Bayesian Graph Neural Networks with Adaptive Connection ... · Arman Hasanzadeh * 1Ehsan...


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Bayesian Graph Neural Networks with Adaptive Connection Sampling

Arman Hasanzadeh * 1 Ehsan Hajiramezanali * 1 Shahin Boluki 1 Mingyuan Zhou 2 Nick Duffield 1

Krishna Narayanan 1 Xiaoning Qian 1

AbstractWe propose a unified framework for adap-tive connection sampling in graph neural net-works (GNNs) that generalizes existing stochas-tic regularization methods for training GNNs.The proposed framework not only alleviates over-smoothing and over-fitting tendencies of deepGNNs, but also enables learning with uncertaintyin graph analytic tasks with GNNs. Instead ofusing fixed sampling rates or hand-tuning themas model hyperparameters as in existing stochas-tic regularization methods, our adaptive connec-tion sampling can be trained jointly with GNNmodel parameters in both global and local fash-ions. GNN training with adaptive connectionsampling is shown to be mathematically equiv-alent to an efficient approximation of trainingBayesian GNNs. Experimental results with abla-tion studies on benchmark datasets validate thatadaptively learning the sampling rate given graphtraining data is the key to boosting the perfor-mance of GNNs in semi-supervised node classifi-cation, making them less prone to over-smoothingand over-fitting with more robust prediction.

1. IntroductionGraph neural networks (GNNs), and its numerous variants,have shown to be successful in graph representation learn-ing by extracting high-level features for nodes from theirtopological neighborhoods. GNNs have boosted the state-of-the-art performance in a variety of graph analytic tasks, suchas semi-supervised node classification and link prediction(Kipf & Welling, 2017; 2016; Hasanzadeh et al., 2019; Haji-ramezanali et al., 2019). Despite their successes, GNNs have

*Equal contribution 1Electrical and Computer Engineering De-partment, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, USA2McCombs School of Business, The University of Texas at Austin,Austin, Texas, USA. Correspondence to: Arman Hasanzadeh <>.

Proceedings of the 37 th International Conference on MachineLearning, Vienna, Austria, PMLR 119, 2020. Copyright 2020 bythe author(s).

two major limitations: 1) they cannot go very deep due toover-smoothing and over-fitting phenomena (Li et al., 2018;Kipf & Welling, 2017); 2) the current implementations ofGNNs do not provide uncertainty quantification (UQ) ofoutput predictions.

There exist a variety of methods to address these problems.For example, DropOut (Srivastava et al., 2014) is a popularregularisation technique with deep neural networks (DNNs)to avoid over-fitting, where network units are randomlymasked during training. In GNNs, DropOut is realized byrandomly removing the node features during training (Ronget al., 2019). Often, the procedure is independent of thegraph topology. However, empirical results have shown that,due to the nature of Laplacian smoothing in GNNs, graphconvolutions have the over-smoothing tendency of mixingrepresentations of adjacent nodes so that, when increasingthe number of GNN layers, all nodes representations willconverge to a stationary point, making them unrelated tonode features (Li et al., 2018). While it has been shownin Kipf & Welling (2017) that DropOut alone is ineffectualin preventing over-fitting, partially due to over-smoothing,the combination of DropEdge, in which a set of edges arerandomly removed from the graph, with DropOut has re-cently shown potential to alleviate these problems (Ronget al., 2019).

On the other hand, with the development of efficient poste-rior computation algorithms, there have been successes inlearning with uncertainty by Bayesian extensions of tradi-tional deep network architectures, including convolutionalneural networks (CNNs). However, for GNNs, derivingtheir Bayesian extensions is more challenging due to theirirregular neighborhood connection structures. In orderto account for uncertainty in GNNs, Zhang et al. (2019)present a Bayesian framework where the observed graph isviewed as a realization from a parametric family of randomgraphs. This allows joint inference of the graph and theGNN weights, leading to resilience to noise or adversar-ial attacks. Besides its prohibitive computational cost, thechoice of the random graph model is important and can beinconsistent for different problems and datasets. Further-more, the posterior inference in the current implementationonly depends on the graph topology, but cannot considernode features.








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Bayesian Graph Neural Networks with Adaptive Connection Sampling

In this paper, we introduce a general stochastic regulariza-tion technique for GNNs by adaptive connection sampling—Graph DropConnect (GDC). We show that existing GNNregularization techniques such as DropOut (Srivastava et al.,2014), DropEdge (Rong et al., 2019), and node sampling(Chen et al., 2018) are special cases of GDC. GDC regular-izes neighborhood aggregation in GNNs at each channel,separately. This prevents connected nodes in graph fromhaving the same learned representations in GNN layers;hence better improvement without serious over-smoothingcan be achieved. Furthermore, adaptively learning the con-nection sampling or drop rate in GDC enables better stochas-tic regularization given graph data for target graph analytictasks. In fact, our ablation studies show that only learningthe DropEdge rate, without any DropOut, already substan-tially improves the performance in semi-supervised nodeclassification with GNNs. By probabilistic modeling ofthe connection drop rate, we propose a hierarchical beta-Bernoulli construction for Bayesian learnable GDC, and de-rive the solution with both continuous relaxation and directoptimization with Augment-REINFORCE-Merge (ARM)gradient estimates. With the naturally enabled UQ and reg-ularization capability, our learnable GDC can help addressboth over-smoothing and UQ challenges to further push thefrontier of GNN research.

We further prove that adaptive connection sampling of GDCat each channel can be considered as random aggregationand diffusion in GNNs, with a similar Bayesian approxima-tion interpretation as in Bayesian DropOut for CNNs (Gal &Ghahramani, 2015). Specifically, Monte Carlo estimation ofGNN outputs can be used to evaluate the predictive posterioruncertainty. An important corollary of this formulation isthat any GNN with neighborhood sampling, such as Graph-SAGE (Hamilton et al., 2017), could be considered as itscorresponding Bayesian approximation.

