BBA Newsletter No2 Newsletter No2_2007.pdf · BBA Newsletter 3 by Miss Prangthip Prakobwit, BBA#15...


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BBA Newsletter 1


With Songkran already behind us,this is a time for BBA students to preparefor final exams. For the last time, BBA#12will sit in these exams before graduatingand moving on. In their place, the BBAwelcomes the new batch of BBA#16students who will be attending theWelcoming Orientation on May 24, 2007.

By the way, the BBA newsletteraims to promote relationships betweenthe BBA Program and you. This issueincludes pictures from 15th BBAAnniversary (Decade and A Half, HistoryIn The Making) and lots of activities.



BBA: Decade and A Half, HistoryIn The Making (15 years anniversary)“15 years of BBA-One Big Happy Family”

As an MC, Master of Ceremonyto everyone else, but Microphonecontroller to me, for BBA Decade and AHalf, History In The Making (15 yearsanniversary), there are several advantagesfor me. First, I get to appear on the bigscreen more than anyone.

Another great advantage which isfar more important than the first one isthat for being an MC is just like AssociateProfessor Dr. Kulpatra Sirodrom said forthe opening ceremony “BBA is a one bighappy family” which I must admit I washighly privileged to be one amongst notmany to see those happy faces for a longtime.

A very simple but memorable partystarted early around 6 PM with a live bandplaying several acoustic love songs. Theby




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Asst. Prof. Dr. EkachiddChungcharoen; BBA Committee,has recently received AssociateProfessor position.


NewsletterVol. 10 No. 2 May - June 2007

2 BBA Newsletter

show started with “Do Rae Me Dance”from BBA#12 thanks to great professionalsinging from Fon (Miss ThaiyamonKanchana-Alongkorn) BBA#12 andexcellent dancing from eight mostbeautiful girls in BBA#12, the show spicedeverything up. This was followed by anawesome hip-hop show from “Beam (Mr.Kittipon Nampitch)-Meaw (Mr. NattavuthM a p a i s a n s i n ) - M a r k ( M r. V i d s a n uVongsurakrai) featuring “Aaylicia” fromBBA#13.”

The next show was a very verysexy dance from BBA#14 which included“Numtan (Miss Pimpat Jangrew)-May (Mr.Maytee Suksarn)-Waen (Miss KanyakornKunakorn)-Jan (Miss Salin Iamvasant)-Mew (Miss Nutthakarn Klovuthi-anun)-Sumo.” I think the BBA alumni wereamazed by great choreography. The lastshow was from BBA#15 which simplyproved that newcomers are not new atall with the “Mario Show” that applyseveral techniques of light and soundswhich reminded us of the Mario BrothersVDO Game.

As an MC, I have a really greattime working with P’Gub (Mr. RathaKuladilogsomphan) BBA#7 whoseenthusiasm and sense of humor greatlybring everyone to focus on the whole

party. Therefore, the biggest task for mewas when I have to sell special Bingotickets which I have to convince P’BBAto bid the ticket at about at least Bt 500for a ticket!! Surprisingly, every “Roon pi”from every tables were willing to help outBBA#15-the youngest blood of BBA tomeet their activity budget. My mostmemorable Bingo sales experience waswith Ajarn James Fitzpatrick whoresponded to my question “How muchwill you pay?” very well by replying “Itdepends on how much you need...”

The party ended with a terrific slideshow created by Nu (Mr. AnuthepAriyaphanneekun) BBA#13-The 10-minuteslide show reminded us how big andhappy the BBA family is. The slides showreally impressed everyone at the partyand there were tears on some faces. Atthe end of the party I get to see “Roonpi” and “Roon nong” who have beenapart talking to each other with big smileson their faces. I get to see Professorsand students talking casually which rarelyhappens in everyday life. I get to seefriends smile and take picture with eachothers that I hope a night like this willlast forever.

BBA: Decade and A Half,...

BBA Newsletter 3

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In Loving Memory of Big & Siki“Every step I take, ever move I makeEvery single day, ever time I prayI’ll be missing you.Thinking of the day, when you went awayWhat a life to take, what a bond to breakI’ll be missing you.”

