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BENDIGO DISTRICT RSL SUB-BRANCH Inc.(Incorporating Bendigo and Kangaroo Flat Sub-Branches)


Crafters have joined the “poppy making frenzy” and it appears there are many talented people among us. The imagination and originality we have seen in the individual poppy making let alone the creativity has been amazing. Just take a look at this beautiful quilt that has been made as a tribute to the ANZAC

Centenary and donated to the BDRSL. The quilt may be viewed at the Club, 73 Havilah Road.





Post 1975

Veterans CV

ANZAC Centenary



Welfare and


Kangaroo Flat RSL


Calendar 2015

General Manager

Games Day

Central Victorian

Veterans’ Support


Museum Report



6.30pm - 7.30pmUnveiling of 10,000 Poppies

Memorial lights changed to RED200 WW1 Crosses placed in the fi eld of Remembrance (The First Lot)

Eternal Flame is ignited

7.30pm - ANZAC tribute performed by the Emu Creek Bush Band at the Capitol Theatre - entry free (bookings at the Capitol Theatre)

PRESIDENTIt has been a very busy but enjoyable start to the year. Much water has passed under the bridge and the Sub-Branch has taken giant steps forward in all areas of management and customer service. Members are embracing the new structure and are enjoying the benefits of an attractive and well-managed club.

There has been a lot of attention directed to the ANZAC Commemorative Committee and consequently it has been extremely busy not only in its own right but also as an advisory body to community groups. Regrettably there has been very little ANZAC Centenary support from Federal and State Governments. All of the grant applications apart from one managed project submitted by both the RSL and City of Greater Bendigo have been rejected, forcing our committees to revise their planning and funding strategies. I am confident of achieving our future ANZAC goals with or without grant funding. The upcoming ANZAC Centenary is gaining attention throughout the wider Bendigo community; please visit or for an update on activities and events. It has been my pleasure to host a number of visitors from other RSL clubs and organisations wishing to explore the pathways

and visions we have chosen to guide us into the future. Our RSL is seen by outsiders as a Sub-Branch that enjoys a positive and vibrant focus that demonstrates our commitment to the veteran community. Our community work is valued and I make no apology for repeating myself when I thank our volunteers for their commitment to the Sub-Branch. We have a dedicated and caring hospital visiting team, a team of professional people who are there to represent the RSL at the loss of a member and sporting and recreational teams that offer enjoyable activities through our Tennis and RSL Sheds Sections. The 6,000 Poppies Project has well and truly achieved its target; I am extremely pleased to announce that over 9,000 poppies have been crafted and there are still more being handed into the office. Our crafters and volunteers have progressed onto the next stage of this project and are now attaching the poppies to a backing which in itself is a huge task. I have enjoyed the poppy journey immensely and can only thank everyone involved in this project for the wonderful atmosphere they have created at the BDRSL. Be warned and prepare yourselves for something special to unfold on ANZAC Eve! A number of our Ex-Service organisations have had their annual general meetings; congratulations to the incoming committees and I look forward to working with you throughout 2015. Cliff Richards, President

The last quarter has been extremely busy for the Sub-Branch with the demands of the Centenary of ANZAC, the ANZAC Day Services, the redevelopment of the Soldiers Memorial Institute at Pall Mall and the administrative demands of the commercial operation, now functioning at a very high level.

The redevelopment of the Soldiers Memorial Institute is beginning to take on a life of its own. The architects - Lovell Chen have been appointed and are in the process of providing the final drawings for the project.The BDRSL Soldiers Memorial Institute/museum working group consists of Peter Ball – Sub-Branch Committee and Museum Curator, John Young - Museum Sub-Committee and I, who are working closely with senior officers of the City of Greater Bendigo to manage the project. To date close to $250k has been committed to this project; the City of Greater Bendigo has indicated an additional $700k will be made available under its refurbishment maintenance budget.

