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absolute monotonicity, 186 Am (Alternating Direction Implicit)

method, see splitting method adsorption model, 222 advection discretization - K-scheme, 219 - box scheme, 252 - conservative form -- first-order upwind, 79, 215 - - limiting, see limiting - - second-order central advection, 80 -- third-order upwind biased, 216 - - third-order upwind-biased, 83 - direct space-time, see direct

space-time discretization - finite elements, see finite element

method - first-order upwind, 52, 81 - fourth-order central, 60 - high-resolution scheme, 221 - optimal-order schemes, 59 - second-order central, 53, 81 - second-order upwind, 70 - second-order upwind-biased, 70 - spatially implicit, 250 - third-order upwind-biased, 60 advection-diffusion discretization, 66 - adaptive upwind, 254 - advection-dominated, 66 - cell Pec1et number, 67 - EI-Mistikawy-Werle, 255 - exponential fitting, 254, 316 - fourth-order central, 66 - operator compact implicit, 253 - second-order central, 66 - spatially implicit, 250

Allen-Southwell-Il'in scheme, see advection-diffusion discretization, exponential fitting

AMF (Approximate Matrix Fac­tOrization), see splitting method, Rosenbrock AMF

anti-diffusion, 216 artificial diffusion (dissipation),

dispersion, 55, 58, 114 atmospheric chemistry, 6

Barkley model, 301 BCH (Baker-Camp bell-Hausdorff)

formula, 327 BDF (Backward Differentiation

Formula), see linear multistep method

boundary condition - Dirichlet, Neumann, Robin, 17 - inflow, 17 - outflow, 84 - periodic, 9 boundary layer, 84, 279 boundary treatment - cell centered grid, 90, 222 - higher-order schemes, 92 - Neumann diffusion, 88 - outflow central advection, 87 - vertex centered grid, 90 brine transport model, 319 Buckley-Leverett equation, 237 Butcher array, 140

Cartesian grid, 293, see also trans-formed Cartesian grid

Cauchy-Schwarz inequality, 29 cell average, 1, 78, 83, 274, 293 cell centered grid, 90, 272

466 Index

cell centered scheme, 272 cell Peclet number, 67, 120, 253 cell-vertex scheme, 258 CFL condition, 102 - explicit multistep method, 182 - explicit Runge-Kutta method, 150 CFL number, see Courant number characteristic polynomial, 174 characteristics, 10, 16, 99 chemical kinetics - mass action law, 3, 4, 7 - mass conservation law, 3, 6 - positivity, 3, 6, 121 - production-loss form, 5 - rate function, 4 - stoichiometric coefficient, 4 - stoichiometric matrix, 5 chemo-taxis, 19 clipping, 224, 225 combustion model, 439 comparison principle, 117 compression, 229 conservation law (nonlinear), 233 - advective form, 233 - conservative space differencing, 235 - shock speed, 225, 235 consistency - direct space-time discretization, 101 - spatial discretization, 71, 72, 86 - time integration - - O-method, 43 -- ADI method, 379 - - linear multistep method, 172 - - LOD method, 355, 362 -- Rosenbrock method, 152 -- Runge-Kutta method, 141 contractivity, 196 control volume, 264, 314 convection (advection), 2 convergence - direct space-time discretization, 101 - spatial discretization, 71, 72,85 - - first-order upwind, 75 - - second-order central advection, 75 - - second-order central diffusion, 75 -- third-order upwind-biased, 75 - time integration - - B-convergence, 170

-- O-method,43 - - ADI method, 380 - - linear multistep method, 182 - - LOD method, 353, 363 -- Runge-Kutta method, 141 -- Runge-Kutta MOL, 155 Courant number, 102, 149, 307 Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy condition - see CFL condition, 102 Courant-Isaacson-Rees scheme, 96, 109 Crank-Nicolson scheme, 125 cylindrical coordinates, 310

DAE (Differential Algebraic Equation) system, 205

Dahlquist barrier - first barrier, 175 - second barrier, 179 diffusion discretization - 5-point, 9-point stencil, 301 - fourth-order central, 65 - higher-order schemes, 65 - second-order central, 62, 75, 82 direct (Kronecker) product, 297 direct space-time discretization, 95 - 2D advection, 303 - conservative form, 248 - Courant-Isaacson-Rees scheme, 109 - Lax-Wendroff scheme, 98 - limiting, 245 - MacCormack scheme, 247, 305 - non-uniform grid, 282 - optimal-order scheme, 239 - QUICKEST scheme, 247 DIRK, see Runge-Kutta method discretization error (global) - direct space-time discretization, 100 - operator splitting, 328 - spatial discretization, 72, 73, 157 - time integration -- O-method,43 - - AD! method, 380 - - linear multistep method, 171 -- LOD method, 357, 363 -- Runge-Kutta method, 140 -- Runge-Kutta MOL, 157, 161 discretization error (local) - direct space-time discretization, 100 - operator splitting, 326

