BentOnBenton 2006 archive2


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Well, y'know how after you get a certain car, then you start seeing a

lot of that kind of car driving around? It's called salience. It's when

that which is familiar to you is more likely to be noticed by you. I

mention this because I have kept an unintentional eye out (that can

be painful) for grammatical and spelling mistakes at large. The photo


Ye Olde River Bridge

Convenience Store Frog

I <3 Mason

Everybody Recreate!

Benton by don_mason41

Heer Cmoes Snata Cauls!!

Christmas Parade & Post 100 ! !


Dixie Car Club & Toy Hill 2006

► November 2006 (17)

► October 2006 (16)

► September 2006 (16)

► August 2006 (13)

► July 2006 (8)► June 2006 (6)

► May 2006 (7)

► April 2006 (14)

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below qualifies as a Bent On Benton entry, since it is near my home

in Benton. I wonder if it qualifies for Nomad's Nonsense site too.

It looks like at first they were giving away - at minimum - a free door

and shelves. It's difficult to tell whether shelves was spelled correctly,

but never you mind since they sprayed it out and settled for the term


So it then becomes "Free door & stuff," but now you might notice

that it's possible the ampersand is just a scribble. The door-

embedded sign might actually read "Free door stuff." I agree that

there is a "door," and the board(s) on the ground perhaps classifies

as the "stuff." One more thing: since the message is spelled on the

door itself, should we assume that the upright board to the left is

part of the "stuff?" Why not just use the board as the sign and leave

the door clean from extraneous paint? Phhfff! [blowing bottom lip in


To end this 98th Bent On Benton post, I'll note two things:

1. This person's/family's yard is normally meticulous minus homespunyard signs.

2. Only 2 more posts until the 100th Bent On Benton post, when one

lucky website visitor will win big!*

*Depending on how you define "big."

POSTED BY SHELLI AT 11/30/2006 02:33:00 PM 


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Library: food, stories, dragons & knitting

I didn't intend on making a blog entry out of our time at the library

tonight (as evidenced by the camera phone quality photos), but they

had a lot going on in there.

Let's start with the giving. They have a Christmas tree set up near

the front desk. It was decorated by the Saline County Quilters Guild.

I've referred to them before. Underneath the tree is the simplest of

gifts, but the very best ones some people will receive this Christmas.

Food. I encourage everyone to head out to the library and donate

some non-perishable foods.

This is something pretty cool that I'd like to try just out of curiosity.

Dial-a-story. You just dial the number, 315-3153, and you hear a

story. How great is that? Click on the picture to get a larger version

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of it so you can read the titles better. Or just call!

Here's a program that is probably made to appeal specifically to

teens. Dragon Days. There's a dragon art contest, and then for those

who read the book Eragon, they can attend the Eragon book

discussion, and score a free ticket to the movie! Sweet! Click the

picture to enlarge.

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This program, the Beginner's Knitting Classes, could be for kids oradults. Knitting can be fun this time of year, since you can make

stuff to give as presents. Maybe a stocking or a scarf. Get crazy and

knit a reindeer (I really don't know if you should attempt that without

supervision - I'm a crochet person myself).

Well that's it. Good ole Bob Herzfeld Public Library in Benton. I picked

up a book titled The History of Benton Public Schools. Maybe you're in

there. By the way, this is post #97, which means we're only 3 posts

away from 100. Refer to the contest post if you didn't already know

that there's a free Bent On Benton T-shirt in it for some lucky site


POSTED BY SHELLI AT 11/29/2006 08:59:00 PM 


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1 1 . 2 8 . 2 0 0 6

Christmas Bonus!!

This! Is!Post #96!!!

(so what?)

 We are only four posts away from the

c e n t e n n i a l p o s t !

In ce lebration of this accomplishment

(that is, me actually sticking to something

and not giv ing up halfway through),I'm holding the first ever (not annual, since

I don't know when the next one will be)

Christmas Bonus Win a

 Bent OnBenton T-Shirt Contest!!!

(insert too ting trumpets here)

 How does it work? (That was you talking, thusly the italics.)

 Well, I will first advise you to read this

 whole post and know the ins & outs of the contest.

Start here:

The 100th person to email me

 with a comment pertaining

to the 100th post

 wins a

 Bent OnBenton t-shirt!

Here's the thing.

I do n't know when the 1 00th post will be.

