from words we heard at home.

Books took over every available space in our small apartment. My father was a believer in “Am Yisrael” and worked for the

three main branches of Judaism teaching at Jewish Institute of Religion (Reform), The Jewish Theological Seminary

(Conservative) and Yeshiva University (Orthodox). When Rabbi Schneerson, the Lubavitcher Rebbe, wanted to set up a library,

he had my Father’s help. He met my mother, Lillian Miriam Sandrow, at a Labor Zionist meeting in New York. She was a social

worker and worked after World War II with many Holocaust survivors as well as at the Bureau of Child Guidance of the City of

New York. Her Brother was a Conservative Rabbi, Rabbi Edward T. Sandrow, who taught pastoral psychology at JTS. Some of

the notables that came to our apartment were Rabbis Abraham Heschel, Mordechai Kaplan, Ira Eisenstein (and his wife Judith,

who had the first Bat Mitzvah), and Louis Finkelstein. Authors who ate my mother’s wonderful food were Isaac Bashevis Singer,

Gershom Scholem, Salo Baron, Saul Lieberman and Trude Weiss-Rosemarin. Many dissertations were spread out on the din-

ing room table and my father helped more notables attain their degrees. I attained most of my Jewish knowledge in that unique

environment! My parents retired in Israel and are buried there….Z”L.

Debbie Marmon Torah Educator/Reader

A Team: CBI’s Advocacy for Israel Committee


Youth Department

February 2014

Pauline Rivkind Talmud Torah

The week between the twenty-seventh of Nisan, Yom Hashoah, and the fifth of Iyar, Yom Ha’atzmaut, is modern Israel’s best his-tory lesson. Yom Hashoah commemorates the six million Jews murdered during World War II. Yom Ha’atzmaut celebrates the recovery, the revival of the Jewish state, and Yom Hazikaron is not only a day of remembrance, but also a day of awareness. Yom Ha'atzmaut in Israel is always preceded by Yom Hazikaron, Is-rael's Memorial Day for the fallen soldiers. The message of linking these two days is clear: Israelis owe their independence to the soldiers who sacrificed their lives for it. During Yom Hazikaron many families in Israel keep the TV on throughout the day, turned to a special channel that, for 24 hours, shows nothing but the names of all of the soldiers and victims of terrorist attacks who have died since the day of Israel's birth. There is something very Jewish about that act. In a sense, it's our way of reminding ourselves that every person matters, that everyone had a name. The state of Israel, with all its wonders and achievements, is our miracle, and we should thank those who paid the price.

PRTT commemorated Yom Hashoah on Sunday, April 27, with a short presentation. We dedicate Sunday, May 4, to Yom Hazikaron and Yom Ha’atzmaut.

-הנה מה טוב ומה נעים שבת אחים גם יחד

Behold, how good and pleasant it is for brothers and sisters to celebrate together.

Friday, May 2, PRTT will host Got Shabbat? Dinner, Children and adult friendly and delicious, you really don’t want to miss it!!!! Fes-tival of food, Ruach: singing and dancing celebrate: Israel’s Birth-day. Our goal is to bring together almost all the members of the synagogue. Please help us to achieve this Goal: “Shevet Achim Gam Yachad.”

Israel is our creation, the grand project of the Jewish people. No one can love Israel more than we do, so let’s come together and celebrate!

Ilana Dayan

Education Director

MAY 2014


Mitzvah Men’s Club MAY 2014

Kudos and thanks to the folks who made this year’s PASSOVER BBQ a lot of fun and a great success: Alan Gross, Bill Marger, Larry Green,

Lenny Gelfond, Marv Leibson, Sam Janofsky, Eddie Ginsburg, Steve Feld, and an extra Todah Rabah to Marc Reiskind for his special contri-

bution. Thanks also to Susan, Melissa, Amy, Christopher and Chris. Moish’ Pipick apologizes to those who were hotdogless. It’s a long sto-

ry, better left untold.

Our heavy construction recently built and unbuilt the KOTEL. Those stones are heavy, the guys are all to be commended for their heavy lift-

ing. That same team will this summer be replacing parts of the Sukkah.

By the time you read this we hope you will be planning to attend our annual MOTHERS’ DAY BRUNCH, under the chairmanship of Larry

Green. We are expecting it to be, or to have been, very enjoyable. Any mothers who attended and were disappointed will receive a full re-

fund, no questions asked.

