Beat Hip Pain Today



Do you want to be able to move your body as freely as you can without any sort of pain inhibiting your movements? Do you want to move with ease as if you were a child again?In Rachel Howe's new book, Beat Hip Pain Today, she teaches you how to live a much more vital life by fixing one important thing: tight hip flexors. Yes, tight hip flexors are to blame for the most common problems like lower back pain, limited hip movement and low energy.

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Permanently Beat Bacterial Vaginosis

Copyright 2015 Rachel Howe

Beat Hip Pain TodayThe Only At-Home, Equipment-Free Workouts to Relieve Hip Pain and Loosen Hip FlexorsBy Rachel HoweCopyright 2015 Rachel HowePublished by Nordic Standard PublishingAtlanta, Georgia USA ALL RIGHTS RESERVED:No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted for resale or use by any party other than the individual purchaser who is the sole authorized user of this information. Purchaser is authorized to use any of the information in this publication for his or her own use only. All other reproduction or transmission, or any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any informational storage or retrieval system, is prohibited without express written permission from the author. DISCLAIMER:While all attempts have been made to provide effective, verifiable information in this Book, neither the Author nor Publisher assumes any responsibility for errors, inaccuracies, or omissions. Any slights of people or organizations are unintentional.This Book is not a source of medical information, and it should not be regarded as such. This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in regard to the subject matter covered. It is sold with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in rendering a medical service. As with any medical advice, the reader is strongly encouraged to seek professional medical advice before taking action.

Copyright 2015 Rachel Howe

Books by This AuthorIt's Never too Late to RunThe 15 Best Arm Toning Exercises for Women [Illustrated]The 15 Best Breast Lifting Exercises for Women [Illustrated]The Top 10 Best Calf Toning Exercises for Women [Illustrated]The Best Butt Exercises For WomenThe 12 Best Thigh Toning Exercises for WomenGet a Bigger Butt - NOW!Copyright 2015 Rachel Howe

Table Of ContentsUnderstanding Hip Flexor Muscles

Tight Hip Flexor-Related Issue: Postural Stress

Tight Hip Flexor-Related Issue: Back Pain

Tight Hip Flexor-Related Issue: Limited Hip Mobility

Long Term Solutions for Tight Hip Flexors

Copyright 2015 Rachel Howe


Hip flexors. When you hear those words, you might not recognize what they are simply because they are one of the most overlooked parts of the body. Hip flexors are the muscles that allow you to walk, run, dance, pick up objects from the floor, lift heavy weights, and more. So many things would not be possible if it were not for your flexors but more often than not, they are neglected by many.Hip flexors are one of the strongest muscles in the body. They are so strong that the moment you neglect them, they become a weakness that slowly affect other parts of your body like your back, glutes and knees.

And so that is why I decided to write this book. Hip flexors are complex muscles yet they are very easy to keep healthy. It affects you in more ways than one and when you learn how to take care of your hip flexors, you will get health returns that you will be thankful for in the long run. You will have an able body that can perform a wide range of movements because you are not inhibited by your hips and most importantly, you will have less chances of experiencing risks related to tight hip flexors like weak knees or a painful back.

I also wrote this book in response to the alarming increase in the rate of people who live sedentary lifestyles. You see them everywhere. They are at the office sitting in front of a computer, at home watching TV or on the couch staring at their cellphones. Not only that, but fast food restaurants are also popping out from everywhere. There is probably a couple few in your neighborhood right now. Combine that with a sedentary lifestyle and you have yourself a recipe for disaster.

The complete book is available on Amazon: 2015 Rachel Howe

Chapter One: Understanding Hip Flexor MusclesHip flexors can sound foreign to those who are not familiar with it. That is okay. I have to admit that I was once ignorant of hip flexors too. It was not until I earned my degree in health and fitness. Ever since I learned about why hip flexors get tight, I decided to invest in a standing desk. But we will discuss more about that later.

In this chapter, I will teach you first about the basic parts of the hip flexors. Yes, there is actually more to them than just the hips. By learning about the basic parts, you will know where to locate your hip flexors. Although I have an abundant amount of exercises included in this book, knowing where your hip flexors are will help you come up with your own exercises and stretches specifically intended for hip flexors.

Next, you will learn about the importance of hip flexors; how they function and what they do for you. Finally, you will learn about the reasons why your hip flexors can get tight. If you feel like you do not really have tight hip flexors, I will teach you how to find out if you do have tight hip flexors.

By learning about the basics, you will become more conscious about your movements and cut out activities that only promote tight hip flexors.

The complete book is available on Amazon:

Copyright 2015 Rachel Howe

Chapter Two: Tight Hip Flexor-Related Issue: Postural StressThe perfect posture is neither too straight nor too curved. In fact, you are supposed to maintain three gentle curves to have good posture: the cervical, thoracic and lumbar curve. A healthy spine has an inward curve in the lower back, an outward curve at the shoulder blades and another curve at the neck. These three curves balance each other making sure that no single group of muscles are overworked when trying to keep the body upright. Imagine yourself being suspended by a thread that is attached to the crown of your head. Keep that in mind the next time you are trying to maintain a proper posture.

