Bill of Rights. Amendment 1 Lists your freedom of speech (expression), press, religion, assembly,...


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Bill of Rights

Amendment 1

• Lists your freedom of speech (expression), press, religion, assembly, petition

• Remember them like this: • R- religion• A- assembly • P – press• P – petition • S – speech

Amendment 2

• Gives you the right to bear arms (guns, weapons)

Amendment 3

• Limits the quartering (housing) of troops & soldiers

Amendment 4

• Limit searches and seizures

• Gives you the right to privacy

Amendment 5

• Right of due process including protection against self-incrimination (testifying against yourself, right to remain silent)

Amendment 6

• Right of a person accused of a crime including the right to a lawyer and a fair/speedy trial

Amendment 7

• Right to a jury trial

Amendment 8

• Protects you against unfair bail, fines, or punishments

Amendment 9

• Gives citizens rights that are not listed in the Constitution.

• Example: right to breathe, sleep, eat…

Amendment 10

• Gives certain power to the states

The Bill of Rights Directions: write down the key words or rights given in each of the first 10 amendments

1. 6.

2. 7.

3. 8.

4. 9.

5. 10.

Match the scenario with the proper amendment number # __ I got arrested and the police officer asked me so many questions and he never told me I had the right to remain silent.

# __ When I got arrested they assigned me a lawyer to represent me in court.

# __ I have the freedom to go to whatever church I feel like and pray whenever I feel like.

# __ I filled out my gun permit so that I can go hunting for deer this fall.

# __ The marine down the street has his own house so he does not have to stay in my house near the army base.

# __ The state passed a law that we can not talk on our phones while driving.

# __ I can go eat at Taco Bell everyday of the week if I feel like it.

# __ I got a parking ticket and the fine was 1 million dollars.

# __ I went to court and their was a group of people called a jury that decided if I was innocent or guilty

# __ The police officer came to search my house with a search warrant.
