Batch-end Report Kalasalingam University, Tamilnadu


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SakshamBatch-end Report

Kalasalingam University, Tamilnadu


Location : Kalasalingum University, Anand Nagar, Nagarkoil, Distt. - Virudhunagar

State: Tamilnadu

Batch Start Date: 30th Nov 2011 Batch End Date: 9th Dec 2011

No. of Participants: 24

Batch Summary


Highlights – Saksham on KLU Website


Saksham Newsletter on KLU website:

Highlights – Saksham on KLU Website


Record of Gifts

Gift Item Name of Recipient

Designation of Recipient

Gift Given by

Compass Prof. Sudhakar

Project Manager

Mr. Lokesh Mehra

Compass Dr. Radhakrishnan

Vice Chancellor

Mr. Lokesh Mehra

Wallet Mr. Jeyadheepan

Assistant Professor

Vice Chancellor

Wallet Ms. Indu Menon

Assistant Professor

Vice Chancellor



Name Subject College Name


1 Mrs. A. Prem Anandhi English KLU Tamilnadu

2 Dr. K. Jeyadheepan Physics KLU Tamilnadu

3 Dr. L. Muthulaxmi Chemistry KLU Tamilnadu

4 Mr. K. D. Jaganathan Mechanical KLU Tamilnadu

5 Mrs. M. Usha Mathematics

KLU Tamilnadu

6 Mr. A. Sanatha Mahalingum


KLU Tamilnadu

7 Mrs. M. Muthumeena MBA KLU Tamilnadu

8 Dr. A. Muthukumaran Bio-Tech KLU Tamilnadu

9 Mr. B. Balamurugan Bio-Tech KLU Tamilnadu

10 Mrs. L. Muthulaxmi Bio-Tech KLU Tamilnadu

Participant Details



Name Subject College Name


11 Mr. M. Sivasubramanian

Mechanical KLU Tamilnadu

12 Mr. S. Bathrinath Mechanical KLU Tamilnadu

13 Mr. H. P. Chandan Mechanical KLU Tamilnadu

14 Mrs. D. Vanitha SHIP KLU Tamilnadu

15 Ms. M. Sumathi SHIP KLU Tamilnadu

16 Dr. R. Illavarasi SHIP KLU Tamilnadu

17 Mrs. D. Danalaxmi EEE KLU Tamilnadu

18 Ms. J. Kohila EEE KLU Tamilnadu

19 Mr. S. Kalimuthu Kumar

EEE KLU Tamilnadu

20 Mr. S. Rajendran EEE KLU Tamilnadu

Participant Details



Name Subject College Name


21 Ms. R. Aruna ICE KLU Tamilnadu

22 Mrs. D. Karthika Maths AKCAS Tamilnadu

23 Mr. A. Palanichamy Bio-Tech AKCAS Tamilnadu

24 Mr. B. Nagarathinam

Commerce AKCAS Tamilnadu

Participant Details


Batch Learning CurveQuestions asked at Batch Start & End

Soft Skills

Clarity on the roles & responsibilities of IT Champion & Mentor.

Eager to help colleagues in using technology to create engaging learning for students.

Have the necessary communication & collaboration skills

to engage in successful

collaborative work with peers.

Can establish a good rapport with colleagues on the basis of own soft


Can help students by modeling 21st Century Learning Skills so that they can be future ready

Can encounter roadblocks and implement change in the college.

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6

IT Skills

Knowledge about Basic Computer Hardware & Software5 - Expert4 - Good User3 - Average 2 - Novice1 - No Knowledge

Windows 7 Knowledge5 - Expert4 - Good User3 - Average 2 - Novice1 - No Knowledge

Knowledge about MS Office 2010 and its applications5 - Expert4 - Good User3 - Average 2 - Novice1 - No Knowledge

Knowledge about Live Services5 - Expert4 - Good User3 - Average 2 - Novice1 - No Knowledge

Knowledge about Microsoft BPOS5 - Expert4 - Good User3 - Average 2 - Novice1 - No Knowledge

Knowledge about Networking and Lab Setting5 - Expert4 - Good User3 - Average 2 - Novice1 - No Knowledge

Q7 Q8 Q9 Q10 Q11 Q12


Batch Learning Curve

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6

Batch Start 1.61 2.35 1.78 2.83 1.91 1.83

Batch End 4.57 4.30 4.65 4.30 4.48 4.43

Soft Skills Learning Graph












Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6





1.91 1.83


4.654.30 4.48 4.43

Batch Start

Batch End


Batch Learning Curve

Q7 Q8 Q9 Q10 Q11 Q12

Batch Start 2.09 1.83 1.26 1.00 1.00 1.17

Batch End 4.83 4.91 4.70 4.00 3.74 3.35

IT Skills learning Graph












Q7 Q8 Q9 Q10 Q11 Q12


1.261.00 1.00 1.17

4.83 4.914.70



Batch Start

Batch End


Inaugural Function – KLU, Tamilnadu

Dr. Radhakrishnan, Vice Chancellor KLU in inaugural address on 30th Nov 2011

Dr. S. Kannan HoD –EEE delivering key note address

Mr. Sandeep Tomar briefing about programme objectives of Saksham

Dr. Sarvasankat – Dean Academics , KLU discussing need of latest technological trainings for academicians


