BE THE BEST THAT YOU CAN BE · 2019. 7. 26. · (Tani Grey-Thompson) Lily Reception Blue...


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  • School Term Dates 2019/20

    Autumn Term

    Term 1 Monday 3 September - Friday 18 October 2019

    School Inset training day Monday 2nd September 2019 ( school closed)

    Half Term Monday 21 October - Friday 25 October 2019

    TELTSTA alliance training day Monday 28 October ( school closed)

    Term 2 Monday 28 October - Friday 20 December 2019

    Christmas Break Monday 23 December 2019 - Friday 3 January 2020

    Spring Term

    Term 3 Monday 6 January 2020- Friday 14 February 2020

    Half Term Monday 17 February 2020 - Friday 21 February 2020

    Term 4 Monday 24 February 2020 - Friday 3 April 2020

    Easter Break Monday 6 April 2020 - Friday 17 April 2020

    Summer Term

    Term 5 Monday 20 April 2020 - Friday 22 May 2020

    Half Term Monday 25 May 2020 - Friday 29 May 2020

    Term 6 Monday 1 June 2020 – Friday 17 July 2020

    Pupils are required to be in school 190 days/ staff 195 days (or equivalent) Five inset days to be taken plus a flexible day for Eid al-Fitr.

    Monday 2nd September/28th October – INSET 1 further training day – date tbc Two training days to be taken as 2 twilight sessions = 4x 1hr extended sessions (spring or summer

    term) Close for Eid – if applicable (Eid could fall within a holiday next year)

    John Scurr Newsletter: End of Term 2019 BE THE BEST THAT YOU CAN BE

  • This year John Scurr school ventured out to Victoria park for their summer sports day. The event was attended by parents as well as family members who stayed on and enjoyed a picnic lunch. The events this year required children to be READY for long distance sprints and agility movements.

    Children showed great RESILIENCE to compete over 5 events on a very warm day. Some events were new to the children so their RESOURCEFUL thinking really showed, especially in the obstacle race. The day was a caring sharing day, full of RESPECT for each other with fun, food and laughter. As we walked back to school the children were excellent crossing roads and staying safe. This gave them time to REFLECT on what a fantastic day it was and how successful they were in their events. We look forward to venturing out again next year.

    Sports Day goes to Victoria Park

  • This year we held our first ever Aspirations Week! The children discussed what kind of jobs they wanted to do in the future and we challenged stereotypes that we often hear. We hosted adults from our community, holding a variety of roles, who were keen to share they experiences and pathways into employments.

    We had artists and poets sharing their creative talents to neuroscientists, operations managers and EU advisors explaining their day to day life. We even got to have a boogie with our resident DJ Tina! The children were enthused and inspired. They learnt to follow their dreams and know that anything is possible in the future.

    Aspiration Week

    Our Governors News“This is a fantastic school” was a comment from a parent which was highlighted in the recent Ofsted report, and as a governing body we agree. Every time that the governors meet, we hear about all of the progress that the children and staff have been

    making. What comes across clearly is the vision of the school to inspire a love of learning from nursery to year 6. The hopeful

    examination results this year are a direct result of this vision, as is the exemplary behaviour, character and hard work that we see everywhere.

    As the Chair of Governors, I’m looking forward to working with other governors, staff, parents and children to make sure that John Scurr Primary continues to be a

    fantastic school and a vital part of the local community.

    Mary Poppins - Final Production from our Year 6 LeaversCongratulations to our Year 6 children who have performed ‘Mary Poppins’ to the school community. The children had us all tapping our toes and clapping along to the songs from the famous film. Thanks to all our staff who have helped to put the production together. An amazing collaboration in the most delightful way! We wish Our year 6 all the best in their future.

    Kevin Hinde Chair of Governors

    End of Year ResultsEarly YearsGood Level of Development: 64% Year 1 Phonics Screening: 73%

    Year 2 End of Key Stage outcomes:Reaching the Expected StandardReading: 73%Writing: 70%Mathematics: 77% At Greater Depth within the Expected StandardReading: 20%Writing: 10%Mathematics: 18%

    Year 6End of Key Stage Outcomes:Reaching the Expected StandardReading : 79%Writing: 83%Mathematics: 84%Grammar, Punctuation, Spelling:83%

    At Greater Depth within the Expected StandardReading: 33%Writing: 21%Mathematics: 24%Grammar, Punctuation, Spelling:38%

  • Class names 2019-2020 Theme -Stand Up and Be Counted … British performers and presenters. ‘clear communicators and performers who have overcome barriers, who challenge our thinking and make our world a better place’ Reading the school from each floor facing the classrooms– from left to right... Blue/Green


    Nursery Blue and Nursery Green Anna

    Reception Green

    Thompson (Tani Grey-Thompson)


    Reception Blue

    Attenborough (David Attenborough)


    Year 1 Green

    Packham (Chris Packham)


    Year 1 Blue

    Rosen (Michael Rosen)


    Year 2 Green

    Omaar (Rageh Omaar)


    Year 2 Blue

    Shapla (Shapla Salique)


    Year 3 Blue

    Mason (Sheku Kenneh-Mason)


    Year 3 Green

    Oliver (Neil Oliver)


    Year 4 Blue

    Jama (Maya Jama)


    Year 4 Green

    Khan (Akram Khan)


    Year 5 Blue

    Reshmin (Reshmin Chowdhury)


    Year 5 Green

    Akala (stage name)


    Year 6 Blue

    Rani (Anita Rani)


    Year 6 Green

    Zephaniah (Benjamin Zephaniah)


    Class Attendance Awards

    Dear Parents and Carers

    So far we have had a good year with attendance. There are 46 Gold Award certificates and 86 Silver Award certificates being given out for pupils with 100% attendance; this is a fantastic achievement.

    We want to thank you for your commitment and continuous support. Keep up the good attendance for the next academic year and beyond. Your children's attainment is key to their learing and achievement.

    The Bowling Trip Award winners will be announced next Autumn Term when we return from the summer break.

    Have a Wonderful and well deserved break.
