birthday cake. Even better news… It’s NEVER too No matter ... · shedding those unwanted...


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Age really is just a number. More and more research

indicates that your diet, exercise habits, and lifestyle

choices all play a bigger role in how old – or young

– you feel than the number of candles on your

birthday cake. Even better news… It’s NEVER too

late to start making healthy changes that can

strengthen your mind and body, adding years to

your life.

No matter which decade you’re in, with the right

know-how, you can make it your best year yet!


“Life really does begin at forty. Up until then, you’re just doing research.” – Carl Jung

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These five practical tips can help boost your health, fight fat after 40, and make you fit for life:

Fuel your Body for the Day – at Breakfast – and Give your day a

Jump-Start with a Healthy, Nutritious BREAKFAST

To Look Young and Feel Young – stay Hydrated – and Flush

your System by Staying Hydrated ALL DAY LONG

Get the Rest your Body Craves – Make Sleep a Priority –


Pay attention to Everything – Keep Track of What you Eat

Get a Thorough Check-up – Have your Thyroid Tested & Make

sure your Liver is in Tip Top Shape

a. Have your Thyroid Tested

b. Have your Liver Tested

I know these tips might seem obvious, or even simplistic, but if you are feeling sluggish, can’t seem to get into

gear, or just don’t know what to do to get back on track – then maybe focusing on one or more of these tips could

be precisely what you need to make your life all that you know it can be.

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Yes, your Mother and Grandmother were right – breakfast really is the most important meal of the day. Eat

breakfast like a Queen, and try to eat your meals around the same time each day. Irregular eating habits can lead to

bloating; and can also play havoc with your blood sugar. You need stable blood sugar levels to maintain energy

throughout the day – and keep you from gaining weight.

By eating a hearty breakfast you will give your metabolism a jump-

start and be in better control of your pesky little cravings that

develop throughout the day. When you miss your first fuel of the

day, you are often hungry by mid-morning, and far more likely to

engage in mindless nibbling, snacking, and overeating.

Studies repeatedly show that eating a daily breakfast is associated

with maintaining a healthy weight. If you simply cannot manage a

large breakfast first thing in the morning, listen to your body, and eat

when you feel is best for you, but aim for no later than one hour after rising.

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A fast, easy, delicious, and nutritious option is: A Chocolate-For-Breakfast Smoothie. Yes, you heard me correctly.

I did say chocolate. Give it a go. You won’t be sorry.


o 1 Banana o 1 Tbsp Organic Cacao o 1 Avocado o 1 tsp Hemp Seeds or Chia Seeds o Blueberries or any Berries for Topping


1. Add ingredients into blender 2. Add some ice if you want it to be cool like a milkshake 3. Blend until smooth. 4. Add Berries as Toppings. 5. Drink immediately and Enjoy!

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One of the biggest factors responsible for accelerating the ageing process is

dehydration. Your body is made up of 70-75% water. Your body needs it to

survive, and function properly and effectively. Being adequately hydrated helps

with: digestion, mental focus, healthy looking skin, curbing your appetite, and

shedding those unwanted pounds.

Hunger is often confused with dehydration. Before you reach for that snack, have

a glass of water instead. Drinking before meals can help promote weight loss.

Multiple studies show those who drink two glasses of water before meals feel

fuller and eat less.

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Start your day with a glass of lemon water. Mix half of a

juiced lemon with eight ounces of warm water. Lemon

helps hydrate the body and stimulate the liver’s detox

process. (Later in this article, you’ll see just how

important it is to aid the liver in detoxing your body.)

Other benefits of lemon water are: it’s high in Vitamin C,

which helps to ward off colds and infections; it’s a natural

detoxifier; it aids in digestion; it keeps your skin youthful

and glowing; it freshens your breath, promotes healing,

alkalizes the body, and aids in weight loss.

Warm lemon water is used in many ancient remedies to

alleviate digestive distress, support liver detoxification,

normalize digestive juices, and reduce intestinal bloating.

Lemon activates the liver to release toxins and helps cleanse and remove any roughage that stays behind in the

intestines. What’s not to LOVE about lemons?

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Ideally you should be drinking half of your body weight in water each day, plus additional water if you exercise, or

live in a warmer or drier climate. An example: if you weigh 150 lbs., aim for 75 fluid ounces

of water daily. You will need to drink more water if you consume coffee, tea, alcohol,

sodas, or salty food, as they can be dehydrating. Other drinks you can enjoy to help you

stay hydrated include herbal teas and vegetable juices.

Try taking small sips of room temperature water throughout the day. If you take large gulps

at once, your body doesn’t actually absorb all of it. Also, remember not to drink with your

meal; the liquid dilutes your digestive enzymes and can prevent your body from

assimilating nutrients.

A good measure for seeing if you are amply hydrated is to check your urine. If you are

sufficiently hydrated, your urine should be fairly clear and shouldn’t have an offensive

odor. If it’s dark yellow, you need to drink more water. Your lips are another indicator. If

they are chapped or parched, you maybe dehydrated.

