Belmont Village of Memphis · Alleviate Allergies For those who suffer from seasonal allergies,...


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6605 N. Quail Hollow Road • Memphis, TN 38120 • Phone 901-624-8820 • Fax 901-309-0498

Belmont Village of Memphis

March 2016

Management TeamStephanie CrumpExecutive Director

(901) 624-8820, Ext.

Linda BelloDir. of Resident Care Services(901) 624-8820, Ext. 109

lbello@belmontvillage.comLisa Anyan

Community Relations(901) 624-8820, Ext. 107

lanyan@belmontvillage.comJulie Goodman

Community Relations(901) 624-8820, Ext. 108

jgoodman@belmontvillage.comAnita Gordon

Human Resources

Dan ShackelfordBuilding Engineer

(901) 624-8820, Ext. 105dshackelford@

belmontvillage.comVincent Morelli

Chef Manager(901) 624-8820, Ext. 106

vmorelli@belmontvillage.comJean Nicolosi

Memory Program Coordinator(901) 624-8820, Ext. 405

jnicolosi@belmontvillage.comGena Garner

Activity Program Coordinator(901) 624-8820, Ext. 114

Forward March!With spring quickly

approaching, our minds turn togardening. Lovely flowers andfresh fruit are top of the list andour mouths start watering justthinking about vegetables. Juicytomatoes, squash and greens, ofcourse, but what about thehumble cabbage that doesn’t getmuch glory? Boiled until bland,it’s often a culinary afterthought.But the cruciferous vegetabledeserves a place on your plate,next to the corned beef in Marchand as a side dish year-round. It’san excellent source of vitamin Cand a good source of vitamin A.Here at Belmont Village, ourresidents need not worry aboutnutrition, or if they are eatinghealthy things. Chef Vinny andChef Katrina take all the guesswork out of nutrition, as theymake sure that our residents havewonderfully healthful food atevery meal. Josephine’s Kitchenprovides many choices and ourbeautiful leather-bound menus

make it easy to know which foodsare food for diabetics, and whichones are light on the calories. Theonly hard part is making up yourmind which entrée to order!

Nutrition can be overwhelmingat times, with all the differentstudies showing contradictingresults. It’s a good thing we canleave it up to the professionals toshow us the way. At Belmont, wealso have the opportunity to visitthe Bistro every day for that littleafternoon snack. I know thoselovely pastries are tempting, too,but if it’s health and a strong bodyyou are after, stick with the juicymelons and cheeses.

Yes, cabbage may not becelebrating fame and fortune onyour plate; it takes all of the SuperFoods to make a Super YOU!

Passionate PiscesPeople born Feb. 19 to March

20 have Pisces as their zodiac sign.Usually represented by two fish,this sign is seen as gentle,generous and passionate.

Birthday LuncheonFriday, March 25th, at

11 a.m. (JK)



Famous Faces Bornin March

Mar. 4, 1888: Knute RockneMar. 13, ’56: Dana DelanyMar. 14, ’33: Michael CaineMar. 19, ’47: Glenn CloseMar. 22, ’76: Reese

WitherspoonMar. 22, ’31: William ShatnerMar. 26, ’60: Marcus AllenMar. 30, ’68: Celine Dion

M nth

mployeeof the


Deidre Jiles, 9 years

Way to go, Deidre! Deidre, alsoknown as Dee, works at ourconcierge desk and sometimeshelps out doing communityrelations here at Belmont. Herhard and rewarding work has notgone unnoticed here.

Born in Memphis, Deeattended White Station highschool. Deidre has a degree inmedical office and medicaltranscription.

She has four children, Ramario(23), Ladarrius (22), Cameron(19), and Lazaria (9). She also hasone grandchild, Chase, who iseight months. Her favoritepastime is reading, shopping,spending time with her family,writing poetry, and volunteeringat St. Jude hospital.

Something you might notknow about her is that she lived inOhio for five years and loved it!She enjoys watching old moviesand spending time on her off daysat St. Jude, where her mom worksas a lab tech. Her family is amember in hope for St. Judechildren’s hospital.


happy holiday!


