Bethel Banner January 2013



Northfield, MN

Citation preview

Bethel Lutheran Church

1321 North Avenue

Northfield, MN 55057



Adult Ed 14

Befrienders 2


Calendar 10

Children/Nursery 6-7

Council 12

Creation Care 15

Finance 12

Living Faith 7

Mission & Justice 5

Mission Interp. 19

Seniors 4

Scrip 8

Thank You 18

Winter Retreat 15

Worship Servants 16

Youth/YES 8-9

Inside this issue:

The Bethel Banner

The Bethel Banner

The Bethel Banner

The Bethel Banner

Volume #498 January 2013

… and much more!

Join Us for the Annual Meeting!

Thank You for Your Service! We bid farewell to our outgoing Church Council members: President Don Pavek, Steward Noel Stratmoen, and at-large member (Mission and Justice) Kay Lee Henderson. Many thanks for your faithful servant-leadership and all the ways (seen and unseen) that you have served faithfully.

After almost six years of faithful service, Paula Mathison will be leaving her position as Secretary/Receptionist at Bethel. She and her husband Allan will be spending more time together traveling and enjoying retirement. We will certainly miss Paula; she is usually the first person seen by people who come to Bethel during the week, and her calm, friendly personality reflects well for Bethel. Thank you, Paula, for all you have done!

If you did not receive a copy of the proposed constitution this fall, please contact the church office.

We have a full slate of candidates for Church Council positions, including Mike Ahrens (President), Steve Engle (Steward), and Bryce Narveson (at-large). Many thanks to the Nominating Committee for their dedication: Bonnie Liebelt, Kay Lee Henderson, Noel Stratmoen, and Brent Kivell.

The annual meeting of the congregation will be

held on Sunday, January 27, between services. All members are invited to join us for a variety of agenda items, including:

� Election of council members;

� Approval of the annual budget; and

� Final ratification of the church constitution.

Banner, coordination of volunteers, and other duties as needed. This position requires a high degree of accuracy, the ability to use typical Microsoft office software, and experience recruiting and coordinating volunteers. The position is for six hours per day, four days per week. If you are interested, please provide a resume to the Bethel office by January 11. Please feel free to contact Pat Stahly, Personnel Chair, at 645-6585 if you have any questions.

Bethel is looking for a part-time custodial person to work approximately 6-8 hours on weekends only. Applications are available in the church office. If you have any questions regarding this position, please contact Blair Fowler, Trustee, at 612-245-7835.

With Paula Mathison leaving her position, Bethel will be accepting applications for her position. The position duties include acting as our receptionist, proof reading and printing Bethel worship bulletins and the

Job Openings at Bethel

Page 2 The Bethel Banner

This year, 2013, marks the 30th anniversary of St Thomas University’s “BeFriender Ministry-

A Listening Presence” as a nationally recognized organization. At Bethel we use the training materials provided by St Thomas and join them in “Celebrating 30 Years: Let Your Light Shine.”

The beginning of the calendar year is often a time of reflection and resolution. For many of us this year is likely no different. As you consider your own unique God-given gifts and talents, you may discover you have the gift of listening.

The St Thomas BeFriender website offers us a description of the characteristics of BeFriender ministry that sets it apart: “God is present in every encounter with another person; active listening and a non judgmental attitude are critical to being present with another person and truly hearing with empathy the other’s story; pastoral care is about caring, not curing.”

If these descriptions speak to you, perhaps you might want to consider becoming a trained BeFriender now.

This winter, Bethel is offering eight consecutive Thursday night weekly training sessions beginning January 10 at 6:45 p.m. If you’ve been thinking about becoming a trained Bethel BeFriender, please know that you are welcome to attend this training and then decide how best to use it in your life.

The Bethel BeFrienders are a vital link to the pastoral care offered at Bethel. The need for trained BeFriender ministers is great. As you prayerfully discern God’s call in your life, perhaps

you too can “Let Your Light Shine” as a Bethel BeFriender minister.

You may register by calling the Bethel Church office, any BeFriender coordinator, or by simply signing the roster available at the information table in the narthex. Brochures further describing the Bethel BeFriender ministry and listing the training information are also available at the information table.

Blessings from Bethel's Befrienders

Be a Friend! By Marci Groenewold

2013 BeFriender Training Schedule

Please note, all training sessions will be held in Classroom 61A & B and begin at 6:45 p.m.

Date Topic Presenter

January 10 Introduction to BeFriender Ministry Knight Stanley

January 17 Our Sense of Call Pastor Tim

January 24 Attitude of BeFriending Pastor Charlie

January 31 Listening Skills-Attending & Following Marci Groenewold

February 7 Listening Skills-Confidentiality Marci Groenewold

February 14 The Visit Pam Santerre

February 21 Understanding Grief & Loss Duane Everson

February 28 Making Meaning Knight Stanley

These training sessions will be open to all currently trained BeFrienders to further their own spiritual growth. All trained Bethel BeFrienders are especially invited to attend January 24, for our planned group meeting. Please come to meet our newest ministry team members and hear Pastor Charlie speak on the topic of mutuality.

A core BeFriender principle: “God is Present." For more information, call Marci Groenewold, (649-0760), Knight Stanley (612-877-0893 ), Jean Miller (645-5353), or the Bethel office (786-6674).

Next Bethel BeFriender meeting: Thursday, January 24, 2013, at 7 p.m. in Classroom 61A & B. (see below)

None of these discussions will bring comfort to the families touched by inconceivable loss.

The retail behemoth would have us think that Christmas is all about joy, dazzle, and excitement. In the midst of tragedy, no store will be able to supply enough twinkly lights or latest gadgets to light the darkness.

When deep darkness descends, I stretch for the Holy Spirit, who gives me just enough faith to know that there is light despite my inability to see or feel it. I turn to scripture, my deepest comfort in times of trouble. There are so many verses of darkness from which to choose —here are a few:

Abram was "enveloped in a dreadful darkness." (Genesis 15:12)

"You have taken my companions and loved ones from me; the darkness is my closest friend." (Psalm 88:18)

"Yet when I hoped for good, evil came; when I

looked for light, then came darkness." (Job 30:26)

"We look for light, but all is darkness; for brightness, but we walk in deep shadows." (Isaiah 59:9)

And yet many of these embattled and embittered saints from the Hebrew scriptures are turned heroic by the grace of God, given persevering faith in the face of great hopelessness. I found a few verses to be of particular comfort today, and I offer them to you.

January 2013 Page 3

Dear Partners,

Because the deadline for mailing the Banner to you is in mid-month, I am sitting down to write this article before Christmas. There was another terrible school shooting yesterday, this one at an elementary school in Connecticut. Many children and their dedicated teachers died.

