Basic Driving Instructor Course


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Basic Driving Instructor Course

In- Car Teaching Phase



Unable to Locate/Adjust/Operate Safety Devices.

These devices include lights, dimmer switch, horn, defroster controls for front and

windows, windshield wiper controls.

Fails to Observe- Uses Mirror Only.

At any time, when moving away from a stopped a parked position, proper checks in the

appropriate blind areas shuld be made. A glance in the mirror is not enough.

Fails to Signal/ Improper Signal

A clear and correct signal should be given when moving away from a parked position. It

must be understood however, that the giving of a signal does not excuse the obligation to

yield as necessary to other vehicles.

Incorrect use of: Accelerator/ Clutch/ Brakes/ Gears/ Steering

Good co-ordination and smooth operation of these controls will be checked: Stalling

frequently, and rough, jerky use of gas/brake/clutch pedal will not create a good



Fails to Look Around and to the rear: Uses Mirrors Only.

Looking in the mirror is not good enough. Turn the head and look behind for traffic and


Turn About (3 point turn) Control, Steering Method,Observation, Vehicle


Major faults would include climbing the curb or hitting some other object. Smoot

methodical use of controls is essential with careful observation all around the vehicles.

Regarding speed, walking pace is fine.




Basic Driving Instructor Course

In-Car teaching Phase

3. Driving Along

In this section the Examiner will be observing driving behaviour while proceeding straight

ahead andé or lane changing.

Follow or Passes Too Closely/ Cuts in Too Soon

Allowance must be made for adequate margin of safety when passing other vehicles, (

moving or stationary). Remember the two- second rule when following. Pedestrians must

be given as much room as possible. `` Cuttimg In`` after passing is a dangerous practice

and should never be necessary if maneuvers are timed correctly.

Improper Choice of Lane/ Straddles Lanes/ Unmarked Roadway

The right hand, or curb lane is considered to be the normal driving lane: Use it, if it is clear

of all obstructions to normal progress. Vehicles must be positioned within the lanes that

are marked clearly enough to be seen, unless a problem arises to prevent this. In

unmarked or snow covered roads it is advisible to move well to the right.

Fails to Check Blind Spot/Observe Properly

Frequent quick checks in the mirrors are an essential element of all defensive driving

techniques. Also prior to carrying out any manouvers which involves moving the vehicle

to either side, ( into or out of a lane etc.) look for other vehicles. An over-the-shoulder

blind spot check is essential for safety and all around awareness is necessary at all times.

Lane Change Signal: Wrong/ Early/ Late/ Not Given/ Not Cancelled

Signal must be correct, clear and timely. A late signal does not give others time to react,

and a signal given too early can be misleading and create a hazard. Intentions must always

be signaled, even if the benefits are not immediately obvious.

Right Of Way Observances: Pedestrians/ Sell/ Other Vehicles

Intelligent application of the rules helps prevent collisions ad keeps traffic flowing in an

orderly manner. Knowledge and understanding of the law is essential. Right of way must

be yielded to pedestrians. Undue hesitancy and failure to proceed when the right of way is

yielded, leads to uncertainty, frustration and potential collision situations.




Basic Driving Instructor Course

In- Car teaching Phase

Fails to Use Caution Or Obey Pedestrian Cross-Over/School Crossing.

Emergency Vehicle

An awareness of hazards, the law regarding the above must be demonstrated. When the

view is obscured, speed must be reduced. Signals given by crossing guards must be

obeyed, and on the approach of emergency vehicles, pull over to the right and stop.

Speeds: Too Fast/ Too Slow for Conditions/ Impedes Traffic

The vehicle must be driven at a speed reasonable for the conditions existing at the time.

Slow progress may be seen as undue hesitancy and lack of confidence, especially if it

impedes the flow of traffic. Harsh acceleration, exceeding posted speed limits, and driving

faster than is prudent for existing conditions indicates the applicant is wanting in skill and

sensitivity; has poor visual habits; and is displaying an attitude inconsistent with

responsible adult behaviour.

Incorrect Use Of: Clutch/ Brake/ Accelerator/ Gears, Steering/Safety Devices

All controls of the vehicle must be operated smoothly and in a positive manner. If, for

instance, the vehicle weaves about in a lane, or straddles the lane lines, this will be marked

as a steering fault. Familiarity with the washer, wiper/de-fogger controls is essential, and

these safety devices should be used as required.

With regards to standard shift vehicles, it must be ensured that the clutch control is

smooth and positive, riding the clutch is not permitted. Confidence in the use of gears, and

relating the gears to the road speed is essential. Shifting must be performed without

downward glances.

4. Intersections/Rail Road Crossings

Fails to Observe/ Controlled/Uncontrolled Intersections

Whether or not the intersection is controlled with signs or signals, it is necessary to adjust

the speed according to the amount of visibility and to react to any traffic situation as

required. Faults that occur at RR Crossing are prefixed with the letter ``R``. Here again,

speed must be modified and observation made to enable you to look in both directions

before proceeding.




Basic Driving Instructor Course

In-Car Teaching Phase

Fails to Obey Signs or Signals/Pavement Markings

Under this heading, serious faults include:

Failure to stop at red traffic light, or stop sign. ( to comply with the law, the wheels must

stop turning).

If after having stopped to obey a sign, vision is obscured, the vehicles should be moved

forward and if necessary stopped again, to be sure it is safe to proceed. Avoid creeping

into the intersection while waiting for a green sign.

It is necessary to be alert and to act promptly when dealing with light signals, and to

demonstrate that the differences between a yield sign and stop sign are understood.

In the event of a stop at a railroad crossing, a distance of 4-5 meters or 15 feet between

the vehicle and the tracks must be observed.