Alleviate AllergiesFor those who suffer from

seasonal allergies, spring oftenmeans sneezing, congestion anditchy eyes. There are ways to lessenthe symptoms and still enjoy theseason. Here are a few tips:

Keep it clean. Cleaning yourhome will reduce pollen andother allergens. Vacuum and dustregularly, and wash your sheetsweekly. Leave your shoes at thedoor to prevent tracking allergensthroughout your home. Shower orbathe before bed to keep pollenyour hair has gathered throughoutthe day off your pillow.

Be aware outside. Avoid goingoutside on days with particularlyhigh pollen levels. or download asmartphone app that offers regularpollen updates. When outside,wear sunglasses to help keepallergens out of your eyes.

Curb congestion. Eat more spicyfoods to reduce nasal congestion.Chewing gum and eatingpeppermint can also help.Drinking more water and juicewill improve hydration and helpclear nasal passageways.

Consult an allergist. If yourallergies are disruptive to your life,consider seeing a health careprofessional who specializes inallergies. An allergist can help youpinpoint what you are allergic toand offer guidance on whetherprescription medication or allergyshots are right for you.

Warning Signs of aHeart Attack

Some heart attacks are suddenand intense—the “movie heartattack,” where no one doubtswhat’s happening. But most heartattacks start slowly, with mildpain or discomfort. Often peopleaffected aren’t sure what’s wrongand wait too long before gettinghelp. Here are signs that can meana heart attack is happening:

Chest discomfort thatoriginates in the center of thechest lasting more than a fewminutes or that goes away andcomes back. It can feel likeuncomfortable pressure,squeezing, fullness or pain.

Upper body discomfort thatincludes pain in your arms, theback, neck, jaw or stomach.Women are more likely toexperience chest pain with nausea,vomiting, back or jaw pain.

Shortness of breath with orwithout chest discomfort.

Other signs may includebreaking out in a cold sweat,nausea or light-headedness.

Calling 9-1-1 is almost alwaysthe fastest way to get lifesavingtreatment. Even if you’re not sureit’s a heart attack, have it checkedout.


happy to assist you with yourtransportation needs. PLEASEGIVE AT LEAST A 24-HOURNOTICE. It helps with theplanning of the driver’sschedule. Thank you.DOCTORS’ APPOINTMENTS:

Please make allappointments on Monday,Wednesday or Friday before2:30 p.m. SHOULD ANY OFYOUR APPOINTMENTS BECANCELLED, PLEASEKINDLY INFORM THECONCIERGE STAFF.

SHOPPING DAYSWeekends at 1:30 p.m.Walgreens and KrogerMondays at 12:30 p.m.

Thrift Store1st Wednesday at 9:45 a.m.


TEMPLE TRANSPORTATIONAvailable every Friday and


TRANSPORTATIONAvailable every Sunday.


Out &

March 2016TH Town Hall GR Great RoomB Bistro MBA

CL Center for Learning OutingCL MarketplaceJK Josephine's Kitchen

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

19:00 B Trivia9:30 TH First Evangelical

10:00 TH Combination Exercise11:00 Lunch Bunch- Central BBQ

1:15 CL Communion2:00 CL Welcome to March3:00 TH Bingo

29:00 B Trivia9:45 Shopping- Thrift Store

10:00 TH Exercise- Balance10:30 B Happy Birthday Theodor

Seuss Geisel1:00 CL Marketplace2:00 TH Balloon volleyball3:00 JK Wine and Cheese

39:00 B Trivia

10:00 TH Exercise- Strength10:30 CL UNO1:30 CL Arts and Crafts3:00 TH Bingo

49:00 B Trivia

10:00 TH Exercise- Yoga10:30 GR Music with Miriam3:00 B Social Hour4:00 B Happy Hour4:15 TH Shabbat with David

59:00 B Trivia

10:00 TH Combination Exercise10:30 CL Where in the U.S.:Vermont

12:30 AL Mystery Drive2:00 TH Movie Matinee3:00 GR Dr. Samuel and Friends6:30 TH Bingo

69:00 B Trivia

10:00 TH Combination Exercise10:30 B Michelangelo’s Birthday1:30 Shopping: T.J.Maxx2:00 TH Bellevue Baptist3:00 CL Genealogy6:30 TH Bingo