2. Preliminaries2.1. Bayesian Neural Networks

Bayesian neural networks (BNNs) aim to capture modeluncertainty of DNNs by placing prior distributions over themodel parameters to enable posterior updates during DNNtraining. It has been shown that these Bayesian extensionsof traditional DNNs can be robust to over-fitting and pro-vide appropriate prediction uncertainty estimation (Gal &Ghahramani, 2016; Boluki et al., 2020). Often, the standardGaussian prior distribution is placed over the weights. Withrandom weights {W(l)}Ll=1, the output prediction given aninput x can be denoted by f

(x, {W(l)}Ll=1

), which is now

a random variable in BNNs, enabling uncertainty quantifi-cation (UQ).

The key difficulty in using BNNs is that Bayesian inference

is computationally intractable. There exist various methodsthat approximate BNN inference, such as Laplace approx-imation (MacKay, 1992), sampling-based and stochasticvariational inference (Paisley et al., 2012; Rezende et al.,2014; Hajiramezanali et al., 2020; Dadaneh et al., 2020a),Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) (Neal, 2012), andstochastic gradient MCMC (Ma et al., 2015). However,their computational cost is still much higher than the non-Bayesian methods, due to the increased model complexityand slow convergence (Gal & Ghahramani, 2016).

2.2. DropOut as Bayesian Approximation

Dropout is commonly used in training many deep learningmodels as a way to avoid over-fitting. Using dropout at testtime enables UQ with Bayesian interpretation of the networkoutputs as Monte Carlo samples of its predictive distribution(Gal & Ghahramani, 2016). Various dropout methods havebeen proposed to multiply the output of each neuron bya random mask drawn from a desired distribution, suchas Bernoulli (Hinton et al., 2012; Srivastava et al., 2014)and Gaussian (Kingma et al., 2015; Srivastava et al., 2014).Bernoulli dropout and its extensions are the most commonlyused in practice due to their ease of implementation andcomputational efficiency in existing deep architectures.

2.3. Over-smoothing & Over-fitting in GNNs

It has been shown that graph convolution in graph convo-lutional neural networks (GCNs) (Kipf & Welling, 2017)is simply a special form of Laplacian smoothing, whichmixes the features of a node and its nearby neighbors. Suchdiffusion operations lead to similar learned representationswhen the corresponding nodes are close topologically withsimilar features, thus greatly improving node classificationperformance. However, it also brings potential concernsof over-smoothing (Li et al., 2018). If a GCN is deep withmany convolutional layers, the learned representations maybe over-smoothed and nodes with different topological andfeature characteristics may become indistinguishable. Morespecifically, by repeatedly applying Laplacian smoothingmany times, the node representations within each connectedcomponent of the graph will converge to the same values.

Moreover, GCNs, like other deep models, may suffer fromover-fitting when we utilize an over-parameterized model tofit a distribution with limited training data, where the modelwe learn fits the training data very well but generalizespoorly to the testing data.

2.4. Stochastic Regularization & Reduction for GNNs

Quickly increasing model complexity and possible over-fitting and over-smoothing when modeling large graphs,as empirically observed in the GNN literature, have beenconjectured for the main reason of limited performance

Bayesian Graph Neural Networks with Adaptive Connection Sampling

from deep GNNs (Kipf & Welling, 2017; Rong et al., 2019).Several stochastic regularization and reduction methods inGNNs have been proposed to improve the deep GNN perfor-mance. For example, stochastic regularization techniques,such as DropOut (Srivastava et al., 2014) and DropEdge(Rong et al., 2019), have been used to prevent over-fittingand over-smoothing in GNNs. Sampling-based stochasticreduction by random walk neighborhood sampling (Hamil-ton et al., 2017) and node sampling (Chen et al., 2018) hasbeen deployed in GNNs to reduce the size of input dataand thereafter model complexity. Next, we review each ofthese methods and show that they can be formulated in ourproposed adaptive connection sampling framework.

Denote the output of the lth hidden layer in GNNs byH(l) = [h

(l)0 , . . . ,h

(l)n ]T ∈ Rn×fl with n being the number

of nodes and fl being the number of output features at thelth layer. Assume H(0) = X ∈ Rn×f0 is the input matrixof node attributes, where f0 is the number of nodes features.Also, assume that W(l) ∈ Rfl×fl+1 and σ( · ) are the GNNparameters at the lth layer and the corresponding activationfunction, respectively. Moreover, N (v) denotes the neigh-borhood of node v; N (v) = N (v) ∪ {v}; and N(.) is thenormalizing operator, i.e., N(A) = IN + D−1/2 AD−1/2.Finally, � represents the Hadamard product.


In a GNN layer, DropOut randomly removes output ele-ments of its previous hidden layer H(l) based on indepen-dent Bernoulli random draws with a constant success rate ateach training iteration. This can be formulated as follows:

H(l+1) = σ(N(A)(Z(l) �H(l))W(l)

), (1)

where Z(l) is a random binary matrix, with the same dimen-sions as H(l), whose elements are samples of Bernoulli(π).Despite its success in fully connected and convolutionalneural networks, DropOut has shown to be ineffectual inGNNs for preventing over-fitting and over-smoothing.

2.4.2. DROPEDGE (RONG ET AL., 2019)

DropEdge randomly removes edges from the graph by draw-ing independent Bernoulli random variables (with a constantrate) at each iteration. More specifically, a GNN layer withDropEdge can be written as follows:

H(l+1) = σ(N(A� Z(l))H(l) W(l)

), (2)

Note that here, the random binary mask, i.e. Z(l), has thesame dimensions as A. Its elements are random samples ofBernoulli(π) where their corresponding elements in A arenon-zero and zero everywhere else. It has been shown thatthe combination of DropOut and DropEdge reaches the bestperformance in terms of mitigating overfitting in GNNs.

