Bible Faith “But without faith it is impossible to please him:” Heb. 11:6a “But without faith...


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Bible FaithBible Faith

Heb. 11:6a “But without faith it is “But without faith it is impossible to please him:”impossible to please him:”

Heb. 10:38Heb. 10:38 “Now the just shall live “Now the just shall live by faith;…”by faith;…”

Bible FaithBible Faith

1. Biblical meaning

2. Man’s definition is wrong

3. We can have faith and knowledge

1.Biblical meaning of 1.Biblical meaning of FaithFaith

“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” Heb. 11:1

1.Biblical meaning of 1.Biblical meaning of FaithFaith

“Now faith is the substancesubstance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” Heb. 11:1

1.Biblical meaning of 1.Biblical meaning of FaithFaith

“Now faith is the substancesubstance of things hoped for, the evidenceevidence of things not seen.” Heb. 11:1

1.Biblical meaning of 1.Biblical meaning of FaithFaith

SubstanceSubstance = assurance, groundEvidenceEvidence = proof

“So then faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God.”

Rom. 10:17

1.Biblical meaning of 1.Biblical meaning of FaithFaith

Proper understanding of Bible Assured God will keep His word Trust based on evidence FaithFaith = TRUST, rely on, believe

2.Man’s Definition is 2.Man’s Definition is wrongwrong

Baptize “Dip into water or sprinkle with

water” [Thorndike-Barnhart] Bible – Burial - Rm. 6:4Rm. 6:4

2.Man’s Definition is 2.Man’s Definition is wrongwrong

FaithFaith “belief, trust , firm belief in

something for which there is no proof” Webster

2.Man’s Definition is 2.Man’s Definition is wrongwrong

FaithFaith “belief, trust , firm belief in

something for which there is no proof” Webster

2.Man’s Definition is 2.Man’s Definition is wrongwrong

FaithFaith “belief without need of certain

proof” Funk & Wagnalls “a believing without proof”

Thorndike - Barnhart

2.Man’s Definition is 2.Man’s Definition is wrongwrong

FaithFaith “belief that does not rest on

logical proof or material evidence” Academic American Dictionary

2.Man’s Definition is 2.Man’s Definition is wrongwrong

FaithFaith “Faith is believing what you

know ain’t so.” Mark Twain

2.Man’s Definition is 2.Man’s Definition is wrongwrong

It teaches that faith is not based on evidence

It is a blind acceptance Probability – implies that our

faith may not be trueThe Bible says there is

Evidence for faithHeb. 11:1




Of Faith


Bible FaithBible Faith




Bible FaithBible Faith




1.Biblical meaning of 1.Biblical meaning of FaithFaith

Based On EvidenceBased On Evidence

2.Man’s Definition is wrong2.Man’s Definition is wrong

Believing without proofBelieving without proof

3. Have Faith and Knowledge3. Have Faith and Knowledge

“It’s just a Matter of faith” “Just launch out on faith” “Just a leap of faith”

Implies we cannotHave faith & knowledge

3. Have Faith and Knowledge3. Have Faith and Knowledge

We can have faith and knowledge Noun = conviction based on

hearing Verb = place confidence in Conviction based on evidence

3. Have Faith and Knowledge3. Have Faith and Knowledge

John 6:69John 6:69 “..we believe and are sure that thou art that Christ,”,”

2 Tim.1:122 Tim.1:12 “I know whom I have “I know whom I have believed,…believed,…

John 4:42John 4:42 ““believe, heard, know

3. Have Faith and Knowledge3. Have Faith and Knowledge

Heb. 11 – Hall of fame of FaithHeb. 11 – Hall of fame of Faith

V. 4 “By faith Abel”V. 4 “By faith Abel”

v. 7 “By faith Noah”v. 7 “By faith Noah”

v.8 “By faith Abraham”v.8 “By faith Abraham”

v.23 “By faith Moses”v.23 “By faith Moses”





All actedBecause their

KnowledgeProduced Faith!

3. Have Faith and Knowledge3. Have Faith and Knowledge

2 Cor. 5:7 2 Cor. 5:7 “walk by faith not by “walk by faith not by sight”sight”

Live by faithLive by faith

Faith comes by hearing – Rm. 10:17Faith comes by hearing – Rm. 10:17

Evidence presentedEvidence presented

Not by sightNot by sight

3. Have Faith and Knowledge3. Have Faith and Knowledge

Never Seen JerusalemNever Seen JerusalemHave faith it is there! How?Have faith it is there! How?

Read about itRead about it

Seen picturesSeen pictures

Talked with othersTalked with others


3. Have Faith and Knowledge3. Have Faith and Knowledge

Never Seen Heavenly JerusalemNever Seen Heavenly JerusalemHave faith it is there! How?Have faith it is there! How?

Read about itRead about it

Seen informationSeen informationEvidence

Bible FaithBible Faith

Faith is certainty

Knowledge – evidence precedes

Bible written to produce faith

John 20:30-31

1 John 5:13

Bible FaithBible Faith

“Now faith is the substancesubstance of things hoped for, the evidenceevidence of things not seen.” Heb. 11:1








Bible FaithBible Faith

• By Arthur Pigman

• Evans Church of Christ

• Evans, Georgia

• Sunday Morning – 25 April 2004
