BLWYDDYN 2 BLWYDDYN 5 - · butterflies- a great way to learn about the life...


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Gwanwyn/Spring 2017


BLWYDDYN 4 ‘Gourmet Byd Eang’ oedd ein thema ni ym Mlwyddyn 4 yr hanner tymor yma. Rydym wedi dysgu

llawer am fwydydd gwahanol ar draws y byd. Roeddwn hefyd wedi dysgu am fwydydd masnach deg

a phwysigrwydd bwyta diet iachus er mwyn ein lles. Cafon hefyd y cyfle i fynd ar daith i Asda lle

dysgom bod ôl troed carbon yn effeithio ar gost ein ffrwythau a llysiau. Wrth wraidd y prosiect

dysgom sut i ysgrifennu set o gyfarwyddiadau a cafon llawer o hwyl yn coginio cacennau ac yna

ysgrifennu cyfarwyddiadau ein hunain i fynd gyda hyn.

Ar ôl gwyliau’r Pasg fe fyddwn yn symud ymlaen i edrych ar y thema ‘Y Trochiad Mawr.’

Our theme in Year 4 was ‘Global Gourmet’. We have learned a lot about different foods

from across the world. We learnt about fair trade food and how a balanced diet is

important for our health and wellbeing. We also had the opportunity to visit Asda, where

we had the chance to develop our understanding about food miles, and how the carbon

footprint affects the cost of our fruit and vegetables. At the heart of the theme was

learning how to write our own instructions, and we had lots of fun making our own cakes,

before writing instructions to accompany the work.

After Easter, we will be studying ‘The Big Dip.’

BLWYDDYN 2 ‘Gwingo ac ymlusgo’ oedd thema Blwyddyn 2 yn ystod yr hanner tymor diwethaf. Rydym wedi bod yn

astudio nifer o wahanol drychfilod ac wedi dysgu eu henwau a ffeithiau diddorol amdanynt. Dechreuom yr

hanner tymor gydag ymweliad i Neuadd Mynyddygarreg i weld cwmni Zoolab. Roedd ganddynt amrywiaeth o

drychfilod gwahanol fel malwoden fawr, chwilen ddu, neidr filtroed, tarantula a neidr!! Cawsom gyfle i

gyffwrdd rhai o’r trychfilod.

Rydym hefyd wedi bod allan o amgylch y pentref yn chwilio am drychfilod bach. Doedd dim tarantulas yn

Nhrimsaran ond roedd digon o fwydod, moch y coed, gwlithod a chorynnod.

Yn ogystal âg astudio’r trychfilod, rydym wedi bod yn dysgu am gylch bywyd y pili pala. Yn y dosbarth mae

gennym lindys go iawn. Maent yn tyfu pob dydd ac yn fuan byddant yn dechrau creu ei chwiler er mwyn

dechrau’r broses o newid mewn i bili pala.

Gwnaethom ymchwiliad i weld beth oedd hoff drychfilod blwyddyn 2. Ar ôl casglu’r gwybodaeth mewn siart

tali, fe wnaethom graff bar gyda’r canlyniadau. Hefyd, fe edrychom ar ba drychfilod sydd â phatrymau

cymesur arnynt. Gwelsom bod buwch goch gota a phili palaod â phatrymau cymesur.

Mae pawb wedi mwynhau y thema yma’n fawr. Pawb ond am Miss Roberts, sydd yn ofn corynnod!!

Blwyddyn 2’s theme this half term was ‘wriggle and crawl’. We’ve been studying many different

types of mini-beasts, learning their names and several interesting facts about them. We started

off the half term with a trip to Mynyddygarreg Hall to see Zoolab. They had a wide variety of

different mini-beasts such as giant snails, cockroaches, millipede, tarantula and a snake! We were

allowed to touch some of the animals.

We’ve also been out and about the village searching

for mini-beasts. There weren’t any tarantulas in

Trimsaran but there were plenty of worms, woodlouse,

slugs and spiders.

As well as studying the different mini-beasts, we’ve

been learning about the life cycle of the butterfly.

