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Physician Referral to a Psychologist: Testing Alternative Behavioral Healthcare Seeking Models

Joseph H. Hammer

University of Kentucky

Douglas A. Spiker

University of Kentucky

Paul B. Perrin

Virginia Commonwealth University

Note: This article may not exactly replicate the final version published in the journal. It is not the copy of record. Please use the DOI link on my website ( to access the PDF through your institution, allowing full access to the published type-set article. The APA-style citation for this article can be found on the Publications page of my website.

Author Notes Joseph H. Hammer, Department of Educational, School, and Counseling Psychology,

University of Kentucky; Douglas A. Spiker, Department of Educational, School, and Counseling Psychology, University of Kentucky; Paul. B. Perrin, Psychology Department, Virginia Commonwealth University.

Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Joseph H. Hammer, PhD, Department of Educational, School, and Counseling Psychology, University of Kentucky, 243 Dickey Hall, Lexington, KY 40506. E-mail:

APA-Style Citation:

Hammer, J. H., Spiker, D. A., & Perrin, P. B. (2019). Physician referral to a psychologist: Testing alternative behavioral healthcare seeking models. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 75, 726-741. doi: 10.1002/jclp.22729



Objective: Primary care physicians (PCPs) often refer patients to psychological services, but

help seeking factors in the context of behavioral healthcare referral are understudied. This study

examined perceptions of seeking psychological help for depression by comparing alternative

structural equation models derived from the Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA).

Method: Internet survey participants (N=685 U.S. adults, 77% female, Mage=45) imagined

themselves in a vignette scenario in which they are experiencing depression symptoms and

encouraged by a PCP to see a psychologist.

Results: Results supported the indirect model, in which the links between distal help seeking

factors (i.e., self-stigma, symptom recognition, perceived effectiveness of treatment) and

intention to follow through on the referral to the psychologist were fully mediated by the more

proximal TRA factors (i.e., attitudes, subjective norms).

Conclusions: Our findings supported the use of TRA in understanding peoples’ intention to seek

psychological help for depression when referred by their PCP.

Keywords: integrated care, help seeking, help seeking attitudes, stigma, referral


Physician Referral to a Psychologist: Testing Alternative Behavioral Healthcare Seeking Models

According to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH; 2017) depression affects

approximately 6.7% of all U.S. adults. Depression is a primary cause of disability (Cuijpers, de

Graaf, & Van Dorsselaer, 2004) and leads to significant public cost (Broadhead, Blazer, George,

& Tse, 1990), but many do not seek behavioral healthcare for depression (van Zoonen et al.,

2015). Research into the determinants of psychological help seeking has increased our

understanding of both the barriers and facilitators of treatment seeking for depression

(Schomerus, Matschinger, & Angermeyer, 2009). However, this literature has largely ignored

that most clients first seek help for depression from a primary care physician (PCP) rather than a

psychologist (Druss et al., 2008; Reust, Thomlinson, & Lattie, 1999). PCPs are integral in

connecting clients to behavioral healthcare, but only 33% of clients adhere to PCP referrals

(Ishikawa et al., 2014; Reust et al., 1999). Despite this being a common pathway to behavioral

healthcare, perceptions of seeking psychological services when receiving a referral from a PCP

are not well understood. The prevalence of mental health referrals, depression, and low referral

adherence rates highlight a need to understand what motivates clients to follow through on

behavioral healthcare referrals. The purpose of the current study was to use the Theory of

Reasoned Action (TRA; Ajzen & Fishbein, 1980) to examine key factors (e.g., symptom

recognition, perceived effectiveness of treatment, self-stigma of seeking help) associated with

clients’ intention to seek psychological help for depressive symptoms when referred by a PCP.

The TRA has been essential in understanding psychological help seeking behavior in

non-referral contexts (Hammer & Vogel, 2013). In fact, Google Scholar indicates that the TRA

has been cited in over 1,400 articles focused on help seeking for mental health concerns. The

TRA posits that intention, or how much effort one plans to exert to perform a behavior, is the


primary predictor of actual behavior. Attitudes (i.e., favorable or unfavorable beliefs about

seeing a psychologist) and subjective norms (i.e., beliefs about what significant others’ think

about seeing a psychologist) determine intention to seek psychological help. If clients believe

therapy will result in positive outcomes (i.e., positive attitudes) and that important others approve

of their seeking help (i.e., positive subjective norms), then they will be more likely to intend to

seek help, and subsequently follow through on that intention.

