Biology Worksheet



Biology Worksheet

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Q.1. It was diagnosed by a specialist that the immune system to the body of a patient has been suppressed. Name the disease the patient is suffering from and its causative agent.

Q.2. Name the two major groups of cells required in attaining specific immunity.Q.3. What happens in lymphoid organs with respect to immunity?Q.4. What are primary lymphoid organs?Q.5. Name and explain the type of barrier of innate immunity, where some cells release

interferon’s when infected.Q.6. Name and explain the type of barrier of innate immunity system, which involves macrophages.Q.7. (i) What is a vaccine? Give an example of a vaccine produced by recombinant DNA

technology.(ii) Name the diseases against which DPT vaccine develops immunity.

Q.8. A person has been diagnosed to be HIV positive. (i) Name the test which the person has undergone. (ii) Write the full name of the pathogen involved and describe its structure. (iii) Which particular cells of this person are likely to get destroyed .

Q.9. Make a list of drugs ,their source and their response in body.Q.10. What are the two major groups of cells that work for specific community? Explain four

unique features of specific immunity.
