Bible Passage: John 2:23–25; 3:1–21 (Jesus and...


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© 2011 David C. Cook. TruResources are developed in partnership with ROCKHARBOR Church and a ntional network of family and children’s ministry leaders. All rights reserved.



5–10 minutes

Celebrate & RespondLarge Group

35–55 minutes

Respond & BlessSmall Group

20–25 minutes

Bible Passage: John 2:23–25; 3:1–21(Jesus and Nicodemus)

REMEMBER VERSEDo nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider

others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others.

Philippians 2:3–4

God Loves the World and Offers Eternal Life

Environment: SERVINGThis posture of the heart asks the question, “What needs to be done?” It allows the Holy Spirit to cultivate a sensitivity to others and focuses on a cause bigger than one individual life. It helps fulfill the mandate that as Christ followers we are to view our lives as living sacrifices that we generously give away!



© 2011 David C. Cook

Tori FunkhouserTruStory Team

N O T E S :InspireMy grandpa once told me a story about a friend of his who was on his deathbed, lying in his room, with his friends gathered around him. At the moment of this man’s death, my grandpa said the man’s eyes turned sky blue, he clapped his hands in excitement, and said, “I can see Jesus.” How comforting that must have been to those who witnessed it. A friend, whose mom died from cancer, told me that while she and others were gathered in her mom’s room worshipping, her mom began to cry with tears of joy that she would soon be worshipping in the presence of Jesus.

One of the most amazing benefits of knowing Jesus and receiving eternal life in heaven, is that we get to live with Him for all eternity. This knowledge is comforting and exciting. For the two who died, they are now joyfully living with Jesus, face-to-face.

Paul says in 1 Corinthians 13:12, “Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.” We experience God in this life through a “poor reflection,” or only in glimpses. But someday, we will be able to see Him face-to-face. This is the joy of receiving eternal life: we get to see Him fully, without the veil of separation. I am not only comforted by this, but I am also excited that I will someday see my beloved Savior face-to-face.



© 2011 David C. Cook

EquipJesus’ message in John 3 is both comforting and troubling. He asserts in verse 16 that “God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” Then in verse 18 He says, “Whoever does not believe stands condemned already.”

This message came directly after a passage at the end of John 2, during which people at the Passover Feast “saw the miraculous signs [Jesus] was doing and believed.” But Scripture also says, “Jesus would not entrust himself to them, for he knew all men” (v. 24). Jesus knew the people at the Passover Feast only believed because they saw Him perform miracles; and that their faith was only halfway there. Nicodemus was probably one of these “halfway” believers.

The environment of SERVING asks the question, “What needs to be done?” In the account of Jesus’ conversation with Nicodemus, truth needed to be told. The truth is: Jesus came to save people, not to punish them. Through His death and resurrection, people would have new life; and only through God’s Spirit can people truly become born again children of God. Throughout this chapter, Jesus asserts that being “born again” into a new life is what is required to receive eternal life, not just believing in Him.

This lesson is relevant to all Christians because safe, convenient, applauded,faith is not what God wants from us. Following Jesus is about more than a simple transaction that gets us into heaven. He wants our whole lives. He wants all of who we are.

Jesus’ Reference to Moses in John 3:14In John 3:14 Jesus says, “Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the desert, so the Son of Man must be lifted up.” Jesus is referring to the passage in Numbers 21:4–9 when the Israelites complained again about having to live in the wilderness. So God sent snakes into their midst and many people died.

Because of this, the people realized they had sinned and asked Moses to pray God would take the snakes away. When Moses prayed, God told him to “Make a snake and put it up on a pole; anyone who is bitten can look at it and live” (Numbers 21:8). Jesus compares Himself to the bronze snake in this situation because both were sent from God to be physically lifted up so that people dying in sin might look upon Him and live.



© 2011 David C. Cook

SupportJesus spoke words of Truth that were not just for Nicodemus, but for all of us. God loved us so much that He sent His Son, Jesus, to bridge the gap between God and man, thus restoring our relationship with Him. This is the whole point of The Big God Story! God loves the world and everyone in it, and He offers us eternal life. We just have to choose to accept His gift and follow Him wherever He may lead. Spend some time thinking about this truth. How has this changed your life? What has this meant for you? In your own way, praise God for how He has changed you, saved you, and brought you into relationship with Him.

Pray for the kids to know how wonderful it is to be changed and saved by Christ. Pray they, like Nicodemus, will be curious enough to ask questions about God and seek Him out. Pray they will, even now, be changed forever and follow Christ.