The early morning of February 4th

2007, many have received phone callsinforming the unexpected shocking news ofour two great friends, Big (Mr. PoominHaputpong) and Siki (Mr. SikapolChaopaknam), BBA#15. “Why?” we certainlymust have asked ourselves, with the answersnowhere to be discovered; at that moment,the world seemed so cruel and unjust to havetaken the two wonderful men from our midst.

Although we have only known them for a shortinterval, everyone would certainly agree that they werebeyond extraordinary. Other than being well regardedand remembered for his politeness, Big’s friendlinesshas also untied many frowns and wiped many tearsand turned them into smiles and laughter. Siki couldalways easily have the crowd burst out into laughter,especially by his “El Nin Yo!” dance which could alwaysregistered clearly in the minds of those who have seenthem. Those memorable and beautiful images of joywill never fade away from the hearts of those who havebeen touched by both of them: Big the teaser and Sikithe teased. It seems just like yesterday that we weresitting altogether, watching our team compete on thesoccer field against the opponents. Even now, to manypeople, it feels that those two will being coming tolectures again the next morning, cherishing their liveswith opportunities lying inside and beyond the walls ofthe university. No one would have even imagined orexpected such a heart-breaking tragedy, especially tocome upon these two bright-future young men.

“See you on Monday” might have been the lastwords some of us have said to them, but for most ofus, a proper goodbye was not even said. So muchcould have been said and done. However, as we havetreasured their friendships inside our chests of hearts,we also must not forget to move forward, carrying withus their wills and positive spirits. Let the beautifulmemories of them be the inspiration and the guide lightsto shine in the darkest moments of our lives. Take theirsmiles with us so that they will bloom on the faces ofothers.

Rest in peace, my friends. You will forever be inour memories.

“Tears are the words our hearts useTo explain that even our fakeSmiles can’t cover up our painAnd even though you are goneWe’ll never be apartBecause no matter what the distanceYou’ll forever be in our heart.”

4 BBA Newsletter

The BBA International Programjoined in the Educational Fair which washeld by Commission on Higher Education,Ministry of Education. We visited theupcountry students, counselors andparents at Chiang Mai University-ChiangMai, Kasetsart University-Bangkok, KhonKaen University-Khon Kaen duringDecember 21st, 2006-February 2nd, 2007.Moreover, we joined in the ThailandInternational Education Exhibition 2007:TIEE 2007 which was held by Departmentof Export Promotion at Queen SirikitNational Convention Center duringFebruary 1st-3rd, 2007. Also, we will planto join the Educational Fair atNakornrashima and Ubolratchathaniduring July 19th-28th, 2007.

We are sure those who visited ourbooth were impressed with us. See yousoon!!!

BBA on Tour in Thailand

Last June, I registered as acandidate for Young ResearcherCompetition (YRC) 2006 Program, whichwas hosted by the Stock Exchange ofThailand and the Securities AnalystsAssociation. The purpose is to enhancethe student’s knowledge of methodologyin conducting securities research in realpractice. Altogether, there were 2,078candidates participating this year.

After extensive competitionprocedures that lasted 6 months, Iultimately won the First Runner-Up SETYoung Researcher Award on theDecember 21, 2006. Besides thishonorable award, I have gainedcomprehension in conducting securitiesresearch, building the financial modeling,analyzing the macroeconomics and thecompany risk factors. Moreover, it hasgiven me other remarkable experienceswhich were all fun and beneficial, forexample, the company visit at SNCFormer PCL. to interview themanagement executives; and YRC Campwhich was a training camp preparing me

The Young Researcher Competition

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to become a good researcher as well asallowing me to meet many new friendsfrom various universities.

During the competition, there weretimes that I was frustrated because of itshard-working. However, I am glad I didnot give up; and put all my effort into it.This has taught me a good lesson that inorder to achieve, dedicate to it, nevergives up, and it will become true one day!!


On 21st April 2007, we had a chance to visitISUZU Motor Company at Prapadang. This was one ofour IM203 class (Operation Management) field trips.

Upon our arrival at the ISUZU Motor Company,we were welcomed with a presentation on the company’s background and mission by the representative ofISUZU Motor.

After watching the presentation, we also had achance to visit the manufacturing plant where we got tosee ISUZU’s production process in producing one“D-MAX” car. The production process starts with trainingtheir employees to know the production process, in

IM 203 Field Trip atISUZU Motor Co., Ltd.