Tip: Use glass containers for your water, as plastic can leach chemicals; plastic is porous and can harbor bacteria;

and plastic is a known endocrine disruptor. According to a study, “exposure to these kinds of chemicals can

reprogram your metabolism and make it more likely for you to store calories instead of passing them through.”

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Sleep is an often a hugely overlooked part of a healthy lifestyle. If you aren’t getting adequate sleep, it can have

repercussions on your wellbeing that even the best

diet and exercise routine won’t be able to repair.

Research suggests that those who sleep five hours or

less per night, weigh five pounds more than those

getting at least seven hours of shut eye a night. Lack

of sleep disrupts circadian rhythms and can lead to

inefficient body regulation of energy balance,

metabolism and appetite. Abnormal leptin and

ghrelin levels – the hormones that tell your body

when your stomach is full – diminishes with too little

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sleep. Strive for 7-8 hours of uninterrupted sleep every night.

A lack of sleep can contribute to weight gain, increase insulin resistance, increase cortisol, as well as reduce mental

clarity and overall well-being. It can also affect your skin. Ladies, as you age, your skin tends to become dry, dull,

and less elastic. Once again, your mother and grandmother were right when they said, “Get your beauty rest.” A

good night’s sleep can lower inflammation (the root cause of all diseases) and reduce wrinkles, while also repairing

skin damaged by sunlight and other environmental factors you experience every day.

While it is important to get 7-8 hours’ sleep a night, the quality of your sleep is just as important. If you are easily

wakened, it can disrupt not only your sleep, but your body’s repair process, leading to increased ageing.

If you are experiencing difficulty sleeping, here are a few helpful tips:

If you find yourself waking to use the bathroom in the middle of the night, avoid drinking a lot of liquids

in the latter part of the day. Make 6pm your cut off for your water intake. (Just make sure you drink plenty of

water before then.)

Examine your diet. Are you eating a lot of sugar, or drinking too much caffeine? Both can affect your sleep

adversely. Late night snacking and drinking caffeine before bedtime will have you endlessly counting those

sheep – but – don’t go to bed hungry either. As always, balance is the key.

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Try not to eat within 2 hours of bedtime. If your body is still digesting food it can make it difficult to

sleep, and for proper digestion to take place.

Reduce mental stimulation leading up to bedtime. Watching television and looking at the internet can

leave you overstimulated and restless. Turn off your electronics at least one hour before you intend to sleep.

If you're really struggling with sleep each night, get that TV OUT of your bedroom.

Lighting and temperature are both key to getting a good night’s sleep. Artificial light can mess with

your circadian rhythm, causing disturbed sleep. Keep lighting low in the run-up to bedtime and, when you do

go to bed, try to make the room as dark as possible. Studies show that we experience a more restful and

rejuvenating night’s sleep if our room is cooler, try turning down the thermostat at night.

Get into a regular routine – going to bed at the same time each night and waking up at the same time each

day can be helpful regulating your circadian rhythm.

Some additional sleep aids are:

Try a magnesium supplement before going to bed. Magnesium has a calming and sedative effect on the

body. Many people are actually deficient in this essential mineral. A good one to try can be found at Magnesium can sometimes have a laxative effect, so please follow the directions.

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Try an Epsom salt bath before the run-up to bedtime. Not only are they relaxing, but they draw out extra

liquid from the skin, as well as drawing out toxins, creating an anti-inflammatory effect.

Finally, try Lavender essential oil. Well-known for its soothing, calming properties, this essential oil

relaxes the body and reduces anxiety, supports hormone balance, and relieves insomnia. You can add it to

your Epsom salt bath, rub it on your neck, or diffuse into the air prior to sleeping.

Tip: There is a great deal of sleep research that suggests the optimal temperature for a good night’s sleep is about

65° F. So, keep your bedroom cool at night, and snuggle deep beneath the covers. Plus, the white noise created by

an electric fan can help calm you for sleep, while also drowning out noises from outside.

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Be a food detective and investigate what you choose to put into your

body. Check all food labels, and avoid ingredients that cause not only

weight gain but other health concerns, such as: sugar, trans-fats, high-

fructose corn syrup, and long chemical names that you cannot

pronounce. The healthiest foods are found just as nature intended –

whole and unprocessed.

So many of us think we have a healthy and balanced diet; when in

reality, it can be quite a different story. By keeping track of what you

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eat, you will have a far better idea of what you are actually consuming – and the results might be quite a shock to


For the next seven days, be honest with yourself and write down everything you eat and drink. Keeping a food

journal is a good idea, but you can also use an app, or even take pictures. You need to become fully conscious of

exactly what you eat – and when you eat it. When you see visual evidence of your eating habits, it will be much

clearer – and more powerful.

While I don’t encourage counting calories, it is a good idea to have an idea of what you are consuming on a typical

day. Remember, it is what you do every day that counts, not what you do “now and then”. If some of your food

journal entries surprise you, it’s also important to understand why you eat, as well as what you eat. Are you eating

for emotional reasons or physical hunger? Often, eating foods that aren’t healthy can be triggered by stress,

boredom, loneliness, anger, depression, and other emotions. Learning to deal with emotions, without using food as

a substitute for them, is a significant skill that will greatly serve long-term weight control.