- spatial discretization, 73 - - local error decomposition, 86 - time integration -- B-method,43 -- AD! method, 379 - - linear multistep method, 172 - - LOD method, 355, 362 -- Runge-Kutta method, 141 -- Runge-Kutta MOL, 158 divergence - free, 16 - operator, 15 domain of dependence, 102 donor-cell scheme, 306 Douglas method, see splitting method,

AD! DST scheme, see direct space-time

discretization Du Fort-Frankel scheme, 372 DUMKA method, 419

eigenvalue criterion, see stability, time integration

EN 0 (essentially non-oscillatory) schemes, 220

Euler's method, 24, 142

fast Poisson solver, 397 - FrsHPAcK, 397 FCT (Flux Corrected Transport), 220 finite element method, 283, 312 - coercivity property, 289 - conforming, 289 - energy norm, 288 - essential boundary condition, 285 - fourth-order advection scheme, 287 - Galerkin, 285 - mass matrix, 287 - moving finite element, 321 - natural boundary condition, 285 - Petrov-Galerkin, 291, 313 - stiffness matrix, 287 - streamline-diffusion, 313 - Taylor-Galerkin, 292 - test space, 285 - trial space, 285 - unstructured grid, 312 - weak form, 284, 312 finite volume method, 79, 215, 294

Index 467

- non-uniform grid, 264 - unstructured grid, 314, 315 flux limiting, see limiting flux splitting, 237 Fourier analysis, 10, 49 - discrete transform, 52 - dispersion relation, 14 - FFT (Fast Fourier Transform), 52 - Fourier coefficient, 11, 50 - Fourier mode, 10,49, 56, 111, 298 - Fourier series, 11 - frequency, 14 - inversion formula, 50 - phase error, 58 - phase velocity, 58 - spatial discretization - - first-order upwind advection, 56 - - fourth-order central advection

advection, 61 - - second-order central advection, 56 - - second-order central diffusion, 63 - - third-order upwind-biased advec-

tion,61 - time integration -- von Neumann analysis, 111, 295,

306, 307 - wave number, 11, 14, 52 fractional order, 363 fractional step method, see splitting

method, operator splitting Fromm scheme, see advection

discretization, second-order upwind-· biased

fully discrete approximation, 94

Gibbs phenomenon, 14 GKS theory, 94, 115 global error, see discretization error

(global) Godunov barrier, 119 gradient operator, 15 Gray-Scott model, 21 grid orientation, 302, 304 grid refinement, see also moving grid - non-body fitted grid, 323 - static regridding, 321

Holder inequality, 28 Helmholtz equation, 397

468 Index

hopscotch method, see splitting method, ADI

Il'in scheme, see advection-diffusion discretization, exponential fitting

1M EX method, see splitting method

Laasonen scheme, 125 Lagrange interpolation, 240

. Lagrangian scheme, 99 Laplace operator, 15 - 5-point, 9-point stencil (2D), 301 - grid orientation (2D), 301 Lax equivalence theorem, 101 Lax-Wendroff scheme, 98, 113 leap-frog scheme, 173, 372 Lie operator, 333 limiting - direct space-time discretization, 245 - higher-order methods, 281 - limiter, 216 -- t;;-scheme, 219 -- Koren limiter, 217 -- MuseL limiter, 247 -- superbee limiter, 247 -- target limiter, 219 - - third-order upwind-biased, 217 -- van Leer limiter, 219 - non-uniform cell centered grid, 281 - positivity, 216, 221 linear invariant, see linear ODE

conservation law linear multistep method, 170, see also

splitting method, IMEX - Adams-Bashforth, 173 - Adams-Moulton, 173 - backward differentiation (BDF), 173 - codes, 205 - explicit midpoint rule (2-step), 173,

176 - predictor-corrector, 173 linear ODE conservation law, 140 linearization, 47 Lipschitz condition - classical, two-sided, 23 - one-sided, 46, 148 local error, see discretization error

