Bil 1/2014


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SPAN LAUNCHES MELAKA BRANCH OFFICE By: Syaidatul Ehya Nadzeri, Corporate Communication Unit

In its commitment to serve its consumers and stakeholders, Suruhanjaya Perkhidmatan Air Negara (SPAN) has expanded operations in the Southern Region by opening a new branch office in Melaka. This office commenced its operations on December 2, 2013.

This expansion was geared to facilitate SPAN in performing its various functions as well as to enable industry players’ easy access to its officers. Strategically located across from the office of the state water operator; Syarikat Air Melaka Berhad (SAMB), it facilitates ease of approach between regulator and operator. With the opening of this branch office, it is also convenient for consumers to approach its personnel for their water services related matters in the vicinity.

The opening of SPAN Melaka Branch Office was officiated by YB Dato’ Ismail Kasim; SPAN Chairman, on January 27, 2014. The ceremony was also attended by Dato’ Ir. Hj. Mohd Khalid Haji Nasir; SAMB Chief Executive Officer and En. Mohd Ridhuan Ismail; Executive Director, SPAN Sewerage Regulatory Department.

The address of SPAN Melaka Branch office is as below :SPAN Southern Region Office (Melaka Branch), Aras 4, Lot 4.2 & 4.3, Bangunan Bank Rakyat,

Jalan Hang Tuah, 75300 Melaka.Tel : 06 - 281 6314 / 6559

Fax : 06 - 281 9343

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Oleh: Abidul Qader Bin Othman, SPAN Wilayah Selatan

Dalam usaha untuk memberi pendedahan dan pengetahuan kepada para penggiat industri air dan pembetungan akan kepentingan untuk mematuhi keperluan Akta Industri Perkhidmatan Air (IPA) 2006 dalam melaksanakan apa-apa jua kerja berkaitan bekalan air dan pembetungan, Suruhanjaya Perkhidmatan Air Negara (SPAN) sekali lagi telah berjaya menganjurkan Seminar Penguatkuasaan Undang-undang Berkaitan Industri Perkhidmatan Air pada 26 Oktober 2013.

Seminar yang telah berlangsung selama sehari di MITC Melaka adalah merupakan usaha sama kali ke-tiga bersama Syarikat Air Melaka Berhad (SAMB), Construction Industry Development Board Malaysia (CIDB), Syarikat Air Negeri Sembilan (SAINS), Syarikat Air Johor (SAJ) dan Indah Water Konsortium (IWK) yang melibatkan penggiat industri seperti pemaju, perunding, tukang paip, kontraktor dan agensi kerajaan.

Selain memberi pendedahan mengenai Akta IPA 2006, seminar ini juga menjadi suatu platform untuk pihak penggiat industri menjana idea-idea, saling berkongsi amalan yang baik dan mengubah minda rakyat ke arah mencapai agenda transformasi negara ini, khususnya bagi Negeri Melaka, Negeri Sembilan dan Johor.

Exco Negeri Jawatankuasa Kerjaraya, Perkhidmatan Awam, Pengangkutan dan Pemulihan Projek Negeri Melaka, YB Datuk Ghaffar bin Atan yang mewakili Ketua Menteri Melaka telah memberi ucaptama dalam program seminar ini. Selain itu, turut hadir adalah Ketua Setiausaha Kementerian Tenaga, Teknologi Hijau, dan Air (KeTTHA), YBhg. Datuk Loo Took Gee yang telah mewakili YB Timbalan Menteri.

Di dalam perutusan ucapan Ketua Menteri Melaka yang disampaikan oleh YB Datuk Ghaffar bin Atan, semua penggiat industri air dan pembetungan di Melaka digalakkan untuk meningkatkan kefahaman dan pengetahuan yang tinggi dalam bidang peruntukan undang-undang dan ketetapan yang digariskan oleh kerajaan. Hal ini bagi memastikan projek yang dilaksanakan mematuhi kualiti yang ditetapkan sejajar dengan Melaka sebagai sebuah negeri maju. Dalam perutusan tersebut turut menyentuh cadangan projek pembinaan empangan di Lubok Cina, Melaka dalam memastikan bekalan air cukup untuk rakyat Melaka.