I don't post every day and sometimes

I post more than once a day.

I also do n't know what the post will be about,

having impact relative to the difficulty 

or easiculty o f the comment.

My information gathering is sporadic

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and my willingness to post - though high -

doesn't change the facts that

I do n't get paid to do this,

 we only have one c omputer

shared with others at home,

and posting to this site

doesn't clean the house either (but that's

not important because I don’t helpmy husband clean the house anyway ) (hey ,

my husband ty ped that while I was away).

Now before I begin to question why 

I do this at all, I'll give the full

requirements for entry into the

Christmas Bonus

 Win a

 Bent OnBenton

T-Shirt Contest!!! 

(get the trumpet player bac k here

for another fanfare, and hav e him hang around

in case we need him again)

T he detailed details...

(wha?) Be quiet and listen.

1. Send an email to Bent .

2. Use the subject line Christm as Bonus Win a Bent OnBenton T -Shirt Contest. I wo n't disqualify anyo ne

 who doesn't use that subject line, but it will be harde r to find in my 

already bloated email inbox than all the other eager entrants.

3. Give y our com ment pertaining to the 100th post on the

 Bent OnBenton site. I said pertaining to the 1 00th post! Yes,

this is a blatant desperate attempt to get people t o ex press their

opinions on the Bent OnBenton site as well as to start talking to

each other . I know I'm sinking low here, but that's one of the basic

principles of marketing, and yo u have the po tential to benefit from

it, so enjoy !

4. T ell me some other things about yourself . Not too much.

Only what you'd put in an online profile. Just the parts in red are

required. Okay? Just the ones in red are required. I said it twice,

so it sticks.

a) First Name

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 b) Last Name

c) Mailing address

d) Email where you'd like to be c ontacted as a winner

e) Y our connection with Benton, Arkansas

f) Y our website if you hav e one

g) Your line of work (your job, y our field of study , or otherwise)

h) Your hobbies

i) Your age

That's it. Tell me more if yo u want. I'm posting all the responses

after I get comment #100 , but I will post only the personal

information yo u say is okay to post. For example, yo ur email

might look something like this:

To: m


Date: Nov ember 30 , 200 6

Subject: Christmas Bonus Win a Bent On Benton T-Shirt Contest


That stack of hay re minds me of my first girlfriend. We had a date

on a hay ride in Benton.


Joe Biscuit

British Columbia

I went to high school and played in the marching band in Benton

I like to co llect autographs from Elvis impersonators - and they allsign "Elvis."


1624 Main Street

I'm the Mayor of Newport News, Virginia

I'm 41 and a half.

 Y es, I know it's not possible to liv e in British Columbia and be

Mayor of Newport News, Virginia, but it's just an example, so let it


5. One more thing yo u have to know. If you email me more than

one time, that's fine, just leave another co mment, and yo ur

contact info again.

a) The co ntest will end when the 10 0th entry is receiv ed, or as of 

midnight U.S. Central Time on the 7 th day after the  Bent OnBenton

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100th post is posted (not to be confused with the 10 0th co ntest

entry). Example: If I post the 100th  Bent OnBenton po st on

Thursday, Novembe r 30th, 200 6, then I get 10 0 entries in the

first day, then the co ntest will end on the first day. I f by 7 days

after the 10 0th  Bent OnBenton post, I haven't yet receiv ed 10 0

entries, I'll take what I hav e and end the contest at midnight. The

 winner will be announced the next day after the 1 00 th entry or

the midnight-7 -days deadline.

 b) If there are 100 or more entries, then only the first 100 will

co unt. If yo u enter mo re than once, I'll first co unt the unique (first

time) entries. If there are 7 6 unique (first time) entries, but 120

total entries (first time and subsequent entries), then entry #7 7

 will come from the first person who e ntered a sec ond time, and

entry #7 8 will come from the second person who entered a

seco nd time, and so on until I get to the 1 00th entry. I f I am

embarrassed at how few entries (unique or o therwise) there turns

out to be, I will do a random drawing and post ex tra made-up

co mments interspersed between the real ones.

 Any quest ions? Email me using the subjec t "Contest Questions" and

I'll be happy to address your co ncerns.

FAQs that no one Q'd yet since I'm only just now writing

all this down.

The winner doesn't have to pick a T-shirt. You can have any 

 Bent OnBenton product (s) in any size o ffered, so long as it

adds up to $20 .00 or less before shipping and tax.

