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Friday, 15 May 2009


TIANJIN is accredited by: Council of International Schools and Western Association of Schools and Colleges

Weishan Road, Shuanggang, Jinan District Tianjin 300350 P.R.China

Tel: 86 22 28592001 Fax: 86 22 28592007


Dear Students and Parents,

I wish to draw your attention to the ‘Notice of Parent Elections to the School Board of Governors’ attached to this newsletter. The IST Board consists of nine voting members, seven of whom are parents and two of whom are appointed by TEDA. The Director and several other members of the senior administration act as non-voting members. I hope that several of you will consider running for one of the two parent elected positions now vacant on the board. Board membership is a great responsibility but also a wonderful opportunity to carry out important duties in service of the school’s mission, philosophy, and future.

Influenza A (H1N1) Update I believe that you will all be aware that the first case of Influenza A (H1N!) has now been confirmed in China. The school is following medical advice and will not further escalate its health, hygiene and security protocols just yet; however, we are continuing to monitor the situation closely and will keep you informed should we determine that it is necessary to implement further and more stringent protocols.

Please do not send sick students to the school. Please avoid taking your family members to crowed places with poor ventilation. If a family member has recently from overseas and has developed cold or flu-like symptoms such as running rose, nasal congestion, sore throat, cough, fever or feverishness, please see a doctor and avoid coming to the school until fully recovered.

As a precautionary measure in the unlikely event that the school is forced to close because of the current Influenza A outbreak, both the elementary and secondary school have put into place procedures for a distance learning pro-gram. Details of this program were sent home today along with Blaze in Brief. Your close attention to these programs and the procedures they outline is much appreciated.

(Continued on page 9)


* Parents Elections to the Board of Governors (attached forms) * Influenza Update and Elem & Sec distance learning pro-gram procedures (attached forms) * Sports Day on May 23rd (see attached detailed no-tices in Sports Brief) * Graduation Dinner An-nouncement * Grade 4 Retreat * NOTICES - After school hours gym use, Teen Act for Aids Club, Grade 10 Personal Exhibition, Student Council Summer Ball, Roots and Shoots * Grade 5 exhibition Update * STUDY USA - workshop by USA Embassy * PFO news * Library - current academic year highlights * U14 girls’ basketball team Success * Sports Brief * Weekly NPK menu * Weekly Menu * Diary Dates

Many of you may remember Guo Han, our first Valedictorian from IST.

Guo Han has just graduated from Bowdoin University and is going on to graduate school. He is entering a joint PhD program in chemical biology by Cornell, Rockfeller and Sloan Kettering Cancer institute . He is likely to be in the area of synthetic chemistry with a pharmaceutical application.

He send his regards to all at IST

International school of Tianjin newsletter FRIDAY, 8 May 2009

2 Weishan Road, Shuanggang Jinan District, Tianjin 300350 P.R.China

Tel: 86 22 28592001 Fax: 86 22 285920 Email:

Graduation Dinner Announcement

Dear IST Parents, Our annual graduation celebration will soon be upon us. It is an exciting and emotional time for many in the com-munity, as it gives closure to years of primary and secondary schooling, and sees our graduates off on the next stages of their life journeys. IST is keen to have as many people as possible join in the graduation festivities, but it is important that everyone understand how these festivities proceed. There are three different parts to the graduation celebration—the graduation ceremony itself (18:00 – 19:30); a reception following the ceremony (19:30 – 20:15); and a celebratory dinner after the reception (20:15 – 22:30). Everyone in the IST community is offered an invitation to the graduation ceremony to be there with our students as they engage in this rite of passage. And after the ceremony everyone can mingle in the foyer for the reception. It is a good opportunity to share words of congratulations, and perhaps to take a photo with the graduates. The dinner, however, is a smaller affair—participation is by separate invitation only. This event is reserved for graduates and their chosen guests, teachers of our grade 12 students and our grade 11 students (who offer a traditional toast to their predecessors, and get a chance to see what their own futures hold). We want to be sure that everyone appreciates the many sorts of involvement that may come with the ceremony. We certainly don’t want any hurt feelings at this celebration - your presence is very important, and that is why we open up the ceremony and the reception to the broader IST community. It would not be a party without you! Thanks very much for your understanding.


Grade 4 went on a retreat at Lake Park Ave last Tuesday. Our unit of in-quiry is “How we organize ourselves”. The students will use the skills that they have developed this year to take action on issues that affect their local community. In order to do this, we created working groups based on issues that interest them or affect them the most. The students went through an intense reflection, brainstorming, grouping and action planning retreat. The purpose of the retreat was to make the students feel the importance of this unit and to empower them to take meaningful action. During our retreat, students looked back on who they once were as people and as learners from August 2008 and who they are now. We had deep conversations about the their learning experiences and how these experiences have shaped and influenced them in positive and meaningful ways. Students were very open and honest about their personal growth. The level of “energy” in the room was alive. What a rewarding and real experience!

International school of Tianjin newsletter FRIDAY, 8 May 2009

3 Weishan Road, Shuanggang Jinan District, Tianjin 300350 P.R.China

Tel: 86 22 28592001 Fax: 86 22 285920 Email:



Please be advised that the climbing wall and all equipment including mats, ropes, and handholds should not be used during afterhours Gym use.

Thanks for your attention to this matter.


The Teens Act for AIDS (TAA) group would like to welcome all secondary students to the annual TEEN ACT OF AIDS YOUTH CLUB on Friday May 22!