Turut berucap adalah YBhg. Datuk Loo Took Gee yang mengulas bahawa penganjuran seminar ini adalah tepat pada masanya sejajar dengan usaha transformasi dan anjakan paradigma dalam kaedah penyampaian perkhidmatan air negara ke arah industri yang mapan dan berdaya maju. Beliau turut menambah, penganjuran seminar ini memberi ruang kerjasama strategik ke arah penguatkuasaan berkesan untuk meningkatkan tahap keberkesanan undang-undang sedia ada dalam pencapaian NKRA melalui kawalan dan pencegahan yang efektif.

Lawatan di tapak pameran SPAN dan penyerahan sijil kepada Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif SPAN Dato’ Teo Yen Hua oleh Exco Negeri Jawatankuasa Kerjaraya, Perkhidmatan Awam, Pengangkutan dan Pemulihan Projek Negeri Melaka, YB Datuk Ghaffar bin Atan yang disaksikan oleh Ketua Setiausaha Tenaga, Teknologi Hijau, dan Air (KeTTHA) YBhg. Datuk Loo Took Gee.

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Seramai 287 peserta hadir pada seminar ini iaitu yang terdiri daripada operator air, pemaju, kontraktor, agensi kerajaan dan badan berkanun, perunding, tukang paip, pembekal dan firma undang-undang.

Pelbagai maklumat dan manfaat dapat diperoleh peserta sepanjang program seminar ini. Sebanyak 5 kertas kerja berkaitan industri perkhidmatan air dan pembetungan telah dibentangkan oleh pakar-pakar industri bagi memberi pendedahan dan pengetahuan kepada peserta-peserta seminar.

Panel-panel pembentang ini adalah En. Mohd Ridhuan Bin Ismail, Pengarah Eksekutif, Jabatan Kawal Selia Pembetungan SPAN, En. Marzuki Bin Mohammad, Pengarah Eksekutif, Jabatan Kawal Selia Air SPAN, En. Shariful Azman Bin Mustapa Yahya, Pengarah, Bahagian Hal Ehwal Pengguna, Pemantauan dan Penguatkuasaan SPAN, Pn. Siti Nurshima Binti Mohd Soffee, Timbalan Pengarah, Bahagian Penyelidikan, Pembangunan dan Inovasi SPAN dan Pn. Lily Suriani binti Hanapi, Pengurus Undang- Undang, Lembaga Pembangunan Industri Pembinaan Malaysia (CIDB).

Selain itu, pameran juga turut diadakan bagi memberi pendedahan kepada peserta dan orang ramai dalam pematuhan sesuatu produk dan material dari pembekal tempatan. Secara keseluruhannya, jumlah penyertaan yang menggalakkan ini diharapkan mampu memberi impak yang besar dalam memperkasa dan mematuhi undang-undang berkaitan industri perkhidmatan air.

Ucapan oleh Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif SPAN Dato’ Teo Yen Hua sebelum seminar dirasmikan oleh YB Dato’ Ghaffar bin Atan;

Para peserta yang hadir semasa seminar penguatkuasaan diadakan yang membabitkan semua agensi swasta dan kerajaan.

Dif kehormat yang hadir pada sesi pelancaran seminar anjuran SPAN.

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Pada 13 Disember 2013, Suruhanjaya Perkhidmatan Air Negara (SPAN) telah dianugerahkan dengan pensijilan MS ISO/IEC 27001:2005 & 27001:2007 Information Security Management System (ISMS) oleh SIRIM QAS International Sdn Bhd. bagi memenuhi piawaian keselamatan data dan maklumat kritikal negara.