2.4.3. NODE SAMPLING (CHEN ET AL., 2018)

To reduce expensive computation in batch training of GNNs,due to the recursive expansion of neighborhoods acrosslayers, Chen et al. (2018) propose to relax the requirementof simultaneous availability of test data. Considering graphconvolutions as integral transforms of embedding functionsunder probability measures allows for the use of MonteCarlo approaches to consistently estimate the integrals. Thisleads to an optimal node sampling strategy, FastGCN, whichcan be formulated as

H(l+1) = σ(N(A) diag(z(l))H(l) W(l)

), (3)

where z(l) is a random vector whose elements are drawnfrom Bernoulli(π). This, indeed, is a special case ofDropOut, as all of the output features for a node are ei-ther completely kept or dropped while DropOut randomlyremoves some of these related output elements associatedwith the node.

3. Graph DropConnectWe propose a general stochastic regularization technique forGNNs—Graph DropConnect (GDC)—by adaptive connec-tion sampling, which can be interpreted as an approximationof Bayesian GNNs.

In GDC, we allow GNNs to draw different random masks foreach channel and edge independently. More specifically, theoperation of a GNN layer with GDC is defined as follows:

H(l+1)[:, j] = σ


N(A� Z(l)i,j)H

(l)[:, i]W(l)[i, j]


for j = 1, . . . , fl+1 (4)

where fl and fl+1 are the number of features at layers land l + 1, respectively, and Z

(l)i,j is a sparse random matrix

(with the same sparsity as A) whose non-zero elementsare randomly drawn by Bernoulli(πl). Note that πl can bedifferent for each layer for GDC instead of assuming thesame constant drop rate for all layers in previous methods.

As shown in (1), (2), and (3), DropOut (Srivastava et al.,2014), DropEdge (Rong et al., 2019), and Node Sampling(Chen et al., 2018) have different sampling assumptions onchannels, edges, or nodes, yet there is no clear evidenceto favor one over the other in terms of consequent graphanalytic performance. In the proposed GDC approach, thereis a free parameter {Z(l)

i,j ∈ {0, 1}n×n}fli=1 to adjust the

binary mask for the edges, nodes and channels. Thus theproposed GDC model has one extra degree of freedom toincorporate flexible connection sampling.

The previous stochastic regularization techniques can beconsidered as special cases of GDC. To illustrate that, we

Bayesian Graph Neural Networks with Adaptive Connection Sampling

assume Z(l)i,j are the same for all j ∈ {1, 2, . . . , fl+1}, thus

we can omit the indices of the output elements at layer l+ 1and rewrite (4) as

H(l+1) = σ


N(A� Z(l)i )H(l)[:, i]W(l)[i, :]


Define Jn as a n×n all-one matrix. Let Z(l)DO ∈ {0, 1}n×fl ,

Z(l)DE ∈ {0, 1}n×n, and diag(z

(l)NS) ∈ {0, 1}n×n be the ran-

dom binary matrices corresponding to the ones adoptedin DropOut (Srivastava et al., 2014), DropEdge (Ronget al., 2019), and Node Sampling (Chen et al., 2018), re-spectively. The random mask {Z(l)

i ∈ {0, 1}n×n}fli=1 in

GDC become the same as those of the DropOut whenZ

(l)i = Jn diag(Z

(l)DO[:, i]), the same as those of DropE-

dge when {Z(l)i }

fli=1 = Z

(l)DE , and the same as those of node

sampling when {Z(l)i }

fli=1 = Jndiag(z


3.1. GDC as Bayesian Approximation

In GDC, random masking is applied to the adjacency matrixof the graph to regularize the aggregation steps at eachlayer of GNNs. In existing Bayesian neural networks, themodel parameters, i.e. W(l), are considered random toenable Bayesian inference based on predictive posteriorgiven training data (Gal et al., 2017; Boluki et al., 2020).Here, we show that connection sampling in GDC can betransformed from the output feature space to the parameterspace so that it can be considered as appropriate Bayesianextensions of GNNs.

First, we rewrite (5) to have a node-wise view of a GNNlayer with GDC. More specifically,

h(l+1)v = σ



( ∑u∈N (v)

z(l)vu � h(l)u


, (6)

where cv is a constant derived from the degree of node v,and z

(l)vu ∈ {0, 1}1×fl is the mask row vector corresponding

to connection between nodes v and u in three dimensionaltensor Z(l) = [Z

(l)1 , . . . ,Z


]. For brevity and without lossof generality, we ignore the constant cv in the rest of thissection. We can rewrite and reorganize (6) to transform therandomness from sampling to the parameter space as

h(l+1)v = σ

( ∑u∈N (v)

h(l)u diag(z(l)vu)


= σ

∑u∈N (v)



) .


Define W(l)vu := z

(l)vuW(l). We have:

h(l+1)v = σ

∑u∈N (v)

h(l)u W(l)


. (8)

W(l)vu, which pairs the corresponding weight parameter with

the edge in the given graph. The operation with GDC in (8)can be interpreted as learning different weights for each ofthe message passing along edges e = (u, v) ∈ E where E isthe union of edge set of the input graph and self-loops forall nodes.

Following the variational interpretation in Gal et al. (2017),GDC can be seen as an approximating distribution qθ(ω)for the posterior p(ω |A,X) when considering a set ofrandom weight matrices ω = {ωe}|E|e=1 in the Bayesianframework, where ωe = {W(l)

e }Ll=1 is the set of randomweights for the eth edge, |E| is the number of edges inthe input graph, and θ is the set of variational parameters.The Kullback–Leibler (KL) divergence KL(qθ(ω)||p(ω))is considered in training as a regularisation term, whichensures that the approximating qθ(ω) does not deviate toofar from the prior distribution. To be able to evaluate the KLterm analytically, the discrete quantised Gaussian can beadopted as the prior distribution as in Gal et al. (2017).Further with the factorization qθ(ω) over L layers and|E| edges such that qθ(ω) =


∏e qθl(W

(l)e ) and letting

qθl(W(l)e ) = πlδ(W

(l)e − 0) + (1 − πl)δ(W(l)

e −M(l)),where θl = {M(l), πl}, the KL term can be written as∑L


∑|E|e=1 KL(qθl(W

(l)e ) || p(W(l)

e )) and approximately

KL(qθl(W(l)e ) || p(W(l)

e )) ∝ (1− πl)2

||M(l)||2 −H(πl),

whereH(πl) is the entropy of a Bernoulli random variablewith the success rate πl.