Teens Act for AIDS is a committed school community group dedicated to raising money to improve the lives of chil-dren suffering from AIDS/HIV. This year’s youth club will be full of exciting fundraising activities. The computer labs, the gym, and soccer field will be open for use where students can feel free to play games with friends. Movies will be shown throughout the afternoon in the classrooms and there will also be popcorn sold to accompany the movies. Dinner will be provided for everyone that attends. The ticked will cover the cost of pizza and a soft drink. The Youth Club will run from 3:30 to 7:00pm and there will be busses taking students to Ao Cheng when the event is over. All proceeds from this even will be donated to children orphaned by or suffering with AIDS/HIV in China.

Come and Join Us! The Teens Act for AIDS Committee.


The Grade 10 students will be exhibiting their personal projects on Wednesday, May 27th from 10:00 to 12:30 in the IST gym. All members of the IST community are cordially invited to attend this event and view the results of our Grade 10 students’ hard work throughout this school year. A special invitation is extended to parents of stu-dents in Grade 10.

As well, because their children will be completing personal projects during the upcoming school year, Grade 9 par-ents are also specifically invited to attend the Exhibition and a presentation by Barbara Wrightson, the MYP Co-ordinator, from 10:30 to 11:00 on May 27th in the cafeteria.

A bus will be depart Ao Cheng at 10:00 and return at 12:00 to transport parents to/from school.

Hope to see you all there!

STUDENT COUNCIL REMINDER What => Summer Formal will is coming! The theme of this year’s Formal is 1960’s! When => Friday, May 29th, a week after the final exams. Where => At Nikko hotel from 6:30 to 11:00. (Students from G6 – 8 leave at 9:00) Who => All students from grade 6 to 12 are welcome to come. How => Fill out the permission forms and pay 180RMB for the ticket. Why => It is truly the biggest event of the year, so make sure you don’t miss it! You may invite one friend from other schools.

International school of Tianjin newsletter FRIDAY, 8 May 2009

4 Weishan Road, Shuanggang Jinan District, Tianjin 300350 P.R.China

Tel: 86 22 28592001 Fax: 86 22 285920 Email:

GRADE 5 EXHIBITION UPDATE. Greetings, The fourth Exhibition at IST was a joint effort between the 37 students and 6 core teachers – Ms Agustina, Mr Chap-man, Mr Martin, Ms Kay, Ms Ong and Ms Silkett who gener-ously gave her time to complete the production after Ms Agustina left to have her baby. Ms Li, our Grade 5 ESL teaching assistant has once again been a wonderful sup-port. Ms Chaplin has also worked hard with the students, teaching them songs for their production.

The Exhibition had 11 core student groups – all under the PYP theme of Sharing the Planet. The students have been responsible for the planning and implementation of all stages of their learning in this Exhibition. Well done to the students – and to you, as parents for your support throughout this process.

As well as having the support of their Mainstream teachers, each of the groups was assigned mentors who worked with them at least once a week to provide support or new ideas and ways of thinking. These mentors came from across the school. Many thanks to all our wonderful mentors!

From the Exhibition, you will have noticed the different types of action that the stu-dents started in order to help address the issues they have adopted. These have ranged from raising funds to adopt animals, from writing books to having a movie night, from making posters to making and posting videos. Such a variety is a credit to

their education here at IST.

Students have been involved in the planning and execu-tion of all aspects of the Exhibition. They worked in four Task Teams –Production which was responsible for supporting the performance you saw; Documentation which was responsible for all the Blaze articles you have been reading each week and in assisting with the video production; the Display group which was responsible for the displays in the hallways; the Logistics group which was responsible for organ-ising the layout of the Exhibition and the Exhibition T-shirt.

One of the main identifying points of the Exhibition is the Exhibition T-shirt. This year, the entire process was completed by the students – the first time at this school. There are still some adult sizes available if anyone would like to purchase one.

There were many positive things said about this year’s Exhibition, but the most reward-ing were from parents and teachers who were amazed at the depth of knowledge from the students, not only in their own issue but in all eleven group displays. The teachers are very proud of the students and it is great to see that the heightened enthusiasm generated in Exhibition week has continued through to this week as well. The students have snapped back into the routines of class, but we note that there seems to be some-thing different about them. Maybe it’s in the way that they carry themselves, or the confidence they seem to have in what they are doing.

Obviously, there is another dimension to the Exhibition and the processes and growth the students go through that is not fully recognised or acknowledged. We teachers see it in each of the students and hope that you rec-ognise this heightened sense of self too.

As the school year draws to a close, we are heavily into readying the students for their Grade 6 experience and Middle school years. We wish all our students the very, very best for their futures.

International school of Tianjin newsletter FRIDAY, 8 May 2009

5 Weishan Road, Shuanggang Jinan District, Tianjin 300350 P.R.China

Tel: 86 22 28592001 Fax: 86 22 285920 Email:

Study USA : 2—6PM at the Nikko Hotel, May 22

Workshop by US Embassy on maximizing your child’s chances of gaining enrolment in Ivy League Universities and many other of the finest universities in the USA.