I hugged Madeline and Bronwyn extra tightly last night, as I'm sure you did with your own loved ones, near or far via arms, phone, computer, or prayer.

My intention before yesterday was to write about holding Christmas in our hearts all year long, but I am having trouble with that idea today. I don't feel it, you see. I feel overwhelming sadness, despair, and a longing for safety for all of the world's children. I don't feel wonder or generosity. I feel the uncertainty of a dangerous world. I feel anger.

I feel darkness.

In the days to come, we will all examine how such violence comes to pass and what we could do to prevent it. We'll talk about trauma recovery, security in our schools, gun ownership and gun control, and mental illness and treatment. I pray that the discussions will be fruitful.

But none of these discussions will reassure me in the midst of darkness.

Do not gloat over me, my enemy! Though I have fallen, I will rise. Though I sit in darkness, the LORD will be my light. (Micah 7:8)

The night is nearly over; the day is almost here. So let us put aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light. You are all children of the light and children of the day. We do not belong to the night or to the darkness. (Romans 13:12)

For God, who said, "Let light shine out of darkness," made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ. (2 Corinthians 4:6)

God is light; in him there is no darkness at all. (1 John 1:5)

As I set my mind to keeping a Christmas spirit, the spirit of light, before me during 2013, these are the verses that I will remember.

And now I take a deep breath and go about the work that God has set before you and me, to live with you in the city on the hill, to put my single candle on a stand next to your candles similarly lit, to don the armor God has provided in our Savior, born in a tiny stable in a dark world lit by a star.

Your Partner in Christ,

From the Senior Pastor...

Editor's Note: The good news is that your pastor and his wife trust each other. The bad news? Your Banner editor doesn't always check her edits with her pastor husband! What you probably know - and Tim definitely knows - is that the church year begins with Advent. Sorry for the goof in last month's article. ~ The Editor

Page 4 The Bethel Banner

In his later years, Tom became an important icon at St. Olaf College. He was perhaps the most beloved person on the entire campus as the driver of the student bus between St. Olaf and Carleton College. In 2002 the St. Olaf student newspaper, The Messenger wrote, "Tom is much more than a bus driver – he is a friend to all who ride his Love Bus."

What do the stories about Tom’s neighborly “snow blowing”, or his driving the “Love Bus” mean to you? No, more importantly, “What do Tom’s stories say about you, as a member of Bethel?” Our identity, our sense of who we are, comes not just from what we do, but it also comes from the stories told in our midst; in our family, our work or school, and in our church.

The Bible not only teaches by telling us stories, but the parables of Jesus tell one story but mean another. Talk about challenges — we have to talk together about parables in order to discover their meaning! In such discussions we

It was back in the old days, 40 years ago, back when my family and I would wake up on very snowy mornings to the sound of a snow-blower

on our driveway. The word would pass from child to adult in our house and even to our two Shetland Sheepdogs, held up to the window to see the gift of our neighbor and Bethel member, Tom Pritchard, hard at work and completely snow-covered on our darkened driveway. Tom would travel from neighbor to neighbor on Ivanhoe Avenue, clearing our snow-covered driveways for our morning commutes – just because he was a good guy.

And before we all raised our garage doors in unison in September for the Great Ivanhoe Avenue Neighborhood Garage sale, Tom would play his trumpet with the gusto of a charge to battle. Tom was an executive for a Twin Cities corporation, but we on Ivanhoe knew him mostly because of his generosity and good spirits and for the four strapping, athletic boys raised by Tom and his wonderful wife, Jan.

mix our own experiences and values together with the stories of Jesus as we discover new meaning. Furthermore, since the stories and parables from the Bible, as told by our pastors, are drawn from many chapters over time, our discussions about meaning become a holistic mix of many stories from our lives and from the Bible in a way that help affirm our identity as Christians.

Think of the stories told about Bethel member Tom Pritchard above as parables; discuss them with others to discover their meaning! You will necessarily but probably non-consciously include your own life experiences and values in the ensuing holistic conversation. Weigh what your conversation means to your sense of who you are as a member of Bethel.

Try it at supper tonight. Choose stories about a member of Bethel that you know well or choose stories of someone in your family, grandparents perhaps. Assume those stories are parables; discuss them; find meanings; discover again who you are as a member of Bethel or of your family.

a Crown of Splendor

Story, Parables, and Identity By Bruce Roberts

as often as you can! Contact Pastor Henry Muellerat 663-0143 for more details.

The next Senior Coffee hour is set for Monday, January 7, at 10 a.m. in the CLC. Bring your leftover holiday treats to share and enjoy an hour of fellowship. For more details, contact Mary Nystuen at 645-4011.

Join a bowling group for Bethelites ages 50+ at the Jesse James Lanes, on Tuesdays at 2 p.m., with a special rate of $3 per line plus free shoes and balls. This is not a high-stress league, but a chance to have fun with friends. Come as you are and

Seniors ~ Seniors Seniors ~ Seniors Seniors ~ Seniors Seniors ~ Seniors

Of Interest to Our Seniors

The Cancer Mutual-Help Gathering for Bethel Women meets the second Monday of each month (January 14), from 1–2 p.m. in the Bethel Chapel.

On Tuesday, January 15, Bethel Women Having Fun will return to the Minneapolis Institute of Art, this time for a docent-led tour. Lunch will be at Big Bowl in the Galleria. There is no cost for the tour; lunch will be $10-

Poof! Help Make Hunger Disappear ~ Looking for a fun activity for the kids over Christmas

break? Come to Bethel's Youth Room on Friday, December 28, at noon for a Sleight of Hand/Magic Tricks show with Bethel's own Tim Freeland. All proceeds from a free-will donation will be donated to Feed My Starving Children and the Northfield Food Shelf. Bring your friends and family!

Bethel News

January 2013 Page 5

If you have ideas for the Mission and Justice Committee or if you would like to join the committee, call the church office at 786-6674.

Mark your calendars for the 5th annual Northfield Peace and Justice Gathering sponsored by the Mission & Justice Committee, which will be held at Bethel on Sunday, February 24, from 1:30-4 p.m. The Gathering will include activities for the whole family. More details will follow. You will not want to miss this!

Happy reading. We'll see you on January 16!

DVDs of those presentations at the receptionist desk in the east entry area.

The library has an excellent collection of practical books on Faith and Consumption/Consumerism. During these winter months you may want to study this issue more thoroughly with these great resources.

During this year, Minnesota has commemorated the Dakota-U.S. War of 1862 to mark the 150th anniversary of that war. Be sure to see the exhibit at the Minnesota History Center in St. Paul. The exhibit runs through June 2013.