The MMC Board of Directors is currently working on by-law revisions to bring the group into this century. Thanks to Sandy Heller for starting

this project and to Bill Marger for coming in from the bullpen to close. The updated by-laws will be presented to the entire MMC membership at

its meeting in June.

Jesse Rodman

Mitzvah Men’s Club President

Women’s League

Torah Fund Dinner, Honoring Livia Wein, A Huge Success

By: Joanne Luski, Torah Fund Vice President

On February 19, 2014, we gathered to honor The Jewish Theological Seminary and Livia Wein, as CBI Women’s League 2014 “Jackie Jacobs Woman Of Achievement”. Mazel tov to Livia on receiving this prestigious award!

Because of Marilyn LeVine's efforts, as Special Gifts Chair, our Women’s League boasts 1 Patron, 10 Guardians And 49 Benefactors. Once Again CBI Women’s League will make our quota of $12,500.

I encourage all of you to schedule a visit to The Seminary. When you go, please note the plaque on the "Wall Of Honor", outside the Women's League Synagogue and several shelves in the library from our Congregation B’nai Israel Women’s League.

Thank You To The Following Individuals For Making The Torah Fund Dinner Such A Success:

Special Gifts Chair: Marilyn LeVine

Centerpieces and Torah Fund Cards: Jennifer Sternberg

Programs: Myrna Rubin

Invitations: Lorri Helfand And Anita Helfand

Reservations, Certificate And Seating: Anita Helfand

Speaker: Rabbi Gail Swedroe, Assistant Director And Campus Rabbi, Hillel University Of Florida

Anthems: Janet Augengraun

Motzi: Dr. David, Rachel And Aaron Wein

D’var Torah: Rabbi Jacob Luski

Birkat Hamazon: Cantor Jonathan Schultz

Head Chefs: Ricki Lewis And Irma Mayer

Their Sous Chefs: Gail Frye, Ruth Ann Mizrahi, Mark Lewis,

Jack Mayer, Chandaye Pastman, Joan Redisch And Millie Gelfond

Servers: Rita Jacobson, Eileen Richman And Jackie Wertel

Setup: Patti Adelson, Susie Berman, Karen Kauffmann, Vivian Lurie, Jennifer Sternberg And Phyllis Werner

Cleanup: Susie Berman, Sheryl Feinman, Araceli Gross,

Carol Marger, Starr Silver, Byron Kolitz, and Laurie Reiskind

Greeting From Florida Region: Anne Schimberg, President Women’s League For Florida Region

Presentation Of The 2014 Woman Of Achievement: Helen Kahan


Women’s League MAY 2014


Holidays MAY 2014

Lag Ba’Omer

The eighteenth day of Iyar is La Ba’Omer, or the thirty-third day of the Omer. It is the day of respite from the

sadness of s’firah, because it is believed to be the day when the plague that afflicted Rabbi Akiva’s students

ceased. Tahunun is not said, weddings are permitted, and haircuts and shaving are allowed for those that refrain

during s’firah weeks. To celebrate people usually have picnics or parties.

Yom Ha’atzmaut

Israeli Independence Day-The State of Israel was proclaimed on the fifth of Iyar, 5708, or May 14, 1948. Although

Yom Ha’atzmaut falls during s’firah, the celebration of Israeli becoming an independent state takes precedence

over the restrictions.

Yom Hazikaron

The day before Yom Ha’atzmaut is Yom Hazikaron. It is a Memorial Day dedication to the memory of all those

who have died in defense of the State of Israel since 1948 and of the Jewish Yishuv is pre-State days.

Yom Y’rushalayim

The twenty-eighth day of Iyar is Yom Y’rushalalyim. Its name comes from the twenty-eighth day of Iyar, 1967.

The IDF entered the Old City of Jerusalem, which Jordan had occupied since the War of Independence in 1948.

This meant that for the first time since 1948, the Jewish people had control over the Kotel. It is a day meant to

reflect this significant event and honor the men and women of the IDF who participated in its liberation. Also, it

is appropriate to remember those who fell in the battles for the city in 1948 and 1967.

Source Used: Cohen, Martin Samuel. "Holy Days and Holidays." The Observant Life: the wisdom of Conservative Judaism

for Contemporary Jews. New York: Aviv Press, 2012. . Print.