We are currently engaged in ongoing negotiations with the Victorian Government’s Regional and Rural Development Department to access funding from the Regional Growth Fund for an initial amount of $500k; and in conjunction with senior officers from the City of Greater Bendigo we will be taking up the offer from Mr. Jamie Briggs, Minister for Infra Structure and Regional Development to access the Federal Government’s $1B National Stronger Regions Fund. The BDRSL is planning to launch an appeal to raise funds from the wider Bendigo Community to assist in the redevelopment. The existing structure was originally built from funds subscribed by the Bendigo community and nearly 100 years later we are once again going to ask the citizens of Bendigo to assist in the redevelopment of this iconic memorial building.It has been encouraging to see that the attendance at General Members Meetings has been excellent with approximately 60 members in attendance at each meeting; the challenge for the Sub-Branch Committee is to be able to keep the meetings meaningful and in turn continue to build on our attendance numbers.Paul Penno, Secretary


POST 1975 VETERANS CVOn 6th March 2015 the Post 1975 Veterans Central Victoria AGM which was chaired by BDRSL President Cliff Richards was held. The following people were elected to Committee positions:Glenn Ludeman - President; Peter Swandale - Vice President; Lisa Gellatly - Secretary (re-elected); Rod Hosking - Welfare Officer (re-elected); Sherri Bourke - Liaison Officer; Lee Savage - Events / Social OfficerThank you to our outgoing committee members for their work and effort in maintaining our involvement in supporting the veteran community. Many previous and current committee members have completed numerous years of service on the committee and appreciation is noted for their service. Grant Thompson has been President since our charter and is especially thanked. To our general members, your support and involvement is also very much appreciated. Thanks also to the BDRSL Sub-Branch Committee for its continued guidance and mentoring.Our meetings continue on the first Thursday of the month at

7:00pm sharp and all current serving and ex ADF personnel are welcome.

Sandakan Memorial ServiceOn Sunday, 7th March, Post 1975 Veterans Central Victoria facilitated the running of the Sandakan Memorial Service.Many travelled from near and far to honour those who were involved in the Sandakan Death Marches. WO1 Peter Swandale who recently travelled to Sabah was the guest speaker and he recounted his experience. His speech was recognised during Mayor of City of Greater Bendigo, Councillor Peter Cox’s response. Cr Cox commended the speech and younger veteran involvement and highlighted that our efforts helped the younger generation to understand the history and also why we commemorate.The lovely weather and positive atmosphere continued afterwards at the BDRSL in Havilah Road for a BBQ and a chance to catch up in an informal setting. Glenn Ludman, President – Post ’75 Veterans CV

VALEHAMLEY Ronald Frederick VX245739, VX137000 ARMY 12/11/2014

DANN Brenda VF395546 ARMY 24/11/2014

FLENTJE William Maxwell VX419932 RAAF 01/12/2014

BROWN Stanley Allan V246533 ARMY 05/12/2014

OSGOOD Dorothy May VF511728 AWAS 25/01/2014

STEVENS Ernest VX61207 ARMY 07/02/2015

ROLLASON Herbert VX55281 ARMY 25/02/2015

ANZAC Day Protocols Wearing of Medals


The 100th Anniversary of the landing of Australian and New Zealand Troops at Gallipoli


5:45 am March from the Soldiers Memorial Institute, Pall Mall to the Cenotaph, View Point.6:00 am Service to commence. No wreaths to be laid; gunfi re breakfast offered at SMI, Pall Mall.

Eaglehawk:6:00 am Brassey Square, Eaglehawk Road - form up at the Memorial.

At the conclusion of the service a gunfi re breakfast will be offered at the Eaglehawk Fire Station.Kangaroo Flat:

6:30 am Soldiers Memorial, High Street - form up at the Memorial.Bridgewater:

6:00 am Memorial Hall, Almond Avenue - form up at Calder Highway at end of the Avenue of Honour. MORNING MARCHES & SERVICES

Bendigo:10:15 am WW1 Descendants March and Cavalcade.10:40 am March from McCrae Street/Pall Mall (assembly area outside Bendigo TAFE) to the Soldiers Memorial

Institute, Pall Mall.11:00 am Service to commence on the Forecourt of the Soldiers Memorial Institute.

