Big Talk From Small Libraries 2014: Celebrity Readers of the Week



Heather Kavan, Librarian/Teacher, East Butler Public Schools (NE) Looking for a new display idea or discussion starter? One idea from last August’s Heartland Library Conference started off well and gained momentum for us! I’ll share how we got started, and the potential it has for being bigger. Join me for some discussion on how a simple t-shirt might change your world.

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Celebrity Reader of the


By: Heather

East Butler Public Schools

Home of the Tigers!

East Butler Public Schools• Brainard & Dwight• Small towns in NE• North/west of Lincoln

Getting started: T-shirt or Staff shirt Place to display

Potential: Conversation starter Community builder-get to know your

staff & students---------------------------------------------------------- Book talks Book clubs

Thanks: Michael Sauers, Christa Burns, and the

Nebraska Library Commision for making today possible!

Courtney Pentland for the idea for the display at the Heartland School Library Conference in Omaha last August

Dr. Becky Pasco for leading the UNO (University of Nebraska-Omaha)library program
