Birthright May 2011


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BIRTHRIGHTPositively Protecting Lie

 The Pro Lie Campaign is a non-denominational lobby group, drawing its support rom awide cross-section o Irish society. The Campaign promotes pro-lie education and deendshuman lie at all stages rom conception to natural death. It also campaigns or resources tosupport and assist pregnant women and those in need o healing ater abortion.

p r o l i f e


c a m p a i g n


Beore the General Election, Fine Gael gave a writtencommitment to the Pro Lie Campaign stating it is “opposedto the legalisation o abortion” and is “opposed to researchconducted on human embryos, and avours alternative stemcell research that does not involve human embryos such asadult stem cell and umbilical cord research.”

 The act that both Fine Gael and Fianna Fáil have givenpro-lie commitments is a very positive development and isin keeping with the wishes o the public as evidenced by thelatest Millward Brown/Lansdowne and Red C polls on right

to lie issues.

Dr Ruth Cullen o the Pro Lie Campaign with her daughterHiwot at a recent pro-lie meeting in Dublin.

 There are strong elements inGovernment, however, particularlyin the Labour Party that are stilldetermined to have abortion legalised. They are trying hard to create theimpression that Ireland is obliged tolegislate or abortion ollowing therecent European court ruling in A, Band C v. Ireland.

It is important to note the judgment

in no way orces Ireland to legaliseabortion. In act the judgment ullyrespects the entitlement o the Irishpeople to determine legal policy onprotecting the lives o unborn children.

Given the political will, the newGovernment could lead the way inpromoting a genuine pro-lie ethosthat protects human embryos andensures that Ireland, without abortion,remains the saest country in the worldor pregnant women and their unborn


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Dublin MEP, Gay Mitchell, Chairmano the European Parliament's WorkingGroup on Human Dignity, has criticisedChina's coercive abortion regime asa violation o human rights that “mustbe condemned as we work towardsraising awareness o the practice withthe ultimate goal o eradicating thebrutal policy.” Mr Mitchell made hisremarks last month beore chairing ameeting o the Human Dignity groupwhich was addressed by Dr ReggieLittlejohn, President o Women's RightsWithout Frontiers.

Dr Littlejohn, a lawyer and expert onChina's One-Child Policy, describedhow the policy translated into action

in one woman's case - she wasdragged rom her home, at the end o her pregnancy, and orced to undergoan abortion, ollowed by sterilisation,because the State had not granted hera permit to become pregnant again.

For highlighting the suering o womenunder China’s One Child Policy, DrLittlejohn was the Keynote Speakerand Award o Excellence recipient atthe 100th Anniversary o InternationalWomen’s Day celebration in Boston on8th March.

 The Pro LieCampaign wasrecently grantedspecial NGOconsultativestatus bythe United

ations. NGO status allows accreditedrganisations to ormally contribute tohe work programmes and goals o thenited Nations by serving as technicalxperts, advisers and consultants.GOs are also invited to participate international UN conerences and to

make oral and written interventions onsues o concern.

March, the PLC made a lengthy

ubmission to the UN Human Rightsouncil, which in October examineseland’s record on human rights asart o its Universal Periodic Review.mong other things, the PLC calledn the UN group to recognise abortions a violation o human rights and tocknowledge Ireland’s outstandingecord o care in protecting the lives o omen during pregnancy while at theame time aording legal protection tonborn babies. In the coming months,s a participating NGO, the Pro Lieampaign will join with other groupsbringing urther pressure to bear onhina over its toleration o the brutalractice o orced abortion.




Philadelphia abortionist Dr KermitGosnell has been charged with killingseven born babies and a 41 year oldwoman on whom he had perormed anabortion.

 The horriying story recently hit theheadlines in the US. Unlike otherabortion related stories in recenttimes, it shocked many Americansand reawakened debate about thegruesome and inhumane practiceo legalised abortion. Some detailssurrounding the case are trulydisturbing.

