BLANK AND DEBURRED · 2018-02-11 · ering of each grinding head for simple changing in application...


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Sonderdruck aus bbr Dezember 2017

TECHNIK Oberflächen und Kanten

BLANK AND DEBURREDIN ITS QUEST for the most suitable machine for handling laser-treated sheet parts, the eastern Westphalia-based laser specialist RT Lasertechnik from Rheda-Wiedenbrück found a solution at the Dutch machine manufacturer Timesavers. Burr-free welding assemblies with rounded edges are now the standard at the producer of complex components made from steel, aluminium or stainless steel.

The lasered parts come out of the Timesavers plant descaled, burr-free and rounded at the edges.

tative and operations head at RT, simply describes the new situation with the buzzword of corrosion pro-tection, which was made a fixed basis in EN 1090 as of 1 July 2014. Because with the binding validity of this norm, locksmitheries or metal and steel makers now need to deliver their products with CE labelling. The maker that confirms conformity of the product with the technical specifications by awarding CE label-ling must now also accept liability for the correct execution of the cor-rosion protection. This means that the manufacturers, usually the exe-cuting metal or steel maker, must also ensure compliance of the corro-sion protection work with the tech-nical rules applicable. For the

The managers of the eastern Westphalia-based contract manufacturer RT-Lasertechnik GmbH

long considered their options of how to supplement their machine park in Rheda-Wiedenbrück sensibly. A ma-chine for deburring and cleaning finished components and complex sheet assemblies had been on the list of useful investments for a long time. But one reason for the delayed will-ingness to make the purchase was that the customer was for a long time not ready to honour cleanly ground sheets and rounded sheet edges accordingly. But after the new ver-sion of EN 1090, something changed crucially in this context. Jörg Teckentrup, authorised represen- ➔

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Sonderdruck aus bbr Dezember 2017

»Thanks to the current EN 1090 and Timesavers, we can now deburr in a cost-covering manner:«Jörg Teckentrup, authorised representative and operations head at RT-Lasertechnik

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1 Full equipment with four brush pairs and two belts 2 RT parts before and after deburring and rounding

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of colour flight in order to meet the requirements of corrosion protection.

Major expansion to the processing rangeFor that reason, the specialist in Rhe-da-Wiedenbrück, which is perfectly positioned for laser processing, in-stalled a new Timesavers grinding machine. It is the 42 RB 1350 mm series, which according to the manag-ers in Rheda-Wiedenbrück is the per-fect machine for the surface finishing and treatment of laser-treated sheets.

The contemporary rotation brush machine is expanding the processing range for RT Lasertechnik custom-ers hugely, by taking care of the pre-grinding, deburring, rounding of sheet edges and fine grinding in only one work process. Jörg Teckentrup: “Workpieces up to a thickness of 100 mm and a working range of up to 1,350 mm can now be processed precisely with the new machine.” Here, Klaus-Dieter Borak, the field sales employee of the Dutch machine manufacturer, adds: “This goes for all standard metals, from steel to stainless steel through to aluminium and brass.” The target are customers needing a deburred workpiece of top quality and a good finish. The machine offers an even, controllable edge rounding in all directions for flat workpieces or workpieces with de-formations. It is particularly impor-tant that the rotating brushes deburr the edges of large and small work-pieces without damaging the surface coating. The multifunctional brush machine of Timesavers covers all needs according to Klaus-Dieter Borak. “It’s no problem to grind small and large assemblies, remove burrs and descale with our ma-chine.”

Rotation brush machine wanted and found With reference to the needs of RT Lasertechnik, this device seems to be the best solution in particular due to its flexibility. The selected machine variant for deburring and edge rounding can be fitted with four grinding belts or a random combin-ation of belts and brush heads. It

manufacturer to fulfil its responsi-bility for the correct execution of the corrosion protection in accordance with EN 1090, it must either imple-ment all necessary measures itself or obtain corresponding proof from the subcontractors. This was the initial spark at RT Lasertechnik GmbH so to speak for the purchase of a suit-able grinding machine.

Successful searchIn their quest for a most suitable deburring and grinding machine,

TECHNIK Oberflächen und Kanten



Sonderdruck aus bbr Dezember 2017

the RT managers in charge found a solution at Timesavers International B.V. in Goes, the Netherlands. De-burring was in the past considered to be an addition, which customers were hardly willing to pay for, explains the RT operations head, addressing a key point directly: “But a lot changed with the new EN 1090 standard. In particular, deburring is now worth the money.” The current regulations specify, among other things, that for colouring there must be radius on the edge due to the risk

»... all standard metals, small and large parts.«Klaus-Dieter Borak, Timesavers International

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enables an automatic lifting or low-ering of each grinding head for simple changing in application or grinding capacity. Everything runs without damaging the coating. Another, larger machine in the Timesavers range, the 81 series, is used for precision grinding of titani-um, molybdenum, stainless steel, aluminium and nickel alloys and carbon steel. An oscillating machine bed is part of the range here. To keep the tolerances as low as possi-ble, a broad, coated grinding belt is used with which a precision of ± 0.02 millimetres can be reached.

Next step: “Everything from one source”RT Lasertechnik operations head Jörg Teckentrup is very excited

about these methods of grinding to measure. His customers also include white goods manufactur-ers. There, too, sharp edges are formed in production that need to be removed. However, the re-spons ible in land machine tech-nology is very impressed. There, it has been defined that components are only delivered with a radius of the cutting edge of R03/04. Without “round edges”, par ti cul-arly high risks of colour flight or a lack of corrosion protection would exist.Regarding the future production and manufacturing strategy, Jörg Teckentrup says: “We’re increasingly pushing the further production depth, because the customers want to get a finished product delivered from us. Fully welded, coated,

milled, with pre-installed wiring harnesses is our target.” The fact that the delivery to custom-ers is processed just in time is a matter of course for Jörg Teckentrup. What is more, further assembly work is in the corporate planning. The new rotation brush grinding machine of Timesavers fits in opti-mally in this production chain. For Klaus-Dieter Borak, it is already clear that for the expanded RT prod-uct range, there is need for further Timesavers machines. Further con-sultations and considerations are therefore ongoing in Rheda-Wieden-brück.

Hans-Ulrich Tschätsch Industry journalist from Essen