Since the entropy term does not depend on network weightparameters M(l), it can be omitted when πl is not optimized.But we learn πl in GDC, thus the entropy term is important.Minimizing the KL divergence with respect to the drop rateπl is equivalent to maximizing the entropy of a Bernoullirandom variable with probability 1 − πl. This pushes thedrop rate towards 0.5, which may not be desired in somecases where higher/lower drop rate probabilities are moreappreciated.

3.2. Variational Inference for GDC

We consider z(l)e and W(l) as local and global random

variables, respectively, and denote Z(l) = {z(l)e }|E|e=1 andω(l) = {W(l)

e }|E|e=1. For inference of this approximatingmodel with GDC, we assume a factorized variational distri-bution q(ω(l),Z(l)) = q(ω(l)) q(Z(l)). Let the prior dis-tribution p(W

(l)e ) be a discrete quantised Gaussian and

p(ω(l)) =∏Ee=1 p(W

(l)e ).Therefore, the KL term can be

Bayesian Graph Neural Networks with Adaptive Connection Sampling

written as∑Ll=1 KL(q(ω(l),Z(l)) || p(ω(l),Z(l))), with

KL(q(ω(l),Z(l)) || p(ω(l),Z(l))


|E|(1− πl)2

||M(l)||2 +


KL(q(z(l)e ) || p(z(l)e )


The KL term consists of the common weight decay inthe non-Bayesian GNNs with the additional KL term∑|E|e=1 KL(q(z

(l)e ) || p(z(l)e )) that acts as a regularization

term for z(l)e . In this GDC framework, the variational in-ference loss, for node classification for example, can bewritten as

L({M(l), πl}Ll=1) =

Eq({ω(l),Z(l)}Ll=1)[logP (Yo|X, {ω(l),Z(l)}Ll=1)]


KL(q(ω(l),Z(l)) || p(ω(l),Z(l))),


where Yo denotes the collection of the available labels for theobserved nodes. The optimization of (9) with respect to theweight matrices can be done by a Monte Carlo sample, i.e.sampling a random GDC mask and calculating the gradientswith respect to {M(l)}Ll=1 with stochastic gradient descent.It is easy to see that if {πl}Ll=1 are fixed, implementing ourGDC is as simple as using common regularization terms onthe neural network weights.

We aim to optimize the drop rates {πl}Ll=1 jointly with theweight matrices. This clearly provides more flexibility asall the parameters of the approximating posterior will belearned from the data instead of being fixed a priori ortreated as hyper-parameters, often difficult to tune. How-ever, the optimization of (9) with respect to the drop ratesis challenging. Although the KL term is not a function ofthe random masks, the commonly adopted reparameteriza-tion techniques (Rezende et al., 2014; Kingma & Welling,2013) are not directly applicable here for computing theexpectation in the first term since the drop masks are binary.Moreover, score-function gradient estimators, such as REIN-FORCE (Williams, 1992; Fu, 2006), possess high variance.One potential solution is continuous relaxation of the dropmasks. This approach has lower variance at the expense ofintroducing bias. Another solution is the direct optimizationwith respect to the discrete variables by the recently devel-oped Augment-REINFORCE-Merge (ARM) method (Yin& Zhou, 2019), which has been used in BNNs (Boluki et al.,2020) and information retrieval (Dadaneh et al., 2020b;a).In the next section, we will discuss in detail about our GDCformulation with more flexible beta-Bernoulli prior con-struction for adaptive connection sampling and how wesolve the joint optimization problem for training GNNs withadaptive connection sampling.

4. Variational Beta-Bernoulli GDCThe sampling or drop rate in GDC can be set as a constanthyperparameter as commonly done in other stochastic regu-larization techniques. In this work, we further enrich GDCwith an adaptive sampling mechanism, where the drop rate isdirectly learned together with GNN parameters given graphdata. In fact, in the Bayesian framework, such a hierarchicalconstruct may increase the model expressiveness to furtherimprove prediction and uncertainty estimation performance,as we will show empirically in Section 7.

Note that in this section, for brevity and simplicity we dothe derivations for one feature dimension only, i.e. fl = 1.Extending to multi-dimensional features is straightforwardas we assume the drop masks are independent across fea-tures. Therefore, we drop the feature index in our nota-tions. Inspired by the beta-Bernoulli process (Thibaux &Jordan, 2007), whose marginal representation is also knownas the Indian Buffet Process (IBP) (Ghahramani & Grif-fiths, 2006), we impose a beta-Bernoulli prior to the binaryrandom masks as

a(l)e = z(l)e ae, z(l)e ∼ Bernoulli(πl),

πl ∼ Beta(c/L, c(L− 1)/L), (10)

where ae denotes an element of the adjacency matrix A

corresponding to an edge e, and a(l)e an element of the

matrix A(l) = A�Z(l). Such a formulation is known to becapable of enforcing sparsity in random masks (Zhou et al.,2009; Hajiramezanali et al., 2018), which has been shownto be necessary for regularizing deep GNNs as discussed inDropEdge (Rong et al., 2019).

With this hierarchical beta-Bernoulli GDC formulation, in-ference based on Gibbs sampling can be computationallydemanding for large datasets, including graph data (Hasan-zadeh et al., 2019). In the following, we derive efficientvariational inference algorithm(s) for learnable GDC.