The TRA also states that distal factors, such as symptom recognition and perceived

effectiveness of treatment, influence intention via the proximal factors of attitudes and subjective

norms (Ajzen & Fishbein, 1980). Some help seeking models identify symptom recognition as the

first step of help seeking behavior (Motjabai et al., 2011), yet many psychological help-seeking

studies fail to address this variable (e.g., Hess & Tracey, 2013). This is a surprising omission,

given that clients are less willing to follow through on a mental health referral if they do not

identify their symptoms as related to depression (Wittink, Barg, & Gallo, 2006). Adherence to a

PCP’s referral may also be influenced by the perceived effectiveness of treatment. In other

words, if clients anticipate that seeing a psychologist will lead to a reduction in depressive

symptoms, then they could have more positive attitudes toward seeking psychological help

(Vogel & Wester, 2003). Although perceived effectiveness of treatment and symptom

recognition play an important role in psychological help seeking, the relative contribution of

these variables compared to other psychological help seeking variables (e.g., attitudes, subjective

norms, self-stigma) has not been fully examined. Examining these factors simultaneously using

structural equation modeling could help researchers better understand how symptom recognition

and perceived effectiveness of treatment are linked with perceptions of psychological help

seeking, as operationalized by the TRA.


Testing Competing TRA Models

Psychological help seeking studies have examined attitudes toward psychotherapy as a

full mediator between determinants of psychological help seeking (e.g., perceived effectiveness

of treatment) and intention to seek psychological help (Vogel, Wade, Wester, Larson, & Hackler,

2007). This is consistent with the TRA, which states that distal help seeking variables influence

intention only indirectly through proximal help seeking factors (Ajzen & Fishbein, 1980).

However, certain determinants of help seeking may also directly influence intention regardless of

indirect influences via attitudes or subjective norms (Vogel, Wester, Wei, & Boysen, 2005). For

example, clients may have negative feelings toward psychotherapy (i.e., attitudes), but if they

believe that treatment will reduce their depressive symptoms (i.e., perceived effectiveness of

treatment), then they might still be willing to see a psychologist. However, no study has

examined this possibility. Determining if attitudes completely account for the relationship

between perceived effectiveness and intention, and thus deserve special clinical attention, can

help guide the focus of mental health outreach efforts that seek to improve people’s perceptions

of behavioral healthcare.

The degree to which attitudes and subjective norms account for the relationship between

symptom recognition and intention is also important to explore. Correct recognition of mental

health symptoms can reduce unhelpful beliefs (e.g., self-reliance) about psychological help

seeking (Jorm et al., 2006) which can facilitate more positive attitudes toward psychotherapy

(Thompson, Issakidis, & Hunt, 2008). Additionally, PCPs are more likely to detect a mental

health concern if clients present their symptoms as reflecting a mental health problem,

suggesting that a PCP’s behavioral healthcare referral is more likely if clients first recognize

their own symptoms as psychological in nature (Kessler, Heath, Lloyd, Lewis, & Gray, 1999).


Therefore, clients’ symptom recognition may lead PCPs to recommend behavioral healthcare,

which in turn can lead clients to perceive that important others think they should seek

psychological help (i.e., more positive subjective norms). However, there is also evidence that, in

addition to these indirect relationships via attitudes and subjective norms, symptom recognition

may directly increase help seeking intention and behavior (Thompson, Hunt, & Issakidis, 2004).

Self-labeling as having depression may activate behavioral schemas conducive to help seeking,

even when one’s attitudes and subjective norms are not particularly favorable, given that beliefs

about the utility of an intervention do not always predict the use of an intervention (Wright et al.,

2007). In summary, it is worth testing a total model that includes direct effects from symptom

recognition and perceived effectiveness of treatment to intention, in addition to the indirect

effects posited by the TRA.

The Present Study

The current study examined perceptions of seeking behavioral healthcare for depression

using a vignette design in which participants imagine they are experiencing depression

symptoms and are encouraged by a PCP to see a psychologist. The use of a vignette was

important, as it allowed us to elicit help seeking beliefs tied to a specific, real-life behavioral

healthcare scenario. This is underscored by strong empirical evidence that specific beliefs are

more accurate predictors of intention than general beliefs (Fishbein & Ajzen, 1975). The TRA

was used to guide the construction of a testable TRA help seeking model (see Figure 1), which

intentionally focuses on the ecologically-relevant context of help seeking perceptions when

referred by a PCP for behavioral healthcare. The model posits theory-driven links between help

seeking determinants (i.e., self-stigma of seek help, perceived effectiveness of treatment,

problem recognition) and key TRA variables (i.e., attitudes, subjective norms, intention). The


model also controls for the role of past help seeking behavior, gender, and age, given their

documented association with help seeking perceptions (Gum, Iser, & Petkus, 2010; Masuda,

Anderson, & Edmonds, 2012). Furthermore, to more thoroughly examine the relations among

these help seeking variables, the present study followed best practice recommendations to

compare competing theoretical models (Martens, 2005).

