Bell Work September 22-26, 2008. Monday Write the italicized groups of words. Identify them as SC...


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Bell Work

September 22-26, 2008


Write the italicized groups of words. Identify them as SC (subordinate clause) or Prep (prepositional phrase).

1.Karen ate dinner before she went to the mall.2. I will hand in my homework when class starts.3.I have PE before lunch.

Prim, prin, proto

Flowers for Algernon

Read to find out how Charlie’s character changes.

We will finish the story today, so think about the climax, falling action, and resolution.

Be thinking of possible themes for the story.


Copy these sentences. Put brackets around subordinate clauses. Put parentheses around prepositional phrases. Circle coordinating conjunctions. Write simple, complex, or compound.

1. Charles said that he was sorry about the argument.

2. Jan was sorry also, so they are friends now.3. They laugh at themselves because the argument

was stupid.

The Princess and the Pea

The Princess and the Pea (2)


Choose one of the quotes. Write it down at the top of your page. Write at least a page of your thoughts. Do you agree or disagree with the quote? Why? Give examples from real life, from the story, from other books or movies to support your answer. Be sure to skip lines.

Quotes from “Flowers for Algernon”

1. “Who knows what you done to yourself to get so smart . . .It’s not right.”

2. “No one I’ve known is what he appears to be on the surface.”

3. “. . .people . . .who would not take advantage of a man born without arms or legs or eyes . . . think nothing of abusing a man born with low intelligence.”

4. “It’s easy to make friends if you let people laugh at you.”


Write the compound-complex sentences. Put brackets around subordinate clauses. Circle coordinating conjunctions.

1.Kevin was able to catch the pass, but he was tackled before he could score the touchdown.

2.One book that I would like to read is a mystery novel, and one of my favorite authors is Dean Koontz.

First Impressions (2)

Verb Quiz

Draw the two circles. Write the helping verbs in the left circle and the linking verbs in the right circle. The eight words common to both go in the center circle.

KEY IDEA Many people say they aren’t superstitious. But those same people might own a lucky charm or get nervous on Friday the 13th. Usually these superstitions are harmless, but sometimes they can interfere with a person’s life. In the selection you are about to read, curiosity about the power of an unusual object brings unexpected consequences.


Identify the sentence structure of these four sentences. Simple, Compound, Complex, or Compound-Complex.

1. Sheila carefully chopped the onions, and Mary broiled the chicken.

2. Jane is the chief cook because she knows the recipe.

3. Bree and Alison brought the groceries, but when they shopped, they forgot the tomatoes.

4. The dinner was terrific without the tomatoes.

Vocab Review

prim, prin, protochron, tempgenped, podmanumiss, mittPrinciplePrimer

PrincipalityPrincePrima donaPrimaryProtocolProtagonistPrimevalPrimogenitor