To perform variational inference for GDC random masksand the corresponding drop rate at each GNN layer togetherwith weight parameters, we define the variational distribu-tion as q(Z(l), πl) = q(Z(l) |πl)q(πl). We define q(πl) tobe Kumaraswamy distribution (Kumaraswamy, 1980); asan alternative to the beta prior factorized over lth layer

q(πl; al, bl) = alblπal−1l (1− πall )bl−1, (11)

where al and bl are greater than zero. Knowing πl theedges are independent, thus we can rewrite q(Z(l) |πl) =∏|E|e=1 q(z

(l)e |πl). We further put a Bernoulli distribution

with parameter πl over q(z(l)e |πl). The KL divergence term

Bayesian Graph Neural Networks with Adaptive Connection Sampling

can be written as

KL(q(Z(l), πl) || p(Z(l), πl)



KL(q(z(l)e |πl) || p(z(l)e |πl)

)+ KL (q(πl) || p(πl)) .

While the first term is zero due to the identical distributions,the second term can be computed in closed-form as

KL (q(πl) || p(πl)) =

al − c/Lal

(−γ −Ψ(bl)−



)+ log

alblc/L− bl − 1


where γ is the Euler-Mascheroni constant and Ψ(·) is thedigamma function.

The gradient of the KL term in (9) can easily be calculatedwith respect to the drop parameters. However, as mentionedin the previous section, due to the discrete nature of therandom masks, we cannot directly apply reparameterizationtechnique to calculate the gradient of the first term in (9)with respect to the drop rates (parameters). One way toaddress this issue is to replace the discrete variables witha continuous approximation. We impose a concrete distri-bution relaxation (Jang et al., 2016; Gal et al., 2017) forthe Bernoulli random variable z(l)uv , leading to an efficientoptimization by sampling from simple sigmoid distributionwhich has a convenient parametrization

z(l)e = sigmoid


tlog( πl

1− πl)

+ log( u

1− u))

, (12)

where u ∼ Unif[0, 1] and t is temperature parameter ofrelaxation. We can then use stochastic gradient variationalBayes to optimize the variational parameters al and bl.

Although this approach is simple, the relaxation introducesbias. Our other approach is to directly optimize the varia-tional parameters using the original Bernoulli distributionin the formulation as in Boluki et al. (2020). We can cal-culate the gradient of the variational loss with respect toα = {logit(1 − πl)}Ll=1 using ARM estimator , which isunbiased and has low variance, by performing two forwardpasses as

∇uL(α) = Eu∼


∏|E|e=1 Unif[0,1](u

(l)e )


1[u>σ(−α)])− L({M(l)}Ll=1, 1[u<σ(α)]))(u− 1



where L({M(l)}Ll=1, 1[u<σ(α)]) denotes the lossobtained by setting Z(l) = 1[u(l)<σ(αl)] :=(1[u

(l)1 <σ(αl)]

, . . . , 1[u



)for l = 1, . . . , L. The

gradient with respect to {al, bl}Ll=1 can then be calculatedby using the chain rule and the reparameterization forπl = (1− u

1bl )

1al , u ∼ Unif[0, 1].

It is worth noting that although the beta-Bernoulli DropCon-nect with ARM is expected to provide better performancedue to the more accurate gradient estimates, it has slightlyhigher computational complexity as it requires two forwardpasses.

5. Connection to Random Walk SamplingVarious types of random walk have been used in graphrepresentation learning literature to reduce the size of inputgraphs. In GNNs, specifically in GraphSAGE (Hamiltonet al., 2017), random walk sampling has been deployed toreduce the model complexity for very large graphs. Onecan formulate a GNN layer with random walk sampling asfollows:

h(l+1)v = σ


u∈N (v)

(z(l)vu |Z(l−1))h(l)u )W(l)

. (13)

Here, Z(l) is the same as the one in DropEdge except that itis dependent on the masks from the previous layer. This isdue to the fact that random walk samples for each node areconnected subgraphs.

In this setup, we can decompose the variational dis-tribution of the GDC formulation in an autoregressiveway. Specifically, here we have q(z

(l)uv |Z(l−1)) =

Bernoulli(πl)1∑u∈N(v) z

(l−1)vu >0

. With fixed Bernoulli pa-

rameters, we can calculate the gradients for the weight ma-trices with Monte Carlo integration. Learning Bernoulliparameters is challenging and does not allow direct appli-cation of ARM due to the autoregressive structure of thevariational posterior. We leave sequential ARM for futurestudy.Corollary 1 Any graph neural network with random walksampling, such as GraphSAGE, is an approximation of aBayesian graph neural network as long as outputs are cal-culated using Monte Carlo sampling.

6. Sampling ComplexityThe number of random samples needed for variational infer-ence in GDC, (4), at each layer of a GNN is |E| × fl× fl+1.This number would reduce to |E| × fl in the constrainedversion of GDC as shown in (5). These numbers, poten-tially, could be very high specially if the size of the graphor the number of filters are large, which could increase thespace complexity and computation time. To circumventthis issue, we propose to draw a single sample for a blockof features as oppose to drawing a new sample for everysingle feature. This would reduce the number of requiredsamples to |E| × nb with nb being the number of blocks. Inour experiments, we have one block in the first layer andtwo blocks in layers after that. In our experiments, we keep

Bayesian Graph Neural Networks with Adaptive Connection Sampling

Table 1. Semi-supervised node classification accuracy of GCNs with our adaptive connection sampling and baseline methods.