If you forgot to order a picture from the photographer at the Roaring Twenties Ball, it's not too late! You can go online and follow these steps to select photos that you wish to order - Step 1: login to, Step 2: Click on "Client" button; key in the user name and password; both user name and pass-word are "20090425, Step 3: Click on thumbnail to view large image, Step 4: Click "selection" for your favorite photo, Step 5: Add your comments and leave your contact & click "submit" button. If you have any questions, you can contact the photography studio via their website as listed above, or phone Philip Xiao at 138-021-90107 (English) or 23259806 (Chinese). There are several positions open for next year’s PFO Committee. Please consider volunteering your time to be a part of this worthwhile organization. PFO members engage in activities intended to support faculty, staff, and parents in their efforts to provide an excellent school experience that fosters the intellectual, moral, and personal development of all IST students. This is also a great opportunity to help sponsor events that bring together mem-bers of the IST community for social and informative purposes and to facilitate com-munication between all members of the greater IST community. The PFO also pro-vides a forum for discussion of common problems and concerns and assists in fundraising activities to the exclusive benefit of our children. Interested parents can e-mail the current committee at if they wish to help inspire and enrich their children’s educa-tional experience. The last PFO Parent Meeting of this school year will be on Wednesday, June 3 at 8:30 a.m. in the school cafeteria. We hope to see you there!

International school of Tianjin newsletter FRIDAY, 8 May 2009

6 Weishan Road, Shuanggang Jinan District, Tianjin 300350 P.R.China

Tel: 86 22 28592001 Fax: 86 22 285920 Email:

Dear Parents and Students Sports day this year at IST is on Saturday, May 23, 2009 from 8:15 a.m. until 12:00 p.m. Buses will depart IST following the event at 12:15. To prepare for the day, please remember the following items:

Dress in shorts and a t-shirt which matches your team color (see attached team color list) Optional change of clothes (water is involved in one of the events). Wear proper sports shoes. Water bottle. Sunscreen. Hat. Lunch is not scheduled, although you are welcome to stay on the IST campus with your family for a

picnic lunch. Parents are most welcome to come watch and cheer!

Students have been given their team color- black, red, yellow, blue, green, and orange. Team color infor-mation is as per the school guidelines established this year. There will be 3 age groupings: NPK-Gr.2, Gr.3-6 and Gr.7-12. Please be ready for a morning of games and events, finishing with sprint races. All students will return to homerooms at 12PM before being released by their homeroom teachers. Buses for normal school bus routes will then depart at 12:15. Two extra buses have been added for parents’ trans-portation, leaving Ao Cheng at 7:30AM and returning to Ao Cheng at 12:45PM. If parents wish to take their children with them at the end of the day rather than use the bus service they should please inform the bus Ayi or the school transport liaison at the front desk. Parents are also welcome to remain with their children in the playground at school until 1PM if they would like to share a picnic lunch together as a family. How-ever, families will not be able to re-enter the buildings after 12:30PM.

We look forward to a great Sports Day 2009.

Sincerely, The Sports Day Committee: Scott Fitzgerald, David Nathan, Win Agustina.

Sports BRIEF

Sports Dates: Fri May 15 Elementary Track and Field @ WAB, 2:00 p.m.- 6:00 p.m. Sat. May 23 IST Sports Day 8:30 a.m.- 12:00 p.m. Wed. June 3 IST Athletic Awards Assembly, 1:30 p.m.- 2:10 p.m. Go Blaze!!

International school of Tianjin newsletter FRIDAY, 8 May 2009

7 Weishan Road, Shuanggang Jinan District, Tianjin 300350 P.R.China

Tel: 86 22 28592001 Fax: 86 22 285920 Email:

Congratulations to the U14 girls’ basketball team! In a double elimination format tournament of 10 ISAC U14 girls teams, the IST U14 girls should be very proud of the way they played to finish the tournament in 4th place after 5 tough 24 minute games on Saturday. The IST girls fin-ished the tournament with 3 wins and 2 losses. The five starters- Shoiri, Celine, Bailey, Cleo, and Ah Young, and substitutes- Hyun Kyung, Hyun, and Heng An, all played very well. The IST girls established a strong man-to-man defense in all games, limiting their opponents to 4, 12, 6, 10, and 14 points in five games. The effective ball handling and shooting of Celine and Shoiri, with offensive rebound scoring from Cleo, led the team. In the third game, Celine won the game by breaking a 6-6 tie by making a free throw with 24 seconds left to win the game 7-6. It was an excel-lent tournament and performance by the IST U14 girls to finish 4th against very competitive teams – the IST girls won their 3 games by two points, one point and one point. Well-done U14 girls! I would like to say a huge THANK YOU to all the middle school coaches- Ms. Li, Ms. Hong Hing Li, Ms. Mu, Mr. Han, Ms. Kerri Delaney, Dylan Delaney, Mr. Ariel Armony, Ian Armony, Ms. Chu, and Ms. Jiaping Zhao. The IST teams all represented themselves well in the ISAC Middle School Basketball Tournaments. The IST U13 boys were the most competitive team to challenge ISB, losing the pool play to ISB 21-20, and then playing again against ISB in the final, keeping the game close until the second half before losing to finish in 2nd place. Mr. Scott Fitzgerald

U-13 Boys ISAC Basketball Tournament report (Beijing)

On Saturday, May 9th, the U-13 boys traveled to Beijing to compete in the ISAC Bas-ketball Tournament. Our team had an amazing performance, finishing in second place following a tough championship game against ISB.

It was difficult to play five games in one day with only seven players (while ISB had twelve players!). In spite of this, the IST team played an amazing first half in the championship final.