TruStory Team























400 YE











© 2011 David C. Cook

Lesson Overview

Experience Time Summary Supplies/Prepare (Master Supply List under Resource Tab)

Anticipate//Small Group Check-In

5–10 min.

Encourages interaction among kids, leaders, and parents; engages the kids in curiosity and anticipation of the lesson; and creates an inviting atmosphere.

Playing with Wind• tarp, tub, water (per table)• ping-pong balls and straws (1 per child)• permanent markers• optional: fan; small foam cups and lids, small

egg cartons, matchboxes, soap boxes, or other light material that floats (for younger kids)

Celebrate//Large Group

20–35 min.

Establishes community and tells stories both personal and biblical in a fun and engaging way.

Traditions • mementos for your church Traditions (rocks,

marbles, gum balls, etc.) • Remember Verse cards, slides, and animation

(see Resource Folder)Connect • Connect Question slide (see Resource Folder) The Big God Story • Bible • Timeline slide and animation, image of

twinkling star; sound effect: crickets; verse slide of John 3:16 (see Resource Folder)

• prop: fan

Respond//Large Group


Creates space for children to respond to the Holy Spirit in worship and community as a large group.

Prayer Walk• Worship Response Station: Prayer WallStation 1• John 3:16 sign and “Do you believe?” cards

(see Resource Folder); pensStation 2• “Why do you believe?” sign and cards (see

Resource Folder); pens Station 3• Romans 10:9 sign (see Resource Folder), butcher

paper, markers, masking tape

Respond//Small Group


Discusses Truth, reflects on the lesson, engages in relationships, and creates a project or a piece of art individually or together.

Reflect: God Loves the World and Offers Eternal Life• questionsEngage: God Changes Our Hearts• 2 jerseys or t-shirts, 2 hats, 2 wigs• 2 pairs of men’s or women’s shoes• 2 large boxes or containers

Bless//Small Group

5 min. Sends the kids out with a sense of peace and blessing so they can be a blessing to their families and others.

• Bible (for the blessing)• HomeFront Weekly (1 per child, see Resource




© 2011 David C. Cook


Anticipate// 5–10 min.Small Group Leaders


Playing with WindLead the kids in an Anticipate in which they play with the effects of wind.

SUPPLIES• tarp, tub, water (per table)• ping-pong balls and straws (1 per child)• permanent markers• optional: fan; small foam cups and lids, small egg cartons, matchboxes, soap boxes, or

other light material that floats (for younger kids)

SET UP Lay out a tarp on each table or on the ground and place a tub on top of it. Fill each tub halfway up with water. Have ping-pong balls and straws available to hand out.

SUPPLIES Hand out the ping-pong balls when kids check in and have them write their initials on them (help younger kids). Hand out the straws. Then have a few kids at a time put their balls into the tub of water and, using their straws, blow their ball around. For fun, set up a race where a few kids line up their balls at the edge of the tub and try to be the first to get their ball to the other side. For younger kids, use a fan to blow objects around in the tub of water.

In John 3:8, Jesus told a Pharisee named Nicodemus, “The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit.” Jesus explained that being born again is not something that someone can do on his own; God has to do it.

An energizing time for parents and kids to start engaging with the material that will be presented in the lesson.

It is intentionally designed to spark curiosity and cultivate a sense of awe and wonder about God.

Encourage parents to participate in this time with their kids.

Partner Church Comments “Very similar to this Anticipate, yet on a much larger scale, we dump about 60–70 ping-pong balls onto the middle of the gym floor. Every child gets a straw and lines up on opposite walls. The kids, only using their straws, army crawl and blow the balls to the other end of the gym from where they started. It’s great and they make very little noise with straws in their mouths.” First Baptist Church Loganville



© 2011 David C. Cook

Celebrate//20–35 min. Host/Storyteller



Welcome and TraditionsAfter everyone is gathered together as a large group, open with Traditions. During Traditions, you are helping the kids work toward a common goal and giving them mementos to celebrate things like memorizing the Remember Verse, inviting a friend, or bringing their Bibles.

Mementos can be anything, such as rocks, marbles, gum balls, or connecting blocks. Use a clear plastic or glass container to fill so the kids can watch their progress. Or have them contribute to the building of a structure with connecting blocks. If you have multiple services, use separate containers or building stations for each one. Once the kids have been awarded their mementos, direct them to put the mementos into the container or to add them to the building effort. When the common-goal tradition is complete, have a celebration!