Late in Slowing/Slow Too Soon/ Stopping

Properly timed use of brakes on approaching intersections should be practiced. Braking

too soon displays lack of confidence and proper instruction.

Late and heavy braking could be a symptom of poor visual skills, or lack of judgement

regarding speed and distance. An aggressive attitude is often displayed in this manner.

Braking patterns should begin early.

Stopping positions: too Soon or Blocks Cross-Walk/Intersection

Correct stopping positions are illustrated and explained in most Driver’s Handbooks. They

should be studied and practiced. Stopping too far back frm the correct position often

means poor distance judgement, and/or bad braking.

Blocking crosswalks or intersections can be the result of ignorance about the rules of

Right-of-Way, or disregard for the law. Persistent behaviour of this kind may also be seen

as evidence of an aggressive attitude.




Basic Driving Instructor Course

In-Car Teaching Phase

Right of Way Observance: Pedestrian/Self/Other Vehicle

Knowledge of the law as it applies to two, three, four and five way stops must be


At pedestrian crossovers and traffic lights, positive behaviour should be displayed, so as

not to leave others in doubt as to intent. Being predictable and proceeding promptly when

others yield is essential, but it is dangerous to assume “Right of Way”.

5. Parking ( Include Parallel Parking)

Fails to observe- Uses mirrors Only/backing/Leaving

As with all other maneuvers, awareness of any possible or actual vehicle or pedestrian

movements is essential, therefore careful observation around the car before and during

any parking exercise is necessary. Disabilities involving the spine require the placing of

extra mirrors giving on all –around view.

Hits: Objects/Other Vehicles or Climbs Curbs

Adequate observation and good control of the vehicle is essential in all parking exercises.

To be able to do any of the maneuvers three times in succession is a minimal standard to

achieve, prior to keeping the test appointment.

Fails to Signal When Leaving/Incorrect Signal

The leaving of any parked position calls for a clear ad correct signal.

Incorrect Use of Clutch/Brake/Accelerator/Gears/Steering

The textbook “ ROADWORTHY” suggests that “You should aim to drive artfully.” This

implies, among other things, that pride should be taken in operating the controls with

gentle precision and sympathetic understanding.




Basic Driving Instructor Course

In- Car teaching Phase


Fails to Observe/Uses Mirrors Only/And/Or Signal Before Leaving

All around observation and clear signals must be given before moving off. Just glancing in

the mirror is never good enough.

Rolls Back When Parking or Standing

If, in order to “set” the front wheels, the vehicle moves backward or forward under

control, no penalty will be scored.

Rolling due to misuse of clutch, brake or gas pedals is another matter, and will be judged

according to how far the vehicle travels before is regained.

Fails to Angle Wheels Properly

The decision as to the angling of wheels must be made prior to arriving at the stopped


Fails to Set Parking Brake/Select Proper Gear

The vehicle, having been brought to its final position parallel to curb, must be secured by

putting the gear selector into park and setting the parking brake promptly.Standard shift

vehicles should be left in first or reverse depending on the grade.




Basic Driving Instructor Course

In- Car teaching Phase

Incorrect Use of :Clutch/Brake/Accelerator/Gears/Steering

The use of control has been dealt with under previous headings, and there is nothing more

that can be usefully added. Except to say that maneuvering in a hill requires skill,

judgement and coordination of eyes, hands and feet and should be practiced until a high

standard of performance is reached.


Signalling: Wrong/Early/Late/Not given/Not Cancelled

Obviously you must signal only in the direction you intend to turn.

A Signal given too early can be misleading to other drivers. If it’s too late, people do not

have time to react. Properly timed signals are an essential element in communicating your


The Uniform vehicle code says “Indicate your intentions to stop-turn-change lanes and

pass.” Telling others what is about to be done, and remembering to cancel the signal as

soon as it is doe, is an essential part of Road Safety.

Fails to Get Into Proper Position/Late/Late into Lane /Late into Position

Selection of the correct lane or the turn intended to be taken, must be done in good time.

Late lane changes could mean ending up in the wrong position to commence the turn, or

interference with another vehicle in order to get positions.

Crowding another driver in order to gain a place in a lane would be an infringement of the

Right-of-Way rules.

Positive positioning for left turns is essential, but wheels must not drift over the center





Basic Driving Instructor Course

In- Car teaching Phase

Right of Way Observance: Pedestrians/Self/Other Vehicles/Position

The same basic rules apply when turning as when going straight ahead. (See items 3 & 4)

If your Provincial Driver’s handbook says that a right turn on a red traffic light

permissible, a full stop prior to movement into the turn must be made.

Turns Too Wide/Enters Wrong Lane

When turning right, a position reasonably close to the curb, all the way around, must be


Steering in a smooth arc into left-most lane when entering a multi-lane is the rule for left


Particular attention must be paid to one-way street signs. Again use the closest left-hand

lane, when turning left.

Cuts Corners/Enter Wrong Lane

Cutting left corners maybe avoided proceeding to the right of the center of an intersection.

Steering Method/Control Recovery

A smooth and positive steering action must be cultivated, keeping both hands in contact

with the wheel.

When using the “ Controlled Slip” method for recovering the wheel after turning, avoid

jerking the wheel around, or taking hands off the wheel. This will be considered a serious





Basic Driving Instructor Course

In-Car Teaching Phase

Speed: Too fast/Too Slow/Enter/Leave/Impedess

Couple with incorrect Use of Controls

Each corner must be assessed carefully, and speed adjusted according to what is seen.

All braking and gear changing must be done before arriving at the point of turning.

“Slow in and faster out” is a maxim borrowed from racing driver, and it works for any




