bee essay


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  • 8/3/2019 bee essay


    Emily PetersonPeriod

    5-31-11Mrs. Schraw

    Themes in The Secret Life of Bees

    Reading without reflecting is like eating without digesting. Edmund Burke, a

    successful orator and philosopher, explains the importance of reflecting on what we read.

    When we reflect, we think deeply and make connections from novels to our own lives.

    Authors encourage us to make connections by using literary elements in their novels.

    They may use symbols, imagery, foreshadowing, or themes. Themes are general lessons

    about life, and many are found in The Secret Life of Bees. The three most significant

    themes in The Secret Life of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd are secret lives, motherhood, and


    Sue Monk Kidd leaves us several messages in her novel. She talks about the

    secret lives of both bees and humans. Bees live intricate lives, and humans usually do not

    realize how complicated a beehive is. Each bee has his or her own job, and the main goal

    is to keep the queen bee happy. Like bees, people lead complicated lives and are not

    always what they seem on the surface. August explains this to Lily with the following

    quotation. Most people dont have any idea about all the complicated life going on

    inside a hive. Bees have a secret life we dont know anything about. (148) In this

    statement, August refers to many parallels between bees and humans. Every bee in the

    hive has an occupation, as Lily also has a job working for the Boatwrights. Bees have a

    mother to care for them, and Lily craves a mother to be there for her. Motherhood is

    another prominent theme. Lily is looking for information about her mother from the very

    beginning. Her mother, Deborah, dies when Lily is only four years old, so Lily has to

  • 8/3/2019 bee essay


    grow up motherless. Rosaleen acts as a mother figure for her; however, she is not as

    comforting or soft as Lily imagines her real mother to be. Later, August provides support

    and listens to Lily when she wants to talk. She gives Lily wisdom about beekeeping and

    tells her a woman can be successful, despite the discrimination against females. In

    addition to secret lives and motherhood, racism is a powerful theme. During the 1960s,

    African Americans are not treated fairly. Rosaleen gets sent to jail for spitting on a white

    mans shoes. Zach, the boy with whom Lily falls in love, wants to be a lawyer, but his

    skin color may affect his opportunities. The following quotation shows how August feels

    about skin color and racism. You know, some things dont matter that much, Lily. Like

    the color of a house. How big is that in the overall scheme of life? But lifting a persons

    heart now thatmatters. (147) August explains how outside appearance should not

    matter, but the inside qualities are important. At the beginning, Lily struggles with her

    own racism. She thinks all African Americans are like Rosaleen, uneducated laborers or

    housekeepers. She also does not believe black people can be attractive. It surprises Lily

    when she meets August, who is intelligent and sensitive, and Zach, who is charming and

    handsome. She overcomes her racism and realizes there are more qualities to people than

    appearances. Sue Monk Kidd effectively leaves us messages about secret lives,

    motherhood, and racism.

    Secret lives, motherhood, and racism are the three most significant themes in Sue

    Monk Kidds novel, The Secret Life of Bees. Themes are messages which give readers

    general lessons about life. In addition to themes, authors use literary elements such as

    symbols, imagery, and foreshadowing. The use of these elements encourages us to make

  • 8/3/2019 bee essay


    connections to our own lives. It is very important to think deeply and reflect on what we

    read. If we read without reflecting, it is like eating without digesting.