If there is time, take it a step further and choose one or two child volunteers each week to give praise reports, testimonies, or tell about funny and intriguing events. Sing familiar worship songs with corresponding motions. Encourage kids to think of their own motions to personalize the songs for your church community.

ConnectConnect is a time to laugh, play, and enjoy each other’s company. Engaging questions, energizing games, and creative activities encourage the community to get to know each other.

Invite kids to ask each other the following question or one of your own. Encourage them to ask someone they might not know yet. After a minute or two, ask several kids to tell the group their friends’ answers. See the Connect Question slide in the Resource Folder.

QuestionIf you could ask Jesus one question, what would it be?

Kids get to be a part of the faith community of God’s family.

They participate in traditions and share them with newcomers, connect through fun and interaction, and experience The Big God Story through storytelling.

REMEMBER VERSEThis is a good time to introduce or remind kids of the Remember Verse. Also look in the Resource Folder for Remember Verse cards, slides, and animation.

Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others. Philippians 2:3–4

Prayer of ReleaseAt the end of Connect, pray a Prayer of Release. This is a time for kids and leaders to pause, be still, and ask God to quiet their hearts and minds. If you would like, encourage kids to hold their hands out in front of them in a spirit of releasing their worries and distractions in order to better receive what the Holy Spirit might have for them. Encourage kids to quiet their voices and take a seat. Then ask them to pray with you.



© 2011 David C. Cook


N O T E S : The Big God StoryStoryteller

During The Big God Story, share with the kids about Nicodemus questioning Jesus. Though the story can be delivered verbatim, read it before the lesson, so you can personally interact with the material. Share stories from your life, and speak with your own style by varying your intonation and gestures.

God Loves the World and Offers Eternal LifeSUPPLIES• Bible • Timeline slide and animation, image of twinkling star; sound effect: crickets; verse slide

of John 3:16 (see Resource Folder) • prop: fan

SET UPSet the fan in the front of the room; cue the image and audio clip.

Last week we heard about a Roman centurion whose faith amazed Jesus. Today we are going to hear about a Pharisee. Pharisees were some of the most important Jewish leaders. They were also the ones who had trouble believing in Jesus because they thought they knew how God’s story was going to look.

God’s people had been expecting a Messiah for a long time. However, God’s people did not expect the Messiah, Jesus, to come in the way that He did. They thought He was going to be a king who would rule their kingdom on earth. But this

TipBefore sharing this account of Jesus and Nicodemus, point out that what they are about to hear is true and is recorded in the Bible. Open your Bible to the passage and leave it open and visible throughout The Big God Story. Establish a consistent place to keep this Bible every week.

Invite kids to open their Bibles and follow along in John 2:23–25 and John 3:3–17 as you storytell. Encourage adult volunteers to keep an eye out for kids who need help finding the Scripture passage, and allow enough time for each child to locate the passage. You may even want to project the reference on a screen or write in large print on a poster board or whiteboard.

Visual AidsYou will find JPEGs and PowerPoint slides of various visual aids in the Resource Folder for every lesson of TruStory. Though we often refer to projector screens, do not feel limited by this. Please use these files in whichever format works best for your church, whether you use computer media, an overhead projector, or poster board.



© 2011 David C. Cook


N O T E S : was not God’s plan for the Messiah. We know that Jesus came to save the lost. In fact, Jesus’ name means “God Saves.”

The Bible says “many people saw the miraculous signs he was doing and believed in his name” (John 2:23). This might seem like a good thing, but Jesus did not think so. The Bible says Jesus knew what was in their hearts. He knew they only believed in Him because they saw His miracles. He told one man that was not enough.

One night, a Pharisee named Nicodemus went to speak to Jesus. (Dim the lights. Show the twinkling star image and turn on the crickets sound effect.) Have you ever talked for hours at night sitting by a campfire or at a sleepover? Well, Nicodemus had a lot of questions for Jesus. He might have seen Jesus perform miracles. Nicodemus may have understood that Jesus was God, but may not have believed in Jesus with all of his heart. During their talk, Jesus said something interesting to him; “‘I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again’” (John 3:3).

Born again? What do you think that means? Nicodemus was confused and asked, “‘How can a man be born when he is old?’” (v. 4). To be born again means to become part of God’s family, to be His child. So, when someone repents of sin and believes in Jesus, he is making a decision to enter into a relationship with Him, be born again, and enter into a new life.