79:00 B Trivia

10:00 CL Exercise- Yoga10:45 Lunch Bunch: La Baguette12:30 Shopping- Walgreens/Kroger2:00 CL Dan the History Man3:00 CL Merry March Monday4:00 B Happy Hour

89:00 B Trivia9:30 TH First Evangelical

10:00 TH Combination Exercise10:30 B International women’s

day1:15 CL Communion2:00 CL Remembering the 1960s3:00 TH Bingo

99:00 B Trivia9:30 TH Devotional with Becky

10:00 TH Exercise- Balance1:00 CL Marketplace2:00 CL Healthy Living3:00 JK Wine and Cheese

109:00 B Trivia

10:00 TH Exercise- Strength10:30 B Salvation Army Day2:00 CL Blackjack3:00 TH Bingo

119:00 B Trivia9:30 TH Communion with Carlos

10:00 TH Exercise- Yoga10:30 GR Music with Miriam2:00 CL Arts and Crafts3:00 JK Social Hour: Matt Barber4:00 B Happy Hour

129:00 B Trivia

10:00 TH Combination Exercise10:30 B Johnny Appleseed with an

apple treat12:30 AL Mystery Drive

2:00 TH Movie Matinee3:00 CL UNO6:30 TH Bingo


10:00 TH Combination Exercise10:30 CL Facts about daylight saving

time and puzzle1:30 Shopping: Walmart2:00 TH Bellevue Baptist3:00 CL Hangman6:30 TH Bingo

149:00 B Trivia

10:00 CL Exercise- Yoga10:30 CL Glass Fusing11:30 TH Welcome Committee Lunch12:30 Shopping- Walgreens/Kroger

2:00 CL Potato chip day with snacks3:00 CL Name that tune4:00 B Happy Hour

159:00 B Trivia9:30 TH First Evangelical

10:00 TH Combination Exercise10:45 Lunch Bunch-Wang’s

1:15 CL Communion2:00 CL Ides of March3:00 TH Bingo

169:00 B Trivia

10:00 TH Exercise- Balance10:30 B In the life of a star: Jerry

Lee Lewis1:00 CL Marketplace2:00 CL Balloon Volleyball3:00 JK Wine and Cheese

ST. PATRICK’S DAY 179:00 B Trivia

10:00 The Cotton Museum10:00 TH Exercise- Strength2:00 GR St. Patrick’s Day3:00 TH Bingo

189:00 B Trivia

10:00 TH Exercise- Yoga10:30 GR Music with Miriam2:00 CL Happy Birthday Steel

City3:00 B Social Hour4:00 B Happy Hour

199:00 B Trivia

10:00 TH Combination Exercise10:30 CL UNO12:30 AL Mystery Drive

2:00 TH Movie Matinee6:30 TH Bingo

SPRING BEGINS 209:00 B Trivia

10:00 TH Combination Exercise10:30 CL Palm Sunday

1:30 Shopping: Target2:00 TH Bellevue Baptist3:00 TH Sunday Movie6:30 TH Bingo

219:00 B Trivia

10:00 CL Exercise- Yoga10:30 B Mothers of invention12:30 Shopping- Walgreens/Kroger

2:00 CL Blackjack3:00 B Julio Gallo day4:00 B Happy Hour6:30 TH Monday Movie

229:00 B Trivia9:30 TH First Evangelical

10:00 TH Combination Exercise10:45 Lunch Bunch:Mexican

1:15 CL Communion2:00 CL Tuskegee Airmen

Activation3:00 TH Bingo


10:00 TH Exercise- Balance10:30 CL History of Purim1:00 CL Marketplace2:00 CL Brain Works3:00 JK Wine and Cheese

249:00 B Trivia

10:00 TH Exercise- Strength10:30 B Good Morning News11:30 TH Ladies’ Luncheon

2:00 CL UNO3:00 TH Bingo

GOOD FRIDAY 259:00 B Trivia

10:00 TH Exercise- Yoga10:30 GR Music with Miriam3:00 B Good Friday and Hot

Cross Buns4:00 B Happy Hour

269:00 B Trivia

10:00 TH Combination Exercise10:30 CL Discussion about Polio and

Dr. Jonas Salk12:30 AL Mystery Drive

2:00 TH Movie Matinee3:00 CL Arts and crafts6:30 TH Bingo

EASTER SUNDAY 279:00 B Trivia

10:00 TH Combination Exercise1:30 Shopping: Kroger2:00 TH Bellevue Baptist3:00 TH Sunday Movie6:30 TH Bingo