In our class, we have real life caterpillars. They’re

growing everyday and soon they will start their

chrysalis to begin the process of changing into


We also explored what were Blwyddyn 2’s favourite

mini-beasts. After collecting the information using a

tally chart, we transferred what we found into a bar

graph. Symmetry was something else we studied, we

found that ladybirds and butterflies have symmetrical


Everyone has enjoyed this theme very much. Everyone

except for Miss Roberts who’s scared of spiders!

Dyma themau yr hanner tymor nesaf/Here are next half term’s themes:

Meithrin/Derbyn – Traeth/Beach.

Blwyddyn 1 a 2 – Drychwch Tir!/Land Ahoy!.

Blwyddyn 3 a 4 – Y Trochiad Mawr/The Big Dip.

Blwyddyn 5 a 6 – Peiriant Sgrech/Scream Machine.

Pasg Hapus i bawb. Happy Easter to you all. Mrs C. S. Owen, Pennaeth/Headteacher.

Ysgol yn ail-agor ar ddydd Llun, Ebrill 24ain 2017.

School will re-open on Monday, 24th April 2017.

BLWYDDYN 5 Yn ein gwersi gwyddoniaeth, rydym wedi bod yn edrych ar

ymddygiad pengwiniaid. Sylwom fod y pengwiniaid yn hoffi sefyll

mewn grwpiau. Gwnaethom gynnal ymholiad gwyddonol i weld a oedd

hyn yn ei helpu i gadw’n dwym. Yn anffodus nid oeddem yn gallu

defnyddio pengwiniaid go-iawn a rhewgell, felly roedd rhaid addasu

byrfyfyr trwy ddefnyddio dŵr a thiwbiau arbrawf!

In our science lessons, we have been looking at the behavior of

penguins. We noticed that the penguins like standing in groups. We

conducted a scientific inquiry to see whether this helped keep

warm. Unfortunately we could not use real penguins and a freezer,

so we had to improvise using water and test tubes!


OF THE MONTH Gwerth mis Ebrill bydd/

April's value of the month will be:-





93% Mae hyn yn


Bydd y sir yn monitro unigolion.

This is


County are monitoring



GOOD LUCK Pob lwc i Kaitlyn Reed

sy’n ffarwelio ein hysgol

heddiw. Dymuniadau

gorau i ti.

Good luck to Kaitlyn

Reed who is leaving the

school today. Best

wishes for the future.

DERBYN Dyna beth oedd hanner tymor diddorol! Rydym wedi mwynhau dod a’r thema i ben trwy gwrdd

â llawer o drychfilod a dysgu am ei gynefin. Rydym wedi newid y dosbarth mewn i Lab Ymchwilio

ac wedi mwynhau helfa drychfilod gwahanol sydd o amgylch yr ysgol. Cafodd y plant gyfleoedd i

ddysgu am rannau corff pili-pala, dysgu enwau’r trychfilod gwahanol, ac ymestyn ei dealltwriaeth

o sut maent yn symud yn sesiynau ymarfer corff. Rydym wedi bod yn ffodus iawn i gadw gwesty

mwydod yn y dosbarth, er mwyn arsylwi y llwybrau diddorol maent yn creu. A gyda 7 lindysyn

bach rydym yn edrych ymlaen i weld newydiad o’r lindys mewn i pili palod. Dysgodd y plant am ein

cylch bywyd, sut i ofalu amdano yn gywir ac wedi mwynhau gwrando ar y stori ‘Helfa Trychfilod’.

Rydym hefyd wedi bod yn fisi ac wrth ein boddau yn creu pethau celf a chrefft ar gyfer Sul y

Mamau a’r Pasg, a chyfle i drafod pwysigrwydd pob un.

Hoffwn fel dosbarth dymuno pob lwc i Miss Reed yn ei swydd newydd, a dweud diolch am

ei holl waith gyda ni yn y Derbyn. Bydd pawb yn gweld dy eisiau ti.

