Block 4 -...


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I Love Home Block of the Month Block #4- Copyright Jacquelynne Steves

Please do not copy or share- each maker should obtain their own copy from


If you haven’t done so already, see “Preliminary Cutting Instructions” on

page 4 of the Introduction for best use of your fabric.

Block 4

You will need:


• (1) 10” square for appliqued or embroidered center (omit if not doing applique or


• (2) 1” x 9 1/2” strips

• (2) 1” x 10 1/2” strips

• (2) 5 1/8” squares

Dark Pink

• (2) 1” x 8 1/2” strips

• (2) 1” x 9 1/2” strips

• (2) 5 1/8” squares


• (4) 4 1/2 x 5 3/4” rectangles

• (1) 5 1/2” square

Light Blue

• (4) 4 1/2” x 5 3/4” rectangles

Yellow #1

• (2) 5 1/8” squares

• (1) 5 1/2” square


• (1) 8 1/2” square of novelty, floral, etc. for center of block if NOT doing applique or


Making the block:

Embroider or applique the 10” White square (patterns attached.)

Trim the squares to 8 1/2” square.

I Love Home Block of the Month Block #4- Copyright Jacquelynne Steves

Please do not copy or share- each maker should obtain their own copy from


Sew Pink strips (1” x 8 1/2”) to opposite sides of center

square. Press seam allowances toward Pink. Then, sew

Pink strips (1” x 9 1/2) to remaining sides of center

square. Press seam allowances toward Pink.

Sew White strips (1” x 9 1/2”) to opposites sides

of center square. Press seam allowances toward

Pink. Then, sew White strips (1” x 10 1/2) to

remaining sides of center square. Press seam

allowances toward Pink.

The center square should now measure 10 1/2”.

Make the HSTs (Half Square Triangle units) for the corners: Get your 5 1/8” Pink and White squares.

Place a White square RIGHT sides together with a Pink square.

Use a ruler and a pencil to draw a line diagonally from corner to corner, on the WRONG side of the fabric

of each “square pair”. Then draw a line 1/4” on either side of this line. I like to use a see-through ruler

for this step. (You can also just draw the line down the center, and use your 1/4” foot to sew 1/4” away

from that center line… but I like the accuracy I get by drawing in all of the lines.) **

Pin the pairs together, and sew on those

“side” lines (not the center line), then cut on

the center line:

I Love Home Block of the Month Block #4- Copyright Jacquelynne Steves

Please do not copy or share- each maker should obtain their own copy from


Press the seams toward the Pink. Now, you have 4 squares (HST’s):

Trim the squares to 4 1/2”.

**For a tutorial on making HSTs, please go to

**To see my favorite ruler for making HSTs and a video demonstration, please go to

Now we will make some more HSTs- Use the 5 1/2” Yellow and

Teal squares to make 2 HSTs, using the method described above.

Press seam allowances open. Do not trim.

Mark a line diagonally on the wrong side of the 5 1/8” Yellow squares. Place the Yellow/Teal HSTs right

sides together with the Yellow squares, so that the drawn line on the Yellow square is perpendicular to

the seam on the HST. Pin in place.

Sew 1/4” from each side of the drawn line (just as if you were making HSTs.) Cut on drawn line and press

seam allowances open.

I Love Home Block of the Month Block #4- Copyright Jacquelynne Steves

Please do not copy or share- each maker should obtain their own copy from


You will have 4 units like this. Trim unit to 4 1/2”.

See this tutorial for trimming blocks:

Now that we’ve made plenty of HSTs (Half Square Triangle units) for this block, we will be making HRTs,

just like we did for Block #3. Remember to follow the instructions exactly! Please see my video tutorial


Use a pencil to draw a diagonal line on the

wrong side of your Blue rectangles, then

draw a line 1/4” from each side of the

center line. (Note that the lines for one set

should be the mirror image of the other


Layer the rectangle right sides

together with a Teal rectangle as

shown in the diagram.

I Love Home Block of the Month Block #4- Copyright Jacquelynne Steves

Please do not copy or share- each maker should obtain their own copy from


Sew on the dotted lines and then cut on the center

line (just like you would for HSTs). Press the seam

allowances open:

Trim the HRTs to 3 1/2” x 4 1/2” . See tutorial link on

page 4.

Sew the units together as shown in diagram below.

Press seam allowances open. Each unit should measure

4 1/2” x 10 1/2”.

Sew an HRT unit to opposite sides of the center square.

Press seam allowances toward the Teal.

I Love Home Block of the Month Block #4- Copyright Jacquelynne Steves

Please do not copy or share- each maker should obtain their own copy from


Sew an HST to each end of the remaining HRT units. Note the orientation of the White triangle. Press

seam allowance toward Teal:

Sew HST/HRT unit to remaining sides of block. Press seam

allowances toward Teal:

Your block should measure 18 1/2”.

Block #4 is done! Woo hoo!!! Next time, we will work on putting the quilt together!