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1.A dilute solution as compared to cell concentration is … a) hypotonic b) hyper tonic c) isotonic d)none 2.The tolerance of dehydration is a)osmoconformers b) osmoregulator c) anhydrobiosis d) dehydration 3.The metabolism of purines and pyrimidines produces a) ammonia b) creatine c) urea d) uric acid 4.which of the following is mismatched … a) ammonia b) nitrigen c) urea d) uric acid 5.The ammonotelic are………….. a) reptiles b)mammals c)fishes d)birds 6. the mesophytes plant is ………… a) cactus b) hydrilla c) rose d)acacia 7.which of the following structure is not involved in the control of heat in cold temperature a)raising of fur b) producing brown fats c)vascontriction d)sweat gland 8.uremia is a….. a) removal of kidney b) transplatation of kidney c) failure of kidney d) weakness of kidney 9.anhydrobiosis is a) tolerance of hydration b) tolerance of dehydration c) tolerance of temperature d)tolerance of salts 10.which of the following is excretion? a)movement of water b)elimination of waste c)maintenance of temperature d) none

short question 1) how kangroo rat survive without drinking water? 2) how does stem play role in the excretion in plants? 3) in which animal ammonia is produced as excretory product? 4) what is evaporative cooling and panting? 5) diffb/w poiklotherms and hoeotherms 6) give behavioral adaptation for the regulation of heat in animals. 7) diff b/w shivering and non shierving thermogensis. 8) how do the plants of temperate regionssave themselves fromheat shock? 9) what is the function of aldosteron in the kidney? 10)what is oxalate stone ?how it is formed?

Long question 1.what is the role of thermoregulation in feed back mechanism?(5)

2.describe excretion in planaria?(5)


1.the cells found in seed coats and nuts are a) fibers b) sclerides c) vessels d) trachea 2.the structure which lack secondary cell wall are a)parenchyma b) sclerenchyma c)collenchyma d)tacheid 3.the tissue formed on wound in plants are a)wood b) bark c)callus d)meristem 4.match sleepmovements with one of the followings a)turgor movement b)autonomic movement c)nastic movement d)paratonic movement 5.which of the following is not an adaptation for the locomotion of fishes? a)they have streamlined body b)they have paired fins c)ther wriggle along their body d)they maintain buoyancy in water 6.bone marrows are a) collagen cells b)connective tissue c)mineral cells d)hyaline cells 7.which of the following is irrelvant about autonomic movements? a)due to external causes b)due to internal causes c)entire movement d)these may be negative or positive 8.the nastic movements are. a)directional movements b)non-directional movements c)spontaneous movements d)all of these 9.the mammals move on the tip of the toes are. a)plantigrade b)digitigrades c)unguligrades d)none 10.myonemes are present in a)amoeba b)paramecium c) euglena d) jelly fish

short question.1)what is cambium?which structure does it form? 2)which structures do give support to plants and animals against gravity? 3)which factors determined the quality of wood? 4)what is pulvinus?give its function. 5)what is hyponasty?6)what is the role of myonemes in the locomotion of euglena? 7)what is Bradford’s hypothesis about the movement of cilia?8)what is rigor mortis?9)what is meant by allor none basis muscles contraction 10) what is meant by “swims on land”

long questions;1) give mechanism of repair of bone(5)

2)describe thr structure of muscle fiber.(5)


1.the coordination is essential for: a)itegration b)survival c)division of labour d)all of these 2.the poorly differentiated mass of amorphous cells is called: a) parenchyma b)meristem c)calluses d) galls 3.the hormone which inhibits root growth is A) auxins b)gibberellins c)ethene d)abscisic acid 4.which of the following is not the use of gibberellins? a) brewing b) delay ripening c)parthencarpy d) cell division 5.glands are a) brain b)receptor c) effectors d)neurons membrane potentials is a) -0.5 b) 50v c) 0.05 d) -0.005 7.which of the following parts of brain is centre of intelligence? a) cerebellum b)cerebrum c)medulla d) thalamus 8.the steroid hormone is a) glucagons b) testosterone c) oxytocin d) ADH 9.the behaviour based on inheritance is a)learning b)instincts c)orientation d)taxes 10)insight learning is a)association with another object b)association of indifferent stimuli c)decline in response d)manipulation of mental concepts

SHORT QUESTION.1.what are plants galls?how are they induced? 2. What is difference b/w the coordination b/w animals and plants? 3.give commercial uses of cytokinins. 4.what are mechanoreceptors?give examples. 5.all th e receptors send sensaton by same nerve then they produce different modilities of sensation? 6.what is resting membrane potential? 7.diff b/w white and grey matter. 8.what are sodiumgates?give their functions. 9what is CSF?give its function. 10) what is innate behaviuor?

