Basketball Study Sheet


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  • 7/25/2019 Basketball Study Sheet


    Basketball Study Sheet

  • 7/25/2019 Basketball Study Sheet


    History of Basketball

    Basketball was invented in Springfield, MA in 1891

    by James Naismith.

    hen James first invented the game he !sed a

    s"##er ball and a pea#h basket as the h""p t"

    #reate the sp"rt.

    $n 189%, he repla#ed the pea#h basket with ir"n

    h""ps and a hamm"#k&style basket. 'vent!ally thenet was made with a h"le in it s" y"! n" l"nger had

    t" retrieve the ball.

  • 7/25/2019 Basketball Study Sheet


    Object and Rules of the Game Basketball is a game between tw"

    teams "f five players where the "b(e#t

    is t" s#"re p"ints thr"!gh y"!r teams

    h""p. )he team with the m"st p"ints

    at the end "f the game is the winner.

    'a#h game is started with a (!mp ball.

    SCORING:*+ p"int field g"al& a sh"t

    "r lay&!p made fr"m anywhere d!ring

    play inside the % pt ar#. A lay&!p is the

    #l"sest sh"t y"! #an make. *% p"int&

    a sh"t made fr"m anywhere "!tside

    the % pt ar#. *-ree thr"w& 1 p"int isawarded t" an !ng!arded sh"t taken

    fr"m behind the free thr"w line while

    the #l"#k is st"pped.

  • 7/25/2019 Basketball Study Sheet


    Skills + Terminology S$//S0 ribbling& b"!n#ing the ball with 1 hand !sing y"!r fingertips instead "f

    y"!r palm s" that it reb"!nds ba#k t" y"!rself. $f y"! b"!n#e the ball with +hands "r st"p and re&start y"!r dribble it is #alled a "!ble ribble.

    2assing& m"ving the ball by thr"wing, b"!n#ing, handing, "r r"lling it t"an"ther player0

    % passes *3hest, B"!n#e, baseball 4eb"!nding& )he re#"vering "f a sh"t that b"!n#es "ff the ba#kb"ard "r

    the rim. )'4M$N5/5670

    Man t" Man& a defensive strategy where every"ne g!ards a player. "ne defense& a defensive strategy where every"ne g!ards an area

    instead "f a player.

  • 7/25/2019 Basketball Study Sheet


    Rules Continued 7"! #ann"t r!n with the ball with"!t !sing a dribble & this is #alled traveling.

    !ring reg!lar play, "ffensive players may remain in the lane "r paint: f"r

    "nly three #"nse#!tive se#"nds.

    ;nder pr"fessi"nal r!les NBA a player m!st leave the game after

    #"mmitting si< f"!ls. $n =igh S#h""l and 3"llege y"! are all"wed > f"!ls. A reg!lati"n high s#h""l game lasts f"r %+ min!tes with ? @!arters. 'a#h

    @!arter will r!n f"r 8 min!tes.

    hen y"! are "n "ffense, y"!r team has 1 se#"nds t" dribble the ball !p

    "ver half #"!rt "n#e y"! play the ball in b"!nds.

    5ver and Ba#k0 A vi"lati"n "n whi#h a team has br"!ght the ball int" thefr"nt#"!rt and then lets it ret!rn t" the ba#k#"!rt. )heref"re, anytime y"!

    #r"ss int" the fr"nt #"!rt, y"! #an n"t pass "r dribble ba#k "ver half.

  • 7/25/2019 Basketball Study Sheet



    2ers"nal -"!l0inv"lving illegal player

    #"nta#t with an "pp"nent.

    )e#hni#al f"!l0inv"lves players wh" aredisplaying !nsp"rtsmanlike #"nd!#t

    t"wards "pp"sing players "r teammates.

  • 7/25/2019 Basketball Study Sheet


    Basketball Court

  • 7/25/2019 Basketball Study Sheet


    Basketball Court Continued imensi"ns "f the #"!rt09? feet l"ng by > feet wide

    Ba#kb"ard0 idth0 feet =eight0 %.> feet

    4im0 )he diameter "f the rim is 18 in#hes)he t"p "f the rim sh"!ld be e

  • 7/25/2019 Basketball Study Sheet



    Assist: A pass that immediately pre#edes and sets !p a s#"red basket.

    Backboard: )he re#tang!lar "r fan&shaped b"ard behind the basket.

    Backcourt: )he half "f the #"!rt that is "pp"site a teamCs "ffensive basketD the #"!rt a team is attempting t" defend.

    Bonus free throw: See 5ne&and&5ne.:

    Bounce pass: A pass that strikes the fl""r bef"re it rea#hes the re#eiver.

    Carrying the ball: Als" #alled palmingD: a vi"lati"n #"mmitted by a dribbler that inv"lves pla#ing the dribbling hand !nder the ball and m"mentarily h"lding "r #arrying it while


    Center: Als" #alled the piv"t playerD: an "ffensive p"siti"n typi#ally played by a tall player wh" plays mainly in the key areas *at the p"st.

    Charging: A pers"nal f"!l #"mmitted when an "ffensive player illegally #"nta#ts a defensive player wh" has established p"siti"n "r is stati"nary.

    Chest pass: A tw"&handed pass thr"wn fr"m the passerCs #hest in a straight line t" the #hest area "f the re#eiver.

