Ben Carson Script



ben carson script

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Ben Carson1. Scissors2. Clamp3. Yes?4. Okay, Soon as Im done5. Occipital cranophagus twins have never both survive the separation6. If Theyre not seperated7. Theyll spend rest of of their lives in bed, on their backs.8. The hospital wants me to fly to Germany and examine them9. Nobodys ever done it10. In situation like this, one baby always dies11. My pleasure12. Well, they dont appear to be sharing any organs, which is good13. Though there are parts of the brain, such as the vision center,14. That arent completely seperated15. We wont know until we get on there16. Well, first we have to solve the problems of exsanguinations17. Bleeding to death18. Its the reason why cranial seperations have never succeeded19. You see, babies have very little blood20. And unless I can figure out a way to keep them from bleeding out21. I cant risk performing this operation22. Ill do it23. Make it 2, make it 424. Im working on it25. None?26. Well, it was almost an accident27. Mom, I never would have to hit him if I remembered I had the lock in my hand28. Boston was easier. They didnt ask us to do much29. He called me a dummy 30. Im dumd, mother31. Yes, mother32. I need help33. Mother, I need help34. This history. I dont really understand it35. Like, all the words36. Its about Thomas Jefferson and the Decleration of Independence 37. What is this word?38. Self.....self39. And it40. Self41. Sure42. Not this far, can you?43. Yes44. How? I dont know how45. I dont got one46. Not me47. No48. Mother, My brains is too dumb49. It is, mom50. Mother, come on, well be late for church51. All right52. The bandit king was after me, and so I hid under some straw53. And a blue mouse come out and scared his horse54. And I got away. I saw it in my brain55. But it was real it was really real56. Shut up57. Mother, I want to b a doctor58. A missionary doctor, just like the one Pastur Ford told us about.59. Where?60. So, youre just gonna leave us alone?61. What?62. Do you know how many there are?63. That could take a year64. But its hard work65. Come on, Mother. Youre the meanest mom in the world66. 3067. 3168. I didnt cheat69. 24 out of 2570. Sister Scott! Sister Scott!71. I got an A72. Sister Scott! Sister Scott!73. I got... Mother!74. I missed you. I missed you75. I know all my times tables. I got them right, except for one76. Hey, why do you do that for?77. Not that much78. 2 A week?79. What are we gonna do with all our free time? 80. 2 books a week?81. I cant even read one82. Man, theres a lot of books in here83. Hear the great roar made the young man wonder if he had chosen wisely84. Maybe it was a trick85. Was there really a tiger, or just recording of a tigers roar86. Maybe there was a tiger behind the other door87. And he do like all the other princes before him88. Agriculture. A-G-R-I-C-U-L-T-U-R-E agriculture89. I dont know90. Excuse me, do you have any books on rocks?91. Its Obsidine 92. Well, it was formed after a volcanic eruption by the supercooling of the when it hits the water93. The volcano erupts, and the lava flow down red hot94. So, when it hits the water, the element 95. And since that water is cold, the air forced out96. And the surface glazes over, and the lava become hard97. And that makes obsidine. I mean Obsidian, sorry98. Im sorry99. Magnitude. M-A-G-N-I-T-U-D-E. Magnitude100. Alice in Wonderland101. 24102. Mantley. Micky Mantley103. Saunter. S-A-U-N-T-E-R. Saunter104. Lacquer. L-A-C-Q-U-E-R. lacquer105. Ill turn it down106. Wont Mrs. Graham knock on the ceiling again?107. Were moving?108. Do we have any money left?109. I need clothes for school110. Old clothes111. Not good enough for hunter high112. No, theyre not113. They was breeding because your mama wore it.114. Your mamas so old. Shes the mummy mama115. Your mamas so old. Her certificate says expired on it116. Man, where we going?117. Okay118. Morning119. I dont know. I didnt try them on 120. Theyre the wrong kind121. Thats to bad. You can take them back if you want122. Well thats too bad , but Im not gonna wear them123. Thats your problem124. Look, throw them away! Im not gonna wear them!125. I can! I will!126. Shut up! Shut up!127. All you do is preach at me! Shut up!128. Get off! Get off!129. Now youre talking130. Its not crap, all right131. Its better than what you like132.