Method Cora Citeseer Cora-ML2 layers 4 layers 2 layers 4 layers 2 layers 4 layers

GCN-DO 80.98± 0.48 78.24± 2.4 70.44± 0.39 64.38± 0.90 83.45± 0.73 81.51± 1.01GCN-DE 78.36± 0.92 73.40± 2.07 70.52± 0.75 57.14± 0.90 83.30± 1.37 68.89± 3.37GCN-DO-DE 80.58± 1.19 79.20± 1.07 70.74± 1.23 64.84± 0.98 83.61± 0.83 81.21± 1.53

GCN-BBDE 81.58± 0.49 80.42± 0.25 71.46± 0.55 68.58± 0.88 84.62± 1.70 84.73± 0.52GCN-BBGDC 81.80± 0.99 82.20± 0.92 71.72± 0.48 70.00± 0.36 85.43± 0.70 85.52± 0.83

the order of features the same as the original input files,and divide them into nb groups with the equal number offeatures.

While in our GDC formulation, as shown in (4) and (5),the normalization N(·) is applied after masking, one canmultiply the randomly drawn mask with the pre-computednormalized adjacency matrix. This relaxation reduces thecomputation time and has negligible effect on the perfor-mance based on our experiments. An extension to the GDCsampling strategy is asymmetric sampling where the maskmatrix Z could be asymmetric. This would increase thenumber of samples by a factor of two; however it increasesthe model flexibility. In our experiments, we have usedasymmetric masks and multiplied the mask with the normal-ized adjacency matrix.

7. Numerical ResultsWe test the performance of our adaptive connection sam-pling framework, learnable GDC, on semi-supervised nodeclassification using real-world citation graphs. In addition,we compare the uncertainty estimates of predictions byMonte Carlo beta-Bernoulli GDC and Monte Carlo Dropout.We also show the performance of GDC compared to exist-ing methods in alleviating the issue of over-smoothing inGNNs. Furthermore, we investigate the effect of the num-ber of blocks on the performance of GDC. We have alsoinvestigated learning separate drop rates for every edge inthe network, i.e. local GDC, which is included in the sup-plementary materials.

7.1. Semi-supervised Node Classification


We conducted extensive experiments for semi-supervisednode classification with real-world citation datasets. Weconsider Cora, Citeseer and Cora-ML datasets, and prepro-cess and split them same as Kipf & Welling (2017) andBojchevski & Gunnemann (2018). We train beta-BernoulliGDC (BBGDC) models for 2000 epochs with a learning rateof 0.005 and a validation set used for early stopping. All ofthe hidden layers in our implemented GCNs have 128 dimen-

sional output features. We use 5 × 10−3, 10−2, and 10−3

as L2 regularization factor for Cora, Citeseer, and Cora-ML,respectively. For the GCNs with more than 2 layers, weuse warm-up during the first 50 training epochs to graduallyimpose the beta-Bernoulli KL term in the objective func-tion. The temperature in the concrete distribution is set to0.67. For a fair comparison, the number of hidden unitsare the same in the baselines and their hyper-parameters arehand-tuned to achieve their best performance. Performanceis reported by the average accuracy with standard devia-tion based on 5 runs on the test set. The dataset statisticsas well as more implementation details are included in thesupplementary materials.


Table 1 shows that BBGDC outperforms the state-of-the-artstochastic regularization techniques in terms of accuracyin all benchmark datasets. DO and DE in the table standfor DropOut and DropEdge, respectively. Comparing GCN-DO and GCN-DE, we can see that DropEdge alone is lesseffective than DropOut in overcoming over-smoothing andover-fitting in GCNs. The difference between accuracyof GCN-DO and GCN-DE is more substantial in deepernetworks (5% in Cora, 7% in Citeseer, and 13% in Cora-ML), which further proves the limitations of DE. Amongthe baselines, combination of DO and DE shows the bestperformance allowing to have deeper models. However,this is not always true. For example in Citeseer, 4-layerGCN shows significant decrease in performance comparedto 2-layer GCN.

To show the advantages of learning the drop rates as wellas the effect of hierarchical beta-Bernoulli construction, wehave also evaluated beta-Bernoulli DropEdge (BBDE) withthe concrete approximation, in which the edge drop rate ateach layer is learned using the same beta-Bernoulli hierar-chical construction as GDC. We see that GCN with BBDE,without any DropOut, performs better than both GCNs withDE and DO-DE. By comparing GCN with BBDE and GCNwith BBGDC, it is clear that the improvement is not only dueto learnable sampling rate but also the increased flexibility ofGDC compared to DropEdge. We note that GCN-BBGDC

Bayesian Graph Neural Networks with Adaptive Connection Sampling

Table 2. Accuracy of ARM optimization-based variants of our pro-posed method in semi-supervised node classification.

Method Cora (4 layers) Citeseer (4 layers)

GCN-BDE-ARM 79.95± 0.79 67.90± 0.15GCN-BBDE-ARM 81.78± 0.81 69.43± 0.45GCN-BBGDC-ARM 82.40± 0.60 70.25± 0.07

is the only method for which the accuracy improves byincreasing the number of layers except in Citeseer.


To investigate the effect of direct optimization of the varia-tional loss with respect to the drop parameters with ARMvs relaxation of the discrete random variables with concrete,we construct three ARM optimization-based variants of ourmethod: Learnable Bernoulli DropEdge with ARM gradi-ent estimator (BDE-ARM) where the edge drop rate of theBernoulli mask at each layer is directly optimized; beta-Bernoulli DropEdge with ARM (BBDE-ARM); and beta-Bernoulli GDC with ARM (BBGDC-ARM). We evaluatethese methods on the 4-layer GCN setups where significantperformance improvement compared with the baselines hasbeen achieved by BBDE and GDC with concrete relaxation.Comparing the performance of BBDE-ARM and BBGDC-ARM in Table 2 with the corresponding models with con-crete relaxation, suggests further improvement when thedrop parameters are directly optimized. Moreover, BDE-ARM, which optimizes the parameters of the Bernoulli droprates, performs better than DO, DE, and DO-DE.