Pencapaian ini adalah selaras dengan Dasar dan Mekanisme Pengurusan Krisis Siber Negara oleh Majlis Keselamatan Negara, Jabatan Perdana Menteri yang bermatlamat untuk mengurangkan risiko insiden keselamatan siber. Keputusan Kabinet mengenai pelaksanaan ISMS pada 24 Februari 2010 juga telah mengambil maklum bahawa tahap keselamatan maklumat kritikal negara atau Critical National Information Infrastructure (CNII) perlu memenuhi piawaian keselamatan data antarabangsa yang boleh dicapai melalui pelaksanaan pensijilan MS ISO/IEC 27001:2007 Pengurusan Sistem Keselamatan Maklumat.

Selain itu, keputusan Kabinet juga telah bersetuju bahawa Sektor Awam termasuk SPAN, yang merupakan sebahagian dari Prasarana Maklumat Kritikal Negara (Critical National Information Infrastructure – CNII) perlu mendapatkan pensijilan MS ISO/IEC 27001:2007 Pengurusan Sistem Keselamatan Maklumat. Menyedari kepentingan ini, SPAN telah mengambil inisiatif untuk mengatur pelan pelaksanaan ISMS.

MS ISO/IEC 27001:2005 & 27001:2007 ISMS merupakan satu standard antarabangsa yang diwujudkan dengan tujuan untuk memastikan setiap organisasi mengamalkan sistem pengurusan maklumat yang teratur dan sistematik serta sentiasa memastikan tahap tertinggi bagi kerahsiaan, kesahihan dan ketersediaan maklumat. ISMS juga penting dalam meningkatkan kemampuan tadbir urus keselamatan maklumat organisasi serta mengenal pasti ancaman dan risiko yang wujud di dalam persekitaran ICT organisasi.

Selain SPAN, industri perkhidmatan air juga telah turut melaksanakan ISMS bagi memastikan keselamatan sistem data dan maklumat. Antara operator bekalan air yang telah menerima pensijilan MS ISO/IEC 27001:2005 & 27001:2007 ISMS adalah Konsortium ABASS Sdn. Bhd. (ABASS), Perbadanan Bekalan Air Pulau Pinang Sdn. Bhd. (PBAPP), Syarikat Air Darul Aman Sdn. Bhd. (SADA), SAJ Holdings Sdn. Bhd. (SAJH), Perbadanan Bekalan Air Pahang Sdn. Bhd. (PAIP), Lembaga Air Perak (LAP) dan Syarikat Air Negeri Sembilan Sdn. Bhd. (SAINS).

Justeru, pengiktirafan pensijilan MS ISO/IEC 27001:2005 & 27001:2007 Information Security Management System (ISMS) oleh SIRIM QAS International Sdn Bhd. SPAN merupakan satu kejayaan untuk SPAN dalam memastikan keselamatan sistem pengurusan data dan maklumat kritikal negara.


Oleh: Bahagian Pengurusan Data dan Maklumat

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AMMONIA OH AMMONIABy: Recca Tharmarajah, Planning and Catchment Control Division

Ammonia (NH3) is a common substance released as a byproduct of any organic matter going through decomposition. As the symbol NH3 suggests, Ammonia composed of one nitrogen (N) and three hydrogen (H) molecules. In gaseous form it is colorless and is known for its pungent odor. The high amount of ammonia in rivers can be due to various sources such as discharges from markets and food processing establishments, industries, solid waste processing and disposal sites as well as sewage treatment facilities. Ammonia can also come from the naturally occurring decomposition of organic matter which is available in the rivers themselves. These will include the decomposition of leaves and other organic matter which flows with the river.

Ammonia pollution is a matter of increasing concern for regulatory authorities because of the serious threat it poses to the balance of sensitive habitats and to flora and fauna. Controlling ammonia discharges from sewage treatment facilities can make a significant contribution to reducing its environmental impact. Throughout the years, a number of cases have been reported in Sungai Langat catchments. The circumstances and source may vary, but in either case, it boils down to the same issue of pollution.

Source : Indah Water Konsortium (IWK)

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Rationalization of the multiple sewage facilities to one regional plant can also assist in reducing the discharge of ammonia to the Langat River. This initiative is already being undertaken by the Ministry of Energy, Green Technology and Water when proposal to decommission about 97 sewage treatment plants in Langat catchment and divert the flow to just 1 regional facility.

