BITCOINXASH · has set up a system which uses blockchain to help solve the refugee identity crisis...


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Blockchain-as-a-Service: What It Is and Why It’s the Next Big Cloud Solution

Microsoft, Amazon, and IBM are racing to bring Blockchain-as-a-Service (BaaS) – hailed as a key

competitive differentiator – to the Cloud environment. Here are some insights into how it


A blockchain is a digital ledger in which transactions made in Bitcoin or another cryptocurrency

are recorded chronologically and publicly. The blockchain revolution began with bitcoin, which

used distributed ledger technology to foster trust in a currency and transaction mechanism not

backed by any government or traditional institution. Blockchain technology allows digital

information to be distributed but not copied, laying the foundation for a new type of internet.

Originally devised for Bitcoin, the tech community is now finding other potential uses for the

technology. To date, the total value of the currency is close to $9 billion, an indication of how

blockchains can make other types of digital value. According to Gartner, the blockchain

revolution promises to touch every industry: “Visionary entrepreneurs and CIOs building and

expanding digital businesses are keeping the flow of transformation going. Their goal is to

reinvent the very nature of commercial activity by removing intermediaries and enabling more-

fluid business processes to be conducted in diverse ecosystems.” With BaaS from giants like

Microsoft, Amazon, and IBM, companies can create private-, public- and consortium-based

blockchain environments using industry-leading frameworks very quickly, and distribute their

blockchain products equally fast.

“Blockchain is the technology behind Bitcoin, a type of encrypted digital currency. But unlike

Bitcoin, Blockchain is not a strictly financial tool. Although it is designed as a general ledger, in

its simplest sense, it’s a way to move and store blocks of cryptographically validated data that

users can’t corrupt. In other words, it creates a transparent paper trail that anyone can access,

but no one can alter. That makes Blockchain far more than a financial tool—it makes it the

latest way of sharing, validating, or otherwise endorsing almost any kind of value point, be it

“money, titles, deeds, music, art, scientific discoveries, intellectual property, and even votes.” –


The good news is you don’t need to know how blockchain works to use it, but a basic overview

of this new technology will demonstrate why it’s revolutionary and why, as more companies

discover its power and what it can do for businesses, it will be in even greater demand.

According to Don and Alex Tapscott, authors of ‘Blockchain Revolution’ (2016), “The blockchain

is an incorruptible digital ledger of economic transactions that can be programmed to record

not just financial transactions but virtually everything of value.”

Online Blockchain hub BlockGeeks, describes it as follows: “The blockchain network lives in a

state of consensus, one that automatically checks in with itself every ten minutes. A kind of self-

auditing ecosystem of a digital value, the network reconciles every transaction that happens in

ten-minute intervals. Each group of these transactions is referred to as a ‘block’.”

Two important properties result from this:

#Transparency — Data is embedded within the network as a whole, thus by definition it is

completely public.

#Incorruptibility — It prevents history from being re-written by allowing information to be

extended, but never appended, which ensures complete integrity of all involved. Altering any

unit of information on the blockchain would mean using a huge amount of computing power to

override the entire network.


A new IBM study found that one-third of C-level executives are using or considering adopting

blockchain technology in their organisations. The study found that executives hope to enable

new transaction applications that could help establish trust, accountability and transparency

among their organisations and partners. 80% of the 3 000 executives surveyed indicated that

they were using or considering the technology either to develop new business models or in

response to a financial shift in the industry. Furthermore, 71% of business leaders who are

actively using blockchain believe that industry consortia play a key role in advancing the

technology, suggesting widespread support for industry standards.

How can blockchain be used?

Writing for Forbes, Daniel Newman explains some of the uses of blockchain and how it can

fundamentally change businesses.

1. It can eliminate the middle man

Blockchain validates transactions, as well as the value of the items being transacted, thereby

reducing the middle man. “With Blockchain,” says Newman, “artists can go straight to the

people, rather than through music labels, to protect their own music and royalties. Move over,

Spotify. Artists may once again be able to make money for their music.”

It can manage “smart contracts”

Smart contracts are computer protocols that facilitate, verify, or enforce the negotiation or

performance of a contract. They are self-executing contractual states, stored on the blockchain,

which nobody controls and therefore everyone can trust. “You think digital signatures are the

wave of the future?” asks Newman. “Think again. With Blockchain, smart contracts will not just

facilitate the gathering of signatures, but the enforcement of a contract’s performance.”