Photo Caption Lag Ba’Omer MAY 2014


Todah Rabah MAY 2014

Todah Rabah to the following people for their generous donation towards

Passover Maot Hittim

Dr. Richard & Debbie Blanchard

Esta Blaxberg

Pearl Brook

Dr. Pat Cottrille

Dr. Larry & Sheryl Feinman

Lou & Yollette Frey

Selma Gaby

Sheri Frogel

Joe & Eva Fuchs

Joel & Ellen Goetz

Jack & Linda Goldfarb

Susan Goldstein

Steve & Linda Grau

Anita Helfand

Carolyn Isakson

Sam & Sandy Janofsky

Byron Kolitz & Dr. Starr Silver

Hannah Krassner

Bob & Elaine Lachter

Dr. David & Janice LeVine

Dr. Mitchell & Ellen LeVine

Dr. Morris & Marilyn LeVine

Dr. Steven & Susan LeVine

Mark & Ricki Lewis

Jeff & Diane Litt

Dr. Arthur & Bebby Marlin

Debbie Marmon

Lenny & Ruth Mauer

Jack & Irma Mayer

Adele Morris

Michael & Barbara Noonberg

Dr. Leslie Pearlstein and Reva


Harold & Anita Pollack

Dr. Marc & Laurie Reiskind

Murray & Myrna Rubin

Greg & Liz Sembler

Dr. Robert & Jennifer Sternberg

Dr. Hugh & Susie van Gelder

Dr. Mitchell & Dr. Leslie Weiss

We would like to say a special Todah Rabah to the following people for their dedication to CBI.

✡ Esta Blaxberg and Karen Kauffman for co-chairing our wonderful Passover Seder.

✡ Mitzvah Men’s Club for another successful Passover BBQ.

✡ Murray and Myrna Rubin for bringing the “Be a Better Bystander” JAEDA Event to CBI.

✡ Rita Jacobson, Karen Kauffman, Ricki and Mark Lewis, and Murray Rubin for their help with mailings.

✡ Sam Cohen, Dr. Steve LeVine, and Steve Wein for davening Pesukei D’Zimra.

✡ Michael Barth, Niomi London, Mattan Melamed, Emma Piper, Talia Shwer, Sarah Silverberg, Jordan Tralins, and

Steve Wein for reading Torah.

✡ Dr. Jay Azneer, Michael Barth, Jocelyn Howard, Jay Kauffman, and Jordan Tralins for chanting Haftarah.

Maot Hittim




Next Meeting:

Wednesday, May 21, at 10:00 am

in the Buns Family Library

The next book that will be discussed is

The Outside World, by Tova Mirvis

Women’s League MAY 2014

Adult Studies

Hagbah, Gelilah, Carrying the Torah

Saturday, May 10, 2014, following 9:00 Shabbat Morning Services

Training session on the proper way to perform the aliyot of Hagbah (Lifting the

Torah), Gelilah (Binding the Torah), and Carrying the Torah. Contact Morry

Bornstein at 727-397-9955 or morborn@aol.com with additional questions.

Torah For Seniors, led by Rabbi Jacob Luski

Tuesday, May 20, 11:00 am

(Philip Benjamin Tower)

Lunch with the Rabbi and Mishnah Study

Wednesday, May 21, noon

RSVP to the CBI Office with your Deli Lunch Order at 727.381.4900

by Tuesday, May 20, noon

Talmud Made Easy

Stephen Wein continues his class studying Talmudic text along with its selected

commentaries. The classes are in English, and Steve explains it all. All materials

are provided. The class involves textual analysis and lively discussion and is

open to all. No previous knowledge necessary.

Wednesdays, May 21 and 28, 7:00 pm

Dialogue with the Rabbi

An informal question and answer session during

Shabbat Morning Services

Saturday, May 24, 9:00 am

*For more information on these events, check cbistpete.org, the

Adult Studies Program Book, or call the CBI office at 727.381.4900

CBI Women’s League

Judaica Shop

Call for an Appointment:

Ellen Bernstein 727.345.0237

Anita Helfand 727.347.2300

Visit the Judaica Shop for:

Hanukkah items, ceremonial objects, Kiddush cups, candlesticks, Shabbat Candles, shofars, honey dishes,

tefillin, tallitot, Challah plates, boards, knives, and more!

We special order!