Ammonia will always be released to the environment as decomposition of organic matter is continuously occurring. We can limit the amount by controlling unnecessary release through proper handling of wastes (solid and liquid) and providing treatment facilities where needed. The best option however is to have our water sources free from any man made pollution except the decomposition of organic matter present in the river itself.

There are more than 1,000 public and private sewage treatment plants within the Langat river catchment. Many of the treatment facilities were constructed before 2009 where ammonia was not a treatment parameter. Nevertheless the facilities are meeting the standards on all other parameters such as BOD, COD and SS. Thus the ammonia pollution issue should not be confined to the sewage treatment system alone. It must be noted that the main cause of the Ammonia pollution in the Langat river basin is the low river flow in Sungai Langat due to the current drought condition that cannot dilute the amount of ammonia generated throughout the basin. Sufficient dilution can only occur when the basin receives enough rainfall over a period of time. Flow augmentation to the Langat River during dry season seems the best option to help resolve the ammonia issue in the future. If indeed ammonia treatment facilities are needed, the most economical and logical solution to address the issue is to provide ammonia processing facilities at the water treatment plants rather than at hundreds of existing sewerage treatment facilities which are not able to treat ammonia.

Source : Indah Water Konsortium (IWK)

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By: Water Regulatory Department

1. Why was water rationing implemented in Selangor and Kuala Lumpur? To ensure continuous water supply to consumers, we need adequate source of raw water and sufficient treatment plant capacity to treat water.

Despite the capacity of Water Treatment Plants in Selangor, Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur and Putrajaya being constrained by low reserve margin which now stands at less than 2%, the current water rationing however, is caused by lack of raw water source.

Due to the hot and dry weather followed by lesser rainfall since January 2014, the river and dam water levels have decreased. This phenomenon is reflected from the lower monthly rainfall recorded at the dams compared to the monthly rainfall records in previous years. As a result, all seven water supply dams in Selangor, Kuala Lumpur and Putrajaya have decreased tremendously. The Sg. Selangor Dam is the largest dam in Selangor river basin. Within the same river basin, Sg. Selangor and Sg. Tinggi dams supply raw water to meet 61% of public water supply in Selangor, Kuala Lumpur and Putrajaya.

In early April 2014, Sg. Selangor and Sg. Tinggi dams have recorded the lowest storage capacity at 36.39% and 60.97% respectively. Similarly, the available storage capacities in other water supply dams are also found to be lower; Sg. Langat Dam 48.25%, Klang Gates Dam 50.04%, Sg. Semenyih Dam 70.80%, Sg. Batu Dam 77.06% and Tasik Subang Dam 86.77%.

Compared to previous years, all these dams were having full or almost 100% storage in April.

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2. Besides Selangor, which other State also experienced water rationing?

Hot and dry weather has affected not only the state of Selangor and Kuala Lumpur, but also other states in Peninsular Malaysia. Several districts in Johor, Negeri Sembilan and Perak also implemented water rationing due to insufficient water source and low water level in the rivers and dams. Taiping district in Perak which received the highest rainfall in Malaysia was also not spared from the extreme hot weather and had to implement water rationing when the river water level was low.

However, the number of people affected during the water rationing in other states was not as many as in the state of Selangor and Kuala Lumpur.

3. Which areas were involved in the water rationing?

In Selangor and Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur, water rationing only applied to areas that were supplied by the affected Water Treatment Plants (WTP). These water treatment plants were Sungai Selangor Phase 1 (SSP1) WTP, SSP2 WTP, SSP3 WTP, Rasa WTP, Rantau Panjang WTP, Bukit Nanas WTP, Wangsa Maju WTP and several areas received water supply from Semenyih WTP and Langat WTP. These WTPs had to reduce production due to reduction of release of raw water from the Sungai Selangor Dam and Klang Gates Dam.

Water rationing in Selangor and Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur were implemented in four phases. Under Phase 1, areas supplied by Cheras Batu 11 WTP and Bukit Tampoi WTP were affected due to the closure of both treatment plants caused by high ammonia level in the Langat River.