On April 27, 2007 ithas been our greatestpleasure to recieve anopportunity to visit ThaiAirways Catering Depart-ment. From the trip we hadgained practical experienceworth for more than solid

knowledge found from classrom materials and books.In addition to this priceless experience, we were also

IM 203 Field Trip at THAI Catering,Suvarnbhumi International Airport

2 Field Trips in 2 Weeks with HO 317

Have you everseen a TV ad of Thai Life

Insurance, the one with a dramatic scene of the severecar crash where a driver (a father) reminisces of whathe has turned back on to his son? Something that weshould have done but left it undone at times when lifeis predictably unpredictable, and death takes away theloved ones. It is to name a few of the advertisementsthat capture our attention and emotion through variousmedia channels. This piece of sensationaladvertisements would have not been possible withoutthe top-notch creativity of the people working in anon-traditional work atmosphere like Ogilvy & Mather, aworld-class advertising agency, located at the Officesat CentralWorld. To help us understand more about theorganizational behavior context, Dr. SomboonKulvisaechana took the BBA students enrolling in thecourse of Organizational Behavior (HO317) to get aglimpse of ‘feel & look’ at Ogilvy and discuss extensivelywith Mr. Alan Couldrey, Regional Director, Indochina,and Khun Thanya Choothesa, Associate Director ofHuman Resources, on April 27, 2007. The issues

discussed centered around how the firm recruits, selects,and retains the Ogilvy employees in order to securetheir maximum job satisfaction and engagement to thefirm.

With over 300 brands appearing in more than140 countries generating a staggering profit of 50 billionUS dollars a year under one roof of the multi-trillion-US-dollar-valued company, Procter & Gamble (P&G),the number one fast moving consumer goods (FMCG)firm, according to Fortune Magazine. Just to name afew of the household brands, e.g., Head & Shoulders,Olay, SKII, Pampers, Gillette, and Pringles–found in everycorner shop and superstores. However, these well-known brands seem to overshadow the corporate brandof P&G, yet recognized through the lens of businesspeople as one of the most valuable firms in the world.Its secret to success does not purely rely on the contextof marketing and continuous product innovation, but itspeople who touch lives and improve every day life. Tolearn more about its secret, Dr. Somboon Kulvisaechanatook the BBA students enrolling in his HO317 coursefor a field trip at P&G located on the 22nd Floor of theEmporium Tower, on April 20, 2007. Mr. AnkushRaisinghani, Human Resources Director, and KhunKochkorn Wattanadilok, Human Resource Manager,kindly gave a talk on employee retention strategiesthrough modern human resource roles and the career/internship opportunities at P&G.

which they are trained practically with the real product.We also had a chance to see the ISUZU’s productionline which is considered as one of the most successfulproduction lines in the industry.

It was a great opportunity and experience for allof us to be able to visit the ISUZU Motor Companybecause it allowed us to capture a clearer picture ofoperations management in practice, something in whichcannot be found in class or by reading text books.

We would like to take this opportunity to thankDr. Tritos and the ISUZU Motor Company for this greatfield trip.

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interested with the warmest welcome from all ThaiAirways staff. We would like to give a special thanks toP’Tem for giving us a lecture on operation managementapplicable to catering service.

On the behalf of the students from IM 203,operation management class of Thammasat University,I would like to express cordial gratitude to Thai AirwaysCatering Department for your kindness, also toAjarn.Tritos and the Thammasat BBA office in makingthis educational tour possible.

6 BBA Newsletter

Star Search Competition 2007Once again STAR Search 2006 has passed. The

annual case competition for BBA students was arrangedon Saturday 13th January 2007. The competitors will begiven two days to analyze the case and put up thepresentation for 20 minutes and confront the toughquestions from the seniors and alumni judges for another20 minutes. Only 16 teams would be competing in thecompetition. This year our competition was only limitedto freshmen year. Since the beginning of the week eachteam was anticipated to read their case which was givenout on Wednesday 10th. Every team was excited andenthusiastic to analyze and come up with the bestsolution for the firm, the Hue-Man Experience BookStore.