The indirect model was built on the classic TRA assumption that distal help seeking

factors exert their influence on intention to seek help via the proximal mediators of attitudes and

subjective norms. In contrast, the total model allows not only indirect paths, but also direct paths

from distal help seeking factors (i.e., perceived effectiveness, illness recognition) to intention.

The latter model acknowledges the possibility that perceived effectiveness of treatment and

symptom recognition may be linked with intention to seek help for reasons beyond improved

attitudes and subjective norms, as discussed above. Chi-square difference testing was used to

compare the fit of these nested models to the sample data, in order to determine which model

better captures the relations among these help-seeking factors, and is thus worth utilizing to

guide future clinical research.


Participants and Procedures

Participants were 685 (149 men, 530 women, 4 other gender identity, 2 preferred not to

answer) U.S. adults ranging in age from 18 to 92 (M = 45.30, SD = 16.04). Approximately

82.4% of the sample identified as White, 5.4% as Black, 4.4% as Multiracial, 2.8% as Latino/a,

1.8% as Asian American/Pacific Islander, 1.9% as Other, 0.4% as Native American or Alaskan

Native, and 0.9% prefer not to answer. Approximately 0.4% earned less than a high school

diploma, 3.5% earned only a high school diploma or GED, 9.1% earned only an associate degree


or attended vocational school, 13.9% had some college experience, 35.5% earned at least a

bachelor’s degree, 37.2% earned at least graduate or professional degree, and 0.1% preferred not

to answer. Approximately 58.7% of participants reported having sought psychological help in the

past. Regarding U.S. residence region, approximately 2.8% reported living in New England,

11.2% in Middle Atlantic, 21.4% in East North Central, 7.4% in West North Central, 20.2% in

South Atlantic, 13.3% in East South Central, 6.4% in West South Central, 5% in Mountain,

11.8% in Pacific, and 0.4% reported currently residing abroad.

Participants were recruited via ResearchMatch (RM), a national health volunteer registry

created by several academic institutions and supported by the U.S. National Institutes of Health

as part of the Clinical Translational Science Award (CTSA) program. The University of

Kentucky Office of Research Integrity approved the study. RM participants were contacted via

the registry regarding the study, advertised as a survey about healthcare and personal well-being.

Interested participants were directed to a Qualtrics online survey that began with an informed

consent page.

Participants then viewed a vignette adapted from Schomerus et al. (2009), which were

verified by five psychopathology experts as accurately describing a person with major

depression. The vignette began by asking participants to imagine that they were experiencing

depression symptoms (e.g., depressed mood) causing distress and impairment and that they

sought help from a PCP. The PCP tells them that an examination and blood work did not identify

a physical cause and suggests that the participant might be experiencing depression symptoms

and should see a psychologist. The wording of the final sentence of the vignette varied

depending on which of 4 conditions the respondents were randomly assigned to: “I can arrange

for you to see the psychologist next week, who [is a part of our collaborative team and] has an


office a few blocks from here [down the hall].” We analyzed participants from all 4 conditions

together as a single sample in this study because respondents’ scores on the study measures did

not differ across the 4 conditions. In other words, the slight wording difference of the final

sentence of the vignette did not influence participants’ responses. This randomization to

conditions was for the purposes of pilot testing unrelated to the purpose of the present paper.

After reading the vignette, participants completed the study measures and demographics, and

then had the option of entering a drawing for a $25 gift card.


Help seeking perceptions was operationalized using variables drawn from the Theory of

Reasoned Action (TRA; Fishbein & Ajzen, 1975) and extant help seeking research. In line with

past help seeking research (e.g., Hess & Tracey, 2013), we followed the recommendations of

Ajzen (2002) for adapting intention, attitudes, and subjective norms instruments to be compatible

on the four elements of target (e.g., psychologist), action (e.g., going to see the psychologist),

context (e.g., PCP referral), and time (e.g., now or next few weeks).

Intention. The three-item Mental Help Seeking Intention Scale (MHSIS; Hammer &

Spiker, 2018) was adapted to measure participants’ intention to seek help from the psychologist

described in the vignette (e.g., “I would intend to go see the psychologist.”). Participants rated

their degree of intention using a 7-point Likert scale from 1 (e.g., definitely false) to 7 (e.g.,

definitely true), with higher scores indicating greater intention. Different versions of the MHSIS

have been used by help seeking researchers for diverse study contexts. These versions’ scores

have demonstrated internal consistency (α’s > .87) and convergent evidence of validity (Hess &

Tracey, 2013). Hammer and Spiker (2018) provided initial support for conceptualizing the

MHSIS as a unidimensional instrument that produces an internally consistent total score with


appropriate construct replicability and predictive evidence of validity (i.e., prediction of future

help seeking behavior). Internal consistency was .95 [95% CI of .938, .952] in the present study.