Eaglehawk: 8:00 am Sing Australia Choir at Brassey Square.8:20 am March (assembly area in front of the Eaglehawk Citizens’ Brass Band Hall, Peg Leg Road to Brassey Square.8:30 am Service to commence at Brassey Square. At the conclusion of the service, refreshments will be

served in the Eaglehawk Citizens’ Brass Band Inc. Hall.Kangaroo Flat:

9:20 am March (assembly area High & Station Streets, St Monica’s Church) to the Soldiers Memorial.9:30 am Service to commence at the Soldiers Memorial.

Huntly: 9:00 am March and Service to be held in the Garden of Remembrance (adjacent to the Huntly Memorial Hall,

Midland Hwy). At the conclusion of the service, refreshments will be served in the Huntly Memorial Hall.Inglewood:

10:45 am March from Brooke Street to Monument in Grant Street.11:00 am Service to commence.

Veterans may be accompanied by one carer if needed and that carer must be of an age that they can directly assist the veteran if required. Next of Kin (NOK) may march in place of deceased veteran on the following conditions: NOK should march at the rear of the appropriate service group as listed in the Order of March. NOK representation is limited to one per veteran. NOK representatives must be dressed appropriately and are to wear medals on the right breast.The carrying of photographs of relatives is not supported.

Flying of Flags - Anzac DayFlags are to be fl own at half mast until noon, then at the mast head until sun-down.

Protocol for wearing of medals is as follows: War Medals may be worn only by the persons upon whom they were conferred and in no case does the right to wear war medals or their ribbons devolve upon a widow, parent, son or relative when the recipient is dead.Similarly, in cases where a posthumous award is made and the medal is handed to the deceased’s next-of-kin, such decoration or medal may not be worn.Modifi cations of the above rule are permitted in connection with Remembrance and ANZAC Day ceremonies when rel-atives who desire to avail themselves on those days only, of the distinction of wearing the decoration and medals of deceased relatives, may do so ON THE RIGHT BREAST.War medals (with certain exceptions) are worn on the left breast of the coat or in a corresponding place on the dress, as the case may be. War medals are worn to show the Sovereign’s head. War medals (or Campaign medals) are worn in the order of the dates of Campaigns for which they have been conferred, the fi rst being obtained being farthest from the left shoulder.It is a Federal offence to wear medals and/or decorations for which you are not entitled.

Home & Hospital Visitor Programme: We are currently working through the process of accrediting and providing orientation of new visitors. The programme has been strengthened by the return of Noel Dudley to BUPA.We are continuing to work towards strengthening the communication links between the visitors by commencing formal monthly meetings from May 2015.Our Funeral Officers continue to provide a very professional and much appreciated service. We are pleased to welcome back Phil Hughes to the team after a short absence due to illness. A meeting of the Funeral Officer Team will be convened to review how it is going.

Welfare Spending: Claims for direct financial assistance for the past quarter have been minimal and I once again encourage members to support their mates who are doing it tough, to ask for help.In recent times we have been able to help some younger veterans with direct cash amounts to alleviate extremely dire financial straits.The new structure regarding the expenditure of welfare/appeals monies and the return to ANZAC House of money not spent has commenced. With the new guidelines for welfare spending being much less restrictive, I am confident we will achieve an acceptable outcome for both parties.Paul Penno - Chairman, Welfare & Charitable Sub-Comm


2014 was a year like no other for the Kangaroo Flat RSL Sub-Branch. Two Life Members, new toilets, back room made ready for renovations to put us in a position to be granted a restricted Liquor Licence, new members have been welcomed, bus trip to the Shrine, great sales of both ANZAC Badges and Poppies, fantastic services on both ANZAC Day and Remembrance Day with record crowds at both commemorations.Kangaroo Flat will now have an Avenue of Honour, to pay respect to the men of the district who did not return home from WWI and to the men who did. This is due to the foresight of our President, Charlie Martin who instigated this official avenue from View Street to Wesley Street with two rows of trees, each dedicated to each one of the diggers who fell in the Great War 1914-1918. We had a fight on our hands as some in the Council set out to stop us achieving our goal but the resolve remained and with the help of The Bendigo Advertiser we got across the line. Thanks to all members who helped and a big thank you to Ms A. Yui Investigative Reporter with the Advertiser.Finally a big thank you to one of our great members,

Ian Bates who at our AGM informed us that due to personal commitments, he would not be standing as House & Finance Committee representative.