On the presentation day, sixteen teams weredivided into four divisions. The preliminary presentationwas started in the early morning and lasted till noon.Many teams were push to their limit of the sleeplessand stressful night to finish their presentation. Every

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participant was excited to know whether their teamwould make into the final round or not. They put theirbest effort to be the winner. Judges discussed andaccumulated the score of each competitor. Then thefinal four were announced. ™“‡∏Õ, Catalyst, Synergy andDe Jure made into our final. All of four presentationsreflected the team’s analytical skill, creativity and mostimportantly the courage and confidence to present theirrecommendation to the judges and audiences. In theend the best team would prove themselves through allthe stress and tough questions. Our champion isSynergy Team with a gift voucher of 2,500 baht atTony Roma Restaurant. The second and the third prizewent to Catalyst Team and ™“‡∏Õ team, respectively.It’s another successful year of the STAR SearchCompetition. Many freshmen has proved and showntheir talent to us all. We hope we would see you allagain in the June try out.

At that moment, we were looking for a namethat would best represent us and we liked the termsynergy. It means that 1+1 is more than two which webelieved that with our team power, we could achievesomething greater.

How were your two days of competition?After receiving the case, we spent the first few

hours studying it individually, gathering information andbrainstorming. We spent the whole day in the librarydiscussing and at night, each of us was responsible fordifferent parts to go in details.

On the second day, we brought all the ideas wehad together and started planning for the presentation.Most of the day was dedicated to designing thePowerPoint slides which was quite time-consuming. Wespent a lot of time in this stage since we would like toensure that our presentation would be as effective aspossible, as well as the solution would be flawless.

Then on the presentation day, all of us wereexhausted and very sleepy from working for almost thewhole night. Nonetheless, it was such a surprising thatwe became alert again when the time had come. Ourpresentation turned out to be in the way we hadexpected. We were all pleased and agreed that even ifwe lost, we wouldn’t regret it since it was a wonderfulexperience.

First of all, how did you come up with yourteam name “Synergy”?

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Luckily, we passed to the final round with other3 talented teams and we were the third to present. Thistime it was a little more stressing since the room wasfull of Ajarn, alumnus, seniors and our friends, but weeventually found a way to relax ourselves. We sang andyou know what, it worked!

What were you feelings when you knewyou won the first prize?

We were glad we made it, especially after all thehard work.

Anything you want to say to thefreshmen next year?

We would like to note that the gift voucher wereceived was not the only thing we were rewarded with.What we had received was more than that; we havealso gained a lot of memorable experiences during thetime, including valuable knowledge that couldn’t befound in any textbooks. By participating in the activity,we have learned to work as a team, solving varioustypes of problems, which we regarded them as theintrinsic rewards. Therefore, we’d like to invite you,freshmen, to participate in this first competition for firstyear students. Good luck and we hope to see you then.

BBA Newsletter 7

Once again, BBA students haveproven that we do not only have excellentperformances academically but we excelin other aspects as well.

Held by the BAS (British andAmerican Studies Program) faculty, thehigh standard by BBA students was onceagain witnessed at the annual sportscompetition during the times betweenFebruary 10th-17th, 2007. It is a sportsevent that is participated by theInternational Programs within ThammasatUniversity and it consists of a total offive sports: Basketball, Soccer, Tug-of-war, 13 legs race and the Obstacle race.

Inter Dome:

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Congratulations!!! We are the champion!!!!!

The main objectives of this competition are toimprove relationships and to create unity between thestudents from these international programs; which areBBA, BE (Economics International Program), TEPE(Thammasat English Programme of Engineering), BAS(British and American Studies Program), BJM(Journalism and Mass Communication), and SIIT(Sirindhorn International Institute of Technology).

Instead of having the one-day event like last year,this year BAS organized the games to a qualifiers roundand a final round. The good news was that we enteredthe final round for all of the sporting events.

For the BBA however, the highlight of thecompetition was on February 17th, 2007. The day startedat 7.00 a.m. with the BBA participating in the semi-finalround of both the basketball and the soccer match. Itwas followed by the final round in soccer andentertaining shows that were prepared by each separatefaculty at around noon. In the afternoon, there final roundof both the male and female basketball match tookplace. This was also when the remainder of the eventslike that of the Obstacle race, 13-legs race and theTug-of-War took place.