Attitudes. Attitudes was assessed with a 5-item attitudes instrument that measures

participants’ evaluation (unfavorable vs. favorable) of their seeking help from the psychologist

(e.g., “For me, going to see the psychologist would be…”). Participants responded using a 7-

point semantic differential scale anchored by bipolar adjectives at either end (e.g., bad vs. good),

with higher scores indicating more positive attitudes. Help seeking attitudes instruments that

follow Azjen’s (2002) recommendations have previously demonstrated evidence of reliability (α

≥ .81; Hammer, Parent, & Spiker, 2018) and validity (e.g., significant positive association

between attitudes and intention to seek help; Schomerus et al., 2009). Internal consistency

was .87 [95% CI of .852, .884] in the present study.

Subjective Norms. Subjective norms were assessed with a 3-item subjective norms

instrument (e.g., “The people in my life whose opinions I value would ___ of my going to see

the psychologist”). Participants responded using a 7-point Likert scale from 1 (e.g., disapprove)

to 7 (e.g., approve), with higher scores indicating more positive subjective norms. Help seeking

subjective norms instruments that follow Azjen’s (2002) recommendations have previously

demonstrated evidence of reliability (α ≥ .81; Hammer et al., 2018) and validity (e.g., significant

positive association between subjective norms and intention to seek help; Schomerus et al.,

2009). Internal consistency was .75 [95% CI of .713, .779] in the present study.

Self-Stigma of Seeking Help. The 10-item Self-Stigma of Seeking Help Scale (SSOSH;

Vogel, Wade, & Haake, 2006) assessed perceived self-stigma for seeking psychological help. An

example item included “I would feel inadequate if I went to the psychologist for psychological

help.” Participants rated each item from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree) with higher


scores indicating greater self-stigma. The internal consistency of this instrument was found to

be .88 [95% CI of .869, .895] in the current sample. The SSOSH has demonstrated convergent

evidence of validity (Vogel et al., 2006), as well as test-retest reliability over a period of 2

months (α = .72) and internal consistency (α = .89).

Perceived Effectiveness. Perceived effectiveness of treatment was assessed with a single

item (“Working with this psychologist would restore me to my normal level of functioning.”)

rated from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree). This item was adapted from the Treatment

Effectiveness subscale of the Patient Attitudes Toward and Ratings of Care for Depression

questionnaire (Cooper et al., 2000). This item was rated in the scale development study as

capturing one of the most important attributes of depression treatment among 126 possible

attributes generated from patient focus groups.

Symptoms Recognition. Symptom recognition was assessed with a single yes/no item

(“In your opinion, does the scenario describe a person who is depressed?”) adapted from a study

that examined recognition of several mental health disorders (Eker, 1989). The item used by

Eker (1989) asked if the person in the vignette had a mental illness, and we adjusted the item to

ask about depression.

Past help seeking. Past help seeking was assessed with a single item adapted from

Goodwin et al. (2014): “Have you ever been diagnosed or treated by a professional for mental

health conditions including anxiety disorders, depression, panic attacks, phobia, substance

abuse/dependence or other dependence (e.g., gambling, internet, sexual).”

Analysis Plan and Data Cleaning

The initial dataset contained 692 individuals. Cases with incorrect responses to both

instructed response items (n = 7) were deleted. The final sample (N = 685) was used for all


analyses and reliability estimates. No variables exceeded cutoffs of 3 and 10 for high univariate

skewness and kurtosis values, respectively (Weston & Gore, 2006), with the exception of the

binary depression label item (skewness = -3.50, kurtosis = 10.31). We used the MLR estimator in

Mplus version 6.11 (Muthén & Muthén, 1998-2012) to estimate the model χ2 and associated fit

indices that use it to protect against deviations from multivariate normality. We noted that

removal of univariate (Z-score > 3.29) and multivariate (Mahalanobis D2 at p < .001) outliers did

not impact model results. Bivariate scatterplots indicated the presence of homoscedasticity and

no evidence of nonlinearity. Missing data ranged from a low of 0% for many items to a high of

2.2% for one of the attitude items. Covariance coverage ranged from .965 to 1.000. We used Full

Information Maximum Likelihood (FIML) estimation in Mplus for all model analyses to handle

missing data.