(local) local error decomposition

- Runge-Kutta MOL, 162 - spatial truncation error, 86 LOD (Locally One-Dimensional)

method, see splitting method logarithmic norm, 32, 40, 41, 44, 83,


MacCormack scheme, 247,305 mass conservation law, 1, 78 mass flux, 1 mass lumping, 287 matrix - M-matrix, 262 - circulant, 50 - companion, 180 - condition number, 28 - exponential, 30 - Hermitian, 29 - non-negative definite, 29 - normal, 29, 104 - orthogonal, 29 - positive definite, 29 - skew-Hermitian, 29 - skew-symmetric, 29 - symmetric, 29 - unitary, 29 maximum modulus theorem, 37 maximum principle, g, 118 mean-value theorem, 25, 44, 47 method of lines, 94 mixing ratio, 16, 342 modified equation - 8-method, 108 - first-order upwind, 54, 75 - operator splitting, 328 - second-order central advection, 75 - second-order central diffusion, 63, 75 - third-order upwind-biased, 75 - third-order upwind-biased advection,

60 MOL, see method of lines Molenkamp-Crowley problem, 338, 376 moving grid, 316 - arc-length monitor, 318 - dynamic regridding, 316 - equidistribution, 317 - interface MGI, 319 - monitor function, 317 - moving finite element, 321

Newton iteration (modified), 127,405 non-uniform grid, 264, 308, 311, 317,

321 - smooth grid, 266 norm - absolute, 29, 39 - discrete L p , 28 - matrix, 28 - spectral, 28 norm invariance, 51 numerical diffusion (dissipation),

dispersion, see artificial diffusion (dissipation), dispersion

OCI (Operator Compact Implicit) scheme, 253

ODE codes, 205 one-leg formulation, 184 one-way wave equation, 12 operator splitting method, see splitting

method, operator splitting order conditions - linear multistep method, 172 - Rosenbrock method, 152 - Runge-Kutta method, 141 order reduction - spatial discretization, 86 - time integration -- DIRK method, 165 -- fourth-order Runge-Kutta method,

159, 163 - - implicit midpoint rule, 163, 165 - - implicit trapezoidal rule, 164 -- LOD method, 353 - - ROCK method, 437 - - Rosenbrock method, 170 -- Runge-Kutta MOL, 155 -- Strang splitting, 347 ozone model, 7

Peclet number, 84, 288, see also cell Peclet number

Pade approximation, 146 parasitic root, 176 Parseval's identity, 11, 50 pattern formation, 21, 301, 394 Peaceman-Rachford method, see

splitting method, ADI Poisson equation, 397

Index 469

positivity - chemical reaction system, see

chemical kinetics - implicit spatial discretization, 261 - ODE system - - linear case, 117 -- nonlinear case, 116 - spatial discretization, see also TVD

property - - advection, linear case, 118, 215 - - diffusion, linear case, 119 - - limited advection, 216, 221 - - linear systems, 227 - time integration - - O-method, linear case, 122 - - O-method, nonlinear case, 124

2-step Adams method, 195 2-step BDF method, 194, 195 absolute monotonicity, 186 Bolley-Crouzeix theorem, 186

- - explicit trapezoidal rule, nonlinear case, 124

- - linear multistep method (linear case), 192

-- one-step method (linear case), 185 - - one-step method ( nonlinear case),

190 - - optimal 3-step, 4-step method, 193 - - order-one barrier, 187 - - Pade polynomials, 188 -- Shu linear multistep form, 193 -- Shu-Osher DIRK form, 190 -- threshold factor iR, 186, 192 power boundedness, 104, 148, 180 predictor-corrector method, see linear

multistep method principal root, 176 pseudo-spectra, 115

quasi-uniform grid, 271

radiation-diffusion model, 441 residual error, see truncation error

(local) resolvent condition, 115 Richardson extrapolation, 331 RKC (Runge-Kutta-Chebyshev)

method,420 - Bakker polynomial, 423

470 Index

- Chebyshev polynomial of the first kind,420

- Chebyshev polynomial of the second kind,431

- Chebyshev recursion, 420 - damped stability polynomial, 424 - equal ripple property, 423 - first-order stability polynomial, 420 - full convergence property, 432 - internal stability, 426, 430 - internal stability polynomial, 427,

431 - RKC code, 430 - RKC formula, 428 - second-order stability polynomial,

422 - shifted Chebyshev polynomial, 420 - stability boundary estimates, 423 ROCK (Orthogonal-Runge-Kutta-

Chebyshev) method, 433 - equal ripple property, 433 - internal stability, 436 - optimal stability polynomial, 433 - order reduction, 437 - ROCK formula, 435 - ROCK2, ROCK4 code, 436 - stability boundary estimates, 434 root condition, 175 root locus curve, 177 Rosenbrock method, 151, see also

splitting method, Rosenbrock AMF - linearized B-method, 154 round-off errors, 48, 426 Runge-Kutta method, 139 - B-method, 35, 94, 103 - classical fourth-order method, 143 - codes, 205 - collocation (Gauss, Radau, Lobatto),