 The Grand Jury in the case was highlycritical o State and City agencies inPhiladelphia which, it said, had reason

to know what was going on at the clinicbut ailed to act.

 All major news corporations in theUS covered the story when it brokeas did the BBC and SKY News.Unsurprisingly, there was no mentiono it at all on our national broadcasterRTÉ!


Please remember the PLC

in your will - providing or youramily will be the most importantpart o your will. I you are then ina position to leave something toa good cause, we hope you willconsider the P ro Lie Campaign’swork over the years. Good causesrely on bequests as a sourceo income. Big donations aremarvellous but the smallest gitmakes a big dierence.

› FINE GAEL“Fine Gael is opposed to the legalisation o abortion...

Fine Gael’s representatives will bring to the proposedall-party committee a clear commitment that women inpregnancy will receive whatever treatments are necessaryto saeguard their lives, and that the duty o care topreserve the lie o the baby will also be upheld.

Fine Gael is opposed to research conducted on humanembryos, and avours alternative stem cell research thatdoes not involve human embryos such as adult stem celland umbilical cord research.”


Beore the recent General Election, both Fine Gael and Fianna Fáil gave the ollowing written commitments to thePro Lie Campaign:

› FIANNA FÁIL“Fianna Fáil’s position on abortion remains unchanged andwill maintain Ireland’s ban on abortion.

Fianna Fáil will uphold the right o the Irish people, and t heIrish people alone, to decide on Ireland’s abortion laws. Wewill oppose moves to legalise abortion in Ireland...

[Fianna Fáil] is opposed to research on embryos and will notsupport moves to legalise this in Ireland.”

Rachel Kenny and Rita Kantor at the launch o one o the Pro Lie Camp aign's general electionpostcard initiatives.

Dr Berry Kiely at a press conerence launchingthe latest opinion polls showing public supportor legal protection o the unborn child.

 The Pro Lie Campaign’s recent nationwidebillboard campaign highlighting the act thatIreland is a world leader in saety or expectantmothers, saer than countries like Britain andHolland, which allow abortion on demand.

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104 Lower Baggot Street, Dublin 2, Ireland

01 6629275 / /


Honorary President: Des Hanafn

Chairperson: Dr Joe McCarrollDeputy Chairperson: Cora SherlockLegal Adviser: Proessor William BinchyMedical Adviser: Dr Berry KielyLegal Consultant: Caroline SimonsSecretary: John O’ReillyEducation Ofcers: Geraldine Martin / Dr Ruth Cullen

Last month, Tracy Goodwin's premature baby son Tom was

born at Southend University Hospital in England. Ater thebirth, mother and baby were moved to another room in thematernity wing. Ms Goodwin assumed they were putting herand her baby in a special room so they could look ater himproperly.

But they weren't. They were ollowing NHS policy andreusing to look ater her baby because he was born at22 weeks. Baby Tom lived or 46 minutes and died in hismother’s arms without receiving any medical care.

Ms Goodwin said “They put him in my arms and he criedand was wriggling around. I could eel him breathing andsee his eyelashes and fngers and toes.” She kept thinking,“Where’s the incubator? We were begging the midwives todo something to help him but no one was saying anything.”

 The NHS has a policy o not resuscitating babies born beore24 weeks. Abortion is legal in Britain up to 24 weeks inpregnancy and up to birth where the baby has a disability.With proper specialised medical care, babies born beore 24weeks stand a reasonable chance o survival.



 The Pro Lie Campaign needs all the support it can getto bring its message to the wider community.Perhaps you are willing to devote some o your ree timeto fnding new ways o bringing the pro-lie message toyour community?Perhaps you are willing to make a small fnancialcommitment to secure the implementation o the ProLie Campaign programme over the next three years?Perhaps you have your own ideas on how you can best

help the campaign?Regardless o how you wish to help, please take thetime to call us today and we will send you more details.


I you wish to make a fnancial contribution to thePro Lie Campaign, please fll in the coupon andreturn it to the address listed below - thank you!



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 Tracy Goodwin