289:00 B Trivia

10:00 CL Exercise- Yoga10:30 B The Year was 195712:30 Shopping- Walgreens/Kroger2:00 CL Discussion3:00 CL Name that tune4:00 B Happy Hour

299:00 B Trivia9:30 TH First Evangelical

10:00 TH Combination Exercise10:45 Lunch Bunch:Owen

Brennan’s1:15 CL Communion3:00 TH Bingo

309:00 B Trivia

10:00 TH Exercise- Balance10:30 CL Name that tv tune1:00 CL Marketplace2:00 CL Jeopardy!3:00 JK Wine and Cheese

319:00 B Trivia

10:00 TH Exercise- Strength10:30 CL Blackjack3:00 TH Bingo

March 2016TH Town Hall GR Great RoomB Bistro MBA

CL Center for Learning OutingCL MarketplaceJK Josephine's Kitchen

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

19:00 B Trivia9:30 TH First Evangelical

10:00 TH Combination Exercise11:00 Lunch Bunch- Central BBQ

1:15 CL Communion2:00 CL Welcome to March3:00 TH Bingo

29:00 B Trivia9:45 Shopping- Thrift Store

10:00 TH Exercise- Balance10:30 B Happy Birthday Theodor

Seuss Geisel1:00 CL Marketplace2:00 TH Balloon volleyball3:00 JK Wine and Cheese

39:00 B Trivia

10:00 TH Exercise- Strength10:30 CL UNO1:30 CL Arts and Crafts3:00 TH Bingo

49:00 B Trivia

10:00 TH Exercise- Yoga10:30 GR Music with Miriam3:00 B Social Hour4:00 B Happy Hour4:15 TH Shabbat with David

59:00 B Trivia

10:00 TH Combination Exercise10:30 CL Where in the U.S.:Vermont

12:30 AL Mystery Drive2:00 TH Movie Matinee3:00 GR Dr. Samuel and Friends6:30 TH Bingo

69:00 B Trivia

10:00 TH Combination Exercise10:30 B Michelangelo’s Birthday1:30 Shopping: T.J.Maxx2:00 TH Bellevue Baptist3:00 CL Genealogy6:30 TH Bingo

79:00 B Trivia

10:00 CL Exercise- Yoga10:45 Lunch Bunch: La Baguette12:30 Shopping- Walgreens/Kroger2:00 CL Dan the History Man3:00 CL Merry March Monday4:00 B Happy Hour

89:00 B Trivia9:30 TH First Evangelical

10:00 TH Combination Exercise10:30 B International women’s

day1:15 CL Communion2:00 CL Remembering the 1960s3:00 TH Bingo

99:00 B Trivia9:30 TH Devotional with Becky

10:00 TH Exercise- Balance1:00 CL Marketplace2:00 CL Healthy Living3:00 JK Wine and Cheese

109:00 B Trivia

10:00 TH Exercise- Strength10:30 B Salvation Army Day2:00 CL Blackjack3:00 TH Bingo

119:00 B Trivia9:30 TH Communion with Carlos

10:00 TH Exercise- Yoga10:30 GR Music with Miriam2:00 CL Arts and Crafts3:00 JK Social Hour: Matt Barber4:00 B Happy Hour

129:00 B Trivia

10:00 TH Combination Exercise10:30 B Johnny Appleseed with an

apple treat12:30 AL Mystery Drive

2:00 TH Movie Matinee3:00 CL UNO6:30 TH Bingo


10:00 TH Combination Exercise10:30 CL Facts about daylight saving

time and puzzle1:30 Shopping: Walmart2:00 TH Bellevue Baptist3:00 CL Hangman6:30 TH Bingo

149:00 B Trivia

10:00 CL Exercise- Yoga10:30 CL Glass Fusing11:30 TH Welcome Committee Lunch12:30 Shopping- Walgreens/Kroger