Buns Family Library


Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday

4 9:00 Morning Minyan 9:00 PRTT 12:00 Pinellas County Yom Ha’atzmaut Celebration at CBI 6:30 Evening Minyan Omer Day 19

5 Yom Hazikaron 7:45 Morning Minyan 6:30 Evening Minyan Omer Day 20

6 Yom Ha’atzmaut 7:45 Morning Minyan 6:00 Chess Club 6:00 “Living Our Faith Well, Working Together in One Community,” Unitarian Universalist Church 6:30 Evening Minyan 6:45 Ritual Committee Omer Day 21

7 7:45 Morning Minyan 2:00 Rabbi’s Open Office Hours5:00 Intro to Judaism 6:00 Minyanaire Pinning and Reception6:30 Evening Minyan 7:00 CBI Annual Meeting and InstallationOmer Day 22

11 Mother’s Day 9:00 Morning Minyan 9:00 NO PRTT 10:30 MMC Mother’s Day Brunch 6:30 Evening Minyan Omer Day 26

12 7:45 Morning Minyan 6:30 Evening Minyan Omer Day 27

13 7:45 Morning Minyan 4:00 PRTT 6:00 Chess Club 6:30 Evening Minyan Omer Day 28

14 7:45 Morning Minyan

6:30 Evening Minyan 7:00 Women’s League “Spring Fling” Fashion Show Omer Day 29

18 Lag Ba’Omer 9:00 Morning Minyan 9:00 NO PRTT 11:00 Lag Ba’Omer Event, Bear Creek Park 6:30 Evening Minyan Omer Day 33

19 7:45 Morning Minyan 6:30 Evening Minyan Omer Day 34

20 7:45 Morning Minyan 11:00 Torah 4 Seniors, Philip Benjamin Tower 12:00 Lunch with the Rabbi RSVP Deadline 4:45 NO PRTT 6:30 Evening Minyan Omer Day 35

21 7:45 Morning Minyan 10:00 CBI Hadassah Book Club12:00 Lunch with the Rabbi2:00 Rabbi’s Open Office Hours6:30 Evening Minyan 7:00 Talmud Class with Steve WeinOmer Day 36

25 9:00 Morning Minyan 9:00 NO PRTT 6:30 Evening Minyan Omer Day 40

26 Memorial Day CBI Office Closed 9:00 Morning Minyan 6:30 Evening Minyan Omer Day 41

27 7:45 Morning Minyan 4:45 NO PRTT 6:00 Chess Club 6:30 Evening Minyan Omer Day 42

28 Yom Y’rushalayim7:45 Morning Minyan 2:00 Rabbi’s Open Office Hours6:30 Evening Minyan 7:00 Talmud Class with Steve WeinOmer Day 43

MAY 2014


Shabbat Schedule

Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 Rosh Hodesh Iyar 7:45 Morning Minyan 6:30 Evening Minyan 6:30 The Cordozo Society Leadership Award Dinner, Presented to Bruce Marger, The Bank of Tampa Omer Day 16

2 7:45 Morning Minyan 6:00 Daven and Dine at the Kotel Kabbalat Shabbat, followed by Got Shabbat? Dinner 7:47 Candlelighting Omer Day 17

3 Sedra Emor 9:00 Shabbat Morning Services, Daven and Dine at the Kotel, Minyanaire Kipah Presen-tation, followed by Israeli Breakfast Kiddush 10:00 NO Junior Congregation 7:50 Minha, Maariv, and Havdala Omer Day 18

2:00 Rabbi’s Open Office Hours

6:00 Minyanaire Pinning and Reception

7:00 CBI Annual Meeting and Installation

8 7:45 Morning Minyan 6:00 CBI-Ish’s “Big Fat Jewish Greek Dinner,” Athenian Gardens 6:30 Evening Minyan Omer Day 23

9 7:45 Morning Minyan 7:51 Candlelighting 8:00 Sephardic Shabbat, Ask the Rabbi Sit Down Oneg Omer Day 24

10 Sedra Behar 9:00 Shabbat Services, Hebrew High Graduation, and Kiddush 10:00 Junior congregation 11:30 Hagbah, Gelilah, Carry Torah Workshop 7:50 Minha, Maariv, and Havdala Omer Day 25

7:00 Women’s League “Spring Fling” Fashion

15 7:45 Morning Minyan 6:30 Evening Minyan Omer Day 30

16 7:45 Morning Minyan 6:30 Kabbalat Shabbat 7:55 Candlelighting Omer Day 31

17 Sedra Buhukotai 9:00 Morning Shabbat Services, Educators

Shabbat, April and May Simha Shabbat,

PRTT Graduation, and Kiddush

10:00 NO Junior Congregation

7:55 Minha, Maariv, and Havdala

Omer Day 32

10:00 CBI Hadassah Book Club 12:00 Lunch with the Rabbi 2:00 Rabbi’s Open Office Hours