Russell Arnold our new House & Finance representative is congratulated by President Martin and current House & Finance Committee representative, Suzanne Hutcheson.

Craig Chilver Secretary - Kangaroo Flat RSL


Commemorative Calendar 2015MAY

Wednesday 27th May - Boer War Memorial DayJULY

Wednesday 1st July - 2/22 Lark Force Commemorative Service, 11:00 am Bendigo District RSL, 73 Havilah RdMonday 27th July - Anniversary of the end of the Korean War 1950-1953

AUGUSTSaturday 15th August - Victory in the Pacific (VP) Day, 10:45 am Soldiers Memorial Institute, Pall Mall, BendigoTuesday 18th August - Vietnam Veterans’ Day, 10:30 am Soldiers Memorial Institute, Pall Mall, Bendigo Monday 31st August - The National Malaya & Borneo Veterans Association, 10:30 am Bendigo District RSL

SEPTEMBERThursday 3rd September - Merchant Navy DayThursday 10th September - Battle for Australia Commemorative Service, 10:30 am Bendigo District RSL

OCTOBERSaturday 24th October - Ex-Navalmen’s Annual Dinner & Seafarer’s Service

5:00 pm Wreath Laying Service, Bendigo District RSL, 73 Havilah Road, Bendigo 6:30 pm Annual Dinner

Sunday 25th October - Seafarer’s Church Service, 10:30 am St John’s Presbyterian Church, Forest St, BendigoNOVEMBER

Saturday 7th November - 6:00 pm Annual Dinner, Bendigo District RSL, 73 Havilah Road, Bendigo Wednesday 11th November - Remembrance Day, 10:40 am Soldiers Memorial Institute, Pall Mall, Bendigo

10:45 am Memorial, Eaglehawk 10:45 am Soldiers Memorial, Kangaroo Flat

Flags are to be flown at half-mast from 1000 hours then raised to mast-head at 1102 hours

It has been a hectic beginning to 2015. Planning for ANZAC Day continues with some great surprises in store for families. A face painter and play

area will be set up for the younger kids in the front alfresco and a jumping castle & slide will be erected out the back for the older kids. The “Bigger Kids” will be entertained with Two Up and the ANZAC AFL telecast.This Easter period, the BDRSL Club will be open on Good Friday, Easter Saturday, Easter Sunday & Easter Monday. We are sure to be busy so ensure you book early for the Bistro to avoid disappointment. We will have lots of Easter Hampers to give away later this month. Our new Head Chef, Travis Duffy, is working hard to deliver quality meals to our membership and guests. Travis and his updated team have started to put some Chinese meals on the Specials Board for all of us to sample! Come on in and try the new menu too.The Lunch Specials Menu is available Monday to Friday for only $11.90. We have a selection of $10 Tradies’ meals available in the Sportsbar Monday to Friday – Lunch Only. Seniors’ Meals are available every day for $11.90 and continue to have the option for a $1.50 soup as a second course. The seniors’ menu has also been updated with more of your favourite meals.The Kids’ Menu is still only $9.90. Kids receive a main meal, dessert, free soft drink and an activity bag which is designed to keep the kids entertained whilst you enjoy the Club’s facilities. We also have Bar Meals which are available all day from Thursday to Sunday. Come and try the Monster Burger. It’s frighteningly BIG!

The “Little Troopers” Kids Club will be launching soon! Keep an eye out for monthly competitions, FREE birthday meals and a night where we will have someone to entertain the kids. We have installed a Kids Zone with iPads, Xbox and PlayStation3 which will entertain the kids who have completed their activity bags!