Other areas which received water from WTPs not mention above were not affected by the implemented water rationing.

The Selangor State Government as the responsible body in overseeing the water resources in Selangor, Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur and Putrajaya, decided to reduce the release of raw water from Sg. Selangor and Klang Gates dams due to their low water level and storage capacity. When raw water release is reduced, the production of water treatment plants will be reduced. Therefore, water rationing needs to be implemented to ensure that consumers get their water supply equitably during scarcity of treated water.

The measure taken to reduce the release of raw water from Sg. Selangor and Klang Gates dams by Selangor State Government was necessary to prevent the dam from drying further. In the event the dam runs out of water storage, the effect of water outages will become more serious and will involve larger scale.

In addition, Malaysian Meteorological Department has forecasted that the hot and dry weather will occur from June to September this year. Therefore, raw water stored in the dams needs to be conserved and used with prudence so the available storage will last until October when the rainy season arrives then.

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4. How was water rationing implemented?

Under the water rationing Phase 3 and Phase 4, each district namely Gombak, Petaling, Klang / Shah Alam, Kuala Selangor, Hulu Selangor, Kuala Lumpur, Kuala Langat, Hulu Langat and Sepang are divided into four zones where each zone receives water supply for 2 days, followed by 2 days rationing.

SYABAS is the operator responsible for distributing treated water to the consumers. They will supply water to the zones that have been identified according to the rationing schedule. They will close the outlet valve at the service or supply reservoir at 9.00 am and will reopen it at the same time two days later. The same procedure is carried out for other supply zones and the process is repeated alternately.

There are total of 1,187 valves that need to be opened and closed continuously during the water rationing in Selangor and Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur.

It should be noted that the objective of the water rationing is to ensure that all consumers take turns to receive water through the pipeline according to the rationing schedule.

5. Why is the water rationing not scheduled every 1 day because rationing of 2 days followed by 2 days of supply is too long?

Suruhanjaya Perkhidmatan Air Negara (SPAN) is the regulatory body of water services industry and SYABAS as the water distribution operator continuously strives its best to minimize the inconvenience to the consumers during the water rationing.

Unlike electricity, water takes time to flow from one place to another. Water flows in the form of mass transfer with the energy (hydraulic pressure) provided by gravity or pumping to fill up the space and move along the pipes. Energy is lost as the water moves along the pipe, so the pressure falls too. Therefore, certain areas such as areas located at high ground, areas located at the end of the water supply system and areas that receive water supply via pump system require a longer time to receive the water. Because of such factors and time variation, SPAN has allowed SYABAS to implement the 2-day rationing and 2-day supply to ensure that the affected consumers get their water supply through the pipes with sufficient time.

If supply and rationing schedule is carried out every one day, it is feared that the areas mentioned above will not have enough time to receive water supply through the pipe. Indeed, the 2 days rationing are planned and designed based on the experience during the water crisis in 1998.

Service  Reservoir  

Pumping  System  

Pumping    System  


Supply  to    Mul=  storey    Residen=al    Area  

Supply  to  High  Ground  Area    


Area  supplied  by    pumping  system  

Area  at  the  End    of  the  Distribu=on    Network  

Supply  Area  Adjacent    to  Source  

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6. Why didn’t the water supply resume in accordance with the distribution schedule?

As previously mentioned, water flow in the pipe is subject to variation of topography and hydraulic conditions. The water supply system in Selangor and Kuala Lumpur covers a very wide area with an extensive pipe network. Therefore, some areas in the zone particularly high ground areas and areas located at the end of the system will receive water supply later than the areas located nearer to the reservoir or adjacent to the source and low ground areas. This is also similar where longer time is taken for water to areas that require staged pumping.

7. Why sometimes does the water supply not resume until 3 to 4 days and not as scheduled?

In some instances, water supply can be cut off for up to 3 to 4 days which is longer than 2-day rationing as per the schedule. This prolonged disruption is probably caused by unforeseen circumstances such as main water pipe burst or power failure that caused the decommissioning of the pumping station supplying water to the affected area. Repairs and restoration of water supply infrastructures will take time. In this case, SYABAS will send water through water tankers.