Saksham Sessions – KLU, Tamilnadu

Paraphrasing – Enhancing communication skills Participants ready for collaborative activity

Completing the puzzle -Finding partners The Tower Activity – Collaborative learning


Valediction Function – KLU, Tamilnadu

Highlights with Photographs, details of the persons and dates


Summary – KLU, Tamilnadu• 24 Academicians from technical & non-technical

streams participated in Saksham• Majority of participants were from science stream• The participants’ age group was mid thirties• The group already had basic understanding about

technology & computers and was willing to learn• Collaborative skills and technology topics were

well received by the participants • Some of the participants came up with interesting

mentoring plans and readiness for mentoring was noticed among them

• Accessibility Session was also conducted


As our Kalasalingam University is conducting B.Tech. programs for Speech and hearing Impaired students, the teachers involved in teaching the differently abled students find the training in Speech recognition software and Photostory very useful.

Dr. Radhakrishnan, VC, KLU

So far we the academicians’ prepared the course materials using stationeries like pen, pencil and papers. After attending SAKSHAM IT skills training program, I may use the Learning Content Development System (LCDS) software to prepare the course materials. In additions to that I can prepare a course material for Speech and Hearing Impaired Students using Photo story 3.0.

M. Sivasubramanian, Department of Mechanical Engineering, KLU

I found accessibility sessions, dream spark and email using hotmail very interesting for me and in my view accessibility features are very useful.

Illavarasi, SHIP, KLU

Feedback on Accessibility Training


Sound Bytes – KLU, Tamilnadu


It gives me immense pleasure in writing few words regarding SAKSHAM – faculty development program conducted by Microsoft at Kalasalingam University, from 30th Nov, to 9th Dec, 2011. On behalf of Participant – Saksham - KLU, I wish the Saksham team to get success in future endowers. I thank Microsoft and my Superiors for given me an opportunity to undergo this training.IT Skills: In IT Skills training, I have learnt lots new software’s related to teaching and learning process. I got a chance to explore the new features available in the MS word, MS Excel and MS Power Point 2010. The above learning features may be help full in my research work and to my students also in preparing the reports, maintaining the data and Project presentations. So far we the academicians’ prepared the course materials using stationeries like pen, pencil and papers. After attending SAKSHAM IT skills training program, I may use the Learning Content Development System (LCDS) software to prepare the course materials. In additions to that I can prepare a course material for Speech and Hearing Impaired Students using Photo story 3.0. I have started using Sky drive feature which is available in Live or Hotmail. I have shared the research and project work contents with my project students using the Sky drive. I have shared the contents learnt through this program with my project students and my colleagues in the department.

Feedback – KLU, Tamilnadu



Dream Spark and faculty connect portal is really use full for the students and academicians like me. I assure that, I will implement the IT skills I have gained through this program and I will make my friends, project students and my colleagues to make use of the features of Microsoft.Soft Skills: Through this Soft Skills training, I came to know that I may be a good Mentor in our university. I got a chance to evaluate myself, my strengths and weakness. Through this program I learnt what is effective mentoring process, how it influences throughout our career development. I have started mentoring process, my project students of 7 members are my mentees. I am sharing the things I have learnt through the SAKSHAM and started learning the things from them. The activities I have undergone during the 10days training, was really good and effective in enhancing the mentoring skills. I learnt about collaborative skills and presentation skills through this program. This program may be a tool to know yourself to enrich your career. Through this program only, I came to know about the NMEICT and its policies. This program helped me a lot in setting my carrier goals aligned with my University goal. I assure that in future I will be a good mentor as well as mentee (since nothing is well known to any one). I personally thank, Sandeep K Tomar and Rakhi for their training and sharing Information.

M. Sivasubramanian, Assistant Professor – II, Department of Mechanical Engineering,

Kalasalingam University.Cell : +91 9944696381


Feedback – KLU, Tamilnadu

FEEDBACK ON MICROSOFT WORKSHOP SAKSHAMGeneral FeedbackThe program was an overall eye-opener for all the academicians who participated. Many useful software tools which were new to us were explained. Especially the tools like mathematics 4.0 would be very useful to us. The collaborative activities were really good.Technical FeedbackSome more programs like Microsoft outlook, Microsoft Access, Microsoft InfoPath, and Microsoft Publisher could have been discussed. Some other areas of document authorization and protection need to be discussed. (other than password protection which was already discussed). More contents need to be given as exercises and self study modules for fast learners in the group.Some advanced topics should also be discussed as ‘food for brain’ for advanced learners in the group. In overall view the program was really good and useful to us. I am sure that I will be able to do more things in future so that the benefit of the program can be extended to a broader range of peers in my institution.I am deeply indebted to Microsoft India for their sincere and best efforts to spread technology across our country. Also my sincere thanks go to the company for selecting two wonderful persons like Sandeep Tomar sir and Rakhi Madam as the trainers.

Indu Menon. MAssistant Professor-1, Department of Electronics & Communication,

Kalasalingam University,,


Thank You!!!