Keeping a proper posture is not only beneficial to your hip flexors. It also makes you look taller and slimmer. It makes you feel more confident and it helps prevent back, neck, hip and knee problems. When you have good posture, you allow your diaphragm and rib cage more room to expand making it easier for you to breath.

Unfortunately, many of us have posture problems due to the increasing popularity of sedentary lifestyles. In this modern world, there is rarely a need for physical labor since most work is done in the office where there are computers. Our idea of entertainment has evolved from taking walks at the park to doing marathons. Movie marathons that is, while sitting on the couch. This is not normal. If anything, the human body is meant to be upright, not seated on a chair or on the couch. Because of these prolonged periods of sitting, hip flexors begin to shrink and become tight. As a result, it is difficult to maintain a proper posture due because of tight hip flexors. It is a dangerous cycle that needs to stop.

The complete book is available on Amazon:

Copyright 2015 Rachel Howe

Chapter Three: Tight Hip Flexor-Related Issue: Back PainThe most popular pain that many people experience is lower back pain. This is the kind of pain experienced between the ribs and the top of the leg and can range from a dull, constant pain to a sudden sharp one that makes it difficult to move. You can develop back pain quickly from falling or lifting something heavy. It may also be due to a disorder in functioning of any structure in the back like the vertebrae, intervertebral discs, ligaments or muscles of the back. It could also be because of an ailment like kidney stones, heart failure or osteoarthritis.

Overweight people are also prone to back pain. When you carry more weight in your body, you are causing pain and stress on your back. It is the same reason why pregnant women experience occasional back pains. They are carrying more weight than their normal bodies are used to.

Smoking is another cause for back pain. Although it is not a direct cause, smoking increases your risk of developing pain that is experienced down the back of your leg from the spinal-disc pressure on a nerve. It is also difficult for the body to deliver nutrients to the discs on your back when you regularly smoke.

The complete book is available on Amazon:

Copyright 2015 Rachel Howe

Chapter Four: Tight Hip Flexor-Related Issue: Limited Hip MobilityImagine moving at a low speed with low energy. Any form of movement immediately causes you pain. You cannot pick up a ball on the floor and you cannot go gardening. You also cannot participate in highly physical activities such as running, jumping or weight lifting. There will not be much that you can do at all.

This is what happens when you have limited hip mobility. Your ability to do the activities that you like is hindered simply because of your hips. The hip joint is very important because it is what connects the pelvis and the femur. Your hip is a ball and socket joint with the pelvis providing the socket portion and the femur giving way to the ball portion. With this joint, you have three planes of motion that allow you to enjoy a wide range of movements.

With this ball and socket joint, you have ligaments that control the magnitude of certain motions at the hip. These ligaments are Iliofemoral, Pubofemoral, Ischiofemoral and the articular capsule. All these ligaments get stretched when performing activities that require you to extend and rotate your hips.

The complete book is available on Amazon:

Copyright 2015 Rachel Howe

Chapter Five: Long Term Solutions for Tight Hip FlexorsBefore engaging in any kind of exercise regimen for your tight hip flexors, it is always best to talk to your doctor. They are qualified professionals who can assist you in determining whether your body is capable of handling certain activities. Even for something as inherently healthy as exercise, talking to your doctor is still a prerequisite to ensure that you engage in safe movements and avoid possible injury.

When talking to your doctor, let them know if you have been experiencing joint pains or have a health condition such as heart disease, asthma, high blood pressure or diabetes. Depending on your situation, your doctor may allow you to do certain exercises at a gradual pace until you can handle more challenging tasks. It is also good to inform them if you are physically active or not so that they can recommend the right level of exercise for you.

Your doctor might also refer you to a physical therapist or a personal trainer who can tailor specific sets of exercises that best suit your condition. Once you do start exercising, listen to your bodys responses and report to your doctor should you experience any troublesome symptoms like dizziness or chest pains.

The complete book is available on Amazon:

Copyright 2015 Rachel Howe

ConclusionPhew! We have finally come to an end. By now, you might be hesitant to sit after learning about the risks of too much sitting. Dont worry. You can still sit as you please but like most things, too much is never good. Too much sitting is just as bad as too much exercise and too much stretching, so make sure to always take everything with moderation. Live a healthy and balanced lifestyle and you will be just fine.I hope you have learned many things from this book as I have while writing it. By fixing something as simple as tight hip flexors, you have already made a huge difference in your life in a way that allows you to do anything that you want. Walk, run, dance, jump, and lift. These are just some of the many things you can do with ease when you have healthy hip flexors. Take care of your body and it will take care of everything that you need to do.

The complete book is available on Amazon:

Copyright 2015 Rachel Howe