8. WhywaterrationingdoesnotaffectallareasinSelangorandKualaLumpurandwhyisitnot fairly implemented because there are certain housing areas excluded from the rationing?

Under the Phase 3 water rationing schedule, only areas that are supplied by SSP1 WTP, SSP2 WTP, SSP3 WTP, Rasa WTP, Rantau Panjang WTP, Wangsa Maju WTP and Bukit Nanas WTP are affected. All these seven WTPs receive raw water from Sg. Selangor, Sg. Tinggi and Klang Gates dams.

Under the Phase 4 water rationing, areas that received water supply from Sg. Semenyih WTP were also involved. Areas which received supply from WTP other than these WTPs are supplied as usual. However, if the situation becomes more serious due to the decreasing of dam water levels, the rationing will be reviewed and extended if necessary. 9. Whyarecertainhousesinaresidentialareaaffectedbywaterrationingwhileotherhouses onthenextstreetinthesamehousingareaarenotaffectedbytherationing?

In certain cases, a particular residential area may consist of different water supply source or systems. For instance, the front row of houses may receive water from different sources (water treatment plants or reservoir) compared to the back row of houses. It is also subject to whether these areas received water directly from the main pipe by gravity and other areas are supplied through pumping system in stages.

In addition, during the water rationing implementation in Selangor and Kuala Lumpur, several critical premises such as hospitals, dialysis centres, Federal and State Government Administrative Centre, Kuala Lumpur City Centre and the airport were not subject to water rationing. In some cases, water supply system that supplies water to critical premises mentioned above cannot be isolated as a whole. Therefore, the areas nearby these premises will also receive water.

The above various factors as well as the technical constraints have resulted in a situation where some areas are affected and some are not affected during the water rationing.

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10. Lately, there has been heavy downpour of rain but why water is still rationed?

It is true that it has begun raining since the beginning of April in Selangor and Kuala Lumpur areas. However, the volume of rainfall in the catchment areas of the dams, especially in the Sungai Selangor Dam in Kuala Kubu Baru is low. According to the records, the amount of rainfall at the Sungai Selangor Dam until April 14th is only 12 mm compared to the average rainfall for the month of April from 2005 to 2013 was 239 mm. Although there was an increase of levels in all dams since early April, the increase has not reached the normal level.

11. What are the steps taken by the responsible parties in addressing the deterioration of water level in the dams?

The Selangor State Government as the responsible party pertaining to water resources has reduced the release of water from the Sungai Selangor Dam and Klang Gates Dam from March 2, 2014.

In addition, Selangor State Government through its water resources regulatory body namely Lembaga Urus Air Selangor (LUAS) is working closely with Malaysian Meteorological Department and Royal Malaysian Air Force to conduct cloud seeding activities. These efforts will continue to increase the level of the dams.

Additionally, Selangor State Government also through LUAS is pumping raw water from ponds and ex-mining ponds located next to Sg. Selangor in Bestari Jaya for the purpose of increasing the river flows.

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By: Loh Pit Mui, Corporate Communication Unit

Residents of Block 2, Flat Desa Mentari, PJS 6, Petaling Jaya, can now heave a sigh of relief as the National Water Services Commission (SPAN) through its Central Region Office solved the blocked underground sewer pipeline problems which occurred in their area.

SPAN acted after receiving a complaint published in Sinar Harian newspaper on January 19, 2014. A site inspection was carried out by SPAN through its Central Region Office together with the Indah Water Konsortium Sdn. Bhd. (IWK), Operations Unit in Shah Alam on January 20, 2014.

During the inspection, a blockage was identified at the underground main sewer pipelines that resulted in the wastewater overflowing through the public manhole and spilling to the surrounding area.

SPAN instructed IWK to conduct clearing works on the blocked underground main sewer pipeline. The clearing works was performed through jetting and cleaning by using a Sewer Cleaning Vehicle.