The boys learned a lot about basketball this sea-son. Some of them had never played before! The

other teams were impressed with the skills of the IST boys and the quality of their plays and defense.

We had a lot of fun at the tournament. And the ride back to Tianjin rocked!

U14 Boys Basketball team Tournament Report A disappointing weekend. There were no excuses for IST's oust by ISB, the eventual champions. It was a bit unfair to IST, who only had one match to play in order to qual-ify, but lost.

The result was 10-30. All our players played well, but it was not enough, ISB consis-tent dominance finally destroyed us, but we still fought hard, showing our never-say-die attitude which helped us in the next and final game in our season against Teda. Which we won 27-16.

A pat on the back for everyone, who despite the loss are still upbeat and ready for revenge next year. ON this occasion every player scored and played well, we were truly a team, supporting each other battling hard, we had plenty of chances but failed to convert, the players have vowed to improve for high school.

Good job U14 and good luck next year.

International school of Tianjin newsletter FRIDAY, 8 May 2009

8 Weishan Road, Shuanggang Jinan District, Tianjin 300350 P.R.China

Tel: 86 22 28592001 Fax: 86 22 285920 Email:

This Week at the Library and Information Literacy Center Elementary Highlights This week, students in grades 1 to 5 used the OPAC’s WebPath Express to find information on-line. Web-Path Express is a search engine that finds information in pre-selected and student-friendly websites. The results are listed with a short description of the site and icons that show the reading level needed for each site. We suggest that elementary students use WebPath Express first when they need to research on the internet. Use WebPath Express first!

This is the path: 1. Go to the library OPAC (from Quicklinks on 2. Click on the WebPath Express link on the left sidebar 3. Enter your keyword in the search field. 4. Scroll down to find a site that is interesting and at the correct reading level. General Highlights As we gather statistics and prepare the library annual report, we have been considering -- What are this year’s highlights? One of my bigger surprises was the subscription called <> Education about Asia from the Association of Asian Studies. I only was familiar with their <> Journal of Asian Studies. Somehow I missed this one, but am I ever delighted to have found it. In fact, I incidentally discovered it from an advertisement. It happened to be an advertisement next to an article I had written on our inquiry cycle for <> Knowledge Quest. I cannot recommend this resource enough. They describe themselves as “a unique and innovative magazine&mdash;a practical teaching resource for secondary school, college, and university instructors, as well as an invaluable source of information for stu-dents, scholars, libraries, and those who have an interest in Asia. Teachers and students from a wide range of disciplines&mdash;anthropology, Asian studies, business and economics, education, geography, government, history, language and literature, political science, religion, and sociology, among others.” We ordered the entire set of <>back issues. The EAA site also pro-vides a thorough search tool to search <>Tables of Contents from the entire collection. In addition, the <>Web Gleanings from the most recent issue is also posted on their website. It gathers significant websites about the main topic of the published issue. The Web Gleaninngs is also linked to our magazine collection. The Humanities department is very excited about this resource, and the department assistant has even helped us to input the table of contents data into our catalog for searching. I know this resource also will be a wonderful resource for the language departments. The quality and the topical nature of the resource combined with the enthusiasm of teaching colleagues made this an excellent addition this year. Try a search in the <> Home Use OPAC , SEARCH “education about asia” under title search and you will see what we have.

International school of Tianjin newsletter FRIDAY, 8 May 2009

9 Weishan Road, Shuanggang Jinan District, Tianjin 300350 P.R.China

Tel: 86 22 28592001 Fax: 86 22 285920 Email:

Diary Dates

4-21, May IB Diploma Final Exams Fri 15, Sat 16, May Chinese Staff PD Fri 22, May Elem Assembly hosted by Library Specialist teachers Sat 23, May Sports Day—Half Day Wed 27, May MYP Personal project Exhibition PFO Committee Meeting Thurs 28, May Thursday Night Live Dragon Boat Festival Fri 29, May Secondary Summer Formal Mon 1, June IST Annual Secondary Creative Writing Competition Entries Close Tues 2, June

IST Appreciation Day Wed 3, June PFO meeting Thur 4, June MYP AOI Assembly Fri 5, June GRADUATION Wed 10, June Elementary Spring Show Thurs 11, June Grade 5 Graduation Secondary End of Semester Awards Assembly Fri 12, June Last Day of School—half day Reports Sent home End of 4th Quarter—51 days End of 2nd Semester—91 Days Sat 13, June Teacher work day—half day

From Roots and Shoots Sorry to Jung Hyun in 5M . The bottle Factory could not print her design on the bottles because it has to many colors.. We will save her Design for next year

Sports Day A reminder to all parents and students that next Saturday, 23 May is a half day sports day. School will start as usual at 8:10AM and will end at 12:15PM with normal bus routes running at both the start and end of the day. Parents are warmly welcomed to join us for the morning. Warm regards, Steve Moody Director

(Continued from page 1)