RSL REWARDSDo not forget to swipe your RSL Rewards Card when you enter the Club. You will earn points for every dollar you spend and automatically go in the draw for fantastic prizes. This month’s prize is shown below.

NEW OFFICE HOURSThe Administration Offi ce hours are changing to better meet member needs commencing on 13 March: Monday to Wednesday 9am-5pm and Thursday & Friday 9am-8pm. Our Admin team will be available to answer your queries and help you with purchasing our new look Gift Cards. These are available in any amount and can be used to purchase food & beverages within the Club or even to renew your membership. BDRSL gift cards are perfect for any occasion.

ENTERTAINMENTKeep your diaries FREE! Plenty of things going on at the Club. Every Friday night we have easy listening music in the lounge from 7.30pm. Don’t miss out!The Baby Boomers are coming to town on Saturday 16th May. Feel like a night out listening to songs you grew up with, having a dance, a great meal and good times with friends? Then put this date in your diary for a Musical Mystery Tour. Get on board before you miss out!!Morning Melodies is proving to be VERY popular. Different acts are playing all your favourite tunes on the last Tuesday of every month. Come on down for a listen to your favourite tunes and book in for lunch afterwards. Don’t forget that morning tea is part of the $10 cover charge.

Martin BeekesGeneral Manager


Vietnam Veterans recently held the inaugural Games Day with the RSL Sheds. There was a BBQ followed by hockey, quoits, 8 ball, darts and bocce. All the games were played on a rotating system of 20 minutes duration. The enthusiasm was infectious and both teams entered into the spirit of the day (with plenty of cheating going on!) Having said that, the winners were the RSL Sheds. Another Games Day will be organised in a few months.


A donation of $5,000 from the Caravan Industry Australia was presented to Cliff Richards. This donation ensured many local veterans and war widows received a special Christmas gift. The donation was a combined effort from all Exhibitors at the November 2014 Leisurefest held at the Bendigo Racecourse.

Proposal for the Soldiers Memorial Institute - Things are starting to happen. Tenders were chosen for the detailed plans which began late last year. “Lovell Chen” who won the contract will have the plans fi nished by late April. They were on site in January taking measurements; drilling down to6 metres took place at the rear of the building and soil samples taken. This is for the two storey, new underground section to be built. Regular meetings between CoGB, Heritage and the BDRSL will now begin as we move into this detailed phase and beyond.As part of the Conservation Management Plan, the Rotunda has been resealed and waterproofed which has been a lengthy process. We received a very interesting set of WW2 medals which related to A G Holley, No 13556 RAN who joined the RAN in September 1922 and was discharged in October 1945. During the War he served on the HMAS Hobart from January 1939 to September 1944. Pre War he served on HMAS Australia, Sydney, Canberra and Brisbane to name a few. There are also extensive diary notes for the war years and some 200 photos from near enlistment and throughout the war. The Museum now has a paid Administration Assistant to the Curator, engaged for the same hours as Museum opening hours. Cassandra Liddy has settled in well to the role. Admission to the Museum has now changed for the fi rst time in 10 years to $3.00 per adult but children under 14 will continue to be free.Peter BallMuseum Curator

A very busy start to 2015 with a great many people realising that they need to do something about their compensation entitlements before it is too late. We are receiving a lot of enquiries from younger veterans and many result in MRCA claims being submitted whilst others receive information about their future entitlements.We are happy to see any and all of you who may have enquiries but please ring for an appointment on 5444 1871. We are on Platform 2 of Bendigo Railway Station. (Flora Hill side)

CVVSC volunteers take their responsibilities very seriously and fi nd their tasks within the Centre very rewarding. Currently we have 10 active pension offi cers with 5 more undertaking the MRCA level one course in April to specialise in looking after currently serving members. We also have 10 welfare/reception offi cers. We look forward to assisting as many of you as possible this year. Call in for a cuppa and a chat.Geoff DrummondCVVSC Secretary



Arthur George Holley, 13556 RAN1939-45 Star, Africa Star, Burma Star (with clasp Pacifi c),

Defence medal, War medal and Long Service & Good Conduct medal.