Our study of Faith and Consumption continues with two sessions on Wednesday, January 16, and Wednesday, January 23. Even if you haven't come to Wednesday sessions in the past, you will want to join us in room 62 to discuss practical changes we can make as individuals and as a congregation that will enhance our stewardship of resources and time. Put these dates on your calendar now, and help us make a positive difference in our lives.

We received enthusiastic feedback on the three speakers who spoke about Consumerism/Consumption last fall. If you missed any of these forums, you can check out

From the Mission and Justice Committee Vision Statement: Since we believe that service is both an obligation and a privilege of the Christian life, we seek to provide opportunities for Bethel members to learn about the needs of others in our world and

to put their knowledge into action, heeding Christ's call to "Love your neighbor as yourself."

YUM! Sign Up for ACTS Do you like to eat dinner? Want to get to know other Bethel members better? ACTS is for you! Adult Christians Together Socially gives Bethel members the chance to become acquainted over a friendly, casual meal. ACTS consists of a group of six people, couples and/or singles, meeting together in one another’s homes on three separate occasions over the course of two or three months for a potluck brunch, lunch, or dinner. It's easy and fun.

Join an ACTS group today – all adult Bethel members are welcome! Look for a sign-up sheet at the information table. Questions? Call Mary Nystuen at 645-4011.

Please welcome our newest Bethel members:

Jack and Erica Aronson, and Boe (2 months).

We're glad you're here!

15. The group departs the Bethel parking lot at 10 a.m. Sign up at the information table in the narthex, or contact Sharon Bornhoft for more information. Get ready to have some fun on the February trip - "Bye Bye Birdie" at the Chanhassen on Wednesday, February 20! (Watch for the sign-up sheet coming soon.)

What does it mean to live the Sacred In-Between? Find out about the adult winter retreat on page 15!

sponsors (if available) as we remember the promises made at the time of their baptism. Families of these children should receive a mailing in late December regarding this information. If you do not, please contact the church office.

Third Grade Prayer Class ~ Third grade families mark your calendars now! Beginning on Sunday, February 17, and running through Sunday, March 10, all third graders and their parents will be gathering for a special Sunday School class on prayer, led by Pam Vig, Director of Children’s Ministries. Watch your mail at the end of this month for details.

There is no BAM on Wednesday, January 2. BAM will resume on Wednesday, January 9.

There is no Sunday School on December 30. Sunday School will resume on Sunday, January 6.

Baptismal Remembrance Sunday ~ On Sunday, January 13, we will be observing the baptism of Jesus by remembering the baptism of our youngest members. At both services our children who have been baptized but are not yet of Sunday School age will be gathered around the altar with parents and baptismal

light of hope, compassion, love, and peace? Is it the light of Christ? Is it a light that glorifies our Father in heaven?

During the month of January find time each day to light a candle and share with the others in your home the ways in which each of you are striving to shine the light of love into the world around you.

“The light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it.” John 1:5

We begin the new year in the season of Epiphany, the season of light. Jesus said, “you are the light of the world…Let your light so shine before others that they may see your good works and glorify your father in heaven.” We hear these words every time there is a baptism and yet they are easy to forget in the busyness of our day to day lives.

On Sunday, January 13, we will be celebrating our annual Baptismal Remembrance Sunday, when we lift up and encourage the youngest members of our congregation who have been baptized in the last three years and their families.

As we begin this new year and as we remember our baptisms, let each of us be intentional about the light we are shining into the lives of others. Is it a

Pam Vig, Director of Children’s Ministries


Children’s Ministry Update

Church and Home Ministry ~ Partners in Faith By Pam Vig, Director of Children’s Ministries

TOLBY is coming! TOLBY, ("turn off lights behind you") is an energy-saving firefly mascot who accompanies Emma Shriver, the new director of the MN Energy Challenge, on visits to youth organizations, helping them learn how to save energy. TOLBY and Emma will be at Bethel on Wednesdays, January 9 and January 16, during BAM. For more details, see the Creation Care article on page 15.

Children ~ Families ~ Children ~ Families

Page 6 The Bethel Banner

evening volunteers for January while our St. Olaf girls are off on J-term adventures. If you have an hour or two to spend with Bethel's littlest lambs, please contact Juley Jenkinson.

A big thank you to the families who took part in our first Parents’ Morning Out! Your continual support

Living Faith By Pam Santerre

Pam Santerre, Pastoral Minister


I heard recently, that there are 365 instances in the Bible with the phrases, ‘do not be afraid’, ‘do not fear’ or ‘fear not’. Just for fun, I

checked this out in an online Bible search website and sure enough, came up with 365 instances where God spoke these words through Jesus, angels, prophets, and people like you and me. That’s one for each day of the year! Fear is a very human emotion. It’s a useful response when facing immediate danger, but not very helpful in confronting daily anxieties or problems, real or perceived. Yet fear is a persistent and pervasive energy in our lives. Perhaps that is why God chose to

Juley Jenkinson, Nursery Coordinator


deliver this message so often.

In this New Year, consider adding a resolution goal of remembering God’s encouragement to ‘be not afraid,’ when you notice fearful thoughts and emotions welling up within you. May God's peace be evident in your life this year.

Now through January 4, Northfield Hospital & Clinics is accepting donations to support the Phillips Lifeline service provided by Northfield Home Care. With the press of a button, elderly and disabled clients are in instant contact with emergency

LifeLine Fundraiser services.

Tax-deductible donations can be dropped off at Northfield Home Care, 700 Division St. or sent to Northfield Hospital & Clinics, 2000 North Avenue. If you have questions, contact Kristin at 507-646-1463.

Greta Marohl is our January Artist of the Month! Take a moment to stop by and

check out this "Little Picasso's" works of art!

The nursery is in need of some Wednesday afternoon and

Nursery News of Bethel's nursery is extremely appreciated.

Happy New Year!

January 2013 Page 7

Children ~ Families ~ Children ~ Families

Marriage Encounter Weekend Give a gift from your heart when you and your husband/wife attend the next Lutheran Marriage Encounter Weekend, February 15 - 17 in Brooklyn Center, Minnesota! The communication in your relationship will improve by leaps and bounds on this special weekend.

For more information or to apply, visit, or contact Peter & Phyllis McMahon at or 763-561-1575. Weekends fill fast and applications are due soon.

The Cancer Mutual-Help Gathering for Bethel Women meets the second Monday of each month, from 1–2 p.m. in the Bethel Chapel. New members are

churches. We’ll leave at 2:30 p.m. and ski into the evening, returning at 11 p.m. Parents are welcome to come along on this trip as well; we will need some chaperones. Consent forms and ski rental forms were included with the informational letter; those forms and your registration are due to Barb Farmer on Sunday, January 20, if you are interested in the trip. Join us for some winter fun!

Hi League will meet at 7 p.m. on Wednesdays, January 16 & 30, this month.

