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Historically batik has recognized since the century of XVII. The word batik is derived from the Javanese word ‘amba’, means ‘to write’, the suffix ‘titik’ means little dot or to make dots. For the Javanese, batik is not only a popular decorated textile, but it has a deeper philosophy of importance which takes each Javanese from the cradle to the grave. When a baby is born, batik is used to wrap the new born baby in and later to carry it around. When people get married it is an integral part of the wedding attire of the bride and the groom as well as their parents. And finally at the end of their life, Batik is used to cover their bodies during the funeralModern batik makes use of other material too such as : Silk, Shantung, Wool, Polyester, Linen, Rayon, and many others. For Batik handicrafts the materials used are mostly : Woods, Ceramics, Leather, SilverUNIQUE BATIK TECHNIQUESa) Canting (tjanting or tulis)

It involves outlining the designs using a canting, a metal pen tool filled with hot wax..

b) Cap (block printing)It involves the application of wax directly onto the cloth using soldered tin or copper strips block impressed with certain designs.

c) Silk screening (screen printing)Different screens are used according to the colors and patterns desired.

BATIK MOTIFS AND DESIGNKawung, parang, ceplok, pinggiran, sido mukti, tumpal, and truntum.

Batik Indonesia is a nation of ancestral heritage that has been recognized by the world by the recognition of UNESCO (United Nations). But, there are some positif and negative impact from batik industry. Negative impact :

1. Batik dyes careless disposal can contaminate rivers, for example, is what happened in Pekalongan. Pekalogan be one of the suppliers of batik largest in Indonesia, but with the increasing needs of batik local market and overseas, industry batik city of Pekalongan be increased, but with the increasing needs of batik is so great and beneficial for the community pekalongan but on the other side which is not beneficial for the environment around.

2. In addition, the careless disposal of waste dyes, can also pollute the environment. Damaged the river ecosystem. As a result, the fish died, and the river water can not be used again.

Positif impact :1. Economic : Revenue increased, Expanding job

opportunities, Reducing the country's dependence on foreign countries.

2. The impact of the batik industry in the social sphere

1. Improving the welfare of the people because when income increases, the crime rate will decrease because people's needs are met.2. The demosntrasi society is reduced because they already have a source of income to finance their lives.

3. The impact of the batik industry in the unity and integrity of the nation1. Uniting traditions vary through different batik patterns in each region. Thus, the batik industry has helped glue the unity of the nation.2. The batik industry also introduced the culture of the nation to the people of Indonesia and abroad.


1. Lack of Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP) are scattered in the area such as in the batik industry centers located in Surakarta batik. WWTP is still lacking for home Kampung Batik batik industry Laweyan and Kampung Batik Kauman. In fact, many people on the riverbank who laments that the WWTP is very near or in the river Jenes, those who are not accommodated WWTP effluent directly throw Jenes River and flows into the Bengawan Solo river.

2. The companies that break the rules. Some of the batik industry lazy to spend more money to treat waste so that most of them immediately threw it into the river.

3. Lack of knowledge industries, especially batik home industry.

4. Less strict government sanctions against batik companies that violate the rules to treat waste before it is discharged.