We used a two-step modeling approach (Anderson & Gerbing, 1988), which involves

testing a measurement model using confirmatory factor analysis and then partially-latent

structural regression models. Kline (2015) states that researchers must first find an acceptable

measurement model before proceeding to test a structural model, because omission of

theoretically-defensible measurement model respecifications can lead to inaccurate structural

model results. Brown (2015) states that respecification of measurement models can involve both

dropping bad indicators and specifying correlated errors. Thus, we planned to use modification

indices to guide theoretically-defensible respecification, implementing respecifications one step

at a time, as needed, until an acceptable measurement model was identified. To control for the

effects of demographic covariates in the structural regression models, we first conducted

bivariate correlation analyses in SPSS Version 24 (IBM) to identify which demographic

variables demonstrated significant relationships with endogenous variables in the structural


regression model. These significant demographic variables (i.e., gender, age) were then specified

to correlate with all endogenous variables in the structural regression models. Furthermore, given

that the TRA states that past behaviors act on intention via attitudes and subjective norms, and

past research documenting an inverse relationship between past behavior and self-stigma of

seeking help (Vogel et al., 2006), we specified paths between past help seeking behavior and

these three endogenous variables (attitudes, subjective norms, self-stigma of seeking help).

The scaled chi-square statistic (scaled χ2), Root Mean Square Error of Approximation

(RMSEA), Comparative Fit Index (CFI), Tucker-Lewis Index (TLI), and standardized root mean

square residual (SRMR) were used to assess the goodness of fit for each model. The following fit

criteria for acceptable fit were used: RMSEA < .06, CFI > .95, TLI > .95, and SRMR < .08 (Hu

& Bentler, 1999). We modeled all four latent constructs (intention, attitudes, subjective norms,

self-stigma of seeking help) using their respective instrument items as reflective indicators. All

other variables (e.g., age, past mental help seeking behavior) were operationalized as observed

variables. The means, standard deviations, and intercorrelations for all analyzed variables can be

found in Table 1. Ferguson’s (2009) correlation coefficient and standardized beta effect size

interpretation suggestions for social science data were used to interpret direct effects: r/β = .2 is

the minimum for a “practically” significant effect, r/β = .5 for a moderate effect, and r/β = .8 for

a strong effect. Kenny’s (2018) suggested effect size interpretation for small (.01 when X and M

are both ordinal; .02 when X is dichotomous and M is ordinal), medium (.09 when X and M are

both ordinal, .15 when X is dichotomous and M is ordinal), and large (.25 when X and M are

both ordinal, .40 when X is dichotomous and M is ordinal) indirect effects was used.

Because best practices in structural equation modeling (SEM) recommend the testing of

plausible alternative structural models, we tested the simpler indirect TRA first (Kline, 2015).


We then used a scaled χ2 difference test (Δχ2) to compare the fit of that nested full-mediation

indirect model to the more complex total model. A significant Δχ2 result would indicate that the

total model provides a better fit to the data and should be retained for indirect effects testing

using the bootstrapping procedure outlined by Shrout and Bolger (2002). One thousand bootstrap

draws of the data were used by Mplus to obtain bias-corrected bootstrap confidence intervals for

the direct and indirect effects. Soper’s (2013) sample size calculator for structural equation

models was used (effect size = .15, power = .80, alpha = .05, number of latent variables = 4,

number of observed variables = 20) to calculate the minimum sample size needed for adequate

power in the current study. The present sample (N = 685) exceeds the sample required (N = 630)

by the most complex model—the total TRA model.


Measurement Model

The initial measurement model (Model 1; M1) did not demonstrate acceptable fit to the

data, χ2 (183) = 865.24, p < .001; RMSEA = .074 [90% CI of .069, .079]; CFI = .895; TLI =

.879; SRMR = .092. The largest modification index (173.62) suggested specifying a correlated

error between two attitude items, which were both about the pleasantness (i.e., pleasant,

enjoyable) of seeking help, whereas the remaining instrument items focused on utility (i.e.,

beneficial, good, valuable). This common item content provided a reasonable theoretical reason

to respecify the measurement model with an error correlation between these two items. This

second measurement model (M2) demonstrated improved but not yet acceptable fit, χ2 (182) =

672.03, p < .001; RMSEA = .063 [90% CI of .058, .068]; CFI = .924; TLI = .913; SRMR = .091.

The largest modification index (152.10) suggested allowing one reverse-scored item from the

self-stigma of seeking help instrument to also be a reflective indicator of attitudes, which


indicates this item is a complex indicator and not suitable as a reflective indicator of self-stigma

of seeking help. As an artifact of its reverse-score nature, this item (i.e., “My self-esteem would

increase if I talked to the psychologist.”) appeared to partially measure the help seeking attitudes

concept of utility, which provides a theoretical explanation for why it functioned as a poor

indicator. The third measurement model (M3) omitted this item as a reflective indicator of self-

stigma of seeking help, and likewise demonstrated improved but not yet acceptable fit, χ2 (163) =

428.01, p < .001; RMSEA = .049 [90% CI of .043, .054]; CFI = .957; TLI = .949; SRMR = .065.