Entry is open to U.S. and International residents.

 Winner consents to have his or her co mments and name or

username, city and state included in a future BentOnBenton post.

I will ship the item to y ou as soon as it gets to me, so expect 2-3

 weeks after the winner announcement for delivery . Hopefully this

 will come before Christmas day, thusly qualify ing as a true

Christmas Bonus.

If yo u want to look at the whole  Bent OnBenton store , click here.

POSTED BY SHELLI AT 11/28/2006 03:06:00 PM 



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New Improved Benton with 26% More!

It loo ks as though I will have to change my title graphic for this

site. The new population estimate for Benton is significantly higher

than the just over 20,000 I hav e listed. Ac cording to the Benton

Courier, the 2000 Census listed Benton's population 21 ,906. The

current census estimates the population at 27 ,610 . That's about a

26% increase.

My que stion is, how many people like myself got a note on their

door that a census worker came by , but never ended up giving

information about the number of people in the household? I

 wonder what the number would come to if those people were

tabulated. Maybe the city is just aiming at a higher populationco unt while rec onciling the cost o f further ce nsus work with the

loss of any additional dollars.

I don't have a picture today , unless you want me to include a

graph or something. Y ou want a graph? Pie chart or bar c hart? Let

me know.

POSTED BY SHELLI AT 11/27/2006 11:27:00 AM 



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Not just pies - nice decor too!

So yo u were probably wondering when I was gonna get around to

talking about Ed & Kay 's Restaurant. Well, on Saturday , the parts

of the family that don't get around these parts much except for

holidays, needed to part company to head home. Since the way to

home passes by a v ery Benton restaurant, I may hav e whipped out

the camera for a couple o f shots. Maybe yo u don't know Ed &

Kay's. Maybe you're from some place far far away , like... I dunno,

Bryant. Here's an informational, educational, highly specific link 

for yo u... but wait!

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I'm not giv ing you the link until the end of this post because I

 wanna talk some more. I was there with family and it was kind of a

 brunchy time of day , so e very one was ordering bacon, eggs,

 biscuit, panc akes and stuff. I wanted the r ibs. The middle of the

menu shouted at me. RIBS! I returned the call. After we o rdered

our food, the smallest one of us headed off to check out the big

rotating lighted tree in the c orner. Kay came in and talked to us for

a seco nd on the way between her office and the kitchen. She

referred to the Christmas deco rations laying about the room and

okingly said we were free to help deco rate. The kids took this as a

cue to dec k the halls, and by the time Kay entered again, the tree

had more glitter than the floor at day care.

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Kay tho ught this was just great, and if yo u think about it, kids put

much mor e lov e into doing the Christmas decorating.

Now you'll be happy to know that my - uh- THE ribs and the bacon

that I yoinked off the smallest family member's plate (with

permission, I'm not that bad) were bo th delicious. Um, and the

 biscuit I tried too.

Kay was just de lightful to talk with in addition to hav ing the

unconditionally lovable quality of making great pies. But I learned

more about her after o ne wandering kid led me to the hallway 

outside her office. These three plaques/awards/warnings hung on

the wall.

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Okay, now for the link to Ed & Kay's website. Y ou can get the

history of their restaurant, a listing of spec ialties and c ontact

information. Y ou'll also find a link there to a site that has a lengthy review .

POSTED BY SHELLI AT 11/26/2006 09:22:00 PM 



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1 1 . 2 4 . 2 0 0 6

Saturday drive nets gift shadow and


We sent the kids to Gramma's and hopped in the car to get some

sights in without "Are we there yet?" "Do we have to?" and/or "Oh no,

I spilled my drink!" coming from the back seat. About half way towherever we were going, we spotted a sign at the corner of Hot

Springs Highway (5) and Highway 298.

Brazil's Christmas Trees

Curiosity ensued and the car took a left, left and a left. We would

have just gone right, but we had already past the street. The sign

below is not the one you'll find at 5 & 298, but instead it's the pictureI took as we were leaving. Thusly, the arrow points to the right - but

if you're coming from 5, it will be on the left side of the road with the

arrow pointing left. [slide please]

As you turn into the driveway, you'll see a smattering of small cedars

and pines and perhaps a fir, but I'm not well-versed in my evergreens

nor do I know the difference between mustard greens and collard

greens. Pass this sign on the right and park near the shed. You can

then walk farther back on the property to survey bigger, fuller trees

and have your pick of the ones not already picked. Mr. Brazil (more

on him in a minute) did officially start selling the trees until today,

Friday, November 24th, but as of last week began allowing people to

tag claim to their pick.