15 May 2009 Dear Parents Orientation notes on IST’s Board of Governors You will have read previous announcements about the upcoming election of parents to the School Board of Governors. Together with this flyer you will find a description of the composition of the Board and also the Essential Agreements that govern the manner in which Board members work together. In addition, I thought it would be helpful if I attempt to answer the question, “What does a Board member do?” Here, therefore, is a very brief summary of the roles and responsibilities of the Board. General Responsibilities The overall responsibilities of the Board are matters of policy, long term planning and significant financial impact. Specific Responsibilities These include: Development of strategic plans Recruitment, retention (or termination), and evaluation of the director. Overview of major financial issues (especially setting of fees, and approval of annual budget) Policy formulation and adoption Approval of large and far reaching curricular changes Overview of quality of the educational program Relationship with Director In general terms, the Board is responsible for policy formulation and adoption, while the director is responsible for the day to day running at the school. Time commitment The basic commitment is to attend approximately six Board meetings per year, when the school is in session. Meetings typically last for about two hours and are generally held in the late afternoon/early evening according to members’ preference. Occasionally additional meeting are held to discuss specific issues. Discussions may also be carried out by telephone and by e-mail. Board Orientation At the commencement of the new school year the Board members join with the school’s administration to hold an Board/Administration ‘Retreat’. The primary purpose of the retreat is to orientate new members to the principles and practices of school governance, but it is also a time for strategic planning and for getting to know each other. Attendance at the retreat is highly desirable. Further Information If you would like further information about being Board of Governors member, please contact me at the school and I’ll be happy to make an appointment to meet with you. Thank you, Steve Moody Director

Notice of Parent Elections to the School Board of Governors We are now setting into motion the process of parent elections to the School Board of Governors for the school year 2009-10. To initiate the election process, the school is now inviting IST parents to stand for election to the Board of Governors. If you are interested in seeking election / re-election to be a member of the Board of Governors, please submit a brief resume, and a statement about yourself, no more than one page long, in English, to the undersigned by Friday, May 22, 2009. Some examples of the kind of information that your personal statement may contain are:

• a brief account of your personal and professional background • a description of how you hope to serve the IST community by being part of the Board of

Governors I urge you to carefully go through the election time-line below, which will be of relevance to you as you decide whether you would like to put yourself forward as a candidate for this election.

Election process and timeline

Fri 15-May-09 Publication of notice for parent elections in weekly newsletter

18 to 22 May-09 Candidates submit resumes and personal statements to Election Officer

Fri 22-May-09 Last date for submitting resumes and statements

Fri 22-May-09 Circulation of candidate resumes and statements with the weekly newsletter and publication on school's website

Thu 28-May-09 Open school community forum hosted by existing Board of Governor members at which parent candidates will be invited to speak

Fri 29-May-09 Election slips sent home

Mon 1-June-09 Election slips returned to election officer

Tue 2-June-09 Declaration of results Attached with this newsletter you will find:

1. Orientation notes from the school Director, Mr Steve Moody 2. The Board of Governors Appointment and Election Policy 3. Essential Agreements for Board of Governor members

Once again, please submit your candidacy (your resume and one-page statement) by May 22, 2009. Thank you Radha Kulkarni Election Officer

IST~ Working together Learning together


1. We will follow and “stick to” the published agenda at meetings, and we will adhere to time limits at meetings.

2. We will speak openly, accept differences of opinion, and work toward a resolution.

3. We will speak and behave respectfully toward each other.

4. After the Board makes a decision, we will speak with a common voice and support that decision.

5. We will presume positive intentions from each other and from the people with whom we work.

6. We will make decisions, not just talk.

7. We will respect confidentiality. In specific cases where there is doubt about what is confidential, the Board will decide what is


8. We will be punctual for all Board meetings, for the completion of tasks, and for the fulfillment of responsibilities.

9. We will discuss issues rationally, not emotionally.

10. We will represent the entire school. Board members will not advocate on behalf of personal or group interests.

11. We will assist in two-way communication between the Board and groups with whom Board members are affiliated. Board

members will help the Board understand issues from the perspective of their own expertise and from the perspective of their

knowledge of groups with whom they are affiliated. Board members will also help groups within the school community

understand the Board’s perspective and decisions.

12. We will clarify how we make a decision before we make that decision. (That is, before making a decision we will clarify who is to

be consulted, what information will be collected, who will do this, how and when, etc. before we as a Board make that decision.)

13. We agree to adhere to our agreed roles, as stated in the “role charts” in the Board of Governors Handbook.

14. As a personal responsibility, we will be informed, prepared, and actively engaged in Board decisions.

15. We will reflect upon and evaluate our performance as a Board.


Dear IST Parents, In an attempt to update emergency preparedness here at IST, we have once again put together emergency education contingency plans for your child. These plans include contact information for relevant school staff, and course outlines for distance learning which permit learning to continue in the event that the school is subject to a force majeure closing. Should such a closing occur, all students are expected to continue their education via this distance learning programme. Students will receive a semester report card and full attendance credit for the days the school is closed as long as they consistently communicate with their teachers, and complete the required assignments. In the event that parents choose an alternative to IST’s Distance Learning Programme they will have 10 days (from the date of school closure) to provide the administration with evidence of having enrolled their child in another school. In an attempt to be environmentally responsible we have elected to send course packages to students electronically should the need arise. A ‘zipped’ file of documentation will be sent to your child’s email address should the school be closed. We would also like to copy you on this transaction. To ensure that communication remains as strong as possible in the event of a closure, we would like to ask that you email each of your children’s homeroom teacher(s) from the list below with a current, working email address. If you prefer, you may send this information back to your child’s homeroom teacher(s) written on a sheet of paper. Homeroom teachers are putting together composite lists of both student and parent email addresses. These lists will be crucial for following up with parents during a period of distance learning. Homeroom teacher addresses are as follows: ELEMENTARY HOMEROOM FACULTY

Grade Name Address Grade Name Address Nursery Bridget


2V Lora Vimont

PRK Ann Mafnas 3P Pat Silkett

KD Jackie Dingle 3N Catherine West

KM Karen McLaurin 4S Sam Sherratt

1S Heidi Sayers 4W Chad Walsh

1T Teresa Tung 5C Mark Chapman

2M Charlotte McMulkin 5M Stephen Martin


6B George Baxter 8M Mu Rong 6S Eleanor Surridge 9M Mark


7C David Carollo 9R Meg Roberts

7R Andy Rossberg 10M Martin McMulkin

8A Djorf Amirouche 10W Pam Nathan

8C Michael Conway 11W Theresa Werner

We would be grateful if you sent this information no later than Tuesday, May 19. Thanks very much for your assistance.