The second of three Senior Stepping Stones Retreats will be held from noon to 3 p.m. on Sunday, January 27. High

grade youth are welcome – join us for a cozy, fun night with your Bethel friends!

Sunday School classes resume at 9:45 a.m. on Sunday, January 6, 2013.

The second of three 6th Grade Lord’s Prayer retreats will take place in the Bethel Youth Center on Sunday, January 13, from noon to 3:30 p.m. All 6th grade youth are invited. Please sign up at the information station in the Bethel Youth Center or call or email Barb. Parents, if you’re available to help with this event, please contact Barb Farmer.

MS/HS Ski Trip ~ Information about this year’s winter ski trip for middle and high school youth has been sent to all Bethel families. This year’s trip is a day ski trip to Welch Village on Saturday, January 26 (no school Monday!), that will be open to all youth from Bethel and other Northfield

Annual High School Progressive Dinner has been moved to Sunday, January 6, starting at

5 p.m. We’ll move from house to house for food, fun, faith talk – and a little post-holiday cheer. Please put this new date on your calendar and RSVP by Wednesday, January 2. This will be a great time to catch up with your Bethel friends after the holidays! **Parents, if you are able to help by opening your home (preferably in town) to our youth or help prepare and serve food at one of the homes, please contact me.

The Youth Fundraising Team will meet in the Fireside Room at 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday, January 8.

Confirmation classes will resume Wednesday, January 9, at 7 p.m. for all 7th through 9th grade youth and small group leaders.

6th Grade Connections will meet at 7 p.m. in the Bethel Youth Center on Wednesdays, January 9 and 23, this month. A parent planning team meeting will take place both evenings in room #61A at 6:30 p.m.

Middle School Youth – it's back, the Middlers Movie Mob! We have a great space for movies in the Bethel Youth Center, and last year we worked on banishing the post-holiday blues by meeting once a month for a movie. Instead of a singing flash mob, we met for a Movie Mob, and we’re going to do it again this winter. Our first movie night will be held Friday, January 4, from 7–9 p.m. We’ll watch a movie, have snacks, and even play a few games, if time allows. All 6th – 8th

Page 8 The Bethel Banner

Youth ~ Youth ~ Youth ~ Youth ~ Youth ~ Youth

Barb Farmer, Director of Youth Ministries


From the Scrip Table... Many thanks to all who purchased Scrip cards during the Annual Fall Sale!! Several of you purchased Scrip for the very first time while others of you are faithful purchasers and loyal supporters of the program, so again —Thank you! It is each of you who makes this program possible while giving our youth trip accounts a major boost!

While the Fall Sale is past, Scrip can be purchased anytime to support the youth/family of your choice, as well as starting a mission trip account for yourself; anyone working at the Scrip table can give you more details.

As always, birthdays, anniversaries, and just plain everyday living — gas and groceries — are great ways to grow your Scrip account. There are many cards in stock to take with you on Sundays; please plan two weeks ahead for cards that need to be ordered.

Happy New Year!!

YouthQuake, continued on Page 9.

Youth Ministry News

January 2013 Page 9

Life Center! We will be participating in making sandwiches and learning about this new service project which focuses on hunger issues near our community. We will also start talking about the March Food Drive and getting ideas to move forward with that fun and important campaign which benefits many families in Northfield. Be sure to join us...we need lots of energized hands!! Lunch will be served.

Every Sunday: We need youth to deliver Meals on Wheels, for

Calling all middle and high school youth! Get ready to say "Y.E.S." to fun service projects throughout the school year. The Y.E.S. Team wants your involvement in several opportunities to help others in our community and beyond. Here's what the team has planned for January...

January 27: Plan to stay after the second service on Sunday (11:45-1:15) and join in the Sandwich Project coming to the Christian

Just Say Y.E.S. … (That's Youth Energized to Serve)

the BLUE Route, each Sunday after the second service. Help take part in this easy, fun and important service. Grab a friend or go with your family. It takes about 30 minutes and the people you deliver to live in retirement homes very close to Bethel. Get signed up in the Youth Room or this web link at

Youth ~ Youth ~ Youth ~ Youth ~ Youth ~ Youth

Find Your Place in the Story By Barb Farmer, Director of Youth Ministries

ourselves in the story and each shared which character we thought we might be: A shepherd at the beginning of the story, fearful of what was happening? An angel, announcing with joy the good news and praising God? A shepherd, excited to spread the good news? Or Mary, treasuring and pondering the miracle in her heart? This look at any part of the Bible can help us better understand who we are in God’s kingdom.

Finally, we asked ourselves what this might mean for us now. How will we

We know that the Bible is a compilation of writings from many authors, a collection of many individual stories that, in fact, tells us one BIG story – that of God’s vast and endless love for us. And we often hear that the tale isn’t complete; it’s ongoing. We are charged to bring that news of love and forgiveness to others and continue the story.

Probably because I love stories and metaphors, I love this way of thinking about the Bible. Consequently, I also love trying to personalize the stories of the Bible to my life. And I encourage that practice at times with our Bethel youth.

In Hi League, we recently read the story of Jesus’ birth from Luke. After the reading, we discussed the part each of the characters played in that story and how they reacted to the amazing happenings. Next we tried to place

use this information about ourselves to help share God’s story with others?

I pass this along after Christmas is past because I think it’s a good way to start the new year. Why don’t you give it a try? Locate your favorite story in the Bible; follow the steps above to identify yourself in the story. Then think about how you might look at this coming year through the lens of that narrative. This exercise might give us all new eyes to see God’s work in the world and our place in it.

school seniors and parents, please join us for this time of conversation and preparation for graduation. We’ll look back at the beginning of this important year and ahead at what you’ll want to be sure to include in the rest of your year. Lunch will be provided. Parents who are able to stay after the retreat

YouthQuake, continued from page 8.

will meet to start planning the assembly of the senior quilts. Remember that your quilt squares are to be turned in on January 15. If you have not been able to complete them, please turn them in as they are and you will be able to finish them after your squares have been stitched together.














1 2 1:30 p.m. Stewardship

Committee meeting

7:15 p.m. Adult Choir


3 8:30 a.m. Men of


5 p.m. Personnel

Committee meeting

7 p.m. Boy Scoot

Troop Meeting

4 7 p.m. Middler's Movie



6 See schedule below

5 p.m. Hi League

Progressive Dinner

7 10 a.m. Senior Coffee


3:30 p.m. Northfield

Youth Choir

7 p.m. WELCA Bible


8 2 p.m. Bethel Staff


5:30 p.m. Youth

Fundraising Team

6:30 p.m. Liberty Park

Townhome Assn.