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The triangle pine in this picture was our pick. At six dollars a foot,

this one will total only about $40. We haven't had a live -er- real tree

since forever and definitely since we've been married, and we have a

decent artificial one right out there on the shelf in the garage, butsomething just led us to look and end up getting one. It makes you

feel like Charlie Brown's peer somehow.

Here's our darling close up. Ain't she purdy?

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I haven't mentioned yet the non-tree aspect of our vis it to the tree

farm. This sign should pique your interest.

After initially driving up, we got out and I asked the gentleman

standing there, "Are we still in Benton?" He chuckled a little and said

yes. I told him about Bent On Benton, and he nodded and waved us

into the shed. If this scene was in a movie, you might wonder if he

was intended to chuck us city slickers into the wood chipper and sell

our car for parts. That didn't happen. But this did: He pointed to the

ceiling and there were all these awards for excelling in sheepdog

competitions. The more he talked, the more I was convinced that

this blog entry would include more than just the philosophy of the

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pine needle.

Here's a shot of Jerry Brazil (pronounced BRA'zell, not like the

country) with one of his dogs, Toby, who had just herded the sheep

from the rear corner of the property up to just behind the house.

This dog was so obedient to Mr. Brazil's words, we were hip-mo-

tized. As Brazil would tell Toby to slow down or run or creep or jump,

Toby would do just that and very nearly before Brazil could finish the

command. You could tell that both the border collie and Mr. Brazil

knew what they were doing. This was a better dog show than what we

waited in line for and squashed in skinny seats to see at Silver Dollar

City this summer. Well I don't know if that's a fair comparison, but

you get the idea.

Toby, the sheep king. We knew Border Collies were smart, but to us,

this dog was amazing. Y'see, our dogs, a Black Wagger and a Brown

Beggar, have skills, but they have nothing to do with any training

which we've endeavored to bestow upon them. Jim and I discussed

this afternoon starting an Dog Sports Competition, where the events

would be:

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- How much food can you beg during dinner time?

- How much fur can you leave on the couch?

- How loudly can you snore while curled under

the master's bed?

- How gracefully can you slink away backwards

when your "present" is discovered on the carpet?

- How dirty can you get the master as you jump upon him after coming back inside?

- How much garbage are you willing to eat in ratio

to what you spread on the floor?

- How stealthy are you at shooting past the people

to run away out the front door?

- Also in the stealth division, How much food can

you chow off the master's plate after the phone rings?

- And finally, an event called simply, "Can you sing?"

I could go on and on with the events, it just depends on the number

of dogs interested in the competition.

Just as interesting as the sheepdog were the sheep themselves. They

were willing to scurry all over that yard wherever the dog "pushed"

them. Not only that, but they kept hip-to-hip as they moved. In a

three-legged-race, these sheep would demolish the other herds.

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Here's a viddy of Toby wrangling those sheep.

POSTED BY SHELLI AT 11/24/2006 05:50:00 PM 



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I'm in a Slight Daze

Actually it's Sleigh Daze. This event information was emailed to me

from a friend today. It's Dec. 1 and 2. Get details by clicking

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or here.

or here.

But not here.

POSTED BY SHELLI AT 11/17/2006 05:07:00 PM 



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New box of crayons

I can't remember when I last saw this much color in the fall leaves.

This is looking eastward on Northshore Drive, as you would see it

from the fenced-in-no-yard neighborhood on top of the hill. The time

is about 8am in this pic, so the sun is peeking over the top of the

trees on the right. Ignore the utility poles. Yeah, just pretend they

aren't there. Okay, now soak it up.

POSTED BY SHELLI AT 11/16/2006 12:46:00 AM 



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Using my head

It's been nearly a week since the last post and I've been unable to

come out of my long weekend fog. I almost did it today, but

apparently Eeyore's been walking around outside my office and there

were gray clouds all day. Thusly a gigantical ache took up residence in

my unsuspecting noggin. Uhhhhhlllll.... Since I didn't have any

Benton pictures or events to post, I just decided to post this comic I

made whilst dwelling on my owie.