7:00 Talmud Class with Steve Wein

22 7:45 Morning Minyan 6:30 Evening Minyan Omer Day 37

23 7:45 Morning Minyan 6:30 Carlebach Kabbalat Shabbat 7:59 Candlelighting Omer Day 38

24 Sedra Bamidbar 9:00 Shabbat Morning Services, Dialogue with the Rabbi, and Kiddush 10:00 NO Junior Congregation 8:00 Minha, Maariv, and Havdala Omer Day 39

Yom Y’rushalayim

2:00 Rabbi’s Open Office Hours

7:00 Talmud Class with Steve Wein

29 7:45 Morning Minyan 6:30 Evening Minyan Omer Day 44

30 Rosh Hodesh Sivan 7:45 Morning Minyan 11:00 VPK Graduation 6:15 Flip Flop Kabbalat Shabbat, Upham Beach 8:03 Candlelighting Omer Day 45

31 Sedra Nasso 9:00 Shabbat Morning Service, Graduation Shabbat, USY Summer Programs Sendoff, and Kiddush 10:00 NO Junior Congregation 8:00 USY Elections and Final Program 8:05 Minha, Maariv, and Havdala Omer Day 46

MAY 2014

Friday, May 2 Dave and Dine at the Kotel Kabba-lat Shabbat, followed by Got Shabbat? Dinner, 6:00, Candlelighting 7:47

Saturday, May 3 Morning Service, Daven and Dine at the Kotel, Minyanaire Kipah Presentation, and Israeli Breakfast Kiddush, 9:00 Sedra Emor, Minha, Maariv, Havdala, 7:50

Friday, May 9 Sephardic Shabbat, Ask the Rabbi Sit Down Oneg 8:00,Candlelighting 7:51

Saturday, May 10 Morning Service Hebrew High Graduation, and Kiddush 9:00am, Sedra Behar, Minha, Maariv, Havdala, 7:50

Friday, May 16 Carlebach Kabbalat Shabbat 6:30, Candlelighting 7:55

Saturday, May 17 Education Shabbat, April and May Simha Shabbat, PRTT Graduation and Kiddush, 9:00, Sedra Behukotai, Minha, Maariv, Havdala, 7:55

Friday, May 23 Kabbalat Shabbat, 6:30 Candlelighting 7:59

Saturday, May 24 Morning Service, Dialogue with the Rabbi, and Kiddush 9:00, Sedra Bamidbar, Minha, Maariv, Havdala 8:00

Friday, May 30 Flip Flop Shabbat at Upham Beach, 6:15 Candlelighting 8:03

Saturday, May 31 Morning Service, VPK Graduation, USY Summer Send-off, and Kiddush 9:00, Sedra Nasso, Minha, Maariv, Havdala 8:05


Life Cycle Events MAY 2014


Bruce Marger on receiving The Cordozo Society of Tampa Bay Leadership Award from the Jewish Federation of Pinellas and

Pasco County.

Sandi Rodman on publishing her second novel on Amazon Ebook, “ Denise Crawley, Flight Nurse, Fear No Evil Overnight,”

nom deplume, AJ Keene

Liz Sembler on being nominated by President Barack Obama to a second term to the Board of the Corporation for Public

Broadcasting and continuing her role as vice-chairwoman of the agency, which oversees the government funding of PBS and NPR.


Mazal Tov to Louis Orloff, Hope and Melvin Globus, Charles Aufhammer, Carolyn Aufhammer and Elizabeth Toomrey, Sherri Orloff, Anne and Marc Orloff, on the birth of their great-grandson, grandson, and son, Jonathan Gray Orloff.

Mazal Tov to Marvin and Lee Leibson on the birth of their great-grandson, Benjamin Samuel Hughes.


Mazal Tov to Drs. Hazel and Steve Shwer on the marriage of their daughter, Dr. Talia Nicol Shwer to Dr. Jason Charles Snyder

Mazal Tov to Larry and Helen Freid on the marriage of their daughter,

Dr. Nina Philip to Larry Bernstein


Mazal Tov to Ali and Dr. Kevin Tralins on the Bat Mitzvah of their

daughter, Jordan Rakhel Tralins.

