BE RESPONSIBLE BE RESPECTFUL BE RESILIENT...Sorry Day Last week students recognised Sorry Day and...


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Term 2 Week 6 2020

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Calendar – Term 2 Monday 8 June PUBLIC HOLIDAY Tuesday 9 June All students and staff back

Dear Parents and Carers,

We are so happy to see our students return to school. It has been wonderful to have our classes and playgrounds full again with the laughter, chit chat from our students. Our students have loved reconnecting with their friends and engaging in games and being so happy. The teachers feel blessed to see everyone back safely and move forward with the teaching and learning they have planned.

Thank you to all our families for dropping off and picking up swiftly, keeping your social distance, not entering classrooms and following the procedures in the office. It has contributed to maintaining a calm and safe environment.

8:30am Playground Supervision

This week has seen a better start to our days with close to no students being dropped off between 7:50am – 8:30am. We understand that many parents work and start early. Last term we sent out a survey asking our families if a before or after school care would be something of interest to our community. For this to be looked at and set up it takes approximately 6 months. We need all our families to click on the survey below and answer the question.


Please remember that teachers are not required to be on duty until 8:30am. We thank you for your support.

There is no supervision in the front office.

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2 Lansvale East Public School 2020

Reporting and Assessment

Your child has been assessed during the learning from home period and will receive additional assessment on their return to school. Teachers have planned further assessments as the students return to school.

You will receive your child’s Semester 1 report in the last week of Term 2, 2020. This will be a simplified version of the report you would normally receive.

We are also organising for three- way goal setting with parents and carers in week 1 and 2 of Term 3. You will be sent more information in the weeks ahead. Stay tuned.

School Attendance

All students should be at school unless:

• They have a medical certificate which states they are unable to return to school due to an ongoing medical condition

• They are currently unwell.

If your child is unwell please do not send them to school. Keep them at home. If they become unwell at school you or your nominated emergency contact will be contacted to collect them immediately. Please make sure your contact details are up to date. Please contact the Administration office if you have changed your details with your updated information.

If a student is absent without a medical reason for more than three days, this will be recorded as an unauthorised absence and followed up by the school.

School Cleaning and Hygiene Supplies

Lansvale East Public School is receiving additional cleaning in line with the AHPPC Guidelines and advice from the NSW Health. Targeted areas include high touch areas and other hard surfaces, door handles, lockers, light switches and handrails, playground equipment and other spaces where there is a lot of movement.

We have received supplies of hand sanitiser, soap, paper towels, disinfectant wipes and protective screen for the office. We are able to order more as needed.

School Grounds

There should be no visitors on school grounds unless they fall under the essential services required by the school. We would prefer you to call the office and avoid entering to follow the social distancing guidelines.

Keeping up to date

More than ever it is important to keep up to date with the school communication. We publish our communication on the school Facebook page, Class Dojo and the school website.

Thank you to all our families for your continued support during these challenging times. We have appreciated your patience and understanding.

Ms Ortega

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Sorry Day

Last week students recognised Sorry Day and Reconciliation week.

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Healthy Banana Bread Recipe

Stay Active Quote

Volleyball is always a fun way to stay active and

involve the whole family. Get ready to laugh, create

experiences and have some fun! J

Genius is one percent inspiration, ninety-nine percent perspiration.

- Thomas Edison –

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Relaxation Techniques for Kids

Sue Larkey

Eating has Impact!

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Recreation Sports and Aquatics Club Opportunities for people with disability. Click the link below to see RSAC's revised schedule including Disco Parties, end of year events, January Outings, holidays and dates for programs.

The NSW Companion Card program is for people with significant and permanent disability who have a lifelong need for a high level of care to participate in community events and activities. The Companion Card allows a person’s carer free entry into participating venues and events.

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8 Lansvale East Public School 2020

You are not alone. CCareline 13 18 19 is a free and confidential* helpline for counselling, relationships, parenting, ageing, disabilities, addictions and mental health. In these unprecedented times of social distancing we do not need to feel isolated and alone. The last few months have been tough on all of us, the outbreak of COVID-19 has had a huge impact on Australian communities and as a result, many of us may be feeling isolated and lonely, particularly if we live by ourselves. Our focus is on protecting those who are vulnerable or at risk. If you or someone you know could use a little help during this time, call CCareline on 13 18 19, or refer them through CCareline App and we will contact them directly. Call CCareline on 13 18 19 8am – 6pm Monday to Friday *It’s free, and confidential unless there is a risk of harm to you or others.

CCareline App Resources CCareline App Information Video How to download the CCareline App guide and video. Download the CCareline App from the App Store and Google Play

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Parent Survey

A parent survey has been posted on Class dojo, with translations in Vietnamese and Arabic. We urge you to complete the survey so we can best support you.

You may complete the survey in Arabic or Vietnamese and we will translate your answers.

Please complete via the link, drop your answers at the office or email your answers to




Virtual Coffee Chat Join Mrs Grinham on Monday mornings at 9:30am for a chat in a zoom meeting. It’s easy!

Download zoom onto your computer using the link below.

Check Class Dojo for the meeting link and password to join the meeting.

Chat with other parents.{google:instantExtendedEnabledParameter}ie=UTF-8