7.2. Uncertainty Quantification

To evaluate the quality of uncertainty estimates obtainedby our model, we use the Patch Accuracy vs Patch Un-certainty (PAvPU) metric introduced in (Mukhoti & Gal,2018). PAvPU combines p(accurate|certain), i.e. theprobability that the model is accurate on its output giventhat it is confident on the same, p(certain|inaccurate),i.e. the probability that the model is uncertain about itsoutput given that it has made a mistake in its prediction,into a single metric. More specifically, it is defined asPAvPU = (nac + niu)/(nac + nau + nic + niu), wherenac is the number of accurate and certain predictions, nauis the number of accurate and uncertain predictions, nicis the number of inaccurate and certain predictions, andniu is the number of inaccurate and uncertain predictions.Higher PAvPU means that certain predictions are accurateand inaccurate predictions are uncertain.

We here demonstrate the results for uncertainty estimates fora 4-layer GCN-DO and a 4-layer GCN-BBGDC with ran-dom initialization for semi-supervised node classification onCora. We have evaluated PAvPU using 20 Monte Carlo sam-

0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0Threshold










Figure 1. Comparison of uncertainty estimates in PAvPU by a 4-layer GCN-BBGDC with 128-dimensional hidden layers and a4-layer GCN-DO 128-dimensional hidden layers on Cora.

ples for the test set where we use predictive entropy as theuncertainty metric. The results are shown in Figure 1. It canbe seen that our proposed model consistently outperformsGCN-DO on every uncertainty threshold ranging from 0.5to 1 of the maximum predictive uncertainty. While Figure 1depicts the results based on one random initialization, otherinitializations show the same trend.

7.3. Over-smoothing and Over-fitting

To check how GDC helps alleviate over-smoothing in GCNs,we have tracked the total variation (TV) of the outputs ofhidden layers during training. TV is a metric used in thegraph signal processing literature to measure the smoothnessof a signal defined over nodes of a graph (Chen et al., 2015).More specifically, given a graph with the adjacency matrixA and a signal x defined over its nodes, TV is defined asTV(x) = ‖x− (1/|λmax|)Ax‖22, where λmax denotes theeigenvalue of A with largest magnitude. Lower TV showsthat the signal on adjacent nodes are closer to each other,indicating possible over-smoothing.

We have compared the TV trajectories of the hidden layeroutputs in a 4-layer GCN-BBGDC and a 4-layer GCN-DOnormalized by their Frobenius norm, depicted in Figure 2(a).It can be seen that, in GCN-DO, while the TV of the firstlayer is slightly increasing at each training epoch, the TVof the second hidden layer decreases during training. This,indeed, contributed to the poor performance of GCN-DO.On the contrary, the TVs of both first and second layersin GCN-BBGDC is increasing during training. Not onlythis robustness is due to the dropping connections in GDCframework, but also is related to its learnable drop rates.

With such promising results showing less over-smoothingwith BBGDC, we further investigate how our proposedmethod works in deeper networks. We have checked theaccuracy of GCN-BBGDC with a various number of 128-

Bayesian Graph Neural Networks with Adaptive Connection Sampling

0 250 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000Training Epoch








tal V



GCN-DO, Hidden 1GCN-DO, Hidden 2GCN-BBGDC, Hidden 1GCN-BBGDC, Hidden 2

2 3 4 5 6 8 16Number of Layers













Figure 2. From left to right: a) Total variation of the hidden layer outputs during training in a 4-layer GCN-BBGDC with 128-dimensionalhidden layers and a 4-layer GCN-DO 128-dimensional hidden layers on Cora; b) Comparison of node classification accuracy for GCNswith a different number of hidden layers using different stochastic regularization methods. All of the hidden layers are 128 dimensional.

dimensional hidden layers ranging from 2 to 16. The resultsare shown in Figure 2(b). The performance improves up tothe GCN with 4 hidden layers and decreases after that. It isimportant to note that even though the performance drops byadding the 5-th layer, the degree to which it decreases is farless than competing methods. For example, the node classi-fication accuracy with GCN-DO quickly drops to 69.50%and 64.5% with 8 and 16 layers. In addition, we shouldmention that the performance of GCN-DO only improvesfrom two to three layers. This, indeed, proves GDC is abetter stochastic regularization framework for GNNs in alle-viating over-fitting and over-smoothing, enabling possibledirections to develop deeper GNNs.

7.4. Effect of Number of Blocks

In GDC for every pair of input and output features, a sepa-rate mask for the adjacency matrix should be drawn. How-ever, as we discussed in Section 6, this demands large mem-ory space. We circumvented this problem by drawing asingle mask for a block of features. While we used only twoblocks in our experiments presented so far, we here inves-tigate the effect of the number of blocks on the node clas-sification accuracy. The performance of 128-dimensional4-layer GCN-BBGDC with 2, 16, and 32 blocks are shownin Table 3. As can be seen, the accuracy improves as thenumber of blocks increases. This is due to the fact thatincreasing the number of blocks increases the flexibility ofGDC. The choice of the number of blocks is a factor to con-sider for the trade off between the performance and memory

Table 3. Accuracy of 128-dimensional 4-layer GCN-BBGDC withdifferent number of blocks on Cora in semi-supervised node clas-sification.

Method 2 blocks 16 blocks 32 blocks

GCN-BBGDC 82.2 83.0 83.3

usage as well as computational complexity.

8. ConclusionIn this paper, we proposed a unified framework for adap-tive connection sampling in GNNs that generalizes existingstochastic regularization techniques for training GNNs. Ourproposed method, Graph DropConnect (GDC), not only al-leviates over-smoothing and over-fitting tendencies of deepGNNs, but also enables learning with uncertainty in graphanalytic tasks with GNNs. Instead of using fixed samplingrates, our GDC technique parameters can be trained jointlywith GNN model parameters. We further show that traininga GNN with GDC is equivalent to an approximation of train-ing Bayesian GNNs. Our experimental results shows thatGDC boosts the performance of GNNs in semi-supervisedclassification task by alleviating over-smoothing and over-fitting. We further show that the quality of uncertaintyderived by GDC is better than DropOut in GNNs.