Dr, Sidney Grau

Husband of Lillian Grau

Father of Steve Grau, Barry Grau, and Martha Kimmel

Brother of Helen Simon

Lenny Mauer

Husband of Ruth Mauer,

Father of Liz Sembler, Rabbi Sue Morningstar,

and Debby Gaines

Harry Kraff

Husband of Jean Kraff,

Father of Eileen Richman, Tina Hager, Ronald Kraff,

Brother of Ted Blum

May He who comforts Israel, Grant you solace in your bereavement.

Mazal Tov









MAY 17


Join us in wishing Mazal Tov! to members celebrating their birthdays, anniversaries and B’nai Mitzvah. Your good wishes can be part of their

memories, while at the same time, supporting B’nai Israel’s commitment to help our schools, youth groups and Synagogue through your

donations to our Mitzvah Fund.




□ 6 Judy and Jack Buns

□ 17 Ellen Podgor and Cheryl Segal

□ 22 Tertia and Craig Kunins

□ 24 Helen and Aaron Applefield

□ 24 Robin and Dr. Jimmy Post

□ 24 Jessica and Jeff Strait

□ 24 Joanne and Charles Given

□ 24 Gail and Carl Rubinsky

□ 25 Eva and Joe Fuchs

□ 26 Leisa and Dr. Michael Zimmer

□ 27 Sandy and Herb Brasch

□ 28 Helen and Larry Freid

□ 29 Vicki and Dr. David Greenfield

□ 29 Beulah and Sam Steel

□ 30 Rachel and Dr. David Wein

□ 31 Nancy and Dr. Stanley Rosenberg


□ 1 Alan Kay

□ 2 Dr. Mandel Sher

□ 3 Dr. Larry Green

□ 3 Audrey Kopelman

□ 3 Peggy McAvoy

□ 3 Dr. Hugh Van Gelder

□ 7 Jerry Benstock

□ 7 Eliot Dantowitz

□ 7 Susan Scheinert

□ 8 Diane Weiner

□ 9 Peter Benstock

□ 12 Harold Pollack

□ 12 Beulah Steel

□ 13 Phil Hirschfield

□ 13 Steve Wein

□14 Sam Janofsky

□15 Eva Fuchs

□16 Rita Jacobson

□16 Larry Lew

□16 David Robbins

□16 Dr. Robert Sheppard

□17 Herb Brasch

□17 Jared Shenofsky

□17 Ilene Worman

□18 Shana Gaines

□18 Jim Gordon

□18 Ben Thomas

□19 Hannah Krassner

□20 Helen Kahan

□20 Vivian Lurie

□20 Dr. Robert Weisberg

□21 Ron Yogman

□22 Ann Mark

□23 Steve Feld

□23 Lou Frey

□23 Cynthia Goldstein

In Honor of: ___________________________

Check the names of everyone to whom you want to send a Mitzvah Gram.

Send this form together with your check, minimum $10 donation fro each acknowledgement to: CBI St. Pete, C/O Kesef Accounting Services, PO Box 159 Montvale, NJ 07645, donate online at cbistpete.org, or drop off your check in the synagogue office.

*The minimum donation per acknowledgement is $10.

Please print:

