Blue Rubicon's digital inspiration July 2010



Blue Rubicon's occasional round-up of inspiration from around the web.

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Social media control room....

Should your client have one of these?

The most photographed spot in London?

Is Tower Bridge!

Eric Fischer's "Locals and Tourists" Flickr set* uses geotags to compare photos taken by locals and tourists and produces colored maps showing the difference.

Here's London.

*Red signifies tourists, blue locals

Death to Mumsnet

The Daddy blogging community is on the rise....

Wired has a resident Geek Dad and communities like are growing.

More here.

Animal Fear?

Terrified children. Terrifying animals. Combined. Niche websites rule.

Meet your “friends”Microsoft turned some heads with its recent mobile phone marketing campaign when the company sent a young girl, Rosa, around the country to meet her social network in person.

They then extended the same opportunity to all Facebook users. Anyone who “likes” the KIN page can enter in a sweepstakes to “win a KIN journey.”

Long Live Alex

innocent have bravely offered up a prize of £1,000,000 to the first person to live to 150.

Comedian Alex Horne is blogging, Tweeting and videoing his attempt to win the prize.

More Crowdsourcing….

Traffic jams are one place where you can count on people having unexpected free time. Instead of sitting idly, Waze allows users to report traffic problems to other app users.

Fashion Stake will let customers decide what items go from sample to retail. Designers can post photos of their sample designs on the Fashion Stake website. Users then support the lines they like by purchasing a $50 “stake” in any design. If the design earns enough stakes to fund its production, the product is sold exclusively on Fashion Stake and a portion of the proceeds are returned to stakeholders in the form of “clothing credits” that can be redeemed for merchandise sold on the site.

Genius or lunacy?

Saatchi & Saatchi Tel Aviv have launched an attempt to crowdsource a solution to the Israel-Palestine conflict…

Stunt central

Improv Everywhere “causes scenes of chaos and joy in publicPlaces”………

Local growers

We love this interactive map Whole Foods have developed showing local growers

and vendors

What BP could have had...

From “What BP Could Have Bought With All the Money They Lost” is a long, side-scrolling visual of some examples of what BP could have done with $100,000,000,000. … epic.

Vintage digital

Don’t underestimate the power of digital nostalgia... .....

Have your clients got a digital heritage to share?


Is your client on

Get your Apps......

Check out TechRadar’s top Apps here

Essential Apps lets you stream your music collection from the cloud

Want a spring in your step when you hop out of bed in the morning?  Sleep Cycle is so much more than an alarm clock. The app actually analyses your sleep patterns throughout the night and wakes you just at the optimum moment when it’s sure that you are in a relatively light sleep.

You have the power of Godzilla right in your fingertip. Destroy whole cities, rain fiery chaos down upon buildings, cars and people, in seconds flat. …

The Layar Reality Browser is a fun augmented reality app that shows you what is around you by displaying real time digital labels

The app uses an iPhone's GPS to track your jogging route, and provides mapping, pace and calories burned.