By the end of the day, we succeeded in winningthe final round of both the male and female basketballmatches. For the BBA program, this was the 2nd

succeeding year in which the female basketball team

defended the championship. For the male basketballteam however, it was the first time that they had obtained1st place. This of course, would not have beenaccomplished if we had not had participation from theexchanging students in our team. Thanks, man!! Wewould not have made championship without you!

We passed the qualifier round for the male soccerteam and took a 4th place. For the Tug-of-War,unfortunately, our slim body size didn’t allow us to beatthe giants from the other faculties. We are living proofthat “size does not matter”, for our small trim size stillallowed us to come 1st in the Obstacle race that includedeating obstacless. The last event was the 13 leggedrace which we took a second place for.

At night, there was a live band played by theBAS and this was followed by the contest of “Mr. andMrs. Interdome” where BE won Mr.Interdome and TEPEwon Miss Interdome.

Last but not least, on behalf of the BBA sportsmembers, I am proud to say that the belief of wellrounded BBA students is a reality. We are not onlyexposed and perform well academically but we alsodemonstrate that we are great athletes as well. It’s ourultimate goal to excel and to be healthy in both bodyand mind. Hence, our expectations for ourselves havegrown and we shall strive to real and fulfill our fullestpotential even further. Thank you.

8 BBA Newsletter

BBA Charity Concert:First Love

Did you go to BBA Charity Concert on SaturdayFebruary 10? We hope you enjoy it as much as we do! Buthave you wondered why all of sudden BBA students stood upto arrange such big event like that? Here, let us tell you thestory.

As we were watching BE Drama, which is held everyyear, we began to realize that BBA students do not have suchactivity that would create harmony, friendship, and cooperationas BE do. Suddenly, some of us had a great chance to helpwith a concert last year, Love Full Band Charity Concert, held

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by Thammasat University Student Association. The ideapopped up, let’s arrange the concert and make it BBA annualactivity that will be carried on to ‘roon-nong’. Therefore, BBACharity Concert: First Love set off.

The purposes of arranging the concert is to create anactivity that belongs to BBA students. This activity will createthe harmony, cooperation and friendship between each other.All of the staff will be able to use and enhance what we havelearnt in classes. Moreover, we would like to help the societyby donating the profits we gain from the concert to twofoundations-Siriraj Hospital Cancer Foundation and MayaKotami Foundation–in a ‘fun’ way.

The concert was then set to be on Saturday, February10, 2007, begun by BBA#13 students. Because we wereinexperience, so many problems occurred as we expected. Sponsorship was hard to find due to it was the beginningof the year where the budget had not been assigned. Thetime we got for preparing everything was only less than twomonths before the concert. Besides human resource (basicallylabor work) was very limited, making the process so slow.

The concert started to get closer toreality when our kindly entertainers, SlotMachine, Ben Chalatit, Be Crescendo,Tor Saksit and Buddhist Holiday,accepted the invitation. We were alsoable to find enough sponsors whogave great supports to cover ourcosts. Then the tickets flew into thehands of the audience. Finally, it’s showtime!

On the day, the crowd flooded in, causinga huge chaos for the staff! The ticket bookingsystem was too slow that it could not handlepeople flow in time, delaying the show for almostone hour. The audience was upset, the staff wasexhausted, everything was such a mess.Eventually, when the first song was played bySlot Machine, disaster had come to an end.

Thank you BBA program who gave usopportunity to do such a big event, our advisor-Ajarn Sab (Dr. Somboon Kulvisaechana) and BBAOffice for always support us, BBA students forall the hard work and encouragement, our

sponsors $$, and more importantly ouraudience.

The concert would not have beenthis successful without you. We wish thedream that BBA Charity Concert willbecome an annual activity would cometrue...

Peace! v

BBA Newsletter 9

Marshall International Case Competition 2007

Four straight weeks of tryout and practices hasended. We were then ready to compete at the MarshallInternational Case Competition (MICC), hosted by theUniversity of Southern California (USC) in Los Angeles,USA. With Dr. James Edward Rubesch as the advisor,the BBA team members are Miss Bhurima Tienwuttinun,Mr. Tanwa Chinnapha, Miss Duangnapa Rojphongkasemand Miss Poomnuree Supachanya.