During the clearing work, IWK found that the blockage was caused by the domestic grease and rubbish which was obstructing the flow of the sewage and wastewater in the underground pipes. IWK also informed that the lack of maintenance on the Raw Sewerage Pump in the PJA 263 Sewerage Treatment Plant also contributed to this problem.

IWK has assured SPAN that it will be more vigilant to prevent the reoccurrence of this problem. The people are advice to be more conscious of the environment and dispose of rubbish properly. Companies or business premises should also dispose of their waste into proper channels.

Newspaper clipping from Sinar Harian dated 19 January 2014

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Wastewater receding after restoration works

Spillage of wastewater from sewer manhole

Domestic grease and rubbish removed from the sewerage piping

Jetting and cleaning works

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Dalam usaha untuk menambah baik industri pembinaan berkaitan kelulusan pembangunan bekalan air, Suruhanjaya Perkhidmatan Air Negara (SPAN) sentiasa prihatin tentang perkara-perkara berbangkit di antara pihak pemaju dan Agensi Perakuan Bekalan Air yang telah dilantik oleh SPAN. Bagi memperjelas peranan dan fungsi pihak-pihak berkaitan, SPAN telah menganjurkan satu perbincangan bagi memberi pendedahan kepada pemaju tentang proses-proses berkaitan serta perkara-perkara keperluan operasi dan teknikal bagi kelulusan pembangunan bekalan air di Terengganu.

Satu perjumpaan telah dianjurkan oleh SPAN Wilayah Timur di antara Syarikat Air Terengganu (SATU) dan Real Estate And Housing Development Association Malaysia (REHDA) cawangan Terengganu pada 9 Disember 2013 untuk membincangkan isu-isu berbangkit yang dihadapi oleh REHDA dan SATU. Dalam perbincangan tersebut, REHDA telah mengutarakan 3 perkara iaitu;

i. Perubahan syarat selepas kelulusan,ii. Isu pemasangan meter dan lokasi,iii. Caj pemeriksaan tapak termasuk ujian tekanan, kebocoran dan pemeriksaan bahan di tapak.

Seramai 14 orang wakil daripada syarikat-syarikat pemaju yang bernaung di bawah REHDA Terengganu telah hadir bagi mendengar penjelasan daripada wakil Syarikat Air Terengganu yang disampaikan oleh Pengurus Operasi En. Zaai@Zainuddin bin Awang.

Setelah Akta Industri Perkhidmatan Air 2006 (Akta 655) dikuatkuasakan, Syarikat Air Terengganu telah didaftarkan sebagai Agensi Perakuan Bekalan Air di Negeri Terengganu. Seksyen 174 Akta 655 memperuntukkan, Suruhanjaya boleh mendaftarkan agensi perakuan bagi maksud meluluskan pelan dan spesifikasi berkenaan sistem bekalan air. Di bawah Seksyen ini, kelulusan oleh Agensi Perakuan disifatkan sebagai kelulusan oleh Suruhanjaya melainkan jika Suruhanjaya menyatakan selainnya.

Untuk tahun 2011, sebanyak 1657 permohonan kelulusan sistem bekalan air telah diproses dengan 1457 permohonan telah diluluskan. Pada tahun 2012, sebanyak 953 permohonan di terima oleh Agensi Perakuan Bekalan Air Negeri Terengganu dengan 922 permohonan diluluskan termasuk pindaan dan 32 permohonan ditolak kerana tidak menepati syarat.

Hasil mesyuarat yang diadakan, pihak REHDA mengambil maklum tentang keperluan dan syarat yang perlu dipatuhi seperti mana yang telah ditetapkan oleh Agensi Perakuan Bekalan Air. Di samping itu, pihak SATU juga meminta kepada pemaju yang menghadapi perkara-perkara yang mengelirukan, untuk tampil membuat perbincangan dengan pihak mereka supaya tidak berlaku salah faham seterusnya mengganggu pembangunan di negeri Terengganu.

Mesyuarat yang dipengerusikan oleh Pengarah, Pejabat SPAN Wilayah Timur.