Bill Elman Alba Carollo Secondary Principal / Deputy Director Elementary Principal



Zhang Wen Han Nguyen Lynda LanJacobsen Maia


RED BLUE YellowKindergarten Kindergarten KindergartenFitzgerald Andreina Axen Sofie Grevsen NikolajFoerster-Gutierrez Lola* Baker Gabriel Houmard Jennifer

Pedersen Emil Bouteiller Jade Damsgaard MikkelSankhat Harshitkumar Chai Yi Kang Goh Titus*Grade One Grade One Irjud Maureen*Christensen Isabel* Chen Benny Kästner Marielle*

RY Spo

rts Day Color Team



Gokal Damien Christensen Anna Grade OneGrade Two Bach Nicole Huang Tiffany, Yi-HsinChapman Zakari* Bernhardt Kilian Paul Jorgensen StormChoi In Seon Grade Two Gras MathieuDoumeng Lucie Ambye Frederik Hong Jung WooGueorguieva Nina Baylis Frederica* Lee Angel, Yu HsuanHan Jin A* Chan Rachel* Murphy KateHara Minori Byun Su Hyun Grade TwoGrade Three Carollo Jon-David* Hindson TrinityChen Deborah, Debby Ebeling Leandra Kim Albert, Dong HaCho Hyun Ji Grade Three Kim Joo SungChai Yi Hein Andurand Valentin Kim Yeo JinHoo Suvibhasiri Cha Seung Hwan Lepicard DylanKang Dong Hyun, Kevin Ahn Ji Hyun Moody TaylorG d 4Grade A l iAmalric C iCapucine G d ThGrade Three

Fitzgerald MichaelCha Seung Jun Bernhardt Julius RolfChoi Joo Yoon Grade 4 Hong Jung BinHan Sang Mok* Ahn Jung Hyun** Lee Apple, Yu LinHindson Makenna Baylis Hannah* Lee Kyu SeungChun Won Jun Bellettini Matheus Duarte Lee Se WonFryer Louise Hope Cannon Edward** Grade 4Jeon Hyung Ju Bae Kee Moon Huang Hao-WeiGrade 5 Baylis Rachael* Hwang Joo YoungCho Myoung Kyoun Choi Won Seok Irjud Killian*Cronje Lukas Fredrik Grade 5 Jung Jong MinDamsgaard Sofie Carollo Vanessa* Kim Se JunHeitmann Laura Chai Yi Xuen Kim Jun HwanChiang Xian Yi, Christy Ahn Jung Hyun Kristensen AndersChoi Hee Jin Bouteiller Quentin Grade 5Ipsen Scott Chan Eric* Johnston ThomasJohnston Philip Chen Chia An, Chi Chi Jung So YoungNPK NPK Kim Hye RinConway Isaiah St. Martin Cooper* Kim Tae YoungDoumeng Thibau* Chang Jordan NPKEbeling Leelou** Gokal Ari* Foerster-Guti Fabio*Elman Benjamin* Kiy Cindy Goh Justus*McMulkin Poppy* Kokare Saee Houmard Nolann*Pardubitzki Viktoria McMulkin Ellie Wildman Olivia

Dop Elise**



Green Orange BlackKindergarten Kindergarten KindergartenLee Jae Hyun Mercier Louise* Serres Capucine**Lee Tae Kyung Park Tae You* Winkler LenaLee Eun Ji Chapman Aria* Yamada RyotaPedersen Nanna Chuang Matthew Grade OneTschoepel Simon Xu Gordon St. Martin Ellie*Wildman Noah* Grade One Wong CarolineGrade One Desesquelle Berenice Sunil GayathrieKim Se Geon Elman Grace* Zheng Tracy, Shu Yue

Sports Day Color Teams




Landman Samuel Nathan Sunisa (Sunny) Grade TwoKoh Javier, Chee Kiat* Park Soo Yoon* Torvi AnjaliKristensen Mads* Grade Two Wang JennyGrade Two Salamin Jeanne Wong AndrewLee Eun Sung Tardieux Lucie* Xie CharlesLee Eun Kyung Taylor Hannah Yamada NaoPoppe Alexander Silva Veridiana Zhou Xin Yuan, Jin JinMurphy Jennifer Uhm Su Bin Grade ThreePage Ben Wong Chi Yui, Raymond Wu AsyaPedersen Emilia Grade Three Xu WilliamGrade Three Salamin Lili Tardieux Samuel*Jozwak Nathan* Sherpa Dolma** Yoon Ji HyeonLee Woo In Wan Yue, Irene Grade 4Lee Yool Bi Ro Hye Na Shin Ji YeonMargail Jeanne** Roh Jung Tag, Dao Yoon Sung Joo**Mishra Amit Grade 4 Pippi JosephinePark Se Yeon Kim Sei In Shimizu MutsumiGrade 4 Laffont Audrey** Taylor CatherineLee Woo Hyun Lee Eun Chae Yang Angela, YutongMoody Jordon Nam Min Jung Grade 5Park Jung Woo Park Chae Won Tan Nicole, Jieyi