LONG QUESTION: 1.describe working of sensory receptors in skin.(5)

2.write a note on pituitary gland.(5)


1.the haploid structure is a) zygote b)gametophyte c)sporophyte d) embryo 2.the short day plants produces flowers in the presence of. a) P730 b) P 660 c)P700 d)P600 3.the critcal length of day for henbane is a) 9 hrs b) 10 hrs c) 11hrs d) 12 hrs 4.which of the following provides more protection to embryo? a) viviparous b) ovoviviparous c)oviparous d) none 5.sperms are produced in a) scrotum b) scrotum c)semniferous tubules d)epididymis 6.polar body is formed by yht division a)primary oocytes b) secondary oocytes c)oogonia d)oocyte 7).the hormone which induced labour pain is a)corticisteroid b) progesteron c)LH d)oxytocin 8)when do you call embryo as fetus? a)after 2 months b) after 3months c) after 4 months d) after 5 months 9.genital herps is caused by a) treponema b) neisseria c) myobacterium d) virus 10) corpus luteum is a: a) follicle b)gland c)ova d) germ cell

SHORT QUESTION 1.what is climatric? 2.wat is role of ethene in fruit formation? 3.give two disadvantages of clonoing. 4.diff b/w identical and non-identical twins. 5.what is labour pain?how it is staretd? 6.diff b/w primary and secondary spermatocyte. 7.diff b/w oogonia and oocyte. 8.diff b/w haploid and diploid parthenogensi? 9.what is apomixes?10) what are phytochrome?give their function.

LONG QUESTION 1.discuss photoperiodism (5)

2.discus menstrual cycle.(5)


1.which of the following is irrelevant for growth and development a)cell division b)cell elongation c)differentiation d) all of these 2.the meristem present at the tip of roots is a)apical meristem b)intercalary meristem c)lateral meristem d)all of these 3.the stage o f embryo with segmented cavity is called a) blastulla b)morulla c) gastrula d) embryo 4.the prseumptive endoderm is a) epiblast b)hypoblast c) blastderm d)none 5.the leaf primordial cells form which of the following organ? a) leaves b)shoot c) leaves and shooot d)none 6.lobster can regenerates only a) mouth b) legs c) claw d) wings 7.the larval epidermis is formed from a) clear cytoplasm b) yellow cytoplasm c) grey vegetal d) grey equatorial 8.the syndrome leads to tallness and aggressiveness is a) xxy b) xo c) xyy d) xxx 9.match harelip with one of the followings a) haemophilia b) cleft palate c) microcephaly d) polydactyl 10). Primitive streak forms: a) digestive system of embryo b)muscles of embryo c)I t does not form any structure d) it support the embryo.

SHORT QUESTION.1.diff b/w growth and development. 2. Diff bb/w determinate and indeterminate growth? 3.what is compensatory effect? 4.what is embryonic induction?5. diff b/w area –peellucida and area opaca of embryo?6 what are morphogenetic determinants?7.what are neoblsts? What is their function?8 what is sundrome?name its types.9.give two causes of aging. 10.what is discoidal cleavage?

LONG QUESTION 1.describe development in chick embryo uo to gastrula stage (5)

2.what is abnormal development?which factors do cause abnormal development?


1.number of chromosomes in mouse are a) 45 b) 35 c) 40 d) 30 2.the karyotype of a chromosomes are a)size b) number c) position of centromere d) all of these 3.experiments on mice were performed by a) walter sutton b) oswald avery c) fred griffth d) karl correns 4.the structure formed by super coiling of DNA is a)nucleosome b) chromatin c) chromosome d) all of these 5.minimal medium was prepared by. a)beadle and tatum b) meselson-stahl c) garrod and bateson d) waston and crick 6.which of the following is not termination or non-sense code? a) UAA b) UAG c) UCC d) UGA 7.which of the following is mismatched for genetic code a) crick b) watson c) nirenberg d) philip leader 8.the opposite strand is called coding strand or sense strand in transcription because: a) it has opposite codes of template strand b) it has similar codes as of template strand c) its codes are similar to mRNA codes d) its codes are opposite to mRNA 9.which of the folllowing does not come within central dogma a)synthesis of DNA b) synthesis of mRNA c) synthesis of protein d) all of these 10.chromosomal theory of inheritance suggests that . a) genes are present on DNA b) genes are present on chrmatids c) genes are present on chromosomes d) all of these

SHORT QUESTION.1.diff b/w telocentric and metacentric chromosomes. do histone and DNA interact with each other in chromosomes? 3.diff b/wconservative and dispersive model of DNA. 4.why is RNA primer synthesized?5.diff b/w leading and lagging strands. 6.what is X-ray diffraction technique? 7.what is cap and tail of mRNA?and why it is needed? 8.why was one gene one enzyme hypothesis changed into one gene one polypeptide?9.what is transcriptipn buble? does mutation occur?