Click comic to biggify.

POSTED BY SHELLI AT 11/15/2006 05:03:00 PM 



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It's Random Thursday, Wheeee!

I'm just th rowing a bunch of Bentonality ou t there. Not

m uch to any of these stories. Just fun.

Here, Hoover is showing co ncern that the term "Bent On Benton"

may be misunderstood by the common street marker.

This may interest you. Y ou can't go in Starbucks, but it can co me


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For all those who trave l Boone Road in the morning rush - and

there are many - this traffic signal going up is a welcome sight. In

this pic, the photographer is facing north on Alco a Road,

approaching Boone, with the Corner Market co nvenience mart on

the left.

Here are some stores rec ently readied to unclutter y our bank 

account. Left to right, the signs are Lane Bryant and Hibbett

Sports, and then Mattress King Coming Soon, and to the extreme

right, Sekura Japanese Steakhouse which is also coming soo n (a

 word that defies definition in the retail industry).

That's all folks. It's a holiday weekend, so we'll wait and see if you

hear from me again in the next few days.

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POSTED BY SHELLI AT 11/09/2006 04:36:00 PM 



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New! Bent On Benton Calendar

I'm very pleased to announce to you a new page, separate but

accessible from this blog, dedicated mostly to a calendar of events

for the City of Benton.

Click here to try it.

Other new posts:

Vote McFadden for Heisman!

Saline/Benton Elections Results as I get them

Royal Players Dinner & Show Saturday




POSTED BY SHELLI AT 11/08/2006 01:06:00 PM 



Vote McFadden for Heisman!!

Vote now for Arkansas RazorbackRunnin Back Darren McFadden for the

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 Heisman (click here) !!

A close and r eliable source tells me... ..

I f you turn off cookies in your browser you can vote an infinite number of times. 

And please click here for Saline & Benton Election Results as I get


POSTED BY SHELLI AT 11/08/2006 10:55:00 AM 



Elections Results

Four. Days. Later.

Here are the results as posted on


This info is from the Benton Courier after it finally showed up today.

I think the Donald Rumsfeld resignation announcement slowed them

down (as well as complete election counts, understandably). You

know, like when you're all ready to leave the house and your youngest

child announces that they have to go potty right now! So you have to

take care of a little more business before leaving the house. Tha


Benton Mayor (runoff between top two candidates in 3 weeks)

Rick Holland 3737

Mitch McDonald 1769

Don White 1404

Lynn Moore 1186

Damon Massey 254

Benton City Council, Ward 1, Position 2

Greg White 1146

Warren Burleson 473

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Benton City Council, Ward 2, Position 2

Joe Lee Richards 573

Shea L. Cochran 506

Benton City Council, Ward 3, Position 2

Jerry Ponder 1166

Ray Freeman 873

Benton City Council, Ward 5, Position 2

Steve Lee 1046

Steve Brown 994

Arkansas House, District 28

Lamont Cornwell 4870

Kim Hammer 4494

Saline County Sheriff 

Phil Mask 16484

Don Birdsong 15206Benton Mayor (runoff between top two candidates

in 3 weeks)

Rick Holland 3737

Mitch McDonald 1769

Don White 1404

Lynn Moore 1186

Damon Massey 254

Benton City Council, Ward 1, Position 2

Greg White 1146

Warren Burleson 473

Benton City Council, Ward 2, Position 2

Joe Lee Richards 573

Shea L. Cochran 506

Benton City Council, Ward 3, Position 2

Jerry Ponder 1166

Ray Freeman 873

Benton City Council, Ward 5, Position 2

Steve Lee 1046

Steve Brown 994

Arkansas House, District 28

Lamont Cornwell 4870

Kim Hammer 4494

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Saline County Sheriff 

Phil Mask 16484

Don Birdsong 15206


Here's a link to the Mayor Forum video if you need to check out "Stick

with Rick" Holland and "Switch to Mitch" McDonald again.


Okay, I got some info from the City of Benton as follows (no


Benton Mayor

Holland and McDonald are having a run-off in 3 weeks.


White over Burleson

Richards over Cochran

Ponder over Freeman

Lee over Brown


Here's what little KATV has

State Representative District 28

Cornwell 4,870

Hammer 4 ,494

Prosecuting Attorney District 22

(A.K.A., Saline County Prosecuto r)

Casady 17 ,512

McQuary 13,7 57

Saline County Sheriff 

Mask 16,484

Birdsong 15,206


Here are some results from this morning's Arkansas Democrat-


Please keep in m ind that they are all u nofficial results.