Nicodemus was a little confused about how this worked. To help Nicodemus understand, Jesus compared the new life to the feeling of wind. He said, “‘The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born [again] of the Spirit’” (v. 8). (Bring a volunteer up front—someone with long hair. Have her face the fan and then turn it on so that her hair blows back.) Can you see the wind? No! But you can see the effects of the wind. In the same way, Jesus was saying that we cannot see God’s Spirit, but we can see the effects of God’s Spirit in a believer’s life.

Nicodemus asked Jesus, “‘How can this be?’” (John 3:9). He still did not understand. So Jesus laid it all out for him by saying words that have become one of the most beloved verses in the Bible. (Show verse John 3:16.) He said, “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16). The Big God Story is all about this one verse. Jesus said that God loved the world so much He sent His only Son to make a way for everyone to be saved and have eternal life. Wow!

The Big God Story



© 2011 David C. Cook


N O T E S : Jesus also said, “For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him” (John 3:17). To “condemn” means to disapprove. Jesus came to save us from our sin and offer us a new life. This was a big deal to Nicodemus because he thought, along with many others, the Messiah would come only for the Jewish people. But Jesus was saying that God loves everyone.

It is so simple to become a child of God, and it is a really big deal. (Tell the story of when you came to know Jesus.) To be born again, we must believe that Jesus died for our sins on the cross to save us. In return, God’s Spirit gives us new life so that we become God’s children who live with Him forever. This is such good news—and is what The Big God Story is all about. Because God loved the world, He sent His Son, Jesus, to save us.

Only God can save us. We can’t do enough good things or try hard enough to have new life. Only God can give us His Spirit and new life so that we can be His children. Our part is to believe in Jesus, and He does the rest.

The Big God Story

Partner Church Comments “Our storyteller played the part of Nicodemus and turned this into a cell phone dialogue between God and himself.” Brookwood Community Church



© 2011 David C. Cook


This is a time for kids to worship through silence, prayer, singing, giving, sharing, thanksgiving, and many other ways.

Make plans for your worship time but prepare yourself and your team to hold them loosely if the Holy Spirit leads the group in a different direction.

Respond// 15–20 min. Host/Worship Leader


Prayer WalkSUPPLIES• Worship Response Station: Prayer WallStation 1• John 3:16 sign and “Do you believe?” cards (see Resource Folder)• pensStation 2• “Why do you believe?” sign and cards (see Resource Folder)• pensStation 3• Romans 10:9 sign (see Resource Folder) • butcher paper• markers• masking tape

SET UPBring out the Prayer Wall and set up stations in the room for kids to use.

Station 1 and 2Tape each sign in different corners of your room. Set out the corresponding cards and pens for the kids to use.

Station 3Tape the sign on a wall in your room. Tape up the butcher paper. Set the markers nearby for the kids to use.

ENGAGEToday we heard God’s Truth: He loves everyone so much that He sent His Son to die for our sins and give us a life with Him forever. How great is that? Now we get to be “born again,” and live forever with God through faith in Jesus. Only God can give us His Spirit and new life so that we can be His children.

Today, we are going to take a “Prayer Walk.” We will think about what it means to believe in God and be “born again.” We will talk with God about some of our questions, just like Nicodemus talked with Jesus. We can ask God questions like: Do I believe only because I think I should? Because I think that it would make people happy? Because I want to go to heaven? Do I believe in God?

N O T E S :



© 2011 David C. Cook


As you feel led, get up and walk around to each station, in no particular order. Remember, this is a time to talk with God, not with your friends. (Walk around the room and model for the kids how they will interact with each station.) At station 1, read the verse on the sign, then flip over the card on the table and think about what it says. At station 2, think about the question and write a response on the card. At station 3, read the verse and respond by writing or drawing on the butcher paper. (For younger kids, consider directing them to station 3. Read the verse out loud for them and have them draw on the butcher paper.)

Leaders will be standing near the Prayer Wall to talk with and pray for you if you feel confused about what to do, want to make a decision to follow Christ, or want to put a prayer on the wall.

Pray God’s Spirit would be active in the room while the kids visit the stations, ask questions, and think about their faith.

IT’S OKAY IF …Help kids understand that God speaks to us in many ways—mostly through His Word, prayer, and others. Encourage them to ask God for the ability to hear His voice, but also give them the freedom to know that it’s okay if they do not always experience Him in the ways that other people do.

