BLAST Essentials English Language Arts. BLAST Explained (Mrs. Willoughby-Hull, AP Eng/Eng 12) What...


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BLAST Essentials

English Language Arts

BLAST Explained(Mrs. Willoughby-Hull, AP Eng/Eng 12)

What is Blended Learning?• “[Blended learning] integrates face-to-face classroom

time with online learning (facilitated at all times by a classroom teacher), combining the effectiveness and socialization of the classroom with technology- enhanced online materials.”

What does Blended Learning look like in the classroom?

• BLAST classrooms have two to three small group learning stations

• All students rotate among the stations during a two-hour block schedule, keeping them engaged and involved in their own learning.

BLAST Explained (continued...)

• Station #1: Teacher-Led Small Group Instruction - Teachers provide direct instruction with individualized attention to a small group of 16 or fewer students.

• Station #2: Individualized Online Learning – Students learn at their own pace, receiving immediate feedback, and taking more ownership of their educational progress. Online digital content addresses individual student needs, ensuring that students are neither held back nor left behind.

BLAST Explained (continued...)

• Station #3: Collaborative Learning - Students work collaboratively in small groups, creating presentations, videos, and other media that demonstrate understanding of real world issues, while encouraging peer-to-peer cooperation.

BLAST Fundamentals

BLAST Explained (continued...)

Benefits of Blended Learning:• SAAS (School as a Service) - BLAST schools are

student-centric utilizing an engaging media library of digital learning platforms and experiences.

• Credit Recovery - Using online learning to assist at-risk students to recover missing or flunked credits that would otherwise impede them from graduating.

• Deeper Learning - Students can be drilled on a subject and become an expert.

• Edmodo & Google - Learning platforms, which are in a sense, the Facebook of Education with some Twitter elements thrown in.

Blast Explained (continued...)

• LA Alliance Integrative Technology Model & Pioneer -

Results: The early results are very promising. The BLAST pilot schools outperformed neighboring schools on the 2011 Algebra 1 California Standards Test, with 30% more students scoring ‘proficient (

Blended Learning Discussion w/ Frank Baxter:See the following link on YouTube:

Computer Management Mrs. Vanessa Riturban, Burton Tech

1. Establish computer expectations at the start of the year 2. Ideas

a. Assign laptop numbers b. Student is responsible for their assigned laptopc. Post Expectations where it can be seen d. Grouping based on levels e. Student Leaders

3. Set-up desks where all monitors can be seen 4. Reminders!

a. Time managementb. Be consistentc. Circulate classroom d. Address behaviors

Expectations for Computer Use:

1. Use assigned laptop2. Inspect laptop, report any concerns to teacher before

use 3. Absolutely no food or drinks.4. Be productive (only logging in to APPROPRIATE

websites/ computer programs).5. Be respectful of the computer (no rough typing/ risky

behavior with computer).6. Shut off after use and return properly

Failure to comply will result in loss of computer privilege.

Digital ResourcesIn addition to Achieve3000 and other school-provided resources, be open to

exploring other FREE digital resources.

• Use to post quizzes, announcements, discussion questions, presentations, etc. This is completely FREE. Edmodo also has PD groups that can be used to support specific content areas.

• Word lists and games by grade level are FREE. Digital content that is very robust can also be purchased by schools. A FREE 21 day trial can also be requested.

• Grammar exercises (interactive and handouts) available with presentations.

• Here's a list of tech tools posted on Edmodo PD that lists other resources:

Orientation + Logistics

We don't have "answers" but we can ask you the right questions that will help guide you to what works best for you?

1. How will your room be arranged and where will students be assigned seats? (Labeling desks with #'s?)

2. How will you group students during the Group rotation? (Same level, high low pairs, students choose groups, drawing #'s, counting out, etc)

3. Will you rotate stations where students get up and walk? Or will you just rotate materials?

4. If you rotate: Before you begin actually teaching content, how can you practice rotations? (Like a fire drill) How will you label stations? How will you label the class "path" walking direction?

Best Practices Example

• Choice menus help keep students focused and engaged. This helps students work on assignments in a way that builds on the skills that they are strong at.

BLAST Lessons Best Practices

Here are three examples of how lessons can be "BLASTED"

1. Literature CirclesAfter reading a novel, use stations to analyze and discuss the work.

A) Groups: can analyze a chapter, a particular theme or character, literary device, etcB) Individual: students can work on vocabulary, reading comprehension questions, journal responsesC) Direct Instruction: While students produce an individual assessment product, like a re-imagining or re-contexualization or essay, instructor can read and give feedback to individual drafts.

2. First Draft Reviews + EditingA) Group: Peer Reviews B) Individual: Coninuing working on drafts, take feedback to improve drafts, proofread with spell check. Individual editing assignments (highlight correct dialogue usage or thesis or indentings or MLA format, etc) C) Direct: One on one feedback on drafts from instructors

3. Menus (Veronica) (SEE SLIDES 7 & 8)


• Practice transitions between stations repeatedly for the first few weeks of schoolo Strict time limit (45 seconds or less)o Musico Color-coded desk numberso Paths/footprints on the flooro Backpacks

Integrating Stations Over Time...

• Start with 2 stations at the beginning of the year

o Direct/Collaborativeo Independent

• The "Direct" station can be a combination of Direct and Collaborativeo Once you have taught norms for Collaboration, it

can also be mostly Collaborativeo This also allows the teacher to monitor and assist

groups as they work

• Use whole group time at the beginning of the period to read novels

And don't forget to sing..."We are the world" by Everyone

"Greatest Love of All"by Whitney Houston

"Heal the World" by Michael Jackson