7 p.m. Finance

Committee meeting

7 p.m. Lydia Circle

7 p.m. Scout Den

Parent meeting

9 See schedule below

7 p.m. 6th Grade



8 a.m. Bethel Women's


8:30 a.m. Men of


6:45 p.m. Befriender


7 p.m. Boy Scoot

Troop Meeting

7 p.m. Church Council




10 a.m. Johnathan

Hills Townhome

Assn. mee



Remembrance Sunday

See schedule below

12 p.m. Lord's Prayer



1 p.m. Cancer Mutual-

Help Group

3:30 p.m. Northfield

Youth Choir


10 a.m. Bethel Women

Having Fun

2 p.m. Bethel Staff


5 p.m. North Rice

County Thrivent Board



See schedule below

4:30 p.m. Mission &

Justice Study on


7 p.m. Hi League


8 a.m. Bethel Women's


8:30 a.m. Men of


6 p.m. Collegeview

Estates Annual


6:45 p.m. Befriender


7 p.m. Boy Scoot

Troop Meeting



2:30 p.m. Youth Ski


Calendar — January 2013

Page 10 The Bethel Banner


See schedule below


9:30 a.m. Martha Circle

3:30 p.m. Northfield

Youth Choir


9 a.m. Bethel Quilters

2 p.m. Bethel Staff


See schedule below

4:30 p.m. Mission &

Justice Study on


7 p.m. 6th Grade



8 a.m. Bethel

Women's Study

8:30 a.m. Men of


6:45 p.m. Befriender


7 p.m. Befriender


7 p.m. Boy Scoot

Troop Meeting



2:30 p.m. youth Ski



See schedule below

9:40 a.m. Annual

Meeting of the


12 p.m. High School

Seniors Stepping

Stones Retreat


3:30 p.m. Northfield

Youth Choir

7 p.m. Lois Circle


2 p.m. Bethel Staff



See schedule below

7 p.m. Hi League


8 a.m. Bethel

Women's Study

8:30 a.m. Men of


6:45 p.m. Befriender


7 p.m. Boy Scoot

Troop Meeting

March 17 ~ Blood Drive at Bethel

January 2013 Page 11

Look for m



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Mark Your Calendars

Weekly Wednesday Schedule

(exceptions and additions noted above)

3:30 p.m. BAM

5:30 p.m. Bistro

6:30 p.m.


7 p.m.

Bell Choir Rehearsal

7 p.m.

Adult Choir Rehearsal

7 p.m.


Weekly Sunday Schedule

(exceptions and additions noted above)

8:30 a.m. Worship with Holy Communion

9:45 a.m. Sunday School and coffee fellowship

10:45 a.m. Worship with Holy Communion

Page 12 The Bethel Banner

Highlights of the November Church Council Meeting... The Trustee reported that we have been having thermostat problems in several rooms and that is being worked on. They are getting ready for winter by cleaning up leaves, the contract for snow removal has been signed, the light timers have been reset, and the new trees have been watered. In review of our insurance policy, we have limited business interruption insurance and that amount will be increased from $10,000 per incident to $100,000 per incident.

Personnel Committee is working on some new forms as well as new filing systems. They are also finalizing the personnel budget for 2013.

The Financial Officer reported that year-to-date expenses exceed income by $36,620 but subtracting the Debt Reserve of $70,000 gives a positive cash flow of income over expenses of $33,380. The Building Fund received a pledge payment of $50,000 and that was sent for prepayment on the loan as well as another $30,000 from the Building Fund. The committee also discussed a fact sheet for the focus groups that will be meeting regarding our capital campaigns and building needs. The 2013 budget was discussed as well.

The Stewardship Committee is prepared for the fall campaign. They will have three temple talks and two stewardship brunches in November and the covenant book signing in December. They have also chosen where the funds from the Thanksgiving and Christmas offerings will be used.

At-Large for Mission & Justice had a summary of the CROP Walk. They also spent time reflecting on the past two speakers on Consumerism. They are planning for this year’s Alternative Giving Fair.

At-Large for the Kitchen Committee reported that spring Bistros will be lead by Sandy Ahrens.

At –Large for the Constitution reported that documents have been mailed to each member’s home and a meeting to ratify the proposed changes will take place on December 2.

Our worship services will once again be available on our website.

Church Council approved the 2013 budget as proposed by the Finance Committee.

January 2013 Page 13 Year-to-date


Financial News and Notes

Darla Dahl, Church Accountant


Capital Campaign

SE MN Synod


Cannon River Conf.-ELCA


Community Action Center


Lutheran Social Services


Nfld. Retirement Center


Seminary Student Aid


CAC Thursday's Table


Nfld. Ministerial Assoc.


Global Mission/Justice


Benevolence Contingency


ELCA World Hunger


Sunday School- ISLA


Sun. Sch.- 8th Gr. Mission Trip


Total Sunday School


CAC Food Shelf


Soup Suppers


Total CAC Food Shelf


Easter Offering 2012

Habitat- 50%


Torch- 25%


House of Hope- 25%



Thanksgiving Offering 2012

Malaria Campaign





Good Samaritan Funds used


Youth Scholarship funds used



as of November 30, 2012

Capital Campaign 07/01/10 - 06/30/13

Results as of 11/30/2012

Pledges 1,746,659

Pledges Received (1,381,858)

Pledges to be Received 364,801

Non-Pledges Received 103,072

1/15/2009 Building Debt 3,500,000

Scheduled Principal payments (311,385)

Additional Principal payments (1,564,361)

10/31/2012 Building Debt 1,624,254

Building Debt

Making Giving Simple The Bethel Finance Committee is looking into on-line giving and QR codes for giving with your smart phone. But Bethel already has an easy way to give: sign up for Simply Giving, an automated giving program offered by Thrivent, which allows you to make donations to Bethel on a scheduled, automatic basis from your bank account. It's a win-win: it is convenient for you, and it provides much-needed donation consistency for Bethel. Simply Giving can be used for your regular faith-based giving (your Sunday offering) and/or your building fund pledge to the capital campaign securely and confidentially. Best of all, the amount and schedule (monthly, quarterly, annually) can be changed at any time, quickly and easily, if your circumstances change.

How to get started ~ To set up electronic donations, simply complete the authorization form which can be found on Bethel’s website ( or on the information table in the narthex. Donations can be debited automatically from either a checking or savings account. Return the completed form to the church office, attention Darla

Dahl. Still have questions? Contact Darla - she's our resident expert!

Adult Ed, continued on Page 15.

The Bethel Banner Page 14

Event – Watch for more information in future issues of the Banner.

February 17 - March 24 – Lenten Forum Series - Watch for more details in the February Banner.

April 7 – Estate Strategy Essentials - Learn the three essential elements of estate planning. A Thrivent educational workshop offered by

Andrew Gray, Bethel member and Thrivent Representative.