Partner Church Comments “The stations worked very well. This individual response helped the kids focus on Jesus and what we are learning about God.” The Beacon



© 2011 David C. Cook

Reflect: God Loves the World and Offers Eternal LifeWhen Nicodemus spoke with Jesus, Jesus told him the Truth: that He came to save people, not to condemn them, and give them new life. It is only through God’s Spirit that people can truly become children of God.

Questions for Younger Kids• What is the name of the man who spoke with Jesus? • What was that man’s job?• Why did God send His Son, Jesus, to earth?• Can we become children of God all on our own? • How do we become born again?

Questions for Older Kids• Who was Nicodemus, and why did He want to speak with Jesus?• What does it mean to be “born again”?• Why did God send His Son, Jesus, to earth? • What kind of faith does Jesus want us to have? • Why did Jesus say that wind was like God’s Spirit? • Can we become children of God all on our own?• Why do you believe in God?

The kind of faith we need is the kind we can’t see on the outside. We can’t see the wind, but we can see the wind’s effects. It is the same way with the Spirit, we cannot see the Spirit, but we can see the effects of the Spirit in someone’s life. True faith comes from God blessing us with His Holy Spirit—and the Spirit living inside of us is what we need to receive eternal life.

Engage: God Changes Our HeartsSUPPLIES• 2 large jerseys or t-shirts, 2 hats, 2 wigs• 2 pairs of men’s or women’s shoes• 2 large boxes or containers

SET UPDivide the clothes so there is one outfit in each box; place the boxes at one end of the room.


A time to engage in relationship, reflect on the lesson with spiritual conversation, and/or create a meaningful project or piece of art.

Respond// 15–20 min. Small Group Leaders


N O T E S :



© 2011 David C. Cook


N O T E S : ENGAGEThis is a relay race. Divide the kids into two even-numbered teams, then split the teams in half again—half of the team stands on one side of the room where the boxes are, the other half stands on the opposite side of the room. (If there is an odd number, one child can be a referee.)

Have the first half of each team line up behind each box. When the referee says, “Go,” the kids at the front of each line will put on all of the clothes in his box and run to the other side of the room where the other half of his team is waiting. There, he will take off all of the clothes and a waiting teammate will put them all on and run back to the other side. They will repeat this until all of the members of the team have put on the clothes and run to the other side of the room. The team who finishes first, wins!

After you have played this game, gather the kids into a circle. Tell them that clothes are things we wear on the outside. What we wear or what we do on the outside is not nearly as important as what is inside. Ask the kids:

• How does God change our hearts? • How can we prepare our hearts for God’s Spirit?

When you are done discussing the answers, pray for the kids. Pray God will fill them with His Spirit and experience the joy of being born into God’s kingdom.

Partner Church Comments “A fourth-grade girl said she loved that every activity has a point. Even when they are playing a game or doing an art project, she knows why they are doing it.” Brookwood Community Church



© 2011 David C. Cook


Bless// 5 min. Small Group Leaders


A blessing can be a prayer of commission, a portion of Scripture, or words of encouragement or guidance.

A blessing can be offered in order to ask God’s Spirit to overflow from the child’s life to bless others or prayed over a child for the purpose of declaring God’s protection, joy, or wisdom.

Leader TipThe blessing can be done in many ways, but the more intentional you are about it, the more powerful it will be. Depending on whether parents are able to join in at this time, you may want them to put their hands on their child’s head or kneel and look him in the eye as they bless him. Leaders, be sure to model how you envision the blessing working in your church so your volunteers and parents become comfortable with it.

HomeFront Weekly: Be sure to send home the HomeFront Weekly for next week’s lesson! This preteaching tool for parents encourages families to spend time in God’s Word together before children arrive at church.

HomeFront Monthly: Every four weeks we highlight one of the 10 environments. For each new environment, parents should receive HomeFront Monthly. This resource gives families ideas for how to create fun, spiritually forming times in their home—setting aside a sacred space for family in the midst of their active, everyday lives!





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PRAYER p. 12





by A







“Asks the


‘What needs

to be done?’”

Inspire (for parents) As a parent, you know the feeling: our children are so excited about a special day ahead that they can’t sleep. In the middle of the night, they come creeping into our room and hover over us, just waiting for us to wake up. Once in a while, they might speak with a faint whisper, “Mommy, is it time yet?” or “Daddy, are you awake?” But more often than not, they just stand there—silently willing us to open our eyes. What often awakens us is that uncanny sense of a presence near—and then we open our eyes to see a face filled with joy and anticipation of a grand adventure to be shared together.