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Saline County Sheriff 

Mask 16,484

Birdsong 15,206

Prosecuting Attorney District 22

(A.K.A., Sal in e Count y Prosecut or)

Casady 17 ,512McQuary 13,7 57

Benton Mayor

Holland 3,7 37

McDonald 1 ,7 69

 White 1 ,404

Moore 1,186

Massey 25 4

Bryant Mayor

Mitchell 1 ,866

Ballew 1,05 6

Collins 694

Pierce 381

State House District 28

Cornwell 4,160

Hammer 3,766

POSTED BY SHELLI AT 11/08/2006 08:56:00 AM 



1 1 . 0 6 . 2 0 0 6

Royal Players' Dinner/Show

Variety Show / A Patriotic Review- November 11, 2006

Royal Players’ annual fund raiser at the Benton Boys and Girls Club.

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Tickets are $20 each and includes dinner & show. Call 315-LIVE to


6pm - silent auction begins

7pm - dinner begins

8pm - show begins

Note that there has been a change in entertainment scheduled for thedinner theatre annual fundraiser. Here's what it was in case you were

wondering. Friday, 8/25/06 post re: Royal Players

Royal Players Production 2006-2007 Schedule

Denton's Trotline will be catering the event. For those of you who do

not like fish for some inexplicable reason, the owner assures me they

will also serve chicken.

And speaking of Denton's, the owner and his wife have a new project

which may appeal to those of you who are looking to keep your

"golden years" sparkling. You'll have to go to Denton's to see the

blueprint on the wall, but I do have this flyer to show you. It's about a

mile north on Springhill Road to the left. Click to make it bigger and

easier to read.

POSTED BY SHELLI AT 11/06/2006 05:03:00 PM 



Umm... seriously?

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Click here for a Crazy Benton Police offer

Now, it's easy for me to see that hardly anyone ever makes a

comment on these pages, though it is easy enough to do even

anonymously. And since Up-Link has stopped allowing anonymous

comments, you'd think this site would be even more of a draw for

opinionated spewage. Certainly, surely, someone has an opinion - or

a joke - concerning this matter.

POSTED BY SHELLI AT 11/06/2006 04:43:00 PM 



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Chili these days

I see that Chili's in Alcoa Exchange is now open for real. I say "for

real" since we happened upon a free ticky for four to get in before

they were actually open... to chow on their practice food, and

experience their practice service.

I got a few pictures, but didn't want any visitors to cringe up from

stage fright whilst wolfing their kweesadillas, elst they no-likey Chili's

on false basis. Whether you understood that, I don't know, but there

were a couple of great people serving our table - one pretty lady

named Debby and then Jason, who said to " just holler" at him and we

did holler to check his sincerity. He was sincere. So now, like I said,

here are the pictures.

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The front of the building as you have

probably witnessed from the access road.

I wanna put my head next to that big

chili pepper just for size comparison.

I very much recommend the strawberry

lemonade. It was crazy yummy.

Also, Brandon - see his blurry shadowy

face in the top left corner here -

had a chocolate shake that was smokin'.

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This shot is to show you that Chili's has a nice ceiling.

Or else it's just bad photography.

Here's more of the outside.

The "to go" window is on

the right of the building.

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And here is some landscaping near

the front row of parking spaces.

Am I stupid or is that not the

right place for a bird's nest?

POSTED BY SHELLI AT 11/03/2006 03:30:00 PM 



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Spook City Nights

Dang, where have I been? It's a good thing this isn't a real job, or I'd

get my pay docked. Well, I guess you want to know about Spook City,

and then I can move on to November stuff. Here are a few photos I

took at the event. It was somewhat like a carnival, with performers

and booths thrown in here and there. And you might have thunk thepoliticians would be the scariest things out there, but they were

behaving themselves as far as I'm concerned. Don't get the idea that

I endorse the candidates I took a picture of, though I might. I was

just taking random shots.