The largest modification index (74.57) suggested specifying a correlated error between two

reverse-scored self-stigma of seeking help items, which were both about how one’s view of

oneself would not change if one sought help. This concept, shared by these two items, seems to

conflate the inverse of self-stigma with the perceived ability of treatment to improve one’s view

of oneself. This provided a reasonable theoretical reason to respecify the measurement model

with an error correlation between these two items. The fourth measurement model (M4), which

incorporated the three iterative respecifications suggested by modification indices up to this

point, demonstrated acceptable fit, χ2 (162) = 348.27 p < .001; RMSEA = .041 [90% CI of .035,

.047]; CFI = .970; TLI = .964; SRMR = .061. Having identified an acceptable measurement

model, we proceeded to test the two competing structural models.

Structural Models

The indirect model (M5) demonstrated acceptable fit to the data, χ2 (255) = 557.69, p <

.001; RMSEA = .042 [90% CI of .037, .046]; CFI = .957; TLI = .950; SRMR = .076. Parameter

estimates for this model are presented in Figure 2. All parameter estimates were congruent with

theoretical expectations, with the exception of two: symptom recognition was unrelated to

attitudes, and past help seeking was unrelated to subjective norms. The indirect model accounted


for 64.40% of the variance in intention, 49.20% of the variance in attitudes, and 18.50% of the

variance in subjective norms.

The total model (M6) also appeared to demonstrate acceptable fit to the data, χ2 (253) =

551.14, p < .001; RMSEA = .042 [90% CI of .037, .046]; CFI = .958; TLI = .950; SRMR = .077.

Parameter estimates for this model are presented in Figure 3. The structural paths present in both

the indirect and total models demonstrated coefficients of similar direction, magnitude, and

significance. Specifically, the difference in magnitude was no greater than .01 for all paths, with

the exception of the attitudes to intention path, which was .61 in the indirect model and .55 in the

total model. The total model accounted for 64.30% of the variance in intention, 48.30% of the

variance in attitudes, and 18.20% of the variance in subjective norms.

The Δχ2 test was non-significant (Δχ2 = 6.54, p = .09), indicating that the added

complexity of the total model did not sufficiently increase model fit to warrant retention over the

indirect model. Thus, we proceeded to use the indirect model for indirect effects testing. Of the

ten possible indirect effects (see Table 2), eight were significant (i.e., did not include zero in the

95% confidence interval). The non-significance of the remaining two indirect effects is expected,

given that they shared the two non-significant direct paths (see the dotted lines in Figure 2).


The current study examined perceptions of seeking behavioral healthcare for depression

using a vignette design in which participants imagine they are experiencing depression

symptoms and are encouraged by a PCP to see a psychologist. Results supported the retention of

the indirect model over the total model, supporting the TRA principle (Ajzen & Fishbein, 1980)

that the relationship between distal help seeking factors and intention to seek psychological help

is fully mediated by attitudes toward seeking help and perceived subjective norms regarding


seeking help. This aligns with past studies that found distal factors, ranging from adherence to

masculine norms (Smith, Tran, and Thompson, 2008) to perceived effectiveness of treatment

(Vogel et al., 2005), are mediated by the TRA factors. The distal factors of perceived

effectiveness of treatment and symptom recognition did not have a direct effect on intention, but

rather demonstrated an indirect relation via the more proximal TRA variables of attitudes and

subjective norms. Specifically, perceiving that working with the referral psychologist would be

effective at alleviating the depression symptoms was strongly predictive of positive attitudes

toward seeking help from the psychologist. In tandem with self-stigma, perceived effectiveness

accounted for almost half of the potential variance in attitudes. This further highlights the

centrality of perceived effectiveness of treatment vis-à-vis attitudes (Mojtabai et al., 2011), and

argues for the specific inclusion of this factor in future help seeking research. Respondents who

recognized the symptoms described in the vignette as indicative of depression were slightly more

likely (small effect) to perceive that others would want them to seek help (i.e., subjective norms).

Interpreting these symptoms as indicative of a mental health disorder rather than subclinical

distress may have provided a legitimacy and gravity that, in the minds of the respondents,

important others would see as sufficient to warrant professional treatment. What important others

think is likely to be salient for people who recognize symptoms of a mental health disorder, as

most first reach out to friends and family when in emotional distress (Eisenberg, Hunt, & Speer,

2011). Curiously, symptom recognition did not have a unique relationship with attitudes, which

deviates from the literature’s precedent (Wittink et al., 2006). The non-significant finding

suggests two possibilities. First, Table 1 indicates that these factors have a small to medium

bivariate relationship, and this shared variance seems better accounted for by competing distal

help seeking factors (e.g., perceived effectiveness). Second, a single-item measure for symptom


recognition may not have been powerful enough to detect a significant effect. Thus, future

researchers should seek to replicate our findings with a multi-item symptom recognition

instrument to detect its relative contribution to attitudes.