Your Name: ______________________________________________

Address: _________________________________________________

City, _____________________________Zip: __________________

Telephone: ______________

□23 Pam Kravitz

□24 Rachel Domber

□24 Sheryl Feinman

□25 Walter Loebenberg

□25 Ralph Mizrahi

□25 Kim Zinkerman

□26 Dr. Irwin Ayes

□28 Rose Polsky

□29 Sheila Knapp

□30 Shelley Lynn

□30 Rosa Russek

□31 Igor Sirotkin


Donations MAY 2014

Adult Studies Fund In Memory of

Lou Bader Lenny Mauer

Sheryl and Larry Feinman Lenny Mauer

Linda and Steve Grau Lenny Mauer

Bonnie Walker Lenny Mauer

MaryAnn and Bruce Marger Lenny Mauer

Cantor’s Fund In Honor of

Drs. Leslie and Mitch Weiss Cantor Jonathan Schultz

Linda and Steve Grau Cantor Jonathan Schultz

Gail S. Warren Legacy for Leadership Fund

In Honor of

Linda and Jack Goldfarb Dr. Steve LeVine’s special birthday

Liz and Greg Sembler Sheryl Feinman, in gratitude and friendship

Scott and Cara Jay’s Wedding

In Memory of

Nancy and Dr. Stanley Rosenberg Dr. Sidney Grau

Linda and Jack Goldfarb Dr. Sidney Grau

Lenny Mauer

Liz and Greg Sembler Dr. Sidney Grau

Dr. Sydney Weiss

Dr. Steve Warren Lenny Mauer

Lois and Peter Pardoll Lenny Mauer

Drs. Naomi and Warren Abel Lenny Mauer

Jacobs Beautification Fund In Memory of

Bob, Debbie, Abby, and Bill Jacobs Murray M. Jacobs

Library Fund In Memory of

Beverly Sherman Dr. Sidney Grau

Audrey Freid, Adam Tao, Julie Freid, and Sally Freid

Dr. Sidney Grau

Janet Augenbraun Jane Markowitz

Eileen Koteles Dr. Sidney Grau

Mitzvah Fund In Honor of

Livia and Steve Wein Sharon Grau’s engagement

Audrey Kopelman Joel Goetz being named Man of the Year

Janice and Dr. David LeVine Helen Kahan’s birthday

Bebby and Dr. Arthur Marlin Joel Goetz being named Man of the Year

David Goldfarb’s engagement

Millie and Lenny Gelfond Dr. Starr Silver and Byron Kolitz being given Lifetime Acheivement Awards from Israel Bonds

Dr. Pat Cottrille Joan Redisch’s birthday

Joanne Luski’s birthday

Naomi Berg’s birthday

Dr. Arthur Schloss His aliyah

Mitzvah Fund In Memory of

Anita and Harold Pollack Dr. Sidney Grau

Betty Sue and Joel Shane Dr. Sidney Grau

Marilyn and Dr. Morris LeVine Dr. Sidney Grau

Harry Kraff

Lenny Mauer

Livia and Steve Wein Dr. Sidney Grau

Audrey Kopelman Dr. Sidney Grau

Dr. Harvey M. Kopelman

Beverly Halem

Norman Halem

Warren Simmons John M. Simmons

Rebecca Z. Douglass Her father, Seymour Zapen

Marilyn Benjamin Dr. Sidney Grau

Lenny Mauer

Joan and Jerry Benstock Dr. Sydney Weiss

Ruth Mauer Dr. Howard Heller

Florence Veniar

Vera and Dr. Larry Green Larry’s mother, Paula Green

Rebecca and Warren Simmons

Dr. Sidney Grau

Lenny Mauer

Dr. Nancy Landfish and Ed Bailey

Eugene and Joyce Bailey

Susan Burnett and Jim Frisch Dr. Sidney Grau

Arlene Ludin Sally Rubenstein

Anita Sher Dr. Sidney Grau

Sharon and Alan Koenig Gladys Koenig

Barbara, Samantha, and Ivan Bernstein

Lenny Mauer

Susie and Alan Schwartz Lenny Mauer

Michael Meyer Ann Grubstein and Yetta Stein

Sharon Gershuny Morris Sacket

Mickey F Walters and Lee Grossman

Samuel H. Feinberg

Lucille Ginsburg Lenny Mauer

Dr. Philip Warren Lenny Mauer

Sandy and Sam Janofsky Harry Kraff

Lenny Mauer

Wendy Levine Harry Kraff

Teddi and David Robbins Annette Robbins

MaryAnn and Bruce Marger Harry Kraff

Jean Wittner Dr. Sidney Grau

Harold Wolfson Gertrude Wolfson


Donations MAY 2014

Looking for a special way to honor your family and friends who are celebrating a Simha?


is just the answer. What a joy it is for someone to walk into our shul and see a Tribute of their Bar or Bat Mitzvah, special birthday, anniversary

or wedding. Order forms are in the synagogue office and lobby. Minimum donation $254.