I sometimes think of God like this. He hovers over us and waits for our hearts to wake up to Him. He waits for our hearts to hear His truths; He hovers over us until we are ready to open our eyes to Him and all He wants to share with us. I never want to miss the opportunity to commune with

God. When God hovers over me, waiting for me to awaken to His presence, I don’t want to miss the chance to listen to Him. I want to live in joyful anticipation each time He draws near.I’ve seen throughout my own life that once my hearts awakens to Him, I am changed. Once God gets my attention, I am never the same again. I want to sing with the psalmist, “My heart has heard you say, ‘Come and talk with Me.’ And my heart responds, ‘Lord, I am coming’” (Psalm 27:8 NLT).

by Debbie Guinn

Equip (for parents)When Josiah heard the Book of the Law read out loud, God awakened Josiah’s heart to mourn for how His people had neglected their God. God also awakened Josiah’s heart to ask the question, “What needs to be done?” For Josiah, the answer to that question was to renew the covenant, cleanse the nation of idolatry, and celebrate a nationwide Passover. Josiah led a nationwide renewal of the ancient covenant, destroying the articles of pagan worship scattered around the nation. In 2 Kings 23 we read how God led Josiah to remove articles made for false gods, animals dedicated to false gods, and pagan priests serving in the high places, among many other things.

Josiah was so thorough in his cleansing process that he “covered the sites [of ruined relics, etc.] with human bones” (2 Kings 23:14). By doing this, he made sure the area would never again be used for idol worship because no Jew would want to become ceremonially unclean by coming into contact with the bones of dead bodies (Numbers 19:16). After what must have been a grueling process, Josiah ordered the people to “Celebrate the Passover to the Lord your God, as it is written in the Book of the Covenant” (2 Kings 23:21). Passover reminded the Israelites of their deliverance and God’s covenant relationship with them at Mt. Sinai. Although God used King Josiah to do a major work in the lives of His people, we can see through Scripture that this revival was only skin deep. The four kings who followed Josiah reversed all the good he had done. Though God had awakened Josiah’s heart, it would be many more years before He came to awaken everyone’s heart through the new covenant in Christ.

Support (for parents & kids)Some time this week, gather your family and read the account of King Josiah in 2 Kings 22:1–11 and 23:1–14, 21–24. After reading this part of The Big God Story, ask your children what happened when King Josiah heard God’s Word for the first time. Share with them that he actually did three things; he renewed the covenant with God, he cleaned the temple of everything that was not honoring to God, and then celebrated with his people. You might want to use King Josiah’s response as a pattern for a time of family worship. First, remind each other what it means to be in a covenant relationship with God—what it means to be His people. Next, confess to one another ways you may not be obeying God’s Word or you are allowing to be more important than God. Finally, celebrate together that through Jesus we can be in relationship with God forever, and rejoice that He gives us His Word and awakens our hearts to Him.

Remind your children that what you have just read in the Bible is part of The Big God Story and they will hear more about King Josiah in church this week.



Getting StartedScripture: 2 Kings 22—23 (King Josiah)Main Point: God Awakens Our Hearts to Him This resource is designed to allow your family to have time in God’s Word before your children attend church. Because God’s plan is for parents to be the spiritual nurturers of their children’s faith, we know that as you grow spiritually, your children will grow spiritually as well.


© 2010 David C. Cook. TruResources are developed in partnership with ROCKHARBOR Church

and a national network of family and children’s ministry leaders. All rights reserved.


“If anyone wants to be

first, he must be the very

last, and the servant of

all.” Mark 9:35b


As kids are blessed, tell them they have the opportunity to also be a blessing to others. Encourage them to freely give away to others the joy and love they have received from God.

Encourage the kids to hold their hands in front of them, palms up. This posture is meant to symbolize a willingness of heart to respond to God’s Holy Spirit and receive what God has for them. Invite them to remain in this posture as you bless them. Encourage parents to come early in order to read the blessing over their child.

Open a Bible and read 2 Thessalonians 2:16–17:May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who loved us and by his grace gave us eternal encouragement and good hope, encourage your hearts and strengthen you in every good deed and word.

I pray He will bless you with the new birth by His Spirit so you will enjoy a brand-new life and eternity with Him.