Turning to other aspects of the indirect model, more positive attitudes (strong effect) and

subjective norms (medium effect) were associated with greater intention to seek psychological

help. This is congruent with the well-established body of help seeking scholarship documenting a

link from people’s perceptions of the utility of treatment and their perception of what important

others think they should do to people’s intention to seek treatment (Hammer & Vogel, 2013).

Furthermore, greater self-stigma surrounding seeking help was associated (medium effect) with

less favorable attitudes and subjective norms and had a small indirect inverse effect on intention

via these mediators. The mediational role of attitudes between self-stigma and intention is well-

established (Vogel et al., 2007), but the fact that self-stigma had a small indirect effect via less

favorable subjective norms represents a novel contribution to the literature. In sum, self-stigma

may not only impact one’s own perceptions of help seeking’s utility but may also color one’s

judgement about others’ expectations. This dovetails with stigma research indicating that people

with a mental illness may anticipate discrimination from others (Rusch et al., 2009).

In addition, engaging in past professional help seeking had a small association with more

positive attitudes and decreased self-stigma, and a small indirect association with increased

intention via self-stigma and attitudes, which parallels past research (Masuda et al., 2012). As

with most other health behaviors, past experience with the behavior tends to increase openness to

performing that behavior in the future (McEachan, Conner, Taylor, & Lawton, 2011). In terms of

demographic covariates, female gender and older age had small associations with decreased self-

stigma, in line with extant literature (Pederson & Vogel, 2007).


Addressing Current Limitations through Future Research

Limitations of the current study provide avenues for future research. First, the present

study used a correlational and cross-sectional design. While the causal links between the

proximal TRA variables have been established in the wider health behavior research (Ajzen &

Albarracin, 2007), the present design did not allow for inferring causality and caution must be

used when interpreting the findings. Future longitudinal and experimental studies are needed to

confirm the theory-derived causal ordering among these variables. Second, only self-report data

were used in the current study. As a result, monomethod bias is a potential issue. Third, while the

use of a vignette can increase ecological validity over other forms of survey research, field

research that measures actual help seeking behavior represents an important next step.

Fourth, the sample was overrepresented by educated White women and the

generalizability of these findings to other intersectional populations should be tested rather than

assumed. Research often documents differences in help seeking factors across sociocultural

groups (Lindsey, Joe, & Nebbitt, 2010; Shea & Yeh, 2008), and we recommend future studies

examine the utility of the indirect model across demographic lines. Also, given the registry source, the participants likely have a more vested interest in

healthcare. Thus, caution should be used if generalizing these findings to other populations.

Fifth, perceived effectiveness and symptom recognition were measured with single items, with

the latter having a binary distribution. More robust measures of these factors using multi-item

instruments would help verify the strength of these factors’ relationship with the TRA factors.

Future studies could add to the indirect model by testing additional help seeking variables

for potential inclusion. For example, both perceived trustworthiness and perceived competence

of the PCP could be included in future studies given the role of the client-PCP relationship in


referral adherence (Alegria et al., 2008; Kravitz et al., 2011). One’s knowledge and beliefs about

mental health (i.e., mental health literacy) may also be important to consider for its impact on

psychological help seeking (Spiker & Hammer, 2018). The fact that certain respondents did not

identify the person in the vignette as having depression indicates a potential lack of mental health

knowledge that could influence perceptions of psychological help seeking. In addition, gender

role socialization (i.e., men and women’s gendered attitudes internalized from cultural norms and

values; Addis & Mahalik, 2003) would be important to examine in the behavioral healthcare

context. Adherence to both traditional masculine (Hammer, Vogel, & Heimerdinger-Edwards,

2013; Author Citation) and feminine norms (Shea et al., 2017) can influence help seeking

behaviors, but it is unclear how these internalized norms may influence referral adherence.