2:00 CL Potato chip day with snacks3:00 CL Name that tune4:00 B Happy Hour

159:00 B Trivia9:30 TH First Evangelical

10:00 TH Combination Exercise10:45 Lunch Bunch-Wang’s

1:15 CL Communion2:00 CL Ides of March3:00 TH Bingo

169:00 B Trivia

10:00 TH Exercise- Balance10:30 B In the life of a star: Jerry

Lee Lewis1:00 CL Marketplace2:00 CL Balloon Volleyball3:00 JK Wine and Cheese

ST. PATRICK’S DAY 179:00 B Trivia

10:00 The Cotton Museum10:00 TH Exercise- Strength2:00 GR St. Patrick’s Day3:00 TH Bingo

189:00 B Trivia

10:00 TH Exercise- Yoga10:30 GR Music with Miriam2:00 CL Happy Birthday Steel

City3:00 B Social Hour4:00 B Happy Hour

199:00 B Trivia

10:00 TH Combination Exercise10:30 CL UNO12:30 AL Mystery Drive

2:00 TH Movie Matinee6:30 TH Bingo

SPRING BEGINS 209:00 B Trivia

10:00 TH Combination Exercise10:30 CL Palm Sunday

1:30 Shopping: Target2:00 TH Bellevue Baptist3:00 TH Sunday Movie6:30 TH Bingo

219:00 B Trivia

10:00 CL Exercise- Yoga10:30 B Mothers of invention12:30 Shopping- Walgreens/Kroger

2:00 CL Blackjack3:00 B Julio Gallo day4:00 B Happy Hour6:30 TH Monday Movie

229:00 B Trivia9:30 TH First Evangelical

10:00 TH Combination Exercise10:45 Lunch Bunch:Mexican

1:15 CL Communion2:00 CL Tuskegee Airmen

Activation3:00 TH Bingo


10:00 TH Exercise- Balance10:30 CL History of Purim1:00 CL Marketplace2:00 CL Brain Works3:00 JK Wine and Cheese

249:00 B Trivia

10:00 TH Exercise- Strength10:30 B Good Morning News11:30 TH Ladies’ Luncheon

2:00 CL UNO3:00 TH Bingo

GOOD FRIDAY 259:00 B Trivia

10:00 TH Exercise- Yoga10:30 GR Music with Miriam3:00 B Good Friday and Hot

Cross Buns4:00 B Happy Hour

269:00 B Trivia

10:00 TH Combination Exercise10:30 CL Discussion about Polio and

Dr. Jonas Salk12:30 AL Mystery Drive

2:00 TH Movie Matinee3:00 CL Arts and crafts6:30 TH Bingo

EASTER SUNDAY 279:00 B Trivia

10:00 TH Combination Exercise1:30 Shopping: Kroger2:00 TH Bellevue Baptist3:00 TH Sunday Movie6:30 TH Bingo

289:00 B Trivia

10:00 CL Exercise- Yoga10:30 B The Year was 195712:30 Shopping- Walgreens/Kroger2:00 CL Discussion3:00 CL Name that tune4:00 B Happy Hour

299:00 B Trivia9:30 TH First Evangelical

10:00 TH Combination Exercise10:45 Lunch Bunch:Owen

Brennan’s1:15 CL Communion3:00 TH Bingo

309:00 B Trivia

10:00 TH Exercise- Balance10:30 CL Name that tv tune1:00 CL Marketplace2:00 CL Jeopardy!3:00 JK Wine and Cheese

319:00 B Trivia

10:00 TH Exercise- Strength10:30 CL Blackjack3:00 TH Bingo

Logic ProblemBryan and his sisters, Cassie

and Monica, were coloring eggs.They each used a different colorto dye their eggs: blue, red andpurple. Use the clues below tofigure out the color of eachsibling’s egg.

1. Bryan almost chose blue,but he decided to mix it withanother color to get the colorhe wanted.

2. Cassie’s favorite color is aprimary color.

3. Monica had a hard timechoosing between red andpurple, but she finally chose justone color for her egg.

Answer: Bryan: purple; Cassie:blue; Monica: red

Memorable Melody:‘Danny Boy’

While considered theunofficial anthem of Ireland, thebeloved ballad “Danny Boy” waswritten by an Englishman.Songwriter Frederick Weatherlycomposed the words in 1910and paired them to the music of“Londonderry Air,” an old Irishmelody. With lyrics aboutlonging for home and lovedones, the song has often beenused as a final farewell since itsearly days, when it resonatedwith those saying goodbye tofamily members during times ofwar and with emigrants leavingtheir homeland for America.