After such a long flight, we finally arrived in oneof the biggest cities in the world. We were greeted bya sleek black limousine that took as to the place wewould stay for next whole week, the Omni Los AngelesHotel in downtown.

The USC welcome dinner consisted of the cheerfulUSC marching band and the introduction of allparticipants from 29 top business schools all aroundthe world, including The University of Texas at Austin,USA, University of California, Berkeley, USA, McGillUniversity, Canada and Hong Kong University of Scienceand Technology, Hong Kong. Afterward, everyone wentto dinner at the brewery.

The second day was interesting. USC brought usto the Universal Studio! We were divided into teams forthe scavenger hunt. Everyone had a chance to try outalmost all the rides and shows. By the end of the day,we enjoyed ourselves and had a chance to get to knowother participants better.

The next day, we went for the USC campus groupphoto and campus tour. The campus was very beautiful.The people were friendly and the buildings look elegant.Finishing our lunches, the host took us for a site visit atTarget, which is also the competition’s main sponsor.Target is the second largest retail store in the United

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#13States, next to Wal-mart. Participants got to learn more

about the company. In addition to that, we were givena lot of hints as to what our case would be!

Finally, it was the day of the competition. Ourbreakfast meeting was earlier than usual because weneed to draw for the order of case pick-up andpresentation. We were in the same division as ChineseUniversity of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, University ofCalgary, Canada, University of Michigan, USA and USC.As expected, the case was of Target. We hadapproximately 24 hours (actually, even less!) to readand analyze the case. Also, we needed to formulatestrategies for Target, write a 2-page executive summaryfor the judges and prepare a PowerPoint presentationfor the following day. With brains working non-stop andno sleep, we were able to finish our tasks just 2 hoursbefore it was due.

Fortunately for our team, we had about 1 hour topractice our presentation. The presentation wassatisfying. We knew we were competing head-to-headwith the top universities so we did not expect much butwe did our best!!!

In the afternoon, theresult was announced. Thefinalists were University ofTexas at Austin, USA,University of California,Berkeley, USA, USC, OhioState University, USA andHong Kong University of

Science Technology, Hong Kong (the only internationalteam that made to finals!).

At the formal dinner the same day, the Target’sexecutive gave us an inspiring speech followed by theannouncement of the winners. First place was TheUniversity of Texas at Austin, USA. Even thoughThammasat did not make into finals, we gained a greatexperience, valuable memory and lots of friends fromthe competition.

Finally, it was our last day in Los Angeles. Wecould not believe how fast time flies (or why we did notsee any celebrities?). It was a day of good-byes andemail exchanges. We arrived at Suvannabhum Airportearly on Tuesday morning. One full week of such agreat time has past. However, we would definitely neverforget our experience that USC has offered us.

Last but not least, we want to thank Assoc.Prof.Dr. Kulpatra Sirodom for all the support. Without her,we would not have this chance to compete abroad. Bigthanks go to Ajarn James Paul Fitzpatrick who is thebest coach ever, for your knowledge and for yourencouraging words. Another thanks to Dr. James EdwardRubesch, our advisor at the competition, for theawesome advices. Lastly, we want to thank P’Pam+ fororganizing everything! THANK YOU!

10 BBA Newsletter

It’s BBA#14’s turn for applying to be exchangestudents. Each selected student will study in our networkfor one year or one semester by paying TU tuition feesand the credits earned are transferable back to TU forgraduation. The BBA Program strongly encourages ourstudents to expose to the international environment.Not only benefit from studying in different environments,but they will also learn to adjust to new cultures &lifestyles and to meet their new friends.

University visits

This year, there were 44 BBA students applied inexchange program. 43 students passed the requirementfor exchange program. However, 43 students happilyparticipate in our partner universities for at least onesemester period.

Exchange Program

Not only, Mr. Sean O’ Connell; Director ofUndergraduate International Programs, AssociateDirector, Student Services, Marshall School of Business,University of Southern California, USA joined in theThailand International Education Exhibition 2007 duringFebruary 1st-3rd, 2007 at Queen Sirikit NationalConvention Center, but he also visited and met withAssoc. Prof. Dr. Kulpatra Sirodom; BBA Director, Assoc.Prof. Dr. Pantisa Pavabutr; Associate Director ofAcademic Affairs and Dr. Somboon Kulvisaechana;Associate Director of International Affairs, BBAInternational Program on February 2nd at BBAThammasat. All of them discussed about exchangeprogram that this year is the first year of both universities,which will be nominated students to study for exchangeprogram each semester.

