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Best Skin Whitening Cream - Natural Skin Whitening Tips, Skin Whitening Facial Chemical Bleaching Creams vs. Natural Skin Whitening Recipes There has been a time when products made up in laboratories were considered to be the best products on the market. This was mainly because a large share of population believed that those products represent the highest standard that a product could reach. However, time has proved that products made in laboratories are not faultless and that in many case the chemical substances used for their preparation were doing more harm than actually helping people. Thus, a large share of people has turned their faces towards nature and natural ingredients in the hope of finding an alternative to chemical products. Click the link below to check it out Subscribe to our channel Best Skin Whitening Cream - Natural Skin Whitening Tips

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Main Causes of Brown Spots and Skin Darkening

Skin is our most precious belonging. It serves us as defense against all kinds of hardships and it

is the most beautiful and valuable jewel we could ever have. The skin represents our health and

our beauty at the same time.

This is why we want to keep it as good looking and healthy as possible. Unfortunately, there are

many factors which can ruin both the aspect and the health of the human skin. Dark patches and

brown spots are only two of the most common skin conditions which can affect its looks.

Many people from all over the globe, regardless of their skin color or the environment in which

they live have to face these two problems on their skin: dark patches and brown spots. In order to

know how to effectively treat them and prevent their further apparition it is necessary to

understand which were the factors that caused them.

1. The sun

Probably the most important factor that triggers brown spots and dark patches is the sun. This is

mainly because the melanin – the substance which gives that dark color of the skin – is produced

in larger quantities when the skin is excessively exposed to sun.

The areas which are more affected by the sun are the face, the shoulders and upper arms, the

back and the chest. In these areas brown spots are dark patches are more prone to appear because

they come much often in contact with the harmful rays of sun, thus stimulating the excessive

production of melanin.

2. Hormonal imbalances

Another cause which leads to brown spots is hormonal imbalance. Many women have been faced

with this problem during or immediately after pregnancy, while others have had brown spots

after treatments with different quantities of estrogen.

3. Age

Time is merciless and in addition to leaving deep traces of its passage on the skin, it can also

cause the apparition of brown spots on the skin. There are many people who have not had any

brown spots all their lives, but as time passed by and they reached old ages their skin has become

invaded by brown spots.

4. Bruises, acne or rashes

Bruises, different wounds or rashes can leave marks on the skin. Even though scars are more

often in these cases, there are also situations in which bruises or wounds do not heal completely,

but rather leave behind anesthetic brown spots or marks. Acne is also a source of brown spots,

especially when the pimples or blackheads are picked at continuously or when no appropriate

treatment is used.

These are the main causes which can leave your skin spotted with brown patches. It is highly

important to know which was the cause which led to the apparition of your dark patches or

brown spots in order to know how to treat them. Each of these causes has a personalized

treatment which you must follow in order to be successful and get rid of these skin problems for


Do you want to know more about dark spots and the factors which causes them, click here. You

will find all about skin color and the way in which you can whiten your skin in a natural and

effective way.

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