Kristensen Simon* Park Mi SungWojnarowicz Mady

Lee Young In Grade 5 Wong KaitlynLowe Yang Mercier Camille* Singh Gurkriti

Grade 5 Park Kwang OhStengel-Rutkowski Stefanie

Kim Bo Kyeong Park Jae Eun Wong Chi KitKim Yun Ji Petersen Ida NPKMcGibbon Aiden Ribeirinha Eva Jozwak Viktor*Mistrangelo Dafne Serres Bronte** Kästner Marcel*Park Joo Young NPK Bernhardt Luisa GiselaNPK Shah Vaishvi Christensen HelenaMackenzie David Yuan Baoer, Chloe Koh Jamie*Munch Lambertsen Sebastian* Atherton Sophie Murphy AnnaMunch Lambertsen Milja* Grevsen Markus Silva VictorQuevedo Keven Nathan Matilda St. Martin Ethan*Roth Hanna Nielsen Julius Sunil VishnuCaldato Lorenzo Oldenburg Oscar Torvi Abhinav*

RED BLUE GREENAlmela Adrien M 10M Armony Ian M 10M Egawa Shintaro M

Bellettini Marcela F 10M Choi Sye Lin F 10M Fryer Janey F

Lee Suang Jin F 10M Oh Yu Lim F 10M Roh Hye Yeon F

Park Ki Tae M 10M Yoon Sung Sik M 10W Bak Christian M

Won Ho Jung F 10W AmbauerMadelaine-Lucienne F 10W Kim

Chung Rim, Christina F

Lim A Hyun F 10W Lin Ariel F 10W Martin Serena F

Park Woo Jin M 10W Son Ju Hwan M 10W Uetsuhara Daisuke M

Choi Ye Jee F 11W Gabriel Melissa F 11W Ham Ye Hyung F

Jun Wu Ju M 11W Kang Dong Gyun M 11W Kim Hyun Woo M

Lee Seul Bee F 11W Lim Hye In F 11W Son Bo Bae F

Choi Jin Woo M 6B Delaney Reed M 6B Du Tianhao M

ay Color Teams


ary Sports Da

Choi Seung Yeon F 6B Dornbusch Amira F 6B Humphreys Jaimie-Lee F

Kleinod Marco M 6B Lee Ho In M 6B Ro Yong Jun M

Tennant-Green Kimberley F 6B Wieck Melina F 6S Dornbusch Florian M

Coates Christopher M 6S Desesquelles Pierre-Adrien M 6S Kim Ju Hyun F

Kim Tak Yong M 6S Lim Jun Hyuk M 6S Lin Lawrence M

Noh Seong Hyun F 6S Shin Ji Yoon F 6S Yeh Chen, Jenna F

Vogt Moritz M 7C Cha Chang Hun M 7C Choe Jang Won M

Hong Sung Hyo F 7C Kim Hey Lin F 7C Kwon Min Su M

Kim Ji Hun M 7C Kim Sei Won M 7C Lee Se Won F

Xu Aaron, Yajie M 7R Armony Alan M 7R Bouteiller Victor M

Im Su Bin F 7R Jeong Ji Hye F 7R Lee Joong Chan M

Koo Sung Mo M 7R Lee Dong Won M 7R Ok Eun Ji FStengel-Rutkowski Jaqueline F 7R Zhang Wendy F 8A Choi Jin Yeong M