April 14 - May 12 – Bethel Member Testimonies

On Sunday On Sunday On Sunday AfternoonsAfternoonsAfternoons

Membership Matters - February 17, and April 14, 12 to 1:30 p.m. in the Christian Life Center. Visitors have two more opportunities this year to attend Bethel’s Membership

Matters class. If you are looking for a church home, you are invited to join the Bethel staff on one of these dates for a casual pizza lunch and conversation about Bethel’s mission and ministries and our hopes and dreams for the future. While not required, Membership Matters may help you decide if Bethel is the right congregation for you! Nursery care will be provided. Contact the church office if you would like to attend.

Adult Ed Opportunities Adult Ed Opportunities Adult Ed Opportunities during the Weekduring the Weekduring the Week

Monday Evenings

WELCA Bible Study ~ Audrey West’s study, "Gathered by God", is a word study on ‘gather’, covering topics such as: gather to learn, gather for fellowship, gather for support, gather to be empowered, gather to be sent. This study is open to anyone, including circle study leaders, and will meet most months on the first Monday of each month, 7-8 p.m. in the Fireside Room. Please contact Barb Holm at

The heart of Bethel’s mission is to build and equip disciples for Christ and His Kingdom. Through adult educational opportunities, we trust that God is actively nurturing faith, growing knowledge, and empowering our community to live as disciples of Jesus Christ. Please consider participating in the following adult education opportunities:

For all Adults on For all Adults on For all Adults on Sunday MorningsSunday MorningsSunday Mornings, from 9:45–10:30 a.m.

Mathetes – Join Pastor Tim in the Fireside Room beginning in January.

Adult Faith Forums – in the sanctuary

January 6-20, 2013 – The Lord of the Rings, Tolkien, and Christianity in Culture – Led by Greg Walter, Bethel member and Associate Professor of Religion at St. Olaf College. Who wouldn't like hobbits? They are capable of surprising those who know them well. The Lord of the Rings has not only great merit as a creative work but also deep theological significance since Tolkien explored many important questions of friendship, forgiveness, evil, and the strange. We'll take time to think about some characters, the plot, and some of Tolkien's reflections on the world of Middle-Earth itself. Most of all, we'll see the vital importance that imagination plays in the life of faith. Who knows what life with hobbits will bring?

February 3 – Parents, Kids, and Money Matters – How to speak to your 6 – 10 year olds about money. A Thrivent educational workshop offered by Andrew Gray, Bethel member and Thrivent Representative.

February 10 – Intergenerational Lenten

Bethel Adult Education Offerings 507-301-8184 if you plan to attend and need the study materials.

Wednesday Afternoons, 4:30 – 5:30 p.m. in Bethel Classroom 62

January 16 and 23, 2013 - Mission and Justice Book Study on Consumerism

February 6, 2013 - ELCA Social Statement on Criminal Justice - Greg Walter presents an overview of this significant work by the ELCA.

February 13, 2013 - ELCA Social Message on Mental Illness - Pastor Curt Johnson introduces this important study on a sensitive topic that affects many families at Bethel and in the larger community.

February 20 - March 27, 2013 - A Lenten Journey Through Prayer - Learn and experience new ways of entering into prayer.

Thursday Mornings

Bethel Women’s Study, 8-9 a.m., Fireside Room - Women of Bethel meet each Thursday for good coffee and rich conversation. We do not meet on January 3, but will resume our discussion of The Faith Club: A Muslim, a Christian, a Jew—Three Women Search for Understanding on January 10. On Thursday, January 31, we will begin the new book by Anne Lamott, Help, Thanks, Wow: The Three Essential Prayers. New attendees are always welcome to join us at any time and can pick up a copy of the book at Monkey See, Monkey Read in downtown Northfield. For information, contact Pam Santerre at 507-786-8951.

Men of Bethel (MOB), 8:30 – 9:30 a.m., Bethel Classroom 61B - MOB will continue studying A Spirituality of Service by Jerry Aaker. The book is described as "reflections on a life-long journey of faith and work among the world’s poor." Discussion is led by

Minute for Mission A Global Celebration of Christ's Birth: The choir of angels told the shepherds outside of Bethlehem that Jesus was born and proclaimed, "Glory to God in the heavenly heights, Peace to all men and women on earth who please him" (Luke 2:14, The Message). God continues to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ through believers around the world, telling about Jesus' birth as they provide for education, encouragement, and healthcare. Will you help spread the good news of Christmas?

Did you know that you can email your sponsored child? You can even attach a photo. Go to to learn how.

January 2013 Page 15

Duane Everson and others. All men are welcome.

Luncheons, Retreats Luncheons, Retreats Luncheons, Retreats

Winter Retreat ~ Living the Sacred In-Between - See details (right). Brochures and registration forms are on the information table in the narthex.

Are you interested in leading an adult education event or class? Curricula, ideas and help are available. Contact Pam Santerre at 786-8951 or

Adult Education, continued from page 18.

habits that save money and provide better care for the Earth.

Creation Care Tip: Make a New Year’s resolution to go paperless at Bethel. You can read the Banner on our web page at Call the church office now at 786-6674 to make the switch from paper. You’ll eliminate the postage carbon footprint and reduce paper use. Then sign up for Simply Giving, our automated giving program which eliminates paper offering envelopes. To get started, contact Darla at 786-6687 or

TOLBY is coming! TOLBY ("turn off lights behind you") is an energy-saving firefly mascot who

accompanies Emma Shriver, the new director of the MN Energy Challenge, on visits to youth organizations, helping them learn how to save energy. TOLBY and Emma will be at Bethel for two consecutive Wednesdays, January 9 and January 16, during BAM, and will work with six different groups for a half hour each. They will also be present for Bistro afterwards. Each child will be given energy-saving materials.

The Creation Care Team will provide follow-up in the weeks after the visit, to help insure each of us, no matter what age we are, form energy-saving

Creation Care

There's a world of wonder, of beauty, of goodness and meaning right before our eyes. Are we looking? So often we can get stuck in the regret or nostalgia of the past, or in the anxiety for the future, when God all the while yearns to be known in the here and now! How do we live the "in-between" ordinary such that we live fully? The Bethel winter retreat explores the possibilities.

Reserve a day for you to attend the annual winter retreat with Bethel friends! Join us on Saturday, February 23, 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m., at the Mt. Olivet Retreat Center. The cost is $35, which includes lunch, morning and afternoon snacks.

The retreat will be led by Jim Smith, who has been giving adult retreats for over 20 years and is dedicated to

Winter Retreat for Bethel Adults

Living the Sacred-in-Between

helping others discover the depth and breadth of God's presence in real life. He has worn the hat of pastoral leader, director of a non-profit service agency, spiritual director, and retreat leader. He holds a Masters of Divinity and an MA in Applied Spirituality from the University of St. Thomas and the University of San Francisco. He currently lives in Minneapolis.