Again, this year, on February 6th, Dr. Simon AMercado; Head, Division of Strategic Management andInternational Business, Nottingham Business School,Nottingham Trent University, England visited and metwith Mrs. Narisa Klieothong; BBA Exchange Coordinator.We discussed about the number which both ofuniversities can nominate students to join the exchangeprogram for one year.

On March 2, Mr. Darrell Kicker, InternationalExchange Coordinator, University of Hawaii at Manoa,USA had a meeting with Miss Oraya Sutabutr; Assistantto the Rector for International Affairs, Dr. PongthepVorakitpokatorn; Director of International Affairs, Assoc.Prof. Dr. Kulpatra Sirodom; BBA Director, Mrs. NarisaKlieothong; BBA Exchange Coordinator and Mr. PakornJaruspanavasan; BE External Relations Coordinator. Theobjective of the meeting is expanding our relationsbetween University of Hawaii at Manoa, USA andThammasat University. After the meeting, Mr. Kickervisited our BBA International Program.

BBA Newsletter 11

Get together:Spring’s Exchange Students

On January 11th-12th, the Faculty ofCommerce andAccountancy took the newin-coming exchangestudents on an orientationtrip never to be forgotten!More of a wholeexperience than just a fieldtrip; we got to know eachother, the staffs and ournew country of residence-in style! From the very moment we stepped on the bus,we were treated like superstars!!; including the numerousphotographers who documented our experience and

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the fantastic food and drink we were supplied with atthe drop of a hat-not to mention our dwelling spot ofthe beautiful Dusit Resort of Hua Hin.

The program started at the resort with an amazingthree course lunch, shortly followed by some ice-breakerexercises which were very creatively planned andthoroughly enjoyed by all!! These including ‘getting toknow you’ games such as sack races and a game whichinvolved passing a rubber band around with only a strawin the mouth. Other activities included team-buildingproblem solving exercises which attracted much laughterand competitive spirit. After another amazing meal, thestudents hit the town of Hua Hin for some moresocialising, sight seeing and shopping. The program forthe second day was fascinating, well organised andthoroughly enjoyed by all! It gave us insight into the

Thai culture through demonstrations and instruction oftraditional fruit carving, cooking and batik painting

After countless laughs, making many new matesand eating too much at the Dusit Resort, we made ourway back to Bangkok via King Rama VI’s beautifulsummer palace; Maruekhathaiyawan Palace.

Overall, the field trip to Hua Hin was an orientationexperience like no other we had experienced or everthought we would! Every student was overwhelmed bythe amount of time, effort and care put into the trip.Thank you to the BBA staff, we all had an amazing timeand thoroughly enjoyed the warm welcome you gaveus into Thailand and Thammasat University!

BBA International ProgramFaculty of Commerce and AccountancyThammasat University2, Prachan Road, Bangkok 10200 THAILANDTel: 66 2225 2113Fax: 66 2225 2107E-mail:

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Once again, this year TUBC will be held on August 23rd-26th. The event will take place atDusit Thani Hotel. Any sponsorship from alumni or organization is welcome. TUBC2007 committeewould be grateful for your support. Interested alumni please contact BBA office. Additional changesof the event will be further announced.

TUBC 2007

Update yourprofile

We would like to invite all ofBBA Alumnus to visit the new BBAwebsite and update your datainformation at

Thammasat University

Important DatesAcademic Calendar 2007

First Semester (August 20-December 23, 2007)

Advanced Registration July 2-6, 2007Payment for Registration July 2-6, 2007First Semester Begins August 20, 2007Period of Withdraw W/O Record August 20-31, 2007Period of Midterm Examination October 8-19, 2007King Chulalongkorn’s Day* October 23, 2007Last Day of Withdraw with “W” October 26, 2007H.M. The King’s Birthday* December 5, 2007Last Day of Classes December 9, 2007Constitution Day* December 10, 2007Period of Final Examination December 11-23, 2007

Note: *Holiday