Kang Jeong Il M 8A Choi Dong Hoon M 8A Jo Ah Young F

Park So Yeon F 8A Kim Hyeong Chan M 8A Kim Ju Ho M

Edwards Hunter M 8C An Min Young F 8C KangHyun Jeong, Amy F

Ooi Wei Ze M 8C Im Su Yong M 8C Kang In Gaem M

Song Si Eun F 8C Sin Se Ki M 8M An Kyu Tae M

Kim Tae Gyun M 8M Beckers Jil F 8M Chen Heng An F

Michel Celine F 8M Lee Chan Gyu M 8M Nam Gi Woong M

Coates Samantha F 8M Won Hee Jung F 8M Wong Cleo F

Delaney Dylan M 9M Han Jong Woon M 9M Hwang Chai Young F

Laffont Gael M 9M Huffman Kathleen F 9M Jun Han Sol M

Choi Seong Min M 9M Mitchell Robert M 9M Ok Jeong Woo M

Choi Yeon Jee F 9R Choi Seung Lee M 9R Desesquelles Chloé F

Lee Jin Ho M 9R Choi Yu Rim F 9R Huh Keon M

Petersen Emilie F 9R Poot Caroline F 9R Seol Si Jin F

Chen Tomson M 9R Roh Hyung Rae M 9R SoChung Yang, Sean M

39 39 39

YELLOW ORANGE BLACKGuerin Alexandre M 10M Kang Hye Yeon F 10M Lee Ha Jong M

Jo Hyun Jung F 10M Kim Jae Bin M 10M Lee Sae Mi F

Subra Melissa F 10M Sung Eun Jeong F 10M Uetsuhara Ibuki F

Kim Hong Jae M 10W Kim Woong Jin M 10W Lee Ha Yeon F

Kim Hyeon Ji F 10W Lee Chae Won F 10W Lee Se Woong M

Park Hye Jin F 10W Shiozaki Mana F 10W Zhang Yujia, Anna F

Wehlen Philip M 11W Do Ki Bum M 11W Huh Min M

ports Day Color Teams


ary Sp

Kim Hyun Young F 11W Kim Jeong Won F 11W Kim Ji Yang F

Lee Jung Kwon M 11W Lee Yong Kwon M 11W Wong Max M

Wehrmann Kim F 11WWerner-Hickey Olivia F 6B Ambauer

Malisa-Michele F

Fryer Alexander M 6B Gee Soo Hun M 6B Kim Youn Bin M

Jorgensen Esther F 6B Oh Soo Jin F 6B Song Ji Eun F

Sun William M 6S Amalric Renaud M 6S Chong Andrew M

Hara Yasuhiro M 6S Ikeda Myuto M 6S Kang Min Kyun M

Kim Kyoung Hwa F 6S Lee Ha Eun F 6S Noh Pu Reum F

Park Ki Yeon M 6S Seol Jun Hyuk M 6S Sherpa Rintsen M

Cannon Emily F 7C Chun Ji Sung F 7C Damsgaard Cecilie F

Choi Ji Hoon M 7C Jung Soo Min M 7C Kim Do Gyun M

Miwa Ayaka F 7C Park Seong Tae M 7C Rho Kwan Seok M

Oh Jeong Ryeol M 7C Petersen Emma F 7C Serres Emma F

Cronje Axel M 7R Dop Hugues M 7R Kang Ho Sung M

Park Da Hyun F 7R Park Ji Hyeon F 7R Rho Seung Yeon F

Park Jae Woong M 7R Park Ji Hyung M 7R Seo Young Jae M

Han Dae Gyu M 8A Humphreys William M 8A Johnston Nicholas M

Jo Hye Ji F 8A Kang Hyun Kyung F 8A Kim Min Ju F

Lee Chang Hoon M 8A Nagai Ryoei M 8C Ambauer Marinjo-Timo M

Kim Do Won M 8C Kim Dong Bum M 8C Lee Young Jin M

Kim So Young F 8C Lee Hyun F 8C Sim Jung Hyun F

Cho Hyun Woo M 8M Guerin Alienor F 8M Hindson Bailey F

Egawa Shiori F 8M Jung Hye Sung M 8M Jung Su Il M

Roh Seong Rae M 8M Sung Min Suk M 8M Yoon Joong Hun M

Baek Su Yeon F 9M Bertrand Manon F 9M Cha Ji Eun F

Kang Min Su M 9M Kim Dong Wook M 9M Kim Sang Min M

Kim Daldri F 9M Shin Chang Hwan M 9M Yang Nan, Philip M

Seo Sang Hyun M 9M Singh Gurmehar F 9R Castaing Juliette F

Ebeling Ann-Sharlien F 9R Kim Sung Joon M 9R Kleinod Timo M

Kim Dang Wan M 9R Park Da Jung F 9R Park Jeong Eun F

WangYun Wei,William M 37 37

Yuan Ke F


NPK to Grade 1 – Special Lunch menu (WEEK 2)

Monday Week 2





Carrot and Cucumber Sticks

* Fried Rice with Ham Steamed and Beef Fruit

Sweet Corn

* Pork Schnitzel Cheese Potato Fruit

Sauteed String Beans

* Chicken Meat Ball (tomato sauce) Mashed potato


Diced Carrots, peas and corn

* Macaroni & Cheese Sausage & Broccoli Fruit

Vegetable Salad

* Cheese Pizza Vegetable pasta Fruit

Dessert & Drink Dessert & Drink Dessert & Drink Dessert & Drink Dessert & Drink


Protein Cooked Fruit or Vegetables

Milk product(Calcium) Soup




Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday18/5/2009 19/5/2009 20/5/2009 21/5/2009 22/5/2009

Egg Salad Mixed Veg Salad Potato Salad Beans Salad Grill vegetable Salad(egg,lettuce) (lettuce, tomato, cucumber) (potato, carrot, cucumber) (corn,green bean,carrot) (Pepper,eggplant,zucchini)

Swiss Soup Pumpkin Soup Tomato Soup Goulash Soup Cream and Mushroom Soup

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *LasagnaLasagna Beef Steak Chic en Goulash Grilled Chicken leg Shepherd's PieGrilled Chicken leg Shepherd s Pie

(Beef minced,pasta) (beef,gravy sauce) (chicken,pepper,tomato) (chicken, cajun seasoning) (Pork,mashed potato)

Roasted Chicken Roasted Chicken Leg Por Schnitzel Macaroni and Cheese Boolgogi(chicken, mustard sauce) (chicken leg, BBQ sauce) (pork,tartar sauce) (macaroni, cheese) (beef,soy sauce,onion)

Spinach Sauteed Broccoli and Carrot Steamed Cauliflower and Carrot Baked Beans Korean Vegetable

Baked Potato Mashed Potato French Fries Sauteed Potato Rice

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *Carrot Cake Fruit Jelly Ice Cream Cookies Banana Bread

Protein Cooked Fruit or Vegetables

Milk product(Calcium) Soup