What an exciting half term it has been! We have had fun bringing our theme to an end

by meeting lots of mini-beasts and learning about their habitat. Our classroom has been

transformed into an area of discovery and we have all enjoyed searching for a variety of

insects around the school. The children have had opportunities to learn and label parts

of a butterfly, learn the different names of the insects we have found and furthered

their knowledge of how the insects move in our physical education lessons. We have

been very lucky to have a wormery in our class, and have observed the very unusual

paths the worms have made. And with 7 small caterpillars, we are looking forward to

seeing them change in front of our eyes into beautiful butterflies. We have learnt about

their life cycle, learnt how to care for them properly and enjoyed listening to the story

of ‘Helfa drychfilod’. Recently, we have been busy with our arts and crafts. The children

have enjoyed making lots of lovely things to celebrate Mother’s Day and Easter, whilst

also learning the importance and meaning behind each celebration.

As a class, we would also like to wish Miss Reed good luck with her new job, and

thank her for all of her hard work in the reception class. We will all miss you.

BLWYDDYN 6 Thema disgyblion Blwyddyn 6 y tymor hwn oedd ‘Mwy na Mods a Rocers’.

Treuliodd y disgyblion gyfnod diddorol iawn yn ymchwilio i ddigwyddiadau

cyffrous y chwedegau. Cafwyd llawer o hwyl wrth wrando ar ganeuon y

‘Beatles’ ac ‘Elvis Presley’ yn ogystal â gwylio araith Martin Luther King, ‘Mae

gen i freuddwyd’. Bu yna sgyrsiau a thrafodaeth buddiol ynglŷn â iawnderau

sifil yn America cyn i’r disgyblion fynd ati i ysgrifennu am eu breuddwydion

eu hunain ar gyfer dyfodol gwell. Aethant ymlaen i ddefnyddio eu sgiliau

ysgrifennu i lunio llythyron ac erthyglau papur newydd am lofruddiaeth

Kennedy. Braf oedd cael defnyddio’r llawiaduron a’r gliniaduron i ymchwilio i

batrymau ail-adroddol y cyfnod cyn creu patrymau eu hunain gan efylychu’r


Yn olaf bu’r disgyblion yn dysgu am arwyddocad y Glaniad ar y lleuad ac am

hanes Neil Armstrong a’r gofodwyr eraill.

The theme for pupils in Year 6 this term was ‘Only Mods and Rockers’.

The pupils had a most interesting half term researching many exciting

events of the sixties. The music of The Beatles and Elvis Presley proved to

be a wonderful experience. The pupils listened to Martin Luther King’s

speech, ‘I have a dream’ which led to some profound thinking and discussion

about the ‘Civil Rights Movement’. This enabled the pupils in turn to write

about their own dreams for a better future. They continued to use their

writing skills to compose letter and newspaper articles about the

assassination of Kennedy. Using iPads and laptops was a most exciting way

of researching repeated patters which were fashionable in the 1960s. The

pupils were able to copy this style in their own examples of art.

Finally, the pupils learned about the significance of the Moon Landing, Neil

Armstrong and other notable astronauts.

BLWYDDYN 1 Mae’r hanner tymor wedi hedfan unwaith eto! Mae’r plant wedi bod

wrth eu bodd yn dysgu am drychfilod yn ein thema ‘Gwingo ac Ymlusgo’.

Mae’r plant wedi dysgu llawer o ffeithiau arbennig. Dechreuodd y

tymor gyda ymweliad o ‘Zoolab’ a chafodd y plant gyfle i weld trantiwla,

malwoden Affricanaidd, chwilen enfawr a neidr. Yn y ysgol roedd y

plant wrth eu bodd eto wrth gasglu mwydod o du allan. Cadwon ni’r

mwydod yn y dosbarth yn ddiogel mewn ffarm mwydod- cyfle arbennig

i arsylwi a dysgu am fwydod. Hefyd mae gennym lindys go iawn yn y

dosbarth- maen nhw wrthi’n newid mewn i bili-palod- ffordd arbennig i

dysgu am gylch fywyd y pili-pala.