Conclusions and Implications for Practice

In conclusion, the present findings supported the use of TRA in understanding peoples’

intention to seek psychological help for depression when referred by their PCP. Given that our

study specifically examined PCP referral for behavioral healthcare for depression, we offer

practice suggestions tied to this context. We recommend PCPs and other members of the primary

care team attend to patients’ attitudes toward obtaining psychological help, with particular

attention to their perceptions of behavioral healthcare’s effectiveness. Many patients presenting

to a PCP with depression symptoms may not even know what integrated behavioral healthcare is

or how effective it can be in treating their depression symptoms (Sadock, Perrin, Grinnell,

Rybarczyk, & Auerbach, 2017). It is important that PCPs first understand what behavioral health

is and understand its proven level of effectiveness for depression so that they can “pitch” it to

their patients in a succinct and compelling manner. Doing so, with support from the findings of

the current study, may have potential to improve patients’ attitudes and subjective norms for


behavioral healthcare, which could then increase their intention to seek care. As a result, research

on whether PCPs truly understand behavioral healthcare and whether they can and do describe it

and its effectiveness accurately to patients is critical. We also recommend PCPs check in with

the patients regarding their degree of agreement with the “depression” label and how they make

meaning of these symptoms. This degree of symptom recognition may in turn be weakly tied to

their perceptions of what they think important others in their lives would want them to do, in

regard to following through in the behavioral healthcare referral to a psychologist. To leverage

the impact of subjective norms on intention, PCPs may also consider communicating directly,

with patient permission, to significant others. Patients are more likely to engage in health

behaviors when supported by a partner or spouse (Beverly & Wray, 2010). The dual pathways to

intention offer professionals the opportunity to help patients with less favorable attitudes but

more supportive subjective norms (or vice versa) to seek help. Specific discussion about how

they would feel about themselves if they sought help (i.e., self-stigma of seeking help) could also

help inform why certain patients may have less favorable attitudes and subjective norms related

to seeking psychological help. Brief interventions such as self-affirmation exercises (Lannin,

Guyll, Vogel, & Madon, 2013) may help reduce the influence of self-stigma as a barrier. In sum,

PCPs wishing to increase referral adherence may benefit from assessing for and targeting key

perceptions associated with seeking psychological help for depression.



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For Peer Review

Table 1

Means, Standard Deviations, and Intercorrelations among Measures (N = 685)

Study Variables M SD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

1. Intention 5.49 1.59 -

2. Attitudes 5.03 1.18 .69** -

3. Subjective Norms 5.44 1.31 .55** .35** - .

4. Self-Stigma of Seeking Help 2.16 0.72 -.39** .49** .25** -

5. Perceived Effectiveness of


3.28 0.88 .55** .56** .30** -.25** -

6. Symptom Recognition 1.93 0.25 .25** .17** .18** -.04 .26** -

7. Past Help seeking 0.59 0.49 .12** .09* .07 -.14** .01 .07 -

8. Age 45.30 16.04 -.03 .03 -.02 -.24** -.08* .00 .04 -

9. Gender 1.78 0.41 .11** .06 .07 -.07 .08 .03 .06 .11** -

Note: * p < .05, ** p < .01

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Table 2

Bootstrap Analysis of Magnitude and Statistical Significance of Indirect Effects for Indirect Model


indirect effect



95% CI (unstandardized)

Predictor Mediator Criterion β SE B SE Lower





Effectiveness of


Attitudes Intention

.328 .043 .571 .079 .443 .689


Effectiveness of


Subjective Norms Intention

.073 .019 .128 .034 .082 .194



Attitudes Intention

.030 .020 .187 .120 -.008 .389



Subjective Norms Intention

.052 .018 .322 .110 .163 .525

Self-Stigma of

Seeking Help

Attitudes Intention

-.163 .029 -.305 .055 -.405 -.226

Self-Stigma of

Seeking Help

Subjective Norms Intention

-.084 .023 -.158 .044 -.243 -.095

Past Help Seeking Attitudes Intention

.038 .017 .117 .052 .042 .208

Past Help Seeking Subjective Norms Intention

.016 .013 .049 .041 -.013 .122

Past Help Seeking Self-Stigma of Seeking



.041 .012 .089 .027 .042 .132

Past Help Seeking Self-Stigma of Seeking




.037 .013 .103 .038 .045 .167

Note. Indirect path is significant if the 95% confidence interval (CI) does not include 0. All

bold paths were significant.

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Figure 1. The Theory of Reasoned Action Help Seeking Model. Lines and signs indicate the presence and valence of the hypothesized paths. The indirect model specifies links between the variables as indicated by

the solid lines. The total model specifies links between the variables as indicated by both the solid and dashed lines.

204x100mm (120 x 120 DPI)

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Figure 2. The indirect model. Parameter estimates represent standardized regression coefficients. Double arrow lines indicate covariances. Full lines indicate significant paths at p < .05, whereas dashed lines

represent non-significant paths.

338x190mm (96 x 96 DPI)

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Figure 3. The full model. Parameter estimates represent standardized regression coefficients. Double arrow lines indicate covariances. Full lines indicate significant paths at p < .05, whereas dashed lines represent

non-significant paths.

338x190mm (96 x 96 DPI)

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