Behavior - Weebly...Innate Behaviors Innate behavior is influenced by genes, not based on...


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Chapter 22.1-22.4


An organism’s conduct – the way it acts.

Partly the result of natural selection

Affects the ability of an individual organism to

survive and reproduce.

Successful behavior = live to produce many


Studying behavior helps us to understand why

animals, including humans, act the way they do.

Stimulus & Response

Stimulus = anything that triggers a behavior.

External stimuli – stranger approaching

Internal stimuli - thirsty

Response = an organism’s reaction to a stimulus.

Dog barking

Drink water

Innate Behaviors

Innate behavior is influenced by genes, not based on experience.

Taxis (taxes) – change in direction of movement in response to a definite stimulus (planarian).

Always reacts the same way to same stimulus.

Kinesis – a response to stimuli but no particular response

Stimulus can also cause increased/decreased activity

Simple reflex – knee-jerk reflex.

Protects an organism from harm or helps it maintain normal conditions.

Instincts – inherited form of behavior that involves a whole series of reactions that do not require learning or practice.

Nest building in birds (search for good nesting sites, gathering materials, bringing materials to site, making particular type of nest).

Taxis in Planaria

Learned Behaviors

Learned behavior develops as a result of


Imprinting – type of learning that requires little practice

but only occurs during a genetically determined time.


Habituation – exposed to stimulus over and over, it may

lose it’s response or habituate

Train near home while sleeping

Learned Behaviors

Conditioning – one stimulus is associated with another unrelated stimulus.

Pavlov’s dog – bell rings, meat is presented. Bell rings, dog salivates.

Trial-and-error learning- an animal faced with two or more responses learns the one that leads to a reward.

Dog training with treats.

Good or bad tasting food

in nature.

Biological Aspects of Behavior

The nervous & endocrine system control behavior.

Genes affect development of brain.

Most human behaviors are influenced by genes and


Genetic determination of some behaviors…

Fruit fly foraging widely or close to home.

Honeybees expel diseased bees from hive.

Crickets have distinct chirp patterns.

Environmental & Cultural aspects of


Environment influences behavior

Choice of clothing

Individual differences

Cultural differences

Symbolic values

External and Internal stimuli influence


Courting behavior of birds/fish due to hormone levels

which are affected by temperature or time of day.

24.3 Guest Speaker

Noah Heilenbach

Symbiotic Relationships


24.6 Population Dynamics

Different factors limit the population of each


Population density = the # of individuals per unit of

land area or water volume.

Limiting Factors

Factors that limit the productivity of ecosystems

There may be one or several limiting factors in an

ecosystem – limiting factor for the desert is water,

limiting factor for ocean is iron, etc.

Limiting factors can also be biotic – prey can be a

limiting factor

Productivity – conversion of energy and nutrients

into growth

Exponential Growth

If all limiting factors were removed…

Exponential growth of organisms everywhere

Resources will run out and slow growth

Logistic Growth

When the population keeps growing and eventually

becomes stable.

Carrying Capacity – is the largest population of a

species the environment can support

Predator-Prey cycle

Interaction between two organisms of unlike species in which one of them

acts as predator that captures and feeds on the other organism that serves

as the prey. When the number of predators is scarce, the number of prey

should rise and vice versa.

Boom and Bust cycle

When a population exceeds the carrying capacity.

Can result population crash

Reproduction declines

Sharp increase in death rate


Change In Ecosystems

Ecological Succession

Ecosystems are constantly subjected to disturbances

– storm, fire, climate change.

Succession is when one type of community replaces


Two types: Primary and Secondary Succession

Climax Community – Complex relationships now

exist in the community and it has reached a stable

equilibrium (Biomes are climax communities)

Primary Succession

Primary – Begins on bare rock, glacial deposits,

lake beds.

Pioneer species is usually lichen

Secondary Succession

Occurs in a disturbed site where soil is already

present – like an abandoned field, forest fire, etc.

Human Interactions

Common pool resources or Commons – goods and

services provided by ecosystems that can be used

by everyone.

Examples: open ocean fisheries, grasslands, forests,

atmosphere, etc.

Not very regulated, so resources are often


Human Dominance

Over 7 billion people in the world (6.3 in 2003)

8 billion by 2050? We’ll reach the Earth’s carrying


Resources will run out, disease sets in, etc. What

else can happen?

Human Impact

Land use – agriculture, towns and roads, destruction

of natural habitat

Pollution- harming human and animal health, creates

acid rain which prevents forests from growing and

affects aquatic life.

Decrease in Biodiversity – variation of life forms in

an ecosystem

Acid Rain Burning fossil fuels and exhaust from cars adds sulfur

and nitrogen oxides into atmosphere.

The oxides react with water and change into sulfuric

and nitric acids, which fall to Earth as acid rain.

Greenhouse Gases & Global Warming

Greenhouse gases are helpful b/c they trap heat in

our atmosphere. Without them the Earth would be

too cool to sustain life.

Too many greenhouse gases is bad b/c now there is

too much heat increasing our global climate =

Global Warming

Consequences: rise in sea level, damage to coastal


Sustainability We are living in an UNSUSTAINABLE way.

We must use ecosystem goods and services without

ruining or depleting them for future generations…to

be more sustainable!

We need to be more responsible caretakers of our

ecosystems for the future.

CHAPTER 14 & 15



Gel electrophoresis – DNA fingerprinting

Recombinant DNA DNA from two different


Biologist isolate specific

genes and cut them out

using restriction enzymes.

Restriction enzymes cut

DNA at certain sequences.

Cut two different sources

of DNA with same

restriction enzyme to

create complimentary

“sticky ends.”

Restriction enzymes Identify a specific gene of interest and

cut it from the chromosome using

Restriction Enzymes (enzymes that cut

DNA by recognizing and cutting at

specific nucleotide sequences).

If the gene of interest and vector (other

source of DNA) are cut with the same

restriction enzymes then their free ends

can be joined by DNA ligase.

Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)

A method of producing

many copies of a

molecule of a DNA


These fragments are

called RFLP’s

(restriction length


PCR Step by Step



RFLP Analysis Using restriction enzymes to cut the

DNA of individuals of the same

species at different places results in

DNA fragments of different


These RFLP’s can be separated

using Gel Electrophoresis.

Gel electrophoresis separates the

RFLP’s by size.

These patterns function as an

individual "fingerprint," used to

determine whether two DNA

samples are from the same person,

related people, or non-related


Gel Electrophoresis Gel electrophoresis refers to using

electricity to move the RFLP’s through a

gel at a certain rate.

Electrophoresis refers to the movement

of a charged particle in an electrical


(+) charged molecules move

towards the negative end of the


(-) charged particles move towards

the positive end of the chamber.

DNA is negatively charged

Smaller particles move farther and

faster down the gel b/c they are


End result: DNA Fingerprint

The pattern of fragments formed on

the Electrophoresis Gel is known as a

“DNA Fingerprint”

DNA fingerprinting allows scientists

to compare DNA from various

organisms and identify a particular


DNA fingerprinting can be used in

criminal cases, paternity suits, missing

persons, and unidentified bodies.


PCR- make many copies of a fragment of DNA

RFLP’s – fragments of DNA (different lengths)

Gel electrophoresis- A method to sort and organize

the RFLP’s or DNA fragments by size to create a

DNA fingerprint.