LONG QUESTION: 1.discuss the process of translation.(5) did meselson and stahl prove the semi-conservative model of DNA.(5)


1.A dilute solution as compared to cell concentration is …a)hypotonic b) hyper tonic c)isotonic d)none 2.The tolerance of dehydration is a)osmoconformers b)osmoregulator c) anhydrobiosis d)dehydration 3.The metabolism of purines and pyrimidines produces a)ammonia b) creatine c)urea d) uric acid 4.which of the following is mismatched …………a)ammonia b) nitrigen c)urea d)uric acid 5.The ammonotelic are…………..a)reptiles b)mammals c0 fishes d)birds 6. the mesophytes plant is …………a)cactus b) hydrilla c) rose d)acacia 7.which of the following structure is not involved in the control of heat in cold temperature a)raising of fur b) producing brown fats c)vascontriction d)sweat gland 8.uremia is a…..a)removal of kidney b)transplatation of kidney c)failure of kidney d)weakness of kidney 9.anhydrobiosis is a)tolerance of hydration b)tolerance of dehydration c) tolerance of temperature d)tolerance of salts 10.which of the following is excretion? a)movement of water b)elimination of waste c)maintenance of temperature d) none 11.maintaninace of internal temperature is a)homeostasis b) osmorgulation c) excretion d)thermoreglation 12 which of the following is not includedin feed back mechanis? a)detection b) transmission c)reception d)none 13 a dilute soln as compared to cell concentration is a)hypotonic b)hypertonic c)isotonic d)none 14 the mesophyte plant is a)cctus b)hydrilla c)rose d)acacia 15 the animal which can survive without drinking water is a)Dog b)kangroo c) kangroo rat d) rat 16.the chief excretory compounds are a)phosphorus b)nitrogen c)sulpher d)carbon 17.kidney receive blood of the body a)10% b)20% c)30% d)40) 18urea is produced by the splitting of a)citruline b)arginine c)creatinine d)ornithine 19iron is stored in a)muscles b) kidney c) liver d) blood. 20.match nephrostome with a) metanephridium b) prtonephridium c)flame cell d)nephridiopore


1.the cells found in seed coats and nuts are a)fibers b)sclerides c)vessels d)trachea 2.the structure which lack secondary cell wall are a)parenchyma b)sclerenchyma c)collenchyma d)tacheid 3.the tissue formed on wound in plants are a)wood b) bark c)callus d)meristem 4.match sleepmovements with one of the followings a)turgor movement b)autonomic movement c)nastic movement d)paratonic movement 5.which of the following is not an adaptation for the locomotion of fishes? a)they have streamlined body b)they have paired fins c)ther wriggle along their body d)they maintain buoyancy in water 6.bone marrows are…..a)collagen cells b)connective tissue c)mineral cells d)hyaline cells 7.which of the following is irrelvant about autonomic movements? a)due to external causes b)due to internal causes c)entire movement d)these may be negative or positive 8.the nastic movements are. a)directional movements b)non-directional movements c)spontaneous movements d)all of these 9.the mammals move on the tip of the toes are. a)plantigrade b)digitigrades c)unguligrades d)none 10.myonemes are present in ……. a)amoeba b)paramecium c) euglena d) jelly fish 11.the internal hydrostatic pressure in plants is a) osmotic pressure b) turgor pressure c) root pressure d) solut presure 12.sthe vacoule is bounded by membrane a)plasma membrane b)leucoplast c)tonoplast d)chromoplast 13 the active wood is called a)xylem wood b) phloem wood c) sap wood d)heart wood 14.the movement of spetm of moses is a)phototactic b)chemotactic c)epinasty d)nutation 15.match chitin with one of the folowing a) hydroskeleton b)exoskeleton c)endoskeleton d)none 16 the matrix of bone is composed of a)albumin b) chitin c) collagen d)cutin 17sthe bone dissolving cells are a)osteoblasts b) osteocytes c)osteoclast d)cartilage 18which of the followin is nit a cranial bone? a)parietal b)temporal c)maxilla d)occiptal 19.palm is composed of bones…… a)metacarpals b)radius ulna c) carpal d)phalanges 20. 12 vertebrae are………. a)Cervical b)thoracic c)lumber d)pelvic 21.the muscles with one nucleus per cells are a) smooth b)cardiac c)skeleton d)all of these .