Spook City Photos

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Hey I nearly forgot that I also took a little video. A juggler, the kiddie

train and one terrible clip of Red Hatters where I did the old reverse

record trick. You know, it's where you think you're recording, and

then you hit the button to stop, only NOW it's recording when you're

not supposed to... Whatever. I decided to include it to show you just

how human I am, in case you couldn't already tell from my photo


Spook City Videos

Next post will come soon, I promise! Don't forget to return to the

Alderman and Mayor Candidate pages to remind yourself of who you

are voting for. I have been steadily posting more Alderman footage,

and it is sho'ly takin' forever. Keep checking back for updates.

POSTED BY SHELLI AT 11/02/2006 04:33:00 PM 



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Gayla's got it

 What are you doing driving all over central

rkansas when these guys specialize in


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And they're right off Military Road between Popeye's Chicken and

the access road. Here's a Google map with the link to Gayla's

Costume Shoppe  

We ended up as Clifford the Big Red Dog. Do tell them you saw

them on this website. And DON'T forget to look back at previous

posts to see what's going on for Halloween.

POSTED BY SHELLI AT 10/29/2006 04:42:00 PM 



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Spooky Soup

 Y ou already missed it. It was last week.

So, good thing it's this week too, huh?

Oct. 27 through 29.

The program says that a lot of the

action takes place in the aisles! Cool!

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Not only that, but sometimes it's dark.

 And sometimes there's lightning and thunder.

 And at least ONE time, it's free!

That's right. Free. My favorite number.

Because Spook City is happening downtown Monday night, I guess

Theater Soup decided to throw in a gratis performance as a treat.

Thanks, y a'lls.

 YOU: So what the hec k is Spook City anyway?

ME: It's a carnival kind of a thing downto wn. The regular

 businesses are doing safe Trick or Treating for the kids, and there

are a witch's broomload o f other vendor s that will be involv ed.

There's gonna be a kids costume contest and amusement rides and

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 YOU: That's it? Rides and Trick o r Treating? But I'm old and c andy 

sticks on my dentures. Also, 5pm to 7 30pm is when I file my 


ME: Does bluegrass stick to your dentures? Because if so, then

 you're doing it wrong. Go to Spook City to see the Joe Snell Band if nothing else, yo u old ghoul! Hey , wait a minute. I didn't tell y ou

 what time Spook City was.

 YOU: I know, but I read ahead in the script because y ou're a

terrible actor.

ME: Y ou're no George Goble y ourself!

S P O O K  C I T Y 

Monday, October 30th, 5pm to 7 30ish.

Downtown Benton on Sev ier, N. Market,

 W. South, and Main Streets, which will

all be clo sed to traffic from 4-9pm

for y our safety.

Games, shows,

displays and v endors.

 Amusement rides

on Sevier Street.

Kid's c ostume c ontests

in 3 age categories

(up to 12 y ears old).

Prizes will be $5 0

savings accounts!

Free showing of 

The Legend of Sleepy Hollow 

at 7 pm at the

Royal Theater.

Bluegrass music as

performed by 

the Joe Snell Band.

Concessions av ailable at

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Market Street Events Center.

Proceeds from the event

go to benefit

Christian Community 

Care Center .

POSTED BY SHELLI AT 10/27/2006 11:10:00 PM 



Everett, Good Boy, Does Fine

There's a man who's lived in Benton all his life. He worked for

Landers 27 of those years. As he was retiring from Landers in

November 2005, he wished he could just buy the place and run it

himself. Landers wasn't thinking about it at the time, but apparently

they did at some point.

These days, as you drive east on I-30 or the frontage road, gawking

at the fancy new shopping center and restaurants, you might notice

immediately afterward yet another change in the scenery. The

structures are the same, the giant American flag is still waving, and

there's still a car dealership, but the cars aren't Chevys - they're

Buicks, Pontiacs & GMCs. The Landers name has come off the

building to be replaced by the name Everett.

Who is this Everett? I got a chance to talk to an Everett yesterday.

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Alderman Forum Video

Folks, it's taking 3 shades of forever to upload all the video from the

Alderman Forum, so I decided to go on an put up the link to the vlog

(that's a video log, for you non-geeks).

Dave Woodman was the moderator and did a fine job as such (duh).

Having worked with him at KARK for a time (a short time compared

to his years there), I had to say hello to him. There is a short clip of

that which Jim unauthorizedly shot. You'll also see Mayor Rick Holland

in that clip, since I was telling him about this site when Mr.

Woodman walked up.