Brochures and registration forms are on the information table in the narthex. For more information, contact Pam Santerre, Pastoral Minister, at 786-8951 or Please register by February 17.

The Bethel Banner Page 16

January Worship Servants

January 6 January 13 January 20 January 27

Assisting Minister (8:30 a.m.)

Carol Lysne Mike Ahrens Lu Lindstrom Noel Stratmoen

Assisting Minister (10:45 a.m.)

Libby Glimsdal Christina Schweitz Hannah Mahr Knight Stanley

Reader (8:30 a.m.) Mac Gimse Alyce Kivell Bethel Youth Kathy Tezla

Reader (10:45 a.m.) Jim Holden Elizabeth Leer Bethel Youth Kristi Huettl

Acolytes (8:30 a.m.) Sara Holman, Emma Johnson

Haakon Rustad, Noah Arndt

Marta Sorenson, Solvei Christopherson

Ryan Will, Sara Holman

Acolytes (10:45 a.m.) Kyah Olson-Sola, Madison Smith

Annika Richardson, Madeline McDermott

Rylie Freeland, Cecelia Kivell

Luke Labenski, Bronwyn McDermott

Sacramental Ministers (8:30 a.m.)

Mike & Sandy Ahrens, Wendell Arneson & Beth Christensen, Kitty Runzheimer

Carol Cole, Jill Eastman, Connie DeGrote, Sandy Ahrens, Rose Turnacliff

Bethel Youth Abbie Meierbachtol, Dot Swanson, Marcia Omdahl, Sandy Reiman, Barb Holm

Sacramental Ministers (10:45 a.m.)

Jean & Henry Mueller, Dan Foley, Cindy Kreis, Carol Lysne

Barb Neitzel, Carol Lysne, Pam Vig, Sandy Germundson, Karin Smedsrud

Bethel Youth Roger & Vikki VanVeldhuizen, Pam Vig, Karin Smedsrud, Sandy Peterson

Ushers (8:30 a.m.) Ellis Lysne, Bob Vanderhoof, Dick Johnson, Dale Turnacliff

David and Char Jacobsen, Marilyn & Gordon Kelley

Bethel Youth Steve Meierbachtol, Jim Moberg, Roger Glasgow, Mac Gimse

Ushers (10:45 a.m.) Steve & Carol O'Neill, Barb & Tadd Henwood

Carol & Gerry Gengenbach, Rollie & Nancy Ensrud

Bethel Youth Dean Dahl, Chad & Juley Jenkinson, need one more

Greeters (8:30 a.m.) Rosann & Tom Brawley Elaine Deim, Charlie Radman

Carol Cole, Ken Larson

Thora & Bob Phelps

Greeters (10:45 a.m.) Wanda & Tim Larsen Alyssa & Russ Bauer Tammy & Charlie Hayes Nancy & Michael Sparby

Nametags (8:30 a.m.) Connie & Gary DeGrote Sandy Reiman, Jennie Moberg

Gerry & Merry Hoekstra Donna & Kevin Halverson

Nametags (10:45 a.m.) Tammy & Charlie Hayes Bob & Thora Phelps, Caroline Holden

Jeff & Cindy Kreis Cheryl & Bruce Dueffert

Coffee Servers Kathy & Mike Glampe, Gerry & Merry Hoekstra, Rosann & Tom Brawley, Elaine Deim, Bob & Thora Phelps

Donna & Kevin Halverson, Cheryl & Bruce Dueffert, Tammy & Charlie Hayes, Nancy & Michael Sparby, Wanda & Tim Larsen

Connie & Gary DeGrote, Alyssa & Russ Bauer, Jean & Henry Mueller, Ken & Phyllis Larson, Ed Durand

Jeff & Cindy Kreis, Sandy Reiman, Jennie Moberg, Carol Cole, Leah & Charlie Radman

The Bethel Banner The Bethel Banner

As the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) prepares to celebrate its 25th anniversary in 2013 under the theme "Always being made new," ELCA Presiding Bishop Mark S. Hanson said the theme reflects how the 4.2 million-member church is a church deeply rooted in Scripture. "If we lose our deep rootedness in Scripture, in the Lutheran Confessions, in the Church, and in Christ, we will lose confidence in the Holy Spirit. We will lose faith," he said.

In his visits to ELCA congregations this fall, the presiding bishop said he

January 2013 Page 17

A Measure of Our Commitment

December Worship Attendance average per Sunday

2009 2010 2011 2012

605 541 556 *668

Average Year-to-date Worship Attendance

2009 2010 2011 2012

494 480 495 *520

*Does not include December 23 & 30, 2012.

The Bethel Banner is published monthly as a ministry of Bethel Lutheran Church of Northfield, Minnesota. The congregation is invited to submit articles to the church office. Articles are due by the 15th of each month. Questions, suggestions, or comments? Contact editor Lisa McDermott at, by phone at 645-0740, or call the church office at 786-6674.

January 2013 January 2013

January 6 January 13 January 20 January 27

Altar Care Lu Lindstrom Alyce Kivell Vic & Dot Swanson Carol Lysne

Communion Angels

Alice Dale, Arlene Neil Sharon Stoeck, Kay Gredvig Carol Cole Elaine Deim, Dick and Orpah Johnson

A/V Room (8:30 a.m.) Jordan Ett Jack Beaumaster

Seth Hanson Liam Fisher

Jordan Ett Dan Langehough

Seth Hanson Ruth Nelson

A/V Room (10:45 a.m.)

Andrew Kivell Rose Mibus

Nathan Dahlen Ben Coleman

David Kreis Joseph Kreis

Andrew Kivell Anders Peterson

Service Group Chairperson: Caroline Holden, 645-5313

has met many members who continue to "witness their faith in Jesus Christ." As the ELCA embarks on its anniversary, Hanson said he will continue giving recognition and appreciation to the countless numbers of ELCA members who continue to "share the love of Jesus" with others and "who care about the future of this church."

ELCA congregations are committed to being in a process of "renewal and that begins with worship," and to planting new congregations "in all kinds of new ways and new contexts," said Hanson,

adding that the ELCA has 343 ministries now under development, with 30 percent of them among new immigrants, those who live in poverty, those who are homeless, and others in rural areas and suburbs.

~ abridged from the ELCA News Service

Always Being Made New ~ The ELCA Turns 25

Bethel Women Having Fun

Bethel Women Having Fun is a travelling fellowship group to which all Bethel women are invited! You can join the fun

one month out of the year, or all of them! Most events take place on the third Tuesday of each month, leaving the Bethel parking lot in the morning and returning in the afternoon. For more information, contact Lu Lindstrom or Judy Code.