Tip: To enjoy a balanced life, try to follow the 90/10 rule. Focus 90% of your time on living a healthy lifestyle and

doing the very best you can, and then allowing yourself a 10% window of indulgence – and don’t feel guilty or

beat yourself up for it, simply enjoy!

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Most of us experience a little fatigue, some extra weight, the odd irregular

period, or feeling a little prickly now and then. However, if these are

occurring on a regular basis in your life, your thyroid might be to blame.

(Isn’t it great to know that some of what you're feeling may NOT be

“your fault”?)

Your thyroid gland is the thermostat regulating the energy for your entire

body, and controls how efficiently you burn calories and how easily you

lose weight.

The most common cause of hypothyroidism is Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, an

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autoimmune disease in which the immune system attacks the thyroid. It is a very common diagnosis and affects

more women than men. The months after giving birth are an especially high-risk time for thyroid problems to

occur. I was diagnosed shortly after the birth of my daughter.

An underactive thyroid can lower your energy make you feel sluggish and make it extremely difficult to lose

weight. In addition, if your thyroid is out of whack, you might be experiencing: constipation, dry skin, brain fog or

trouble concentrating, anxiety, hair loss, and cold intolerance, to name a few. I could relate to so many of these!

So, if you are experiencing any or all of the above symptoms, make

an appointment with your GP for some blood work. Treating your

thyroid imbalance could be just what you need to get back on track.

Tip: If you discover you do have a thyroid imbalance, supplement

your diet with iodine, selenium, and zinc. These are key ingredients

needed by the thyroid for optimal function. Some examples of iodine

are: sea vegetables (dulse, nori) and Brazil nuts. Selenium and zinc

are found in beef, oysters, cashews, pumpkin seeds, almonds, and

yoghurt, to name a few.

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Keeping your liver healthy and in tip top shape is imperative for weight loss,

especially as you age. Your liver is responsible for breaking down the fats in your

body, and eliminating the toxins that you are exposed to on a daily basis.

Unfortunately, we are surrounded by toxins in the air we breathe, the water we

drink, the food we eat, and the beauty products we use. If your liver becomes

overloaded and unable to eliminate these toxins, your liver will store them as fat

cells. Have you heard of sluggish liver? Or fatty liver?

These conditions result from the inability to efficiently and effectively process the

toxins that we ingest.

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Here are some common symptoms of toxic overload:

Unable to lose weight, especially around the middle, no matter how much you diet or exercise

Low energy, always feeling tired, sluggish, and lethargic

Migraines or frequent headaches






We need to cleanse and protect our liver so it can

effectively burn fat and regenerate. Refer to the lemon

water drink for detoxification above.

Tip: Dandelion is good for healing and enhancing liver

activity. Try drinking dandelion tea, or Dandy Blend as a

coffee substitute, as caffeine is a liver stressor.

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Ageing is a completely natural process. Don’t take

it personally. It happens to all of us.

In fact, the older you are, the greater the

opportunity you have to discover wisdom and

happiness. These are good things. I hope this

mini-eBook has added at least a bit of wisdom to

your life – helping you understand the choices

that are available to you that will enable you in

making your life everything you always hoped it

could be.

If you think you would benefit from a more personal touch, please visit my website,, and schedule your FREE Wellness Consultation TODAY!

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I’m Tara Gloor, health coach, wife, and mum, but not necessarily in that

order! I love everything about healthy living, especially helping women in

midlife and beyond enjoy the healthy life they’ve been dreaming about.

My journey into health and wellness got off to a rocky start. Like so many of

us I gained weight after having my daughter and tried diet after diet to get

back to my ideal weight. Most of the time I succeeded in losing a few pounds

or more, but then I’d gain it right back again. Maybe that sounds familiar?! I

know so many women are stuck on that weight gain-loss-gain treadmill. But

finally, after years of yoyo dieting, I found a healthy eating plan and

nutritional guidelines that worked for me. Not only did I lose weight and keep it off, I also felt better than I had for

years. Filled with a new energy and enthusiasm for life, my passion for health and wellness was ignited. Some

might say that a health nut was born!

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To take my passion to the next level, and help more people benefit from my experience and knowledge, I enrolled

at The Institute of Integrative Nutrition® in New York (the world’s largest nutrition school!), and became a

Certified Health Coach. My husband Michel and daughter Francesca have been my guinea pigs for years now, so

they’re used to it. My parents think I have gone loopy. My friends? They’re probably wondering what I’m going to

do next but, at the ripe young age of 44, I finally decided what I want to be when

I grow up – I think they call that serendipity!

“As a Certified Health Coach, I will help you restore your emotional,

mental, and physical well-being, through healthier nutrition and lifestyle

choices; realizing that no single diet, or way of life, works for everyone.

We won’t focus on counting calories. We won’t enforce diet restrictions.

Rather, we will work together to help you discover an approach that

works best for YOU – at your particular point in your life – helping you

achieve balance in all aspects of your life. My ultimate goal is to guide you to

Be Your Healthiest YOU!” For more tips, recipes and resources visit my blog at

– Tara Gloor, Certified Health Coach, Wife, Mother, and Lifestyle Mentor