Ward 1, pos.2

Incumbent, Warren BurlesonChallenger, Greg White

Ward 2, pos.2

Incumbent, Joe Lee Richards

Challenger, Shea Cochran

Ward 3, pos.2

Incumbent, Ray Freeman

Challenger, Jerry Ponder

Ward 5, pos.1

Incumbent, Stephen Lee*

Challenger, Steve Brown

*Lee was not present at the Forum.

POSTED BY SHELLI AT 10/26/2006 10:53:00 PM 



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Alderman Forum/Voting Info

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I will be at the Alderman Forum tonight at the Royal Theater in

downtown Benton, covering the "show" with photos and video. Call

the Benton Courier at 315-8228 to ask if there are any tickets left.

Go to the Saline County Clerk's Office webpage and scroll to the

bottom to:

figure out where to go to vote,

what District/Precinct you're in,

an Absentee Ballot to mail or fax in (Early Voting now until

November 6),

and a long beautiful list of both General and Municipal

elections candidates.

Also, if you have moved (like me) and want to make sure you're

voting in the right place and eligible to vote for the right stuff (e.g.,

you lived outside the city limits but moved inside), scroll back up on

that Saline County Clerk's Office page and get the phone number to

advise them of the change. Then they'll mail you a new card. Oh,

alright, it's 303-5630.

Look for Alderman Forum coverage to show up soon. Oh, yeah! Dave

Woodman is moderating!

POSTED BY SHELLI AT 10/24/2006 01:20:00 PM 



1 0 . 2 1 . 2 0 0 6

Panthers win again!

49-20 over the Little Rock Parkview Patriots. Way to

go fellas. I myself was not in attendance having had aprevious engagement. However, I had a photographer on location who sent in some nice photos of the game.

Here's one of the Panthers showing butcher paper who'sboss.

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And here is my personal pick of Panthers, #29 Poole,

powering past a pack of Patriots, protected per hisPanther pals. Peter Piper picked a peck of pickledpeppers.

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For details on the game, check out story in the PBentonPCourier .

And it is worthy to note that 2 other Saline County teamswon their games last night.Bryant won 7-0 over Cabot.

Bauxite won 40-12 over Lake Village.

POSTED BY SHELLI AT 10/21/2006 01:53:00 PM 



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HOUSE OF HORRORS!!!!! and some mini golf.

By day, it's an innocent-looking warehouse.

Even resembling someone's home.

Yes, it's a quiet place of business

on shady Sharon Road.

But by night...

Juhh - Juhh - JUHHHHHHHHHH!!!

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House of Horroropens its door for those who dare

beginning this weekend

October 20-21 & October 27-31

6 p.m. until close or midnight.

Admission $7 or

$2 discount with mini-golf game.

Ages 12 & under must be accompanied by an adult.Not recommended for small children.

House of Horror on Sharon Road

behind Harbor Mountain Golf

near Home Depot in Benton.


And if you haven't been to Harbor Mountain...

We were there yesterday and had a blast. The course was really fun,

and though it was a hot day, the giant rock tunnel made for shade

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both inside and out. And if you're worried about traffic from the

parking lot or highway disturbing your stroke zen, f'get about it. The

waterfalls are a calming de-stress, which is welcome when you're as

lame as me at putting. I did like putting in the tunnel, but my

favorite is the volcano hole at the end. It's set up like skeeball, only

you putt it in. Get it in the middle and get a congratulatory song or

fanfare. Get it outside the 3 rings (like my shot) and get a puff of

volcano smoke and a put-down from the lava dude.

Here's a nice overall shot of the park from the 1st hole when I still

had hopes of winning the game.

Here, two park patrons have a look at the waterfall outside the


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Inside the tunnel, it's dark but cool, and a good place to kick your ball

in the hole while no one can see you.

Here's what Harbor Mountain looked like while it was being built:


POSTED BY SHELLI AT 10/19/2006 06:43:00 PM 



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2-fer: Cajun Food & Gas

The subject line is intended to refer to two separate and unrelated


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Newer Posts Older Posts

This is all you need to know. Except maybe what year annual feast it

is? That's okay. For Bryant's National Night Out, their sign said it was

August 1th.

And do you notice anything different about the Big Red Fina? Like

that's not what it is? A well-respected choice by a local family who

owns these [5 is it now?] gas stations around Saline County. This one

in the picture is at Military & Carpenter.

POSTED BY SHELLI AT 10/18/2006 01:22:00 AM 




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