Here's what the group has planned for this year:

January - Minneapolis Institute of Art docent tour (January 15)

February - Chanhassen Dinner Theater for Bye Bye Birdie (February 20)

March - Backstage Tour of the Guthrie Theater, Minneapolis

April - Old Log Theater in Excelsior

May - Fun at the Bethel Garage Sale!

June - Do you have a suggestion?

July -Showboat Theater in St. Paul

August - Potluck at Lu Lindstrom's house

The Bethel Banner Page 18

After three years of writing the Creation Care Tip for each monthly Banner, Mary Loven is "retiring" and passing the baton to Kari Kust. Many thanks, Mary, for all the ways that you help and encourage us to care for God's beautiful and precious creation!

Thank you to all of the many Bethel members who delivered Meals on Wheels during Bethel’s three-week commitment to this very worthwhile program. Whether you were new to the program or one of our “regulars,” the people getting these meals really appreciate your taking the time to volunteer in this way. [Editor's Note: Many thanks also to Chris Valek who coordinated the Meals on Wheels volunteers again this year!]

Thank you, many times over, to Bethel friends and staff who have supported us since the cancer diagnosis, now three years ago. We truly believe that the progress Ellis has experienced is from God’s hands. You have all managed to get God’s attention on our behalf, and we are grateful. Ellis’ recent checkup showed a decline in the metastatic sites, and no new evident sites. So for the time being, Ellis’ treatment has been cut back to an every-three-week schedule and a less onerous drug therapy.

We need your prayers. But we also recognize that others do as well. So while we ask for your continued “attention,” we will be asking that Ellis’ name be removed from the weekly list of long-term concerns in the Prayers of the Faithful. We will continue to post regular updates on the CaringBridge site,

We have learned much through this three-year journey, not the least of which is that the Bethel community is steadfast and faithful. As you consider

your personal prayer list, please know that the people whose names you include count on those prayers to hold onto hope. The passage in Romans 5 leads us from suffering through endurance and character and hope, “…and hope does not disappoint us, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts…”

Thank you. Just two small words, but heartfelt.

Carol and Ellis Lysne

"Your blood drive on December 2, 2012, helped to save and sustain lives in our community. Because blood contains three components — plasma, platelets, and red blood cells — the 30 units collected at the Bethel Lutheran Church blood drive can be used to save as many as 90 lives. Thank you for making a life-saving difference!" says Rachel Paavola, Memorial Blood Centers Coordinator. My thanks to all who supported this first effort whether they were able to donate or not. Our next MBC blood drive will be on Sunday, March 17, from 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.

Karen Mader

� Bethel often receives more thank you notes than we have space available. Some of those published are edited due to space constraints. Thank you for all you give!

We have so much to be thankful for...

Thou Shalt Like us on Facebook! Keep in touch, see the latest photos and join the conversation!

And for youth - Lutheran Youth

(Just kidding about the "shalt" though!)

From Our Mission Interpreter... By Lois Stratmoen

the storms that they are not alone. We, as the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), stand with them and will stay until the work is done. Together, we can achieve things on a scale and scope that we could never do alone.

Despite the hardship and difficulties people are still experiencing, we have witnessed incredible resiliency. As we stood in a congregation, still without power, we held candles and sang. I saw in those who sang around me the reflection of Jesus, the Light of the world, the one through whom God is making a way to us.

As we visited, they shared a recognition that the long road of recovery will depend on our continued prayers and support.

Thanks to your generosity in the weeks following this disaster, we have already responded in the Caribbean and in areas of the United States with food, water, and shelter.

Sometimes our mission as a church is simply to help others who have experienced

loss or harm in some way and lack the means to help themselves at this time. The form below is provided by the ELCA as a way we can now help the thousands of people along our East Coast who were affected by Hurricane Sandy. Bethel's Christmas offering was dedicated to this effort and it's not too late for you to give that way also; simply write a check to Bethel with "Hurricane Sandy" on the memo line. Thank you for all that you give!

A Message from the Presiding Bishop of the ELCA:

I recently traveled with church leaders to areas in New York and New Jersey that were impacted by Hurricane Sandy. I assured all those affected by

January 2013 Page 19

But your support is still needed.

Gifts to Hurricane Sandy will be used entirely – 100 percent – to provide relief to areas most impacted. Your gift now will help:

� Address basic needs of families and individuals

� Build and reconstruct homes, communities and congregations

� Coordinate volunteer efforts from people across the country

� Support case managers working directly with those who have lost everything

During this season of Advent, may your continued support be a light for all those rebuilding their lives in Hurricane Sandy's wake.

In God's grace,

The Rev. Mark S. Hanson Presiding Bishop

Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

If you prefer, you may

write a check to Bethel

and write "Hurricane

Sandy" on the memo line.

Darla Dahl, our church

accountant, will make

sure that you donation

is forwarded to the

ELCA Disaster


Bethel Lutheran Church is a body of believers redeemed by Christ who

Call and welcome all people; Act to serve our neighbors in need; Respond with God’s love to one another; and Encourage spiritual growth.

Bethel Staff Timothy McDermott, Senior Pastor ................................. 786-6674 .......... Charlie Ruud, Associate Pastor ......................................... 786-6674 .......... Barb Farmer, Director of Youth Ministries .................... 786-8877 .......... Rhonda Reece, Director of Music and Worship ............ 786-8874 .......... Sandy Peterson, Office Administrator ............................. 786-6674 .......... Pam Santerre, Pastoral Minister ........................................ 786-8951 .......... Pam Vig, Director of Children’s Ministries ..................... 786-8878 .......... Darla Dahl, Church Accountant ....................................... 786-6687 .......... Open, Secretary/Receptionist ............................................ 786-6674 .......... Catherine Engle, CYF Assistant ........................................ 786-6674 .......... Bruce Dueffert, Lead Maintenance ................................... 786-6674 .......... Ken Hu, Janitor .................................................................... 786-6674 .......... Dan Kallman, Adult Choir Director ................................. 786-6674 .......... Jill Mahr, Youth Handbell Director .................................. 786-6674 .......... Elizabeth Shepley, Children’s Choir Director ................. 786-6674 .......... Juley Jenkinson, Nursery Coordinator ............................. 786-6674 .......... Tim Freeland, A/V Room Manager ................................. 786-6674 .......... Church Library ..................................................................... 786-6674 .......... Bethel Banner submissions .................................................. ........................... Pastoral Care Emergencies ................................................. 786-6674

Bethel Lutheran Church 1321 North Avenue Northfield, MN 55057 ● ● ● Phone: 507-786-6674 Web:


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