Big Yoga Read



The ultimate yoga reading list… as chosen by you! We invited the yoga community, our customers and friends to nominate the yoga books which had helped or inspired them the most – and we received thousands of replies. Our listing reflects the diversity of the participants: A mix of all time classics and recent publications, of philosophy and how-to books, titles for beginners and in depth reading. We first launched the Big Yoga Read in 2004, inspired by the BBC’s ‘Big Read’ idea. As you would expect, many books are as popular now as they were then, but there’s a wealth of recently published titles appearing in the list too. We think this shows how healthy, vibrant and creative the yoga world is. The last few years have seen a surge of interest in anatomy and physiology books aimed at the yoga community and you selected much of this incredible material. No doubt there are some glaring omissions, and perhaps some surprising entries, but we hope you find the results as interesting as we do

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