It’s been a very busy half term. The children have loved the theme

‘Wriggle and Crawl’ and have learned many interesting facts. We

started the term with a visit from Zoolab. We saw lots of different

mini-beasts, including- a tarantula, beetle, snake and an African snail.

In school the children loved going out to collect worms to put in our

worm farm that we have in the class. A fantastic way to observe how

they move and eat and what effect they have on the soil. We have also

got caterpillars in class, they are in the process of turning into

butterflies- a great way to learn about the life cycle of a butterfly.

BLWYDDYN 3 Tymor yma ein thema ni oedd ‘Gourmet Byd Eang’. Yn ystod yr wythnosau

diwethaf buom yn canolbwyntio ar Fasnach Deg. Cafon gyfle i ymweld a Lyn yn

Asda a wnaeth dangos nifer o fwydydd masnach deg sy’n cael eu mewnforio. Yn

ogystal a hyn cafon gyfle i ddefnyddio’r iPads a’r macbooks i leoli ble mae’r

bwydydd yn dod yn wreiddiol a sawl milltir i ffwrdd ydynt. Hefyd fe wnaethom

ddysgu sut mae siocled yn cael ei creu o’r codennau cocao ir siop. Roedd mwy o

waith yn mynd i greu siocled nag oeddwn yn sylweddoli. Un o’r ymchwiliadau mwyaf

diddorol wnaethom oedd edrych faint o siwgr oedd yn ein hoff ddiodydd.

Oeddech chi’n gwbod bod 11½ llwyaid o siwgr mewn botel o ysgytlaeth Friji!!!

Rydym wedi mwynhau y thema yma yn fawr iawn, mae wedi bod yn amser blasus!

Our theme this term has been ‘Global Gourmet’. During recent weeks we have

focused on Fair Trade, learning all about the produce and where they come from.

We were very fortunate to visit Lyn in Asda who was able to show us a number of

produce that were Fair Trade and those that are imported. Following this we

were able to create a database on the iPads and macbooks showing where certain

produce originated from and how many miles it travelled to the shops. We have

also learnt about the process of making chocolate, all the way from the cocoa

pods to the shop. There was more work involved than we realised. One of the

most interesting investigations we did was looking at how much sugar was in some

of our favourite drinks. Did you know there is 11½ spoonful’s of sugar in a bottle

of Friji milkshake!!! We have thoroughly enjoyed this term and it has been very



ST DAVID’S DAY Fel rhan o’n dathliadau cynhaliwyd cystadleuaeth ‘Y Genhinen

Hiraf’ ac Eisteddfod ‘Trim y Mynydd’ yn Neuadd Mynyddygarreg.

Cawsom amser arbennig a daeth Mrs Trussler a Miss Ungoed i

feirniadu ein Heisteddfod.

To celebrate St David’s Day we had the ‘Longest Leek’

competition and Trim y Mynydd Eisteddfod at Mynyddygarreg Hall.

We had a lovely time and Mrs Trussler and Miss Ungoed returned

to be judges for the Eisteddfod.

MEITHRIN Rydyn ni wedi bod yn astudio’r thema ‘Pethau Bychain Pitw’ yn ystod yr

hanner tymor diwethaf. Thema sydd wedi ysgogi’r plant i chwilio am ac i

siarad am bob math o drychfilod bach sy’n byw yn y byd naturiol o’u

hamgylch. Defnyddiom chwyddwydrau wrth chwilio tu allan a buom yn dysgu

defnyddio codau QR i ddarganfod lluniau o drychfilod yn ein ‘gardd fach ni’

yn y dosbarth.

Buom yn awduron prysur iawn yn creu ein llyfrau ein hunain ar drychfilod

hefyd. Gallwch eu gweld ar ein harddangosfa o’r thema yn y cyntedd.

Gwnaethom ni addurno bisgedi i edrych fel buwch goch gota hefyd – roedden

nhw’n flasus iawn!

Our theme during the last few

weeks was ‘Teeny, Tiny Things’.

