Before this modern times came to our dear Slavonia we had celebrations after hard work like the ones...


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Before this modern times came to our dear Slavonia we had celebrations after hard work like the ones in fields

Or ones in vineyards…

Or even wedding preparations

Weddingshad entire procedure:1.proposers had to come to the house and ask for daughters hand

2.father(the head of the house)decides whether he`s the right one or not

3.if father accepts that proposal than comes another procedure called “the ring”where proposers mom comes to the one that her son has chosen and gives her the ring along with the basket filled with presents

4.they have a diner together ,and than finnaly comes the wedding

Many people from other parts say that life here was hard but it was just the oposite.

People worked all day but it wasn`t exhausting to them because as I sayed they had celebrations that gave them the proper rest

One of those celebrations is called “Pudarijada” where the owner of vineyard calls his neighbourhood to help him gather the fruit to make the wine.After they are done with work the owners family makes a celebration to thank people for coming ,there is alot of music and dancing as well as good homemade food


People used to stay entire day at that man .From morning till noon they worked,later it was too hot to work but because there were lots of them it was quickly over,and the rest of the day they spend celebrating

Our oldest tradition that is worth mentioning is called “Šokačko sijelo”

Among all the qualities that Slavonians are known for there is also food

We eat mostly spicy food and some of us are still making their own food because they have alot of animals and fields

Cookies and cakes for small celebrations are mostly dry while for bigger ones they make a lot of effort so that they would have sweeter taste

Wines are made at several houses in our area mostly on village because of need for a basement and space

Slavonian folklore is trying to preserve those traditions as well as our many dances,songs and old clothes so that old habbits would never disapear

How some of our old dances look like

People used animals to help them around field work such as plowing,disking and ploting.

Ofcourse noone uses it nowadays when machines took over ,but you can see sometimes that peple still do it the old fashioned way so they would remember how it felt before

This is one of the many machines they use as help with the field care today

Since Easter is our biggest holiday we take it very seriously with coloring eggs ,going to confesion,and womens making special bread and food that are going to be blessed and eaten on the easter morning

There is also Christmas which we celebrate like everyone else