2. It can bring the unbanked into the global economy

Because a distributed ledger or smart contract uses the blockchain as payment protection, a

remittance system or even a bank account, it paves the way for an alternative financial system

and more financial inclusion for billions of ‘unbanked’ people across the globe. “For those who

don’t have a bank – or don’t believe in them – blockchain can help manage and certify their

own financial value without the need for working with a banking institution,” says Newman. “It

can keep track of their ‘money’ digitally, and allow them to process payment by phone or app.

3. It can validate almost anything

The blockchain means it’s possible to receive a digital identity nationally and internationally. In

one example, Bitnation, a decentralised organisation incorporated on the Bitcoin blockchain,

has set up a system which uses blockchain to help solve the refugee identity crisis in Europe,

helping Syrians get emergency identity documents in order to cryptographically prove

individual identity and family relationships. By donating €12 anyone can provide one refugee

with a Bitnation Bitcoin Visa Debit Card.

“From voter authentication to government processes, health information, and proof of

intellectual property, Blockchain can serve as a secure process to validate almost anything of

value, and to keep it safe,” Newman explains. “Indeed, because of the Blockchain structure, it’s

far safer than standard Cloud environments.”

4. It can provide a secure foundation for the IoT

An ecosystem of ever-increasing complexity, the Internet of Things (IoT) is the next wave of

innovation and the next level of automation for every object we use. Experts believe that

blockchain technology will address the security, privacy and reliability concerns around the IoT

as it can be used to track billions of connected devices, enable the processing of transactions,

and coordination between devices.

“Many have concerns that the Cloud—and even fog—will not be secure, fast, or large enough

to handle the influx of information created by the Internet of Things (IoT),” says Newman.

“Blockchain picks up where Cloud technology leaves off by creating highly secure venues for

information sharing – far better than Cloud alone.”

The time is right to get educated and understand the blockchain and its many aspects. Yes, it’s a

currency, ledger and transaction platform, but it is also much more. Beyond just a process

improvement technology, it’s also an enabler for new service models and technologies. The

challenge is to use it to go after new customers and do things that were not done before.


1. Crowdfunding initiatives like Kickstarter and GoFundMe are extremely popular in the peer-

to-peer economy. The popularity of these sites suggests people want to have a direct say in

product development. Use blockchains take this interest to the next level, potentially creating

crowd-sourced venture capital funds.

2. Consumers increasingly want to know that the ethical claims companies make about their

products are real. Distributed ledgers provide an easy way to certify that the backstories of the

things we buy are genuine. Transparency comes with blockchain-based timestamping of a date

and location that corresponds to a product number.

3. Smart contracts can protect copyright and automate the sale of creative works online,

eliminating the risk of file copying and redistribution.

BITCOINXASH is a form of digital online money using blockchain technology that can be easily

transferred all around the world in a blink of an eye with nearly non-existent transaction fees

with market leading security & privacy.

Premine : 200,000 BCX Available to sell : 70,000 BCX Block Time: 180 seconds Block Size: 2mb Max Coin Supply : 21M Transaction Fee: 0.0001 BCX


BITCOINXASH is a multifaceted community-centric endeavor in the blockchain tech and

cryptocurrency realms. What we mean by that is this: There are many components of what

and who Bitcoinxash is and why BITCOINXASH was manifested.

BITCOINXASH is the fastest and lowest cost privacy-focused digital currency, using a Proof of

Stake (PoS) consensus system algorithm allowing all owners of BITCOINXASH to participate in

earning block rewards while securing the network with full node wallets.

In support of our global reach, Bitcoinxash was the first cryptocurrency project to translate it’s

website and materials into over 30+ native languages, providing unparalleled access to

information about cryptocurrency and Bitcoinxash in individuals most familiar language.

BITCOINXASH employs a second-tier decentralized network of masternodes providing

additional services such as community voting governance, self-funded treasury system and

instant transactions. It’s easy to implement and setup a Bitcoinxash wallet, be it desktop,

mobile, raspberry Pi, etc, allowing for simple merchant adoption.

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You can check our Roadmap 2019

ETH Network &


Tron Network &


Next Research

Next Research

Next Research

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