A theme that has excited and

encouraged the children to look for

and discuss all sorts of mini-beasts

that live around us in the natural

world. We used magnifying glasses

whilst exploring outdoors and

learned how to use QR codes to reveal pictures of mini-beasts in ‘our little

garden’ in our class.

We have been busy authors creating our very own books or mini-beasts too.

These can be seen on our theme display by the main entrance.

We also decorated biscuits to make them look like ladybirds – they were


EISTEDDFOD Llongyfarchiadau i bawb a gymerodd rhan yn yr Eisteddfod


Dyma ganlyniadau yr Eisteddfod Gylch a gynhaliwyd ar yr 11eg o

Fawrth yn Ysgol y Strade:-

Grŵp Llefaru – 2il. Parti Unsain – 6ed.

Congratulations to everyone

who took part in the Eisteddfod

this year.

Here are the results of the Local

Eisteddfod which was held at

Stradey School on 11th March:-

Group Recitation – 2nd.

Parti Unsain – 6th.


RED NOSE DAY Dathlodd yr ysgol ‘Diwrnod Trwyn Coch’ ar ddydd Gwener, 24ain o

Fawrth. Gwisgodd y disgyblion a staff sanau gwahanol a rhoddwyd

gyfraniad tuag at yr achos da hwn. Casglwyd £83. Diolch yn fawr i chi

gyd am eich caredigrwydd.

On Friday, 24th March we

celebrated ‘Red Nose Day’.

Pupils and staff wore different

socks and gave a contribution

towards the charity.

The school raised £83.

Thank you all very much for

your kindness.

CANOLFAN VELINDRE CENTRE Diolch i bawb a wisgodd coch i’r ysgol ar ddydd Gwener, Mawrth

10fed a rhoi gyfraniad i gefnogi Canolfan Ganser Felindre. Casglon

£175. Diolch yn fawr am eich cefnogaeth.

Thank you to all that

wore red and donated

money to support

Velindre Cancer Centre

on Friday, 10th March.

We raised £175.

Thank you for your


PONT I YSGOLION/BUILD A BRIDGE Wythnos diwethaf cymerodd Blwyddyn 4, 5 a 6 rhan mewn brosiect gan ‘Pont i Ysgolion –

Ice Institution of Civil Engineers’ yn neuadd ein hysgol newydd. Cyfle gwych i’r plant

gydweithio wrth greu fersiwn fach o Bont Hafren allan o bren ac alwminiwm. Rwy’n siwr

bod gennym beirianwyr a phenseiri y dyfodol!!

Last week Years 4, 5 and 6 took part in a project with ‘Bridge to Schools – Ice Institution

of Civil Engineers’ in the hall of our new school. They helped construct a 15-metre long,

model cable-stayed bridge (the same design as the Second Severn Crossing), from plywood

and aluminium sections. I’m sure we have future engineers and architects!!

ARIAN CINIO/DINNER MONEY Hoffwn hysbysu ein bod wedi cael cadarnhad o’r Sir bod tâl cinio

ysgol yn codi o ddydd Llun, 24ain o Ebrill, 2017.

Bydd y tâl cinio felly yn codi o’r £2.40 presennol i £2.50 y pryd -

£12.50 yr wythnos.

I would like to inform you that we have had confirmation from

County that the cost of school meals will increase from Monday, 24th

April, 2017.

This means that it will increase from the current £2.40 per meal to

£2.50 per meal - £12.50 per week.

RYGBI/RUGBY Aeth disgyblion Blwyddyn 4 a 5 i gymeryd rhan yng Ngŵyl rygbi

ym Mharc y Scarlets yn ddiweddar. Chwaraeon ni 6 gêm. Enillon

ni 3, 2 cyfartal a cholli 1. Da iawn pawb a chwaraeodd!

Recently Year 4 and 5 pupils had an opportunity to take part in a

rugby festival at Parc y Scarlets. They played 6 games. They

won 3, 2 joint and lost 1.

Well done everyone who took part!

YMWELIAD/VISIT Cawsom ymweliad gan ein Swyddog Gwella Ysgolion yn ddiweddar.