Ash WednesdayIn Christianity, the first day of

Lent—the period of fasting andrepentance leading up to Easter—is known as Ash Wednesday.Many Christians observe this holyday by receiving a mark of asheson their foreheads in the shape ofa cross. Traditionally, the ashes aremade by burning the palm frondsused in the previous year’s PalmSunday services. Since Biblicaltimes, the sprinkling of ashes overone’s body has been a sign ofrepentance, and thus AshWednesday reminds Christians oftheir own sin and mortality.Though the holiday seemssomber, it is seen by many as away to prepare for the joyousEaster holiday, when the deathand resurrection of Jesus Christwashes away the world’s sins andpromises eternal life.

Beyond the RainbowDespite what leprechauns

might have you believe, there isno pot of gold waiting for you atthe end of the rainbow. Since it’san image and not a physicalobject, the rainbow doesn’t have abeginning or end. As you move,your perception of the rainbowchanges, and it may evendisappear entirely.

BrainteaserQuestion: What kind of room

has no doors or windows?Answer: A mushroom.


DISCOVERIESWhat to do with that extra day?

The “leap day” of February 29exists for purely astronomicalreasons, but has always promptedless scientific curiosities.

• The leap year’s extra day isnecessary because of the“messiness” of our SolarSystem. One Earth, year doesnot take an exact number ofwhole days... it takes365.2422 days, give or take.

• Every fourth year is a leapyear, as a rule of thumb.However, a year that isdivisible by 100, but not by400, is not. So 2000 was aleap year under theGregorian calendar, as was1600. But 1700, 1800 and1900 are not leap years.

• The tradition of a womanproposing on a leap year hasvarious origins. One was St.Bridget in the 5th Century.She is said to havecomplained to St. Patrickthat women had to wait toolong for their suitors topropose. St. Patrick gavewomen a single day in a leapyear to pop the question.Another story is that QueenMargaret of Scotland broughtin a law setting fines for menwho turned down marriageproposals put by women ona leap year.

• The practice of womenproposing in a leap year isdifferent around the world. Arefusal to marry by Danishmen means they must givethe woman 12 pairs ofgloves. In Finland, it is notgloves but fabric for a skirt,and in Greece, marriage in aleap year is consideredunlucky, leading manycouples to avoid it.

• The chance of being born ona leap day is often said to beone in 1,461. Babies born onFebruary 29 are known as“leapers” or “leaplings.”

• Explorer ChristopherColumbus used the lunareclipse of February 29, 1504,to his advantage during hisfinal trip to the West Indies.After being stranded with hiscrew on the island ofJamaica, relations with theindigenous population brokedown and they refused tocontinue helping with foodand provisions. Columbus,knowing a lunar eclipse wasdue, gathered the nativechiefs on February 29. Hetold that God was to punishthem by painting the Moonred. During the eclipse, hesaid that God wouldwithdraw the punishment ifthey starting cooperatingagain. The panicked chiefsagreed and the Moon beganemerging from its shadow.

Leap year blessings to y’all!!



On-site visits 1st Weds. ofevery month. Dr. Shainberg’s feeis $40 (cash or check) at time ofservice. Please turn in yourpayment to Linda Bello, DRCS.

GAMMA LABSOn-site collection services

weekly on Thursdays.INTERNAL MEDICINE OF

THE MIDSOUTHDr. Randy Villanueva will be

here every Thursday -WellnessCenter (2nd floor).

Appointments andquestions, please see LindaBello, DRCS.

Belmont Village Scene

Lunch Bunch at O’Charley’s

The Lunch Bunch crew

Everyone had a great time at theValentine’s Day party!

Elaine and her sister Sherry, enjoyingthe entertainment.

Residents and their families, enjoyingBelmont’s 16th anniversary party.

Valentine’s Day entertainmentperformed by Mike Dougherty.

6605 N. Quail Hollow RoadMemphis, TN 38120