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Suruhanjaya Perkhidmatan Air Negara (SPAN) introduced two (2) additional water efficient products under its Water Efficient Products Labelling Scheme (WEPLS) on 9 December 2013. The two new water efficient products are shower head and washing machine. SPAN notified all relevant stakeholders as well as suppliers on the additional water efficient products to encourage their participation in WEPLS as an effort to promote the use of green products and conserve the environment.

The product testing methods as well as efficiency rating for these additional water efficient products can be referred in the Guidelines for Voluntary Water Efficient Products Labelling Scheme which is on SPAN’s website.

WEPLS was initiated by SPAN on January 2013 to encourage the purchase of water-efficient products. The initial product scope under this scheme were water taps, water closets and urinals. WEPLS was an initiative by SPAN to encourage good conserving habits among consumers as well as to promote green life style by using water efficient products. WEPLS label serves to inform consumers of the product’s water efficiency rating (based on a 3 star rating) and consumers will be able to take these factors into consideration when making their purchasing decisions.

For example, water efficient products such as the dual-flush water closet gives options for consumers to save water by using half-flush for liquid waste which consumes less water compared to full-flush for solid waste. Besides that, water consumption can be reduced as much as 40% by using water efficient front-loading washing machine rather than top-loading washing machine.

In addition, SPAN has also signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Malaysian Green Technology Corporation (GreenTech Malaysia) in October 2013 which allows suppliers of products registered with WEPLS to apply for MyHijau label and be listed in the MyHijau directory without having to do back testing on their products.

Interested suppliers can visit the SPAN website at for more information on WEPLS.

Mesyuarat yang dipengerusikan oleh Pengarah, Pejabat SPAN Wilayah Timur.

1 8 | B U L E T I N S PA N B I L . 1 , 2 0 1 4


By: Loh Pit Mui, Corporate Communication Unit

National Water Services Commission (SPAN) and Syarikat Bekalan Air Selangor Sdn. Bhd. (SYABAS) conducted a raid to a landscape and nursery site in Pasar Pagi, Kawasan Lapangan Taman Industri Hong Leong, Bukit Rahman Putra, Sungai Buloh.

The raid was conducted after SPAN obtained a search warrant from the Magistrate’s Court in Shah Alam, Selangor to the premise. During the raid, SPAN found the nursery had made an illegal connection before the meter by using a 25mm High Density Poly Ethylene (HDPE) pipe.

The premise had a valid and active account however, the water bill showed the consumption was low which did not reflect the activities carried out by a nursery that required large amounts of water. To mislead the enforcement officers, the nursery owner had also built an illegal piping system connected to a pond located outside of the premise which channeled back the water supply into their premise for their daily operations.

The equipment (tee off) used for the connection to the main service pipeline to steal water had been seized as evidence for this case. SPAN had notified the nursery owner of its intention to take legal action and a notice of the offense was issued to the nursery owner. The case was tried under section 123 of the Water Services Industry Act, 2006. If convicted, a person may be liable to a fine not exceeding RM100,000 or imprisonment of not more than 1 year, or both.

SPAN hoped that such operations will create awareness to all relevant parties not to resort to stealing water or conduct any illegal connection. These illegal activities will worsen the Non-Revenue Water (NRW) situation, causing wastage and affect the overall water supply distribution system in terms of its quality and quantity. SPAN hopes to have the cooperation from all the water operators and the public in helping to combat this matter.

Illegally connection (tee off) before the water meter

The illegal piping system which using the HDPE type of pipe was connected to a common water pipe before the supply was channeled into the pond

An illegal piping system which connected to a pond located outside of the premise

Water supply from the illegal piping connection

No. 1/2013No. 2/2013No. 3/2013No. 4/2013No. 5/2013No. 6/2013No. 7/2013No. 8/2013


SPAN, HeadquartersSPAN, HeadquartersSeri Pacific Hotel, KLSeri Pacific Hotel, KLSeri Pacific Hotel, KLSPAN, HeadquartersMiri Marriott Resort & Spa, SarawakSeri Pacific Hotel, KL

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