    Controlling the boards: Se#!ring a ma("rity "f the reb"!nds.

    Conersion: A made basket "r free thr"w.

    Crossoer dribble: A dribble in whi#h the ball is m"ved fr"m "ne hand t" the "ther while the dribbler #hanges dire#ti"ns.

    Cut: A @!i#k m"vement by an "ffensive player t" el!de an "pp"nent "r t" re#eive the ball.

    !ead ball: 5##!rs whenever the whistle bl"ws t" st"p play and after a field g"al, b!t bef"re the "pp"nent gains p"ssessi"n "f the ball.

    !efense: )he team n"t in p"ssessi"n "f the ball wh"se "b(e#tive is t" keep the "pp"nent fr"m s#"ringD als" a spe#ifi# pattern "f play !sed by a defending team.

    !ouble dribble: A vi"lati"n that "##!rs when a player dribbles the ball with tw" hands sim!ltane"!sly "r st"ps dribbling and then dribbles again.

    !ouble tea": A defensive ta#ti# in whi#h tw" defenders temp"rarily g!ard "ne player.

    !ribble: 2r"#ess by whi#h a player repeatedly b"!n#es the ball "ff the fl""r s" that it ret!rns t" hisEher p"ssessi"n. $tCs the "nly legal means by whi#h a player may m"ve the

    ball a#r"ss the #"!rt.

    !rie: A @!i#k dribble dire#tly t" the basket in an eff"rt t" s#"re.

    #lbow: Als" #alled the (!n#ti"nD: a term "ften !sed t" indi#ate the area "f the #"!rt where the free&thr"w line and side "f the key meet.

    $astbreak: An "ffensive strategy in whi#h a team attempts t" m"ve the ball !p #"!rt and int" s#"ring p"siti"n as @!i#kly as p"ssible s" that the defense is "!tn!mbered and

    d"es n"t have time t" set !p.

    $ield goal: A basket s#"red "n any sh"t "ther than a free thr"w, w"rth tw" "r three p"ints depending "n the distan#e "f the attempt fr"m the basket. *See )hree&p"int field

    g"al: f"r @!alifi#ati"n.

    $orward: An "ffensive p"siti"n played t" the sides "f the basket near the key area and "!t t"ward the sideline al"ng the baseline.

    $oul: A vi"lati"n res!lting fr"m illegal #"nta#t with an "pp"sing player.

    $oul line:See -ree&thr"w line.:

    $ree throw: An !ng!arded sh"t taken fr"m behind the free&thr"w line after a f"!l. $f s!##essf!l, the sh"t #"!nts "ne p"int.

    $ree%throw lane: Als" #alled the key: "r laneD: a 1+&f""t wide area e

  • 7/25/2019 Basketball Study Sheet


    !ocabulary'eld ball: -"rmerly #alled a (!mp ball.: hen tw" players "n "pp"site teams are in ("int #"ntr"l "f the ball.

    Intentional foul: A pers"nal f"!l that the "ffi#ial (!dges t" be premeditated.

    In the paint: $n the key: area, s" named be#a!se this area "f the fl""r is painted.

    (u"p ball: )he pr"#ed!re f"r starting play at the beginning "f a game "r an "vertime peri"d. )he "ffi#ial t"sses the ball int" the air between the tw" "pp"nents p"siti"ned at

    the #enter"!rt #ir#leD the tw" players (!mp !p and try t" tap the ball t" a teammate.

    (u"p shot: A sh"t that is released after the sh""ter has (!mped int" the air.

    )ey: Als" #alled the free&thr"w lane: "r laneD: the area meas!ring 1+ feet in width and e

  • 7/25/2019 Basketball Study Sheet



    h" invented the game "f basketballH

    here was basketball inventedH

    ="w high is the rim fr"m the #"!rt&playing s!rfa#e *fl""rHA reg!lati"n high s#h""l basketball game is played f"r h"w many t"tal min!tesH

    hat sh"t in basketball is w"rth 1 p"intH

    A player "n "ffense is all"wed t" be inside "f the "ffensive key *lane f"r h"w l"ngH

    ="w /"ng d" d"es a team have t" get the ball a#r"ss the half #"!rt lineH

    B"!n#ing the ball with tw" hands at the same time is #alled whatH

    6aining #"ntr"l "f a missed sh"t is #alled whatH

    ="w many f"!ls is a high s#h""l player all"wed t" re#eive in a gameH

    /ist the types "f passes y"! w"!ld !se in the game "f basketballH

    Ab"!t h"w l"ng is a reg!lati"n basketball #"!rt !sed in high s#h""lH

    )he #l"sest sh"t t" make in basketball is what type "f sh"tH

    Any game, at any level, always begins with whatHraw and label a reg!lati"n Basketball #"!rt, in#l!de the players by p"siti"ns and all

    imp"rtant lines.

    efine the f"ll"wing termsD Assist, Ba#k#"!rt, 3harging, 3!t, 'lb"w, -ield 6"al, -ree)hr"w /ine, -!ll&3"!rt press, J!mp Ball, 5ver and Ba#k Ii"lati"n, 2"st, "neefense, )raveling, /ay!p, ey

  • 7/25/2019 Basketball Study Sheet


    "ork cited #age 4!les0