143 - DIRK (diagonally implicit), 144 - DUMKA, see DUMKA method - explicit (forward) Euler, 24, 142 - explicit midpoint rule (one-step), 142 - explicit trapezoidal rule, 103, 142 - Heun's third-order method, 143 - implicit (backward) Euler, 35, 143 - implicit midpoint rule, 143 - implicit trapezoidal rule, 35, 143

- Kraaijevanger's positive second-order method,191

- RKC, see RKC (Runge-Kutta­Chebyshev) method

- ROCK, see ROCK (Orthogonal­Runge-Kutta-Chebyshev) method

- Shu-Osher form, 190

Scharfetter-Gummel scheme, see advection-diffusion discretization, exponential fitting

Schnakenberg model, 394 Schrodinger equation, 128, 209 semi-discrete system, 48, 71, 94 semi-Lagrangian scheme, 99, 240 Shishkin grid, 280 shock speed, 225, 235 - Rankine-Hugoniot relation, 235 Simpson quadrature, 288 Sobolev space, 284 soliton solutions, 129 spectral method, 288 spectral radius, 28 spectrum, 28 splitting method - AD! (Alternating Direction Implicit),

369 -- Douglas (stabilizing correction

method), 373 - - hopscotch, 371 -- Peaceman-Rachford,370 - boundary correction, 346, 365 - dimension splitting, 337, 343 - 1M EX (Implicit Explicit), 383 - - B method, 383 - - 2-step Adams, 388 -- 2-step BDF, 388 -- Crank-Nicolson Leap-Frog, 387 - LOD (Locally One-Dimensional), 348 - - backward Euler, 349 -- Crank-Nicolson, 351 - - trapezoidal splitting, 359 - operator splitting, 325 - - BCH (Baker-Campbell-Hausdorff)

formula, 327 -- commutator, 326, 333, 334 - - Lie operator, 333 -- Strang (parallel) splitting, 329 - - Strang (symmetrical) splitting, 329

- Rosenbrock AMF (Approximate Matrix Factorization), 398

spurious root, see parasitic root stability - direct space-time discretization, 100,

241 - linear ODE system, 31 - spatial discretization, 71, 72, 87 - - L2-stability advection, 59 - time integration

A-stability, 37, 146, 179 A( Q )-stability, 179 B-stability, 148 G-stability, 185 L-stability, 38, 146

-- O-method (advection-diffusion), 105 -- AD! method, 374 - - CFL condition, 103 -- eigenvalue criterion, 104, 109, 149 -- imaginary boundary, 150 - - linear multistep method, 174, 180 -- LOD method, 350, 352, 360 - - nonlinear results, 44 - - one-step method, 39, 43 -- power boundedness, 104, 148 -- real boundary, 151,420,433 - - Rosenbrock AMF method, 400 - - Rosenbrock method, 153 -- stability function, 37, 103, 145, 153 -- stability region, 37,103,145,176 - - stiffness, see stiffness -- strong A-stability, 38, 146 -- von Neumann analysis, 111, 295,

306, 307 - - zero-stability, 175 stabilized explicit Runge-Kutta

method, see DUMKA, ROCK, RKC stabilizing correction method, see

splitting method, ADI, Douglas stage order, 142, 144, 159 stencil, 59 stiffness, 9, 36, 37, 64, 144, 148, 347,

419 symmetric ODE method, 200

taxis model, see chemo-taxis threshold factor lR, 186, 192 time splitting, see splitting method,

operator splitting total variation, 227

Index 471

transformed Cartesian grid, 308 - advection-diffusion-reaction model,

310 - contravariant basis, 310 - covariant basis, 310 - curvilinear coordinate lines, 308 - grid generator, 309 transient phase, 27, 35 truncation error (local) - direct space-time discretization, 99 - implicit spatial discretization, 251 - operator splitting, 326, 328 - spatial discretization, 72 - time integration -- O-method,42 - - linear multistep method, 172 tumorous tissue model, 206 tumour angiogenesis model, 20, 134,

409 tumour invasion model, 410 TVB (Total Variation Boundedness,

231 TVD (Total Variation Diminishing) - backward Euler, 230 - explicit Euler, 228 - linear systems, 226 - nonlinear systems, 228 - ODE methods, 230 - Shu-Osher form, 230

unstructured grid, 311, see also finite volume method, finite element method

variable step size control, 197 - asymptotic expansion, 198 - error per step, 203 - step size selection, 197 variation of constants formula, 30 vertex centered grid, 90, 265 vertex centered scheme, 265 von Neumann - analysis, 111, 295, 306, 307 - condition, 113 - theorem, 41, 148 Voronoi box, 315

wave equation, 12 wiggles (numerical oscillations), 53