AcknowledgementsThe presented materials are based upon the work supportedby the National Science Foundation under Grants ENG-1839816, IIS-1848596, CCF-1553281, IIS-1812641, IIS-1812699, and CCF-1934904.

Bayesian Graph Neural Networks with Adaptive Connection Sampling:Supplementary Materials

Arman Hasanzadeh * 1 Ehsan Hajiramezanali * 1 Shahin Boluki 1 Mingyuan Zhou 2 Nick Duffield 1

Krishna Narayanan 1 Xiaoning Qian 1

In this supplement, we first provide an ablation study onlocal GDC. Dataset statistics, and further implementationdetails are also presented. Finally, schematics of differentstochastic regularization techniques for GCNs are provided.

A. Ablation Study: Global versus LocalWe further investigate our learnable GDC, in which for eachedge at each layer a different connection sampling distribu-tion is learned. We refer to this scenario as the local learn-able GDC. This, indeed, is a more general case than learninga single distribution for all edges in a layer. Expanding thevariational beta-Bernoulli GDC to local learnable GDC isstraightforward. Note that the KL term in the loss functioncan be derived in the same manner as in the global learnableGDC – as described in Section 4 of the paper – except thatit will include the sum of num layers× num edges termsas opposed to the num layers terms in the global GDC.

By training the aforementioned model on the citationdatasets, we find that the accuracy degrades and the KLdivergence reduces to zero for every choice of prior. Thisphenomenon, which is known as posterior collapse orKL vanishing, is a common problem in variational auto-encoders for language modeling (Bowman et al., 2015;Goyal et al., 2017; Liu et al., 2019). It is often due toover-parametrization in the model, which is indeed the casein the local learnable GDC. A solution to this issue couldbe making the parameters of the distribution dependent onthe graph topology and/or node attributes. We leave this forfuture studies.

*Equal contribution 1Electrical and Computer Engineering De-partment, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, USA2McCombs School of Business, The University of Texas at Austin,Austin, Texas, USA. Correspondence to: Arman Hasanzadeh <>.

Proceedings of the 37 th International Conference on MachineLearning, Vienna, Austria, PMLR 119, 2020. Copyright 2020 bythe author(s).

Table 4. Graph dataset statistics.

Dataset # Classes # Nodes # Edges # Features

Cora 7 2,708 5,429 1,433Citeseer 3 3,327 4,732 3,703Cora-ML 7 2,995 8,416 2,879

B. Datasets and Implementation DetailsAll of the models are implemented in PyTorch (Paszke et al.,2017). All of the simulations are conducted on a singleNVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 GPU node. We evaluate ourproposed methods, GCN-BBDE and GCN-BBGDC, andbaselines on three standard citation network benchmarkdatasets. We preprocess and split the dataset as done in (Kipf& Welling, 2017) and (Bojchevski & Gunnemann, 2018).For Cora and Cora-ML, we use 140 nodes for training, 500nodes for validation and 1000 nodes for testing. For Citeseer,we use 120 nodes for training and the same number of nodesas Cora for validation and testing. Table 4 provides the de-tailed statistics of the graph datasets used in our experiments.The warm-up factor used in GCN-BBGDC with more than 2layers for Cora and Cora-ML is min({1, epoch/20}), andfor Citeseer is min({1, epoch/40}). We have deployedAdam optimizer (Kingma & Ba, 2014) in all of our experi-ments.

C. GDC versus Other StochasticRegularization Techniques

To further clarify the differences of our proposed GDC fromexisting stochastic regularization techniques, we draw theschematics of a GCN layer to which DropOut, DropEdge,Node Sampling, and our GDC are applied; shown in figuresbelow. The input graph topology for the GCN layer isdepicted in 3. The number of input and output features areboth two in this toy example.

Bayesian Graph Neural Networks with Adaptive Connection Sampling








hl11 hl


hl21 hl



41 hl31 hl









hl+111 hl+1


hl+121 hl+1


hl+141 hl+1

42 hl+131 hl+1


Layer l Layer l + 1


















Figure 3. Top: Schematic of a GCN layer on a graph with 4 nodes. Number of both input and output features are two. The connectionsare localized as explicitly depicted for node 2. Bottom: The same GCN layer shown in a more conventional way, i.e. each layer is avector of neurons or features. Each circle is a feature and each square represents a node. The connections are sparse and the sparsity isbased on the input graph topology. The connections for node 2 in layer l + 1 are highlighted.

















Layer l Layer l + 1









Figure 4. Schematic of our proposed GDC. Each circle is a feature and each square represents a node. GDC drops connectionsindependently across layers. The dashed lines show dropped connections and the gray ones show the kept connections.

Bayesian Graph Neural Networks with Adaptive Connection Sampling

























Layer l Layer l + 1

Figure 5. Schematic of DropOut (Srivastava et al., 2014). Each circle is a feature and each square represents a node. DropOut dropsfeatures at each layer. The faded circles represent dropped features while the other ones are kept. The dashed lines show droppedconnections and the gray ones show the kept ones.

















Layer l Layer l + 1









Figure 6. Schematic of DropEdge (Rong et al., 2019). Each circle is a feature and each square represents a node. DropEdge drops edgesbetween nodes hence all of the connections between their corresponding channels are dropped. Note that the mask in DropEdge issymmetric. In this example, the edge between nodes 1 and 2 as well as the edge between nodes 1 and 4 are dropped. The dashed linesshow dropped connections and the gray ones show the kept ones.

Bayesian Graph Neural Networks with Adaptive Connection Sampling

















Layer l Layer l + 1









Figure 7. Schematic of the node sampling strategy in FastGCN (Chen et al., 2018). Each circle is a feature and each square represents anode. FastGCN drops nodes hence all of the connections to that node are dropped. The faded nodes represents the dropped nodes. Thedashed lines show dropped connections and the gray ones show the kept ones.

Bayesian Graph Neural Networks with Adaptive Connection Sampling

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