Treuliodd y bore yn craffu ar lyfrau’r plant o’r Meithrin i Flwyddyn 6.

Cafodd gyfle i sgwrsio gyda rhai o’r disgyblion am eu dysgu a’u

targedau. Pleser oedd darllen ei adroddiad yn cadarnhau bod safon a

chyflwyniad y gwaith yn dda. Mae’r adroddiad yn datgan bod plant yn

gwneud cynnydd o flwyddyn i flwyddyn a bod plant mewn grwpiau

ymyrraeth yn elwa.

We recently had a visit from our School Improvement Officer.

During the morning he scrutinized the childrens’ books. He had an

opportunity to talk with some of the pupils about their learning and

targets. It was a pleasure to read his report and it confirms that the

quality and presentation of the work is good. The report states that

children progress from year to year and that children in the

intervention groups benefit.

BRIGÂD DÂN/FIRE BRIGADE Daeth Eleanor Goldsmith o'r Frigâd Dân i ymweld â'r ysgol i

siarad â'r plant ynglŷn â diogelwch yn y tŷ. Cafodd disgyblion y

Babanod gyfle i wisgo dillad arbennig y Gwasanaeth Tân.

Eleanor Goldsmith from the Fire Brigade visited the school

to speak to children about safety at home. The Infant pupils had

an opportunity to wear the special clothing of the Fire Service.


Mae Blwyddyn 5 a 6 yn ddiolchgar iawn i Diane am dreulio prynhawn gyda

nhw. Siaradodd hi am waith y gynllunwraig Mary Quant a cafodd bob plentyn

becyn o ddefnyddiau i gynllunio ffrog neu grys-t eu hunain. Dysgodd y

disgyblion llawer o ffeithiau diddorol amdani.

Year 5 and 6 were very grateful to Diane for

working with them recently.

Diane spoke about the fashion designer Mary

Quant. Every pupil was given a pack containing

materials which they used to design a dress or

a t-shirt.

The pupils learnt many interesting facts.




DIWRNOD CYMREICTOD Diolch i Fenter Cwm Gwendraeth am drefnu i Tudur Phillips

ymweld a ddisgyblion yr Iau i ddangos iddynt sut i ddawnsio

clocsio. Cafodd y plant llawer

o hwyl!!

Thank you to ‘Menter Cwm

Gwendraeth’ in arranging for

Tudur Phillips to visit the Junior

pupils to teach them Welsh clog


They had a great time!!

TAITH I ASDA/TRIP TO ASDA Astudiodd Blwyddyn 3 a 4 ‘Gourmet Byd Eang’ yr hanner tymor yma a

chawsant gyfle i ymweld ag archfarchnad ASDA, Llanelli. Diolch yn fawr i

Lyn am eu tywys nhw o amgylch yr archfarchnad a dangos yr amrywiaeth o

fwydydd o wahanol wledydd i’r disgyblion. Yn dilyn eu ymweliad daeth Lyn

allan a bwydydd masnach deg i’r plant cael blasu yn yr ysgol. Erbyn hyn

mae’r plant wedi dysgu am effaith y gost ar fwydydd ry’n ni’n mewnforio ac

ystyried ôl traed carbon ar ein bwydydd.

Years 3 and 4 have been studying ‘Global Gourmet’ this half term and

they had an opportunity to visit the local supermarket ASDA, Llanelli.

Thank you very much Lyn for showing the pupils around the supermarket

and explaining all about the various foods available from different

countries. Following their visit, Lyn came to the school and brought

various fair trade foods for the pupils to taste. The pupils got a lot out of

both visits. By now the children understand the effect of cost and can

consider the carbon footprint on imported foods.

LLYWODRAETHWYR/GOVERNORS Cafodd y llywodraethwyr gyfle,

yn ystod ein cyfarfod, i ymweld a’n

hysgol newydd ac edrych ar gynnydd

a datblygiadau.

Governors had an opportunity during

our Spring term meeting, to have a

tour of the our new school and check

on progress and developments.