Mitzvah Fund In Memory of

Anita and Lorri Helfand Lenny Mauer

Shelley Lynn Lenny Mauer

Ana Masri Lenny Mauer

Judy Benjamin Lenny Mauer

Caren and Larry Appel Lenny Mauer

Sheryl and Larry Feinman Michael Feinman

Finance Department of The Sembler Company

Lenny Mauer

Carolyn and Robert Isakson Lenny Mauer

Rachel and Maury Seldin Lenny Mauer

Judi and Dr. Mark Gordon Lenny Mauer

Ann and James Soble Lenny Mauer

Lillian Rosen Lenny Mauer

Beth and Jim Rosenbluth Lenny Mauer

Corporation for Public Broadcasting

Lenny Mauer

Pauline Rivkind Talmud Torah Fund

In Memory of

Myrna and Murray Rubin Lenny Mauer

Prayer Book Fund In Memory of

Bebby and Dr. Arthur Marlin Lenny Mauer

Eva Marlin

Rabbi’s Fund In Honor of

Drs. Leslie and Mitch Weiss Rabbi’s kindness and support

Linda and Steve Grau In appreciation and in memory of Dr. Sid Grau

Barbara and Jerry Levin A quick recovery for Anita Helfand

Carolyn and Gil Barron His aliyah

Shirley Sommella Lenny Gelfond’s birthday

Lucille Ginsburg A misheberah for Gloria Abrams

Barbara Bernstein In appreciation

Drs. Hazel and Steven Shwer Making Talia and Jason’s wedding memorable

Rabbi’s Fund In Memory of

Vivian Neumann Dr. Sidney Grau

Lenny Mauer

Gerry and Richard Mensh Dr. Sidney Grau

Lenny Mauer

Rachel and Dr. David Wein Dr. Sydney Weiss

Lenny Mauer

Joan and Jerry Benstock Dr. Sidney Grau

Mr. and Mrs. Gary L Moore Philip Katz

Sharon and Dr. Arthur Schloss Miriam Schloss

Sharon and Alan Koenig David Dotson

Meni Kanner Isaak Kanner

Margot and Michael Benstock Max Fisch

Randi and Ben Rabin Ben’s Grandfather, Meyer Miller

Sheila Knapp Dr. Sidney Grau

Her grandfather

Aldena and Larry Lew His mother, Lima S Lew

Michael Morris Leonard H. Morris

Asher Gil Jacob Gillis

Judith and Carl Anderson Lenny Mauer

Mary Anne Reilley Lenny Mauer

Lil Grau Lenny Mauer

Shirley Somella Her beloved husband, John

Nancy and Allan Lonschein Claire and Leon Lonschein

USY Fund In honor of

Lee and Marvin Leibson Sarah Jess Silverberg’s Bat Mitzvah

Karen and Jay Kauffman Dr. Steve LeVine’s special birthday

In memory of

Billie and Morry Bornstein Lee Schwartz

Carol and Bill Marger Lenny Mauer

Ricki and Mark Lewis Lenny Mauer

USY Pilgrimage Fund In Honor of

Linda and Steve Grau Carlie Rose Haber’s engagement

In memory of

Susie and Ira Berman Dr. Sidney Grau

Lenny Mauer

Shelley Lynn, Eric and Tracy Lynn

Dr. Sidney Grau

Ellen Bernstein Lenny Mauer

Sandi and Jesse Rodman Lenny Mauer


February 2014 Men’s Club MAY 2014


Mitzvah Men’s Club MAY 2014 February 2014


December 2013

Women’s League needs


To help bake your own recipes/cake mixes to be

used for Kiddushim.

If interested, please contact Ruth Ann Mizrahi at

727.347.6688 or ruthannmizrahi@gmail.com


MAY 2014


MAY 2014






MAY 2014



St. Petersburg Chapter

Come join us!

For membership information

please contact:

Rhoda Ross – Membership VP

MAY 2014


Women’s League Catering is special. Trust us with you simcha and you’ll discover that in addition to the delicious food, the great attention to detail, and the unbeatable value, there’s one thing that separates us from the rest. With everything we do, from the first phone call to the

serving of each carefully prepared dish, we do it with all our heart. Give us a call and see for yourself.

Contact Information:

Alice Ettinger aliceettinger112@gmail.com

MAY 2014


MAY 2014


Congregation B’nai Israel

B’nai Israel Review

300 -58th Street North

St. Petersburg, FL 33710-7889

Tel: (727) 381-4900

Fax: (727) 344-1307

Website: www.cbistpete.org

24 Hour Telephone Voice Mail

Change Service


Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage

PAID St. Petersburg, Fl.

Permit # 618

Enjoy the summer with your CBI Family!

Things to look out for:

May 18, Lag Ba’Omer Celebration

May 30, Flip Flop Shabbat at Upham Beach

Beginning in June, we will have our Summer Speakers Series again

Also in June, our Friday Evening Services will begin at 7:30