Basic Visual Basic Definitions


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SEB’s VB.NET Guide

Basic Visual Basic Definitions

Form: A form is a window you customize to create the user interface of your program. A form can contain menus, buttons, list

boxes, scroll bars etc…

Toolbox: The toolbox contains tools or controls which you use to add elements of the user interface to the form.

Control: A control is a tool you use to create objects on a Visual Basic form. You select controls from the toolbox and use them to draw objects on a form using the mouse. You use most controls to create user interface elements, such as command buttons, image boxes, and list boxes.

Object: An object is the name of a user interface element you create on a Visual Basic form by using a toolbox control. You can move, resize, and customize objects by using property settings.

Property: A property is a value or characteristic held by a Visual Basic object, such as Caption or ForeColour. Properties can be set at design time by using the Properties window or at run time by using statements in the program code. In code the format for setting a property is:

Object.Property = Value

where object is the name of the object you’re customizing, Property is the characteristic you want to change